Taking the Reins [Dark Days Ranch 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
Page 6
Cooper’s mouth parted. “Uh. Shit. Shit.” His eyes darted back and forth. “O, Brother Where Art Thou. Uh…‘I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow’ from the movie, and blue. No…wait.”
“Beep! Time’s up. No changing your mind.” Zara popped his butt with the wooden spoon and his eyes got big.
“You…minx.” He tossed her over his shoulder and swatted her bottom playfully. She was dying laughing, and Rogue couldn’t help but feel his anxieties melt away. As he took in the scene, he always wanted to remember this moment. There was something about it that was beyond beautiful to him. He really hoped it would always be like this.
“Rogue, help me get him,” she called out. Zara used her hands to push up on his lower back to look up at him.
Cooper jogged into the living room. “No way he’s helping you. He’s going to help me tickle you. Come on, Rogue. Pin her arms down for me. I can’t do it on my own. She’ll kick my ass.”
That seemed to amuse Zara because she burst into giggles all over again. “You remember that, cowboy of mine.”
Rogue walked over, smiling as Cooper brought her over to his shoulder. The moment she connected with the floor, her legs hooked on to Cooper’s waist and she flipped him over her head, immediately mounting him.
“What the hell was that, Wonder Woman?” Cooper pushed his hands against her grip. She had him exactly like he had wanted her. Pinned. “Rogue, help a guy out. This is not even right, and you know it. She’s a girl.”
“Help me tickle him, Rogue.” Zara’s eye glanced up at him and he lowered. As he took in Cooper, he couldn’t do it. His hands wrapped around Zara’s waist and he quickly got her to the ground. The power behind her arms as she fought against his grip was terrifyingly strong. He almost couldn’t believe it.
Cooper jumped up. “Yes!” He immediately started tickling Zara. A scream came from her mouth and she laughed, all the while fighting to break free.
“Rogue,” she yelled, trying to suck in air. “I’m so going to get you back for this.”
“Whenever you’re ready, darlin’, I’ll be waiting. In the meantime…” He put both of her hands in one of his and used his other to help tickle her.
The door burst open and Zain and Zavier looked around panicked. “God, I thought she was hurt. I could hear her all the way outside.” Zain placed his hand against his chest, and Rogue and Cooper stood up. The heaving breathing from Zara filled the room.
“Saved, just in the nick of time.” Zara laughed, taking Zavier’s hand. She stood and looked toward Cooper and Rogue “You both are so going to pay for that. You think I’m joking. Just wait.” The way she playfully looked at them, Rogue had no doubt she had something up her sleeve. But in truth, he couldn’t wait.
As she walked to the table, she motioned for everyone to sit. Instead, Rogue followed her in the kitchen and helped bring the food to the center of the table.
“So.” Zara sat down and looked around. “This is nice. Right?”
“Very.” Zavier sat directly across from her, at the other end. The happiness radiating from everyone was nearly suffocating to Rogue. He liked it, it was just another thing he wasn’t used to. “We’ve missed you so much, Z. I couldn’t be happier about this mating. They’re bringing you back to us, and that’s a blessing. We’ve needed you so much.”
A concerned looked crossed her face. “Have you?”
Her brother’s eyes went to Zain. “It’s been bad for a while. Dad’s lost it, I think. And it’s not like we can tell him anything. You know better than anyone how distant he is.”
“All of you, tell me what’s going on. I want to see every point of view possible. From inside.” She glanced over to Rogue. “And the outside.” The nervousness she felt pressed against Rogue’s insides. She turned to her brother. “Zain, you’re the oldest. What do you know?”
The spaghetti wrapped around his fork as his hand turned. “Dad’s dealing illegal guns under the table. After Dag was taken out, he stepped up. There’s rumors about drugs, but I’m not sure he’d go as far as that. The guns are a definite, though. I’ve seen them, Zara. He got pissed when he caught me. I thought he was going to kill me. Instead, he just glared until I eased out of the room.”
“I can’t believe it.” Zara shook her head slowly. “What else?”
