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Street King

Page 15

by Sam Crescent

  The first wave of his cum flooded her tongue, and she swallowed him down, moaning as more came.

  She kept on swallowing, trying to capture it all until there was nothing left.

  He dropped to his knees before her, his hands sliding beneath her skirt. His face was buried against her chest.

  Her pussy was so wet. She wanted his hands on her.

  West kissed her chest, traveling down to her stomach.

  The chair was more of a hindrance, so he pulled her down to the floor. Within seconds he had her skirt around her waist and her legs wide open.

  She cried out his name as he fingered her pussy.

  Another pair of panties were snapped off her body, and he shoved them in his pocket for safekeeping or whatever it was he did with her panties. He spread her pussy lips, sliding two fingers inside her, drawing them up to pinch her clit. The sudden pain startled her before he soothed it out.

  He kissed her lips seconds before his tongue replaced his fingers. She closed her eyes, thrusting her pelvis up to meet him, desperate for the pleasure he could give.

  “Your pussy is so damn sweet. So perfect. I could eat you all day long.”

  She’d be more than happy with that.

  When he lifted her legs up, she opened her eyes.

  “Hold your legs?” he said.

  She wrapped an arm around each leg, which opened her up.

  He reached for the plug off the desk, and her nerves suddenly hit her.


  “You’re going to love it. I’ll even let you put your panties back on.”

  “You tore them.”

  “I’ve got an extra pair.”

  He opened up the butt plug, and she wanted to tell him no.

  Her excitement replaced her nerves.

  Anal sex … intrigued her.

  What would be the harm in at least trying it?

  Keeping hold of her legs, she watched as he opened up the lubrication and coated the plug generously.

  When it was slick and ready, he put one hand on her legs, pushing her back, which lifted her ass up in the air.

  There was no escaping or hiding. The light spilling in from the window gave a clear view of her pussy and anus.

  Any sane woman would be running scared.

  You want this.

  You crave this.

  She gasped as the cold plug pressed against her anus. He rubbed the tip over her puckered hole, getting her nice and ready, and slick.

  When he started to apply pressure, she knew he was going all the way.

  This plug was much bigger than his fingers. She didn’t know if she’d be able to handle that kind of thickness.

  You can do this.

  Taking a deep breath, she let out a little squeak as it stretched her open. Slowly, he pushed the plug into her ass, and even though it burned, it wasn’t completely uncomfortable. Far from it.

  She ached for him to touch her pussy. To slide his fingers inside her, to stroke her clit.

  The moment the plug was inside, West took her ankles and spread her legs.

  “How does that feel?”

  “Touch me, West. Please, touch me.”

  “You want my hands on your pussy?”


  “You want to come.”

  She was going to hurt him in a minute if he didn’t start touching her.

  Before she could scream at him, yell, or beg, his fingers were between her thighs, stroking over her clit.

  She couldn’t contain her moans. Crying his name, she felt the first stirrings of her arousal build with just a few strokes of his fingers.

  She was so close that when he leaned down and took her clit into his mouth, she came, screaming his name.

  Grabbing his hair, she held him in place as she rode her orgasm.

  Her release seemed to go on and on until she finally collapsed on the floor, panting for breath. Her tits felt heavy, and she’d come alive beneath his touch.

  West kissed up her body.

  She tasted her release on his tongue, but she didn’t care. Holding his face, she kissed him hard.

  He licked across her lips, and she wondered if he could taste the orgasm she’d swallowed.

  “I don’t know how I’m going to be able to handle the rest of the day.”

  “You’re going to do it thinking about my cock fucking your ass. Making you scream.” He kissed her lips. “Tomorrow, you move up a butt plug.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The picture had been sent.

  Tomorrow was the day West intended to meet with Enrique about the cartels. Lawrence had yet to come out of hiding, but that was more than fine. West was aware of the meeting, of the picture, and the moment Enrique entered his city, he already had eyes waiting. The deal that would be struck between Lawrence and Enrique that would guarantee his safety would be intercepted by West’s team. Grabbing Lawrence, they’d bring him back to the warehouse where he’d finish him off and make him wish for death.

  To deal with Enrique was a different problem.

  That fucker had gone behind his back to make this arrangement. While he was talking with him, Rome and Cage had their orders where it concerned Hannah’s safety.

  He already had a secret apartment that he intended to take her to, one he’d signed up under an alias. There she’d be safe until he finished with negotiations.

  With Enrique believing he had the upper hand in these talks and that West was none the wiser, West had already countered the plan.

  Enrique was in the dark about his knowledge, and he already had a team ready to take his wife, Isabella.

  The little cartel leader thought he could hide his young wife from him.

  West had been underestimated all of his life, but right now it was like taking candy from a baby.

  All he needed now was for everything to go smoothly, and war wouldn’t break out on the streets.

  Glancing over at his passenger, he saw Hannah flicking through her cell phone.

