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Unveiling the Sorceress

Page 16

by Saskia Walker

  Kerr nodded, one hand still entwined with the lone twin, Elra, as they discharged their mounts. Amshazar noticed she looked afraid.

  "Close to the soothsayers’ tavern?” Kerr asked.

  "That's the one,” Amshazar replied. He nodded over at Elra to reassure her. “Keep your wits about you, both of you, for now the sparks will fly."

  * * * *

  Sibias dropped to his knees, declaring in grand terms how much he had missed his beloved empress, offering kisses to her slippered feet.

  Mehmet stared down at her acolyte. “Your task was to put the fear of the gods’ wrath into her, to make her humble."

  Mehmet was still seething. It would take more than kisses on her feet to change that. The obvious amusement amongst so many of her courtiers as they had observed Elishiba's arrival exasperated her tremendously. Sibias had then arrived into her chamber sheepishly, proclaiming great faith and devotion to her, as if that could make any difference.

  "She's a very headstrong young woman, who inspires great devotion amongst her people.” Sibias stated this as if it was some sort of an excuse.


  "Without them she will flounder. The death of her handmaiden confused her. She didn't know who to trust. She was getting closer to Amshazar, but I stopped it."

  "Amshazar.” She put her hands up in despair. “Why does that not surprise me? Tell me this, Sibias, why isn't he dead already?"

  "It's not through lack of trying, believe me, mistress.” His eyes were black as he looked at her. He licked his lips. “He seems to have some lucky charm, but it will not last. The Empress Elishiba suspected it, and was questioning him. Now she is not sure, but for some strange reason that makes her braver."

  "Brave, or stupid.” Mehmet planted her slippered foot against his shoulder and pushed him back. “I do not need her attempts at being equal to me. That is not what this is about. She should be grateful I am willing to take their pathetic little country into ours."

  Sibias grappled his hands on the floor, steadying himself, his eyes filled with adoration, her physical gesture of disdain affecting him in a very specific way. “Yes mistress, she should be grateful,” he breathed, looking up at her. “She will be, soon enough."

  His subservience affected her, harnessing her mood and focusing it on all she could have, and how easily.

  "You're right,” she drawled. It was within her reach now. They would make short work of it. There was no escape for Elishiba, not now. Sitting on the edge of her chair, she swung open her legs and pulled him closer by the stuff of his robe, so that he shuffled on his knees between her thighs. She tugged on his beard. “It is good to have you home, Sibias."

  His eyelids lowered, his face flushing with arousal.

  She had many young lovers, but something about Sibias was special. Their intimate bond was crucial. Their mutual hunger for her power—combined with their understanding of one another's basic needs—made it so much the best.

  His nostrils flared. “Permission to touch you, mistress?"

  "Permission,” she sighed, her spirit sharpening by the moment.

  His hands moved in around her ankles, stroking slowly up the length of her legs under her robes and between her thighs, his thumbs seeking out the heat at their juncture, stroking her intimate flesh adoringly, his hands trembling but sure.

  Mehmet rocked toward him, thriving on the sexual power she had over him, using him while her mind flitted on. “She's nothing but a chattel,” she declared.

  "Nothing but a chattel,” Sibias repeated, his fingers moving inside her, sliding easily in and out of her damp channel. His entire soul seemed to thrive on being her servant in this most intimate act, while plotting her aggrandizement.

  "And what do we do with chattels?"

  "Use them and cast them aside?” His voice was ragged with need, his eyes rolling with black lust.

  "You are very good for me, Sibias,” she sighed. “I did miss you."

  With practiced hands Sibias stroked her flesh, his body shuddering with torturous restraint as he contained his own desires, in order to prostrate himself to hers. “I promise you she will burn in the fires of Hurda's temple."

  "Yes,” she encouraged, her pleasure soaring. “After her birthright has become mine, the memory of her sorry screams will lull us to sleep at night.” Gratification throbbed inside her, a huge rising wave of power, a symbol of the power that she craved.

  "Soon, Sibias, very soon."

  She threw herself back in the chair, tearing her gown up to her waist, riding his hand with abandon until she roared with pleasure.