Zavier picked up while Zain began eating. Rogue forced himself to eat and listen. He wanted to take in everything they had to say and compare it with the information Dark Days already knew.
“Dad’s patrol leaders are out of control. They pretty much do what they want. Jeril was accused last week of cornering Derek’s mate outside the bar in town. If Derek wouldn’t have shown up, there’s no telling what he would have done.”
“They’re brothers!” Zara yelled.
“Oh, that’s nothing,” Zain said, swallowing. “I begged Dad to let me get them under control. We all know I could. Besides you and Dad, Zara, I’m the strongest one out of our pack. It would make sense for me to lead patrol, but no. Dad wants me on the border. He won’t let me have anything do with being a leader of anything. He keeps me away from the ranch as much as he can. It’s bullshit. What it all boils down to is that he doesn’t want me to see what’s going on there. Hell, maybe he is messing with drugs. Or even worse. Who knows what he’s up to.”
Zara took a drink of her tea. “Rogue, what do you know?”
The men before him stared hard. Sweat began to break out across his skin. These were his people now. They were not the enemy. It was better to be as honest as he could. “Well, we all know I was sent here to take out your father. McCullen was going to do it, but I seriously don’t think he could have. He offered a truce. Said if Logan could get me to take over, they’d leave Triple Z in peace. Become our ally.”
He could tell the brothers weren’t taking the news very well. Any mention of McCullen had their tempers rising. Zara didn’t seem any better.
“Anyway, from what I hear, Nikolas is dealing in guns”—his stomach twisted—“and in human trafficking. Mostly kids between the ages of seven and fifteen. A few children were spotted by McCullen’s men on the border. I’ve never seen proof, but Logan has, and I know it exists. Supposedly, there’s a setup around the far border where they keep the people for short periods of time before they take them into Mexico.”
Zara rushed from the table and they could hear her being sick in the restroom. “I think I’m about to join her,” Zain whispered. “Human trafficking. Are you sure? That’s a hell of an accusation for someone to throw out there.”
“Logan wouldn’t have stated it as fact if it wasn’t true. He’s seen the pictures. And possibly more,” Rogue said, lowly. “I should check on her.” He pushed his way from the table and got to the door just as the toilet flushed. The door opened slowly as his fingers pushed into the wood. “I’m sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t have told you before now.”
Zara’s red eyes looked up as she spit mouthwash in the sink. “No, you did the right thing. If my father’s mixed up in that, he deserves to pay for his crimes. It’s vile. Sickening. Those poor children.” The last word broke up into a sob. “God, I swear, if it’s true…Father or no Father, he’s out. I was raised to lead this land. I know everyone, personally. My life has been spent fighting, and learning. Then I mated and…I just stopped caring. It was a mistake I’m going to pay for in the long run. Getting them to trust me again is going to be key.”
Her eyes came up from the floor. “Rogue, I need you to help me discover the truth. And…if my father is guilty of his crimes, I want you to take his role. I know my place. You’re stronger than I am. You deserve to rule as alpha. Not me.” She walked closer to him, and lowered her voice. “You’re going to be my dominant in everything, aren’t you? You’re a…master?”
The side of Rogue’s mouth lifted as a dark smile came to his lips. “That’s Sir, to you.” He cupped her face. “But you’ll learn about that soon enough. Now get back to the table and try to eat something. We’re done talking about your
father for the night.”
Zara nodded and headed back to the small dining area that rested against the kitchen. Rogue stepped in the restroom and looked at his reflection in the mirror. Damn, he looked rough. His shoulder-length hair, along with the beard he was starting to get, sure didn’t look welcoming. He should probably do something about his appearance before he met Zara’s father. Even though the guy was scum, he was compelled by some unknown reason to make a good impression. Which didn’t quite sit well.
As Rogue made his way back to the table, everyone continued to talk and laugh. The mood was definitely a lot lighter than it had been. For that, he was thankful. Rogue finished off his food and met eyes with Cooper. He wasn’t sure how long his mate had been looking at him, but the passion that was burning in his gaze had Rogue’s adrenaline pumping. Oh yes. Cooper was all his tonight. And he couldn’t wait.
