Book Read Free

Street King

Page 19

by Sam Crescent

  Waking up without him there had stung.

  Their first argument.

  Wrapping her arms around her waist, she assessed the place that she’d called home.

  Was it a real home?

  Did this make her life complete?

  Knowing that the past few years had been a lie, she didn’t know what to do.

  Her parents were gone.

  Besides Emily, there was no one.

  She’d been surprised West allowed her to come here.

  Of course, Rome was stationed outside, and West had told her that Rome would stay for as long as she remained out of his company. Running fingers through her hair, she felt empty.



  Pictures were on the wall, and when she thought she saw two best friends, laughing, joking, having fun. She wondered if there was any truth in it.

  How much of her life was real?

  Not only did she have to deal with the truth of how her life had been mapped out without her consent but now the real West.

  He wasn’t just some businessman.

  “I know you think you hate me. I never wanted you to find out like this. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate.”

  Those had been his parting words.

  Well, not his only parting words.

  “Hannah, I get that you’re in shock. I’m giving you some concessions with regards to that, but be under no illusion, you belong to me. You’re mine, and I won’t wait forever.”

  She hated that she liked his possession.

  The sound of the apartment door opening had her turning. Emily was finally home, and every single part of her wanted to do nothing more than hug her friend.

  She’s not your friend.

  Emily let out a sigh. “West told me everything.”

  “Do you love him?” Hannah asked.

  A sharp spike of jealousy rushed through her, shocking her with the ferocity as it hit her. She didn’t like the thought of Emily and West being anything.

  “No. I don’t love him. Did I want to fuck him? That’s a question you can ask me.”

  “I don’t know you.”

  “Yes, I wanted to fuck him, if you’d like to know.”

  “I didn’t ask,” she said.

  She stared at Emily and shook her head. “You don’t have to be here.”

  “I do, actually. This is my apartment, and for what it’s worth, you are my friend.”

  “We’re not friends.”

  “You’re hurt.”

  Hannah burst out laughing. “Nah, you can’t tell?”

  “You’re not a little impressed, turned on, and swooning about how much this guy has done for you?” Emily asked.

  “Has done for me? Are you kidding right now? I have nothing that I can call my own. You’re not my friend. You’re a damn plant that he put in place.”

  “So you didn’t have a horrible time. News flash, Hannah, you’re not the easiest person to get to know. He wanted you to have a normal life. To enjoy being young. To have a college education.”

  “What did you get out of it?” Hannah asked.

  “I got a decent wage, a college education, a clean slate on everything, and I no longer had to suck gross, infected dick to make a living.”

  Hannah wrinkled her nose.

  “Believe it or not, Hannah, you were hard work, and at first, I didn’t want to be your friend. I didn’t get you. You were weird and had no personality. All you wanted to do was study and be boring. Then I waited it out for the money, and little by little, I grew to like you. When we left college and moved here, I was a little scared,” she said.


  “Because I knew his plan. I knew there was going to be a time when you were going to fall in love.”

  “You don’t know that. You don’t know anything.”

  “I know that West Gallo would move the damn earth if it would please you. He’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you’re happy, and yet it doesn’t help you, does it? You don’t see how devoted he is to you.”

  “He kills people.”

  “Oh, grow up, Hannah. This world is not all black and white. It’s grey. People have to do shit they don’t like. It’s the way of the world. West, he’s not a good guy. You’re right. He’s killed people. He’s done unspeakable things to a lot of bad people. Never innocent people. Only to those that would betray him. Who would cross him. Can you even blame him for that?”

  Hannah glared at her friend. “That doesn’t make it right.”

  “He helped me, Hannah. He helped me when most men would smash my face into the ground, grab my ass, and fuck me in both holes. You think what West has done to you is bad. Try being a fifteen-year-old girl, screaming for help, knowing her dad won’t come because he’s the one that sold you to the men that wanted to get their kicks off fucking a minor.”

  She stared at Emily, shocked.

  Taken aback.


  What the hell had just happened?