  Chapter Nine

  The chamber to which Elishiba was taken was gloomy and small. It had no balcony, and only a very small gap in the wall let in light and air. She looked around with a wry smile. It was a prison. A cell. Behind her Yoshi grunted disparagingly as she entered the room. Elishiba glanced over her shoulder and nodded to her.

  As she took stock of their quarters, she thought back to her old friends Basim and Fahima, and their humble hospitality. It wasn't that she desired a festive welcome. No. In fact she wanted to be beyond that point and moving ahead with negotiations. What surprised her was that Mehmet had not taken the opportunity to exhibit their wealth and power, as Sibias had done in Suzin when he presented her gifts and made such a big show of it. Maybe now that Mehmet had them ensconced in the city, she didn't feel it necessary to bother with such formalities. Or maybe she had cancelled any such plans after their initial meeting. She had definitely been irritated by Elishiba's approach. Maybe she was expecting a simpering maiden. Elishiba now knew for certain it was indeed Mehmet who was in control. Everything they heard on the subject was true. Mehmet was the true ruler here. Amshazar had prepared her well.

  The thought of him made her smile. She hadn't been able to face her doubts about him on the journey that day, but now she felt his power funneling into her from somewhere beyond these walls.

  These walls. Her cell. There wasn't even a balcony. She glanced around, her suspicion rising. At the very top of the room, dimples in the frieze around the wall appeared at regular intervals. They were placed as if part of the design, but it was obvious to Elishiba that they were peepholes and she was being watched. She felt it at every turn.

  She strode into the center of the chamber and put her hands on her hips, then looked over at Yoshi, rolling her eyes up. Yoshi nodded to indicate she understood, glancing away.

  Elishiba smiled at the serving woman who had seen them in, a tall, lean black-skinned woman, extraordinarily beautiful and yet cowed in her servitude. “Please inform your mistress I cannot rest in a chamber without a balcony."

  The woman's soft brown eyes rounded in disbelief. She obviously didn't want to pass that message. They truly did keep their servants in a state of fear, Elishiba reflected. Everyone she had seen so far had haunted eyes. “Tell her the Empress Elishiba said this,” she added, encouraging the woman on her way.

  The woman paused a moment longer, unsure, then nodded her head and left. Elishiba noticed two guards flanked the door, spears crossed against the entrance. She had the feeling they would bar her exit should she try to leave.

  Yoshi shuddered as she looked about. “The Empress Mehmet is a harridan, a she-viper."

  "Yes,” Elishiba mused, toying with the soft furnishings on the mattress. She felt strangely empowered, despite the situation, and saw that Yoshi was the same. Now that the journey was over, her seer bristled with proud indignity. “Somehow, it makes it so much easier to dislike her."

  "Indeed,” Yoshi chuckled. “I think you annoyed her with your introduction, Mistress."

  "That I did. She refused to negotiate as a result, perhaps. But I will force the issue on the morrow."

  "What of your betrothed?” Yoshi wore a mischievous expression.

  Elishiba couldn't help smiling. “I was taken by surprise on that account, I must admit. I confess I thought he was the palace jester."

  Yoshi folded her arms over her ample
bosom. “There is a jest here, although I'm quite sure the she-viper intended it to be on you."

  "She will have to try harder,” Elishiba responded, taking a cautious seat at a padded bench set on one side of a carved ebony table. She looked at Yoshi with curiosity. She had not made any predictions for some time. “Have you had any visions you wish to share, my seer?"

  "My vision is obscured by a dark cloud on the horizon,” Yoshi stated, simply, eyeing the frieze in the wall. “But I have faith you will overcome it.” She gave Elishiba a weak smile and then averted her eyes.

  Elishiba was about to quiz her on it, when she realized it might be better not to know more, and that Yoshi felt that too. “Thank you for your faith, Yoshi. I hope I can do it justice. Now come and sit down, I have no doubt the Empress Mehmet will keep us waiting for some time."

  "Where are the others?” Elishiba whispered in a low voice to avoid being overheard, when they were either side of the table.