Chapter 7
Zara waved good-bye to her brothers and shut the door behind them. For the first time in so long, she felt alive again. Exhilarated. She turned to her mates and the heat between them as they stared at each other across the table was so thick it nearly took her breath away. Come to think of it, they’d been doing that for the last half hour. She’d just been so occupied by her brothers that she hadn’t really noticed it before now.
Should she move? Zara was afraid if she approached, she’d break the spell each of them was under. It was too beautiful to interrupt. Cooper licked his lips and his eyes slowly rose to hers. The passion he turned in her direction made her feel completely naked. And she liked it. Maybe a little too much. Or at least, too soon.
“If you both want to follow me, I can show you where the guest bedroom is. I’m sure you’re both exhausted.” Yeah, right. They looked anything but. Still, she knew they probably wanted privacy. “It has a private restroom so that’ll be easier. We won’t have to wait to take showers.”
Rogue rested his arm on the back of the chair. His eyes raked down her body. “You sure you don’t want to join us?” He pressed his lips together. “Yeah, probably too soon for that. Pity. There’s a riding crop in the barn that has your and Cooper’s name all over it.”
Wetness took over at his bluntness. Zara was sure she was going to moan if she didn’t get the mental picture out of her mind right this minute. Too soon? God, she didn’t want it to be. The need for contact. Actual hands on her body. A cock, and not her own toys, deep in her pussy made her knees weak.
“Yeah? Too soon?” Rogue stood.
The flash of the crop once again on her skin was almost too much. George had loved the flogger, but she was always fond of the crop. Zara took a deep breath and for once tried not to think of what the actions of her words were going to cause. “Why use the crop outside? I have my own. A flogger. Stalks. A St. Andrew’s cross. Restraints. Nipple clamps. Toys. You need anything else?”
A mask seemed to lift from Rogue’s face. For the first time she truly felt like she could see into his soul. The two of them were two of the same.
His tall frame stalked toward her, and Zara immediately felt his wolf blast through the room. The hard floor was suddenly beneath her knees as she dropped to the ground and lowered her head. She’d played the submissive before, but never had the role come to life more so than in this moment. This was no game. Not by far.
“You are something else.” Rogue stood directly in front of her. “Cooper, take position next to Zara. It’s time you learn how to please Sir.”
The sound of her other mate’s boots in the distance got closer, and suddenly Cooper was kneeling next to her.
“You two are going to take a shower, and I’m going to watch. I don’t want a word from either of you. You’re to obey everything I say. Now let’s go.”
Zara and Cooper stood. She couldn’t stop the shaking of her body. Was she ready? God, she really hoped she knew what she was doing. They entered the restroom and Rogue lowered the seat on the toilet and sat down. He reached over and turned the water on.
“Cooper, take off your clothes.” Rogue turned to her. “You, I’m going to undress, personally. Stand before me, darlin’. Let me see you.”
The heaviness of her legs as she walked forward felt like they weighed a ton. She came to stand directly in front of Rogue. Large fingers reached up and pushed her shirt until it reached directly under her breasts. The roughness of his face brushed against her skin as he trailed his face over the flatness.
“Damn, you smell so good.” The shirt tightened in his hands and he stood and pulled it over her head. The bra was unhooked with a snap of his fingers. The shock at how good he was at doing that had her eyes widening.
Rogue sat back down and undid the button on her jeans. “You sure this is what you want, Zara?” The length of his finger wrapped around the top of the zipper. At the pressure he applied, it dropped. His fingertip brushed against her lower stomach and she heard her breath catch. “Answer me.”
“Yes. I want this…Sir.”
A growl came from his mouth. “Say it again.”
“Sir.” Zara’s pants were ripped down to her knees and she stepped out of them. Rogue looked at Cooper. “Get in and wash off real quick. Then you’re going to wash Zara.” The white lace was lifted from her hip. “Look at me. I want to see your face when I do this.”