  Emily nodded. “That was my life. My dad needed money, and to him, women were nothing. In fact, we have handy little holes that every man wants a piece of. That’s what I was taught. When you were being loved and kept warm and safe by your parents, my dad was passing me around. Teaching me how to suck cock, to deep-throat a man until he came and I had no choice but to swallow. The word ‘no’ wasn’t allowed in my dictionary, sweetheart. The stuff I had to do before I turned eighteen, I don’t even want to think about. It got harder when the men wanted to gang up. To do a train on me. It’s why I got addicted. There was nothing better than the high in my blood to numb the pain of the dick riding between my legs.”

  Tears filled Hannah’s eyes.

  This was real.

  This was who Emily was.

  She wasn’t horrified at her friend.

  She wanted her father to hurt, to have pain unlike anything this woman had ever felt.

  “So, you see, that’s why I can’t hate West. Yeah, I love him a little bit. I’m actually so glad that I was the one near the dump that day. That I wasn’t dead. He took me in when most men would just use me.” Tears were in Emily’s eyes. “I had to be your friend. To stay clean. And he’d make my other life disappear. I got a family. It’s not real, but when I go home with you, it felt real. I wasn’t your friend to start off with. I didn’t know if I even liked you. In time I realized you were an amazing friend. When we moved here, I wondered what he saw in you. Why he wouldn’t give me a chance, but now I know. Five years ago, he fell for you, Hannah. These are my words. From now on, all you will get is my words. No one else’s. He doesn’t control me.” Emily held her hands out, giving a turn. “This is me. I’m an ex-whore and addict. For the past week and a half, I’ve been in a rehab facility. Lawrence, the guy they dealt with, he cornered me in one of my favorite spots and asked me questions about you. When I didn’t give him what he wanted, he gave me a shot. Nice guy, huh?”

  “I’m so sorry,” Hannah said.

  “I thought you’d lost your voice there.” Emily sighed. “I’m clean. There’s no drugs here. It was nice to have a break though. You know, to get away but to also realize the drugs don’t control me. I didn’t want them in the first place. The moment it happened I went to West, and he helped me.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “You keep saying that.”

  “If it wasn’t for me, Lawrence wouldn’t have gotten to you.”

  “Technically, if it wasn’t for West he wouldn’t have known you existed. He thought Lawrence would help you and guide you in the field of finance so you’d get to live your dream. He had no idea that you’d end up in that kind of situation.”

  “Hearing what you went through, I can’t complain.”

  “Don’t do that. Don’t think of your situation as being the same as mine or less than mine. When a guy doesn’t take no for an answer, then he’s the one that should suffer. Not us. It’s not our fault.”

  Hannah smiled as she wiped
the tears off her cheek. “You ever thought about preaching about women’s rights?”

  Emily burst out laughing. “Yeah, I thought about it but decided it’s too much hard work.”

  There was still a pretty big gap between them. Hannah stared at her friend.

  “Would you like me to leave?”

  Hannah shook her head. “No, I don’t want you to leave.”

  “Good. I’m going to come over and hug you, okay.”

  Hannah didn’t stand still waiting for her friend. She walked across the living room, and threw her arms around Emily, holding her close.

  “I can’t believe all of that happened to you. I’m so sorry I didn’t know.”

  “It’s not your fault. Stop saying you’re sorry. You’ve got nothing to be sorry about it. It wasn’t you.”

  “Your dad? Where is he?”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  “If you say he’s enjoying retirement I’m going to get angry. He should be in prison and rotting in some hell somewhere.”

  Emily laughed. “I don’t think you should be worrying about your and West’s compatibility. I’d say you’re both pretty much suited.”

  Hannah pulled away a little, her arms still around her friend.

  “What do you mean?”

  “When he found out the truth of what my life had been like, he went about resolving it. He located my dad and made him pay, Hannah.”

  “He killed him?”


  She couldn’t believe she was about to say this. “Good.”


  “Yeah. He had no right to, erm, to hurt you. To put you through that.”

  “You’re happy that he’s dead. That he was killed?”

  “Not if you’re not.”

  “I got to see it happen,” Emily said.

  “You did.”

  “Yep. I was in the room.” She smiled. “West was there, along with Rome and Cage. They all know the truth of who I am and what I’ve done.”