  She still wasn’t convinced about his determination to take her to his villa. He wasn’t surprised by it either. So far, every venture he intended to take her on had been thwarted. Again, it all came back to his own fucking mistakes.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “I sent Emily a text. I just wondered where she was. I’ve not heard from her since yesterday morning.”

  “I’m sure everything is fine. I got a report last night that said she was going through a couple of properties, but she’d found something that she wasn’t happy with.” The lies were easy to tell. It did so happen that he was looking for property in that area, only, he’d never send someone like Emily.

  Hannah didn’t need to know that though.

  She could stay completely oblivious in her own little world.

  “I guess you’re right. I’m worrying all the time again.” She closed her cell phone. “So where are we going again?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “I happen to love surprises.” She rubbed her hands down her thighs.

  She was on the final butt plug. This one he intended to get her used to for the next couple of days.

  What he loved most about making her take each plug was her reaction.

  Even now, her nipples pressed against the front of her shirt and her thighs were clenched together.

  She was trying to fight her arousal, and he found it a turn-on to watch her. He’d fucked her with them in, and it made her pussy even tighter, if that was possible.

  They’d been driving for twenty minutes. Traffic wasn’t that bad, and as Hannah kept firing off questions about his life, he tried to answer them.

  “Is there anything you wish you could have that you don’t?” she asked.

  “Be more specific?”

  “I don’t know how to be. You’re a guy who has everything. What do you get a guy who appears to have everything?”

  He tried to think about it. “I don’t want material things.”

  “So, a new
tie is out of the question?”

  He chuckled. “You can buy me a tie whenever you want.”

  “When’s your birthday?” she asked.



  “You’re not going to ask me when mine is?”

  “I already know.”

  “You do?”

  “Your employment form you filled in.”

  “Right, right. I do have brains even though they’re not working at the moment.” She tapped her fingers against the door. “If it’s not material things you want, what else is there? You’ve got the job. The business. The success.”

  “I don’t have a family, Hannah.”

  “No family?”

  “None. No wife. No kids.”

  “Do you want that?”

  He’d been taking her every chance he got without using a condom. He wanted a damn family with this woman.

  “Who doesn’t want a family?” he asked. Glancing over at her, he saw she looked deep in thought. “Do you not want a family?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, don’t get me wrong, being an only child at times sucked because I always wanted a brother and sister. I never told my parents that though. I think they regretted not having me sooner, you know. I think they felt a little guilty because I was alone a lot of the time. Especially growing up. I didn’t mind. Family. My parents were in love. No one could come between them. Not that anyone wanted to. My dad always said he fell in love with her at that bistro and he never looked back.”

  “You want to be loved?”

  “Yes. My dad was completely and utterly devoted to my mom. That’s what I want.”

  “And if that came with a family?”

  “I guess I’d love to have a family. I can’t have one yet though. I’m too young. I’d like to focus on my career right now. Spread my wings. Maybe even travel for a couple of years.”

  “You want to travel?”

  “Yeah. I’ve not been far in life. I’d love to go to Europe, you know, see the sights. Spend a few days checking out all the local attractions. I’d love to see the Big Ben in England. The Eiffel Tower in France. Things like that.”

  “I could take you.”

  “You could?”

  “It’s something we could do together.” As our honeymoon. He didn’t add that part.

  “I’d like that. Emily has never been interested in traveling. Whenever I talk about it, she shoots it down.”

  Emily was going to get a raise.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “The building I was telling you about. The area that they’re building back up, offering some investment. I wanted to show it to you.”


  Seconds passed.

  “You want kids?” she asked.

  “Yes, Hannah, I want kids. I’m not getting any younger.”

  “I think you’re looking just fine to me.”

  He laughed. “That’s good to know.”

  “I never thought I’d fall for an older man, but then I also didn’t plan a lot of things in life.”

  He saw the sadness on her face and took her hand.

  “Life throws us curveballs, and we’ve always got to learn to dodge them.”

  “I’m getting tired, like, really tired, of dodging them, West.”

  “Then share them with me and I will do everything I can to make sure you never have to deal with them again.”

  She dropped her head onto his shoulder. “You’re so good to me. I don’t know what I’d ever do without you.”

  That was good.

  It wasn’t the words of love that he’d been hoping for, but during his time watching Hannah, he realized she never verbally expressed her feelings, not even to Emily.

  He got to the building without any problem. On the outside it didn’t look like much. Across the street, he saw several builders working on some new structure.

  Parking the car, he climbed out and helped Hannah out of the vehicle.

  “Wow, it’s huge,” she said.

  The space was large.

  “Come on.” Taking out the keys he’d been given, he opened up the door, and helped her inside. There was a lot of light coming in through the windows. He found the switch that lit up the main entrance.

  “It looks like a rundown hotel.”

  “I think it was raided a few years ago. It was a brothel.”

  “You’re kidding me?”


  “You have no proof of that.”

  “I’ll show you proof.”