  Yoshi scowled. “The guard informed us we would only be able to serve you one at a time. Xerxes said it was an attempt to unnerve you, to separate us and break us down."

  Elishiba nodded. It would take more than that to separate them in spirit.

  Yoshi slid forward onto her elbows, her hands masking her face as she spoke. “Did you notice the pendant she wore?"

  Elishiba moved into the same position. “The strange crystal with the shifting purple light within?"

  Yoshi nodded. “Do you know what it is?"

  She shook her head. “It is significant?"

  "I cannot be sure, but there was a presence within, a malevolent force."

  "Within the pendant?” It made sense, for it had caught her attention and it seemed an unearthly gem, the like of which she had never seen before. “What do you think it is?"

  "Jinneyah." Yoshi hissed the word so low that Elishiba only just caught it.

  She sat back in her chair, withholding her surprise, glancing around the room. If Mehmet owned the fearful power of a captured female jinn within that pendant, and could unleash it whenever she chose, it would take more than newfound sorcery to challenge her.

  Did Amshazar know about the jinneyah? He must, if Yoshi had seen its presence. He was so much more powerful and all-seeing. Why hadn't he warned her of it? Surely it was important? But then, she reflected, their time together had been so harshly interrupted. Perhaps he had intended to tell her more, much more.

  And make love to her again? Her body hummed with desire as the thought crossed her mind. The jeopardy she faced only seemed to make her passion rise like an unslakable thirst. She'd heard tell of such things, of warriors dying on the battlefield, desirous of one last kiss, weak but virile to the end. The human urge to be loved and to survive does curious things to us all, she mused.

  "The jinneyah is bad news,” Yoshi whispered. “Mehmet will do anything to get her way."

  "Yes,” Elishiba replied. “I think the battlefield might have been fairer."

  "Don't say that, you don't believe that."

  Silence rested heavily between them.

  "Don't forget your ally in Amshazar,” Yoshi added.

  "I haven't forgotten Amshazar.” Even if she wanted to, she doubted it would be possible to obliterate him from her mind and body. It was almost as if he had possessed her heart from the moment they had met. She knew it empowered her though, she recognized that it was a positive thing now. Clarity of mind was with her at last.

  Yoshi smiled. “Good.” She had that twinkle in her eyes that indicated she was pleased her vision had come true.

  Elishiba rolled her eyes and put her finger to her lips.

  The serving woman returned. She looked even more afraid. “The Empress Mehmet said you will remain here until your marriage."

  "I see,” Elishiba responded. Prisoners they were then. However, if Empress Mehmet wanted each and everything to be a battle, she was well prepared. “Please return to your mistress and say I understand her intentions. However, I suffer a malady which worsens if I am unable to get fresh air on a balcony."

  Yoshi flashed Elishiba a grin.

  Elishiba returned her smile, but then felt remorse because the serving woman looked so very afraid. She pitied the poor woman, who was trapped between her and Mehmet. It wasn't in her nature to treat her servants harshly or make them do things against their will. As she looked over, she noticed that the woman's robe had been torn on the back of her shoulder since she had passed the message to Mehmet.

  "Wait.” She stood and halted the woman with a hand on her shoulder, drawing her back. “You are afraid, aren't you?"

  The woman hesitated, her eyes searching Elishiba's for understanding. Then she nodded, her gaze dropping.

  "I am sorry to put you in this difficult situation.” Elishiba slid her hand against the woman's back where the fabric was torn. Stepping behind her, she cautiously moved the woman's robe.

  The woman gasped, but did not speak, her head lowered. Elishiba frowned at the marks and bruises upon the woman's beautiful shoulder blade, where she had been beaten.

  "What is your name?” Elishiba asked.

  "Folami,” the woman replied.

  "Are you a slave?"

  The woman nodded.

  "Please do not fear me. I regret that I have to send you back to your mistress with another problem. Alas, I need to state my position clearly with her from the outset, for I fear that she wishes to enslave me too."

  The woman nodded sympathetically. Her eyes were deeply intelligent, but sad.

  "Where are you from, Folami?"

