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One Little Mix Up_A Second Chance, Office Romance

Page 3

by Robin Edwards

  The two women looked at each other hoping the other knew what to do and shrugged, “If you want to, we weren’t really serious. We were just talking. Anyway, we’ve got to go. We have work to do.”

  “What work? I don’t mind continuing the conversation.” the blonde woman’s friend grinned wrapping her arm around mine. “Right, Trev?”

  “Oh, uh right.” I said. Wrong woman, but I’ll take what I can get.

  “Come on, let’s see what you have going on.” she tugged at my arm and walked me back to my office. “Maybe I could help you get a little more acquainted with everything. Bye Beth.”

  “Bye, Nicole. Have fun.” the blonde shook her head before she walked around the corner and disappeared from view.

  Beth? Was she the one who was giving away the baseball tickets? If so, it would be my lucky day. One woman on my arm and a guaranteed date if she hasn’t found anyone to accompany her and she was also the mesmerizing blonde from this morning.

  If I scored those tickets, I’d get to spend little one-on-one time with her. For now, however, I needed to focus on this perky brunette who seemed far more interested in spending time with me than Beth did. A little too excited, but who was I to complain?

  Chapter Four


  They probably deserved each other, and I didn’t mean it in a jealous sort of way, but Nicole was a little boy crazy and Trevor, well he seemed like a smooth talker and a bit too self-righteous to me.

  Not that I minded a man whose primary goal in life was to pick up women because those types of men were fun to hang with but once in a while I wanted to have fun with a man who didn’t necessarily need to date because they had more important priorities. A man who loved spending time with women but didn’t necessarily have to hang around one often.

  People who made the opposite sex their entire lives were a little annoying and pathetic if you ask me. I believed everyone should have some sort of ambition or goal that went beyond dating. I wanted to have fun with someone who had substance. They were far more interesting to talk to and typically knew about the little hidden gems in the area.

  He was good-looking, charming and seemed to be physically fit under his suit but definitely not someone worth pursuing. Mostly because Nicole set her sights on him already and he was Vince’s nephew. The most significant reason of all was because he’s just not my type, personality wise. Maybe if we met in passing somewhere in another lifetime or were introduced by friends then perhaps he’d turn out to be someone I’d consider but those situations didn’t happen and unfortunately, I wasn’t going to take the time to get to know him at all. He seemed like one of those men who wouldn’t remember my name the next morning.

  I also wondered if anyone replied to my offer of accompanying me to the tonight’s game but so far, I’ve had no takers. Usually the men here jumped at the chance at free tickets to a ball game but surprisingly none have. I don’t think it was because of anything I did and was just some weird time period where everyone was busy or not interested.

  I really didn’t want to go to the game by myself and worst-case scenario I would give the tickets away to someone who would love to take someone they knew personally, or I could just pass on it altogether and just stay in tonight. Damn it, I really wanted to go.

  “Can I just say aaah-mazing!” Nicole held her hands up a half hour later.

  “What’s amazing?” I said studied my emails.

  “The stud, Trevor. So good, whew.” she fanned herself with her hands.

  “Did you do what I think you did?” I asked suspiciously.

  “A girl never confesses but if you're referring to you know what, then no but there’s a lot of degrees in between nothing and you know what.” she winked as she sat at her cubicle next to mine. The same cubicle Bridgette occupied when she still worked here.

  “You’re something else, you know that right?” I laughed before turning back to my computer.

  “I know and so is he. Hmm, I don’t mind having more pieces of that man.”

  “Oh god. I don’t want to know.” I covered my ears.

  “Fine, I won’t talk about it but I’m surprised you’re not interested. He’s just your type too – handsome. Besides, I’m not sure where the next time would be. We got caught by Vince.”

  “There’s more to my ‘type’ besides being handsome. If you must know, I value ambition, sense of humor and intelligence and that’s what you get. Did anything happen to you? Did you get fired?” I explained.

  “Nope. I got away scot free. He just told me to get out of the office and then shut the door. Trevor on the other hand, he might be in big trouble.”

  “You couldn’t just keep your hands to yourself, could you? By the way, I still don’t have any takers for tonight’s game.”

  “Nobody wanted them? she asked.

  “No, not a single person wanted the extra ticket. You don’t suppose my email got lost in the abyss?” I asked.

  “I doubt it, I received your email. Why don’t you try sending another final one just in case anyone forgot about it?” Nicole suggested.

  “Yeah, maybe you’re right. Maybe, I should.”

  “Wait, I have a great idea. Why don’t you see if the new guy would like to go? I’m sure he’d love to if he isn’t busy tonight.”

  “Are you sure you can’t go? How about you take Trevor with you seeing as you’re his biggest fan now.” I teased.

  “I can’t, I’ve got family in town otherwise I would go with him. Though, unless he’s busy more than likely he’d say yes to you. He was flirting with you today.”

  “Right, I’m sure he was.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m practically at the point where I’m getting kind of desperate and antsy”.

  I sighed in frustration and disbelief, all these emails going back and forth, all centered around today’s meeting. Do you see these?”