  “It’s not, like, haunted, is it?”

  “No. Not haunted.”

  “It smells,” she said, wrinkling her nose.

  “It needs gutting. The main structure is safe, and there are no signs of subsidence. No damp. No damage to walls. It just needs a good cleaning.” The walls had red paper peeling off them. Dust clung to the surfaces and floors. He saw the quality of the place.

  Something to get him excited.

  Taking her hand, he led her through several rooms. There were old chairs. The furniture was well-used and faded from the light.

  There was a large fireplace, which was no longer in use as the building had central heating, but it gave an old world feel to the property.

  “Did they role play here or something?” Hannah asked.

  “I bet a lot of fucking was done here.”

  “With politicians?” she asked. “You know, the stuff they always say about getting a good Domme to tell them they’ve been bad little boys? I’m sorry. I really need to stop.”

  “You’d be surprised.”

  “I don’t think I would.”

  The main floor was rather tame, but the basement was an interesting exploration. There were dungeons, chains, whips, paddles, and other equipment lining the walls.

  “You want to touch them?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “You don’t know if they’ve been washed.”

  He laughed. “So proper.”

  “I don’t want to get catch anything.”

  “The only thing you’ll catch is a spanking.”

  “You keep threatening that.”

  “One day I’ll give it to you.”

  “Promises.” She hugged his arm, kissing his cheek.

  Leaving the basement, they made their way up to the main floor before going through each room until they got to the attic.

  “Wow,” Hannah said. “Do you think you’ll clean up all the sex toys and sell them?”

  “Probably not. It all needs to go.”

  Hannah released his hand and lifted both of hers up to the chains coming out of one of the beams in the attic. “Do I even want to know?”

  He chuckled.

  There were keys in the locks.

  “Want to try?”

  “You’re not going to leave me here to starve, are you?”

  “Not a chance.”

  He took her wrist and placed it in the cuff. Her eyes were on him the whole time that he locked her in place.

  The skirt she wore was no protection and neither was the shirt.

  Placing a hand on her stomach, he circled around her. Her hands were in the air, and she couldn’t get them close. There was a bar between them that stopped her from opening them.

  “Okay, I have a feeling I know what this is for,” she said.

  He smiled, standing in front of her. “I rather like this. You’re at my mercy.”

  “I’ve always been at your mercy.”

  She didn’t even realize how true that statement was.

  Pulling her shirt out of her skirt, he began to work the buttons, opening it. Hannah didn’t tell him to stop. Her breathing deepened. Running the back of his fingers across her breasts, he heard her gasp.

  With the shirt open, he pulled out his knife and cut the bra away from her flesh. Her tits sprang free, and he dropped the offending garment on the floor. Nothing should be trapping those beauties.

  He put his knife away, cupping her tits toget
her. Licking her nipples, he flicked each bud in turn, hearing her moan. Releasing her tits, he slid his hands down, cupping her hips. Dropping his hands down to her knees, he started to lift up her skirt until it was around her waist.

  “You’re always doing this to me.” She moaned, and he laughed.

  “That’s because I’m always wanting inside your pussy.” He cupped her through her panties, feeling how damp they were. Sliding a finger beneath the fabric, he touched her clit. “You love having that plug in your ass, don’t you? Do you think about what I’m going to do with you when I take it out? How I’m going to fuck your ass?”

  “Please, West. I can’t take anymore.”

  He thrust a finger inside her. Her pussy tightened around him.

  His cock pressed against the front of his pants. He was so hard and aroused it was near the point of pain. He didn’t pull himself out yet.

  Moving his finger from inside her, he stroked over her clit, using two fingers to heighten her arousal.

  Her tits swayed, and the chains kept her in place.

  He was going to have to invest in some of those chains.

  “Do you want my cock inside your pussy?”

  “Yes. Please, West. Please.”

  Holding the fingers that had been inside her pussy up to her mouth, he stroked his slick fingers across her lips. “Suck them. Taste yourself. Taste how wet you are. How desperate and horny you are.”

  She opened up, and he plunged them inside.

  Once she had them clean, he worked on his pants, getting the zipper down and taking out his cock. Running his fingers over the length, he wrapped an arm around Hannah. “Put your legs around me.”

  He lifted her up. With one hand on his cock and the other holding her, he found her entrance and seated her on his dick. Whoever put the chains in place wasn’t thinking of ease of fucking.

  With his cock inside her, he used two hands to hold her. Her arms were wrapped around his neck. She could get to the cuffs this way.

  “Take them off,” he said.

  He heard the click of the cuffs, and then, slamming her against the wall, he started to fuck her. The leverage of the wall gave him all he needed to start fucking her, to pound inside her.

  Her pussy quivered, tightening around him.

  He couldn’t hold back.

  Slamming to the hilt, he came, once again flooding her pussy with his release. When his orgasm started to subside, he wondered if this would be the one to take, if he’d finally gotten her pregnant.


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