  "I was born far to the south, a hot place where it seldom rained.” Her voice was soft and gentle, as was everything about her.

  Elishiba had heard of such lands. It seemed that the Karseedians plucked slaves from everywhere. From Aleem too?

  Folami left, and again they waited.

  Time passed, the sun disappeared and Yoshi had to light all the remaining candles in the chamber.

  When Folami returned, she did not shut the door behind her. “I am to lead you to a different chamber."

  Yoshi stood to her feet with a pleased smile. Elishiba was not so trusting.

  They followed Folami through a maze of corridors and into another chamber. The guards who had flanked the first chamber followed and immediately crossed spears behind them as they entered the newly designated chamber. It was marginally larger, although the balcony overlooked a closed courtyard, which was not what Elishiba was hoping for. Furthermore, on their arrival they found a meager meal awaiting them on the table.

  "The Empress Mehmet asked me to inform you that this is your evening meal. She said she is sure you are tired after your journey and that you wish to prepare for your forthcoming marriage, which will take place shortly."

  Elishiba smarted. “There will be no wedding until we have negotiated the terms of the treaty."

  Folami shook her head sadly. “I cannot pass your response. The Empress is dining and stated she will not take any more messages."

  Elishiba had to strongly resist the urge to insist upon a message, but she could see from Folami's eyes—it was pointless.

  Taking pity on the woman, she walked over and rested a hand on her arm. “I appreciate your efforts."

  When she touched her this time, Folami withdrew her arm, glancing nervously around her, a stricken expression on her face.

  That confirmed it. She knew they were being watched, even though they had moved quarters, and she was afraid.

  * * * *

  The streets of Lhastari were in darkness by the time Kerr managed to get away from the palace that night, the houses quiet. He stood at the servants’ entrance, pausing only briefly to get accustomed to the gloom, then he hastened his footsteps through the dark narrow alleyways, breaking into a run, afraid that Amshazar might not have waited for him. He'd been ready on time to get to the designated meeting point, but the servants in the palace were a suspicious bunch and watched him whenever he tried to leave their quarters. And no
w, if Amshazar was gone, he would have missed his chance to see Kazeen again.

  He turned the final corner, into a narrow street where the buildings almost touched, and peered into the darkened doorway where they had arranged to meet. He checked again. Above the doorway a wooden sign marked it out as a fortuneteller's place of work. But he saw no figure in the doorway. He was just about to turn away in frustration, when he heard his name being called from the other side of the street.

  Amshazar gestured to him when their eyes met.

  Kerr hurried over. “Forgive me for being late. The Karseedian servants were watching me. They trust me even less now since I am in the service of the Empress Elishiba. I couldn't take the risk until they bedded in for the night."

  Amshazar nodded. “You did the right thing. We must be cautious. Are you sure no one followed you?"

  "I don't think so,” Kerr replied.

  Amshazar put one arm around his shoulder and began walking quickly away from the spot, talking all the while. “The palace in Suzin was very different, was it not?"

  Kerr gave a gentle laugh. “It was. I would much rather call that country home, than this one."

  "The Aleemites are a more fair and generous people,” Amshazar agreed. “Now I must ask my favor of you. When we return to the palace later tonight, I would like you to pass Empress Elishiba a message for me."

  "I will try. What is your message?"

  "Tell her that Mehmet plans to move things along quicker. The Empress Elishiba has to understand that time is much shorter than she might imagine. I need to speak with her, and if she goes out onto the balcony of her apartment at dawn, I will contact her then."

  "Her balcony at dawn,” Kerr repeated. It would not be easy to pass the message, since they were only allowed to meet with her one at a time, but even if he had to pass the message by one of the others, he would do so.

  Amshazar proceeded to chat about their journey, and Kerr realized that he was talking to distract him from the route they took. Even if he had concentrated, Kerr didn't think he would be able to remember it. They had hidden Kazeen well. But why? He knew that the Empress Mehmet had ordered him to be executed. Why then, was he even in the city? Why had he not taken flight long before? Amshazar had said all would be explained, but it was of the utmost importance for Kazeen's life that nobody in the palace found out where he was staying.


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