  “Yup, I see them. I looked at the agenda and there was nothing major listed so I’m not sure why everyone’s so up in arms today.”

  “It’s a Monday.” I smiled.

  Chapter Five


  I was feeling good and it didn’t require a lot of effort on my part to get to know another woman. Nicole and I stepped into my sparse office with a killer view as I shut the door. It may look empty now, but after I start filling it out with personal mementos, it’s going to be a lot more comfortable and coy.

  “Nice office!” Nicole looked around admiring what little I had in it. I don’t think there was anything to admire really, other than what the office meant regarding company status.

  I’m not sure why people valued things such as having an office, but I guess when the rest of the world was operating out of a cubicle, having an office was the big leagues. The fact that I had an office on my first day made me seem like someone, everyone had to get to know.

  “Anyone who’s anyone has an office, though the corner ones are the most prized real estate.” I said smugly.

  “They typically are, aren’t they? Give yourself some time and I bet you’ll be moving on up to a corner one pretty soon huh?”

  “I don’t know. We’ll see.” I chuckled. Damn, can a person be hot and cute at the same time?

  “Wow, you’ve got a couch in here too!” she gasped as she bounced on one of the cushions. “You’ve got a view and they stocked you with your very own minibar.” She stated as she opened up the crystal bottle and smelled its contents.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Definitely whiskey,” she confirmed as she placed the clear bottle down where she originally found it. “Should we have a drink and celebrate your new office?” she asked not really waiting for my answer before she started pouring a couple of fingers worth of the brown liquid into a couple of glasses.

  “How about we celebrate getting to know each other?” I suggested.

  I shoved my suit jacket off of my shoulders and wrapped it around the back of the desk chair before I loosened my tie. I took the second glass from Nicole a
nd I downed the whiskey in one go. Good stuff. Must have been from good stock.

  I made my way to my desk chair, propped my legs up on my desk with my hands behind my head. I watched Nicole finish her own glass and mosey around admiring every little detail of the space before she remembered that I was in the room too. She gave a small shy smile and made her way towards me in her tight, pencil skirt and low cut, button-down dress shirt and four-inch heels. She was such a sight, she was going to be fun to spend time with. The boys are going to be jealous when they hear how easy I had it here.

  “Whew! That’s strong. It kind of burns.” she giggled.

  I decided to not say anything and just watch her to keep the air of mystery going with the look women loved from me. You know the ones I’m talking about. The look that told women, yes I see you. They loved it, because they loved being the center of attention and feeling sexy.

  “Mind if I sit on your lap?” Nicole asked.

  “Not at all.” I obliged and lowered my legs to the floor and grabbed her by the hips and guided her onto my lap.

  After sitting on my lap sideways, Nicole loosened my tie a little more until it untied itself. She tossed it on top of my desk next to the empty glasses and fiddled with the buttons on my shirt with her hands and rubbing my chest at the same time.

  “Oh, you must work out.” she added.

  “Yes, I do. Every single day.”

  I felt it was only fair that if she was going to play with my buttons, I was going to do the same to her except I had access to her top with both of my hands. I pulled her dress shirt out from her skirt and slipped my left hand underneath until I found her lace covered breast.

  Damn it. It would have been my lucky day if she didn’t wear one but I managed to unbutton her top and opened it a little further so I could have easier access to her bra and unsnap it.

  Nicole cooed at my touch and it only made her squirm in my lap, causing my groin to harden underneath her and press into the back of her thigh. My hand caressed her cheek before I pulled her closer and kissed her slowly at first but the more she moved on my lap the more urgent I became.

  Just as my tongue was making my way into her mouth, she stood up and at first I thought she had changed her mind but she pulled up her skirt and sat back down on my lap cowgirl style. Perfect. As she leaned in to continue our kiss I reached around her and firmly grabbed her ass pulling her down on to me.

  “Mmm. That feels good.” she cooed in between kisses.

  I lifted up her bra and licked and sucked the sensitive flesh as she started to unzip my pants in between us. She lowered my boxer briefs enough to let my cock spring free.

  “Oh my.” she blushed at the sight of it but was brave enough to take it into her hands at the base before there was a knock on the door.

  “Shit, get up. Someone’s outside.” I whispered as we scrambled to our feet and I zipped up as quickly as I could.

  “Ahem.” a voice of interruption and disapproval echoed. I looked up and it was my Uncle Vince standing in the doorway with his arm crossed. Shit, we were caught.

  “Sorry.” Nicole haphazardly lowered her skirt and buttoned her blouse. Vince eyed her as she winced and scrambled out of the office.

  “Don’t fire her, it’s all my fault.” I started.

  “Enough!” he bellowed and shut the office door. “Fix your damn tie, you should know how to present yourself in a formal setting.”

  “Yes, just don’t blame her, alright? If anyone should be in trouble, it’s me.” I actually stuttered.

  “Trevor, you couldn’t even last a day without screwing up, could you?” he shook his head in disapproval as poured himself a glass and then sat down and sighed.

  “Look, I…” I really didn’t know what to say or do. I’ve never been in trouble like this with him. I was his favorite, not any more I’m guessing.