The moment her eyes connected with his, her body jerked from Rogue, tearing the thin fabric of her panties. He lifted the other side, at her hip, and pulled hard. The sound of the lace ripping made her moan.
“You smell so sweet. I can tell how much you like being dominated, Zara. You crave being overpowered. It’s something you’ve never had before, and I’m going to give it to you.” Rogue pulled the material and tossed it on the ground. The moment his finger slid against her slit, Zara fought from grasping to his shoulders. She knew the rules. No touching unless told. But damn it’d been too long. The sensitivity was almost overwhelming.
“God, you’re so wet.” The tip of his finger slid into her opening. Slowly, it entered, only to recede. The small tease was repeated multiple times. She was on the verge of begging him to push deeper. The pad of his thumb brushed against her clit and her hand reached for him. Before she could connect, pain raced over her ass. The spanking had her eyes flying open. “Get in the shower and let Cooper wash you.”
Zara obeyed, biting her lip against the stinging. As she turned to Cooper, the first thing she saw was his hard cock. God, he was so long and thick. She brought her eyes up to his face. The way his gaze was locked on her breasts had Zara wanting him to touch them. Tease them.
The liquid soap pooled in Cooper’s hands, and he went right for what they both wanted. He began to lather the body wash over her chest in wide circles. As his fingertips brushed against her hard nipples, both of their breathing increased.
“Touch her how you want, Cooper. Don’t hold back. If you feel the need to fuck her right there in the shower, do it. I want to see. To watch both of your passion. When you’re finished, it’ll be my turn to have my way with the both of you. So choose how much you can take, wisely. I don’t tire easily, and I have no intention of calling it an early night.”
Cooper finished washing her and moved the water off to the side. Before Zara realized what was happening, he pulled her into his arms. His lips locked on hers, and she hungrily met his kiss. “Fucking touch me, everywhere,” she begged. Zara dug her fingers into his back, drinking in his intoxicating flavor.
“Oh, I’m going to do more than that,” Cooper whispered.
One of his fingers rubbed against her clit, causing her whole body to jerk. Damn, she’d miss this. It was exactly what she needed.
Cooper’s arm locked around her lower back as he slid his finger deep inside of her pussy. “Fuck, you’re tight.” He eased in another, and let her adjust. Within seconds, Cooper’s thrusts became torturing. The slow rhythm traced against her insides, driving her crazy.
“How much can you take, Zara? Can you handle me fucking you, and then still be okay for Rogue,
or should we wait? Because truthfully, I could take you, right now, and be ready to go again in minutes.”
Zara reached for his hard cock and stroked down the length. “I don’t want to stop until I can’t walk. If I’m not at least sore tomorrow, I’ll never forgive either of you.”
Rogue smiled at her. “Good girl. I knew you were going to be a great match for us.”
Wet strands of Zara’s hair stuck to her face as Cooper spun her around. She put her hands on the wall, and he lowered, burying his face in her pussy. A cry came from her mouth as his tongue traced from her clit to the opening of her ass.
Rogue’s eyes were all over them. She could feel his energy. Everything in her wanted to turn and beg him to let her suck his cock. Should she? What could it hurt? Her ass? She’d take the pain in a heartbeat. Cooper’s finger entered her, again, throwing off her bravery. While his tongue made its way to her back entrance, she fought to remember what she was going to say.
“Yes, darlin’?”
Her eyes glanced toward him, but quickly looked down. “I would like to ask something of you.”
At her eyes lifting again, she caught one of his eyebrows rising. “And what is that?”
“Your cock. I want it in my mouth.”
Out of her peripheral vision she could see Rogue shaking his head. Zara felt her fingers press into the tile in frustration.
“You will suck my cock when I’m ready for you to. Not a moment before.”
A scream came from her mouth as Cooper increased the thrusts of his fingers into her pussy. She could feel herself getting so close. As she glanced back at her mate, Zara prayed she really did have the strength to make it through their mating night.
* * * *
Cooper slammed his fingers into Zara’s opening, repeatedly. He knew she was close to coming, but he wasn’t ready to let her just yet. “I’m going to fuck you now, Zara. Are you ready?”