  “Don’t bother, Trev…” he sighed before he took a big gulp. “What you do on your own time is your own business but doing anything other than work on my dime…I won’t tolerate it again. This is your last chance, don’t blow this too.”

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  “Get cracking on preparing for the meeting today and fix the rest of your damn suit.” he demanded.

  “Yes sir.” I said relieved and he shook his head one more time before he exited my office.

  I sank into my chair with relief. That was a close one, I’m running on thin ice if I do that again. He was the one guy that had the power to scare me even at my age. Around him, I felt like a little boy and it disappointed me to know that he was disappointed in me too.

  Chapter Six


  The morning and afternoon came and went by quickly and before you knew it the department meeting arrived and the room was abuzz with gossip as to what could it be about.

  For most of us although we thought it was so unlike Vince and the department heads to call a random meeting, I’m inclined to believe it was no big deal and probably just an introductory meeting to announce Trevor joining the team temporarily. He did it for all of us when we first started, so I’m inclined to believe that’s what it was.

  “Let’s sit in the middle. I don’t want Vince to notice me sitting here.” Nicole whispered.

  “Well that’s what you get when you get caught groping the new employee and, in the office, who happened to be his nephew.” I said.

  “Well, he’s hot.” she shrugged.

  “You are so lucky that he didn’t mention it to Human Resources or the department heads. You are even more fortunate he brushed it off, I wouldn’t count on him doing that again.” I warned.

  “Don’t worry I won’t do it again. Next time I grope him, it will be after work hours and in the bedroom.”

  “You are incorrigible.” I shook my head as we sat down near the end of the conference room table.

  A few minutes later Vince stepped into the conference room followed by the department heads and at the end of the trail was Trevor. Looking so smug, as if he just didn’t get in trouble today.

  I don’t know what it was about him, but he irritated me to no end. I guess it was the fact that he screwed up and he walked around like it didn’t bother him. As if, Vince wouldn’t fire his own nephew and that he was Wall Street. You know the type. The ones in the power suits, who walked around as if they had a lot of power just because they carried a brief case, a smart phone and always had someone to call.

  As they walked towards the front of the room, the horrible realization hit me. During meetings Vince and the department heads stood up for the most part and as I scanned the long conference room table there was only one seat left and it was next to me. Ugh.

  Nicole must have come to the same realization because she immediately asked me to move out of my seat, “Switch places with me. Quick.”

  “No. You know how Vince hates last minute shuffling. Besides, the last thing you want to do is to be caught sitting next to Trevor and have Vince reminded of your stupidity from this morning.”

  “Ugh. Fine.” Nicole sat back down and frowned. She was pouting.

  I turned back towards the front of the room in time to see Trevor notice the empty seat and sit down, “Nice to see you again, Nicole.”

  “Hi.” she giggled. They better not start a conversation with me in the middle. I frowned out the thought.

  “Hi there.” Trevor turned his attention to me and winked before turning towards where the department heads and Vince stood. Ugh.

  “Alright, everyone. I’m going to make this quick as we have a lot on our plate this month and I don’t want to take up much more of your time and unfortunately I have to add more to your plates.”

  Everyone groaned at the thought of having to fill already full plates with even more work. We were already working overtime every day and some were coming in on the weekend just to catch up and gain some much-needed breathing room.

  “I know everyone’s already working at more than full capacity but as I’ve said we have a f
ew clients to add to the roster. There is good news, however. Newly added to the team is someone I’ve always been proud of, I wanted you guys to welcome my nephew, Trevor Whitfield.”

  Everyone clapped as Trevor stood up and waved before sitting back down. He gave me a quick, little wink and then turned his attention back to the front of the room before I could react.

  “Okay, quiet down. The other great news is that we are handling some new clients, some of them will be overseen by Trevor with the mentorship from one of you. I know that all of you are thinking about how it would be possible to mentor and team up with Trevor while maintaining the clients you are currently overseeing. We will be taking about half of that client list off of you so that you could dedicate more time to guiding Trevor. We have high hopes for him to help take the South West region to the top. I also wanted to give the Marketing Coordinators in here the opportunity to volunteer instead of the department heads and I going with who we thought would be a good fit to partner up with Trevor. So do we have any takers?”

  Come on, someone volunteer! I thought to myself as I looked around the room to see any indication from anyone who was willing to volunteer but it seemed like everyone was too comfortable with their current caseload of clients. Ugh, why can’t they see he’s going to be forced to choose one of us?

  “No takers? None at all?” Vince asked again.

  “I’m going to volunteer since no one else is.” Nicole whispered.

  “What? Didn’t we just talk about how you were fortunate to get away with the stupidity from this morning?” I argued.

  “How about Beth?” a voice sounded. What?

  “Wait, what?” I asked as I looked around the conference room confused.

  “Beth will help me, won’t you?” Trevor looked at me hopefully.

  “What? No-no-no…” I shook my head.

  “Great! We have a volunteer! Thank you Beth, this is fantastic. Before the day is over we’ll let you know which clients we will relieve you of and contact them about the change on your behalf.” Vince answered.


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