  “I wish you’d told me the truth. I can’t believe you went through all of that and I never knew.” She stroked a hand down Emily’s long hair. “I’m so sorry.”

  “If you do want me to leave, I can.”

  “No. I told you no. Listen to me. I don’t want you to leave. I don’t want you to ever leave. You’re my best friend. You’re my only friend. So it was organized by a complete control freak, but whatever. I want you in my life.”

  “How about I order Chinese food and we have a girly night? Would you like that?”

  “I’d love that.”

  While Emily ordered the food, Hannah took a quick shower and made her way into the main apartment.

  Rome was there, carrying a huge box of food.

  “This arrived.”

  “You’re still here?”

  “West wants to make sure you’re both safe.”


  “He’s a good guy, Hannah. You’d understand that if you got to know him a little.” She was in her skimpy pajamas, but with Rome she didn’t feel exposed. He didn’t look at her like he wanted her.

  “I don’t know what he wants from me.”

  “You know what he needs. He loves you.”

  “In the car yesterday, you said it was nice to finally meet me.”


  “You’d been following me for some time?”

  “‘Following’ sounds like the wrong word to describe it. I was making sure you were safe and protecting you. That will never stop.”

  “It was nice to finally meet you as well. I have these moments, these flashes where you or Cage or West will do something that I think I’ve seen before. Is that crazy?”

  “No, but if you want to know why you recognize it, ask West about the second time he met you. He’ll tell you if he’s sure you’re ready.”

  “The time I don’t remember?”


  “I’ll do that.”

  Emily came out of the bedroom. She had a towel in her hands, drying her hair. “Hey, Rome. It’s really cool now that she knows the truth. I don’t have to keep pretending everything.”

  “It certainly is.”

  “You want to stay for dinner?” Emily asked. “We’re going to pig out. Watch a couple of chick flicks and a few of those action movies she loves so much. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “Not at all,” Rome said. “I have to protect the two of you.”

  “What better way of protecting than being in the same room as us? Your big gun will work here just as it would in the hallway.”

  “You’re bad for a man’s concentration,” Rome said, lowering himself into the only available chair.

  She and Emily took the sofa.

  “You won’t get into trouble, will you?” Hannah asked, nibbling her lip.

  “Only if something bad was to happen to you.”

  “Is he still going to punish you over Lawrence lurking and you not knowing?” Emily asked.

  Hannah looked from her friend to Rome.

  “I don’t know.”

  She saw his jaw flex.

  “No. He can’t do that. It’s impossible for you to have known.”

  “I let my guard down shopping with you.”

  “Please, Lawrence was a wormy piece of shit. He thought he had the cartels in his pocket. Of course West knows how to deal with pieces of shit like Lawrence. He already had a plan in place, am I right?” Emily asked.

  “Yes. It just so happens West did. When it comes to your safety, West doesn’t like to take any chances.”

  “This is all crazy. I mean, you’re talking about a guy—”

  “That will do anything to protect you. That loves you more than anything else in the world.” This came from Emily.

  “Who will turn his life upside down and left to right if it so pleases you.” This from Rome.

  Hannah looked at both of them, not knowing what to say or do.

  “You have to admit he’s dreamy,” Emily said. “I mean, he’s that much in love with you, he will do whatever it takes just to see a smile on your lips. That’s the stuff of romance movies and books.”

  “You don’t think it’s verging on stalkery?”

  “Nope.” Both Rome and Emily spoke in unison.

  Hannah couldn’t help but laugh. “And you’re sure West isn’t telling you what to say or do?”

  “He’s not.” Again, they both spoke together.

  She found it oddly sweet and comforting.

  “You should give him a chance,” Rome said. “I’ve never seen him be like this with anyone else. He loves you. There’s no doubt about that. It’s not a sweet, kind love that kids are used to. But it’s there. He loves you, and he’ll do whatever he has to for you. That’s got to mean something.”

  Hannah didn’t say anything.

  The truth was … she was finding it a lot easier to like. There had been a man in her life that had kept his distance until he had to. He’d been there as some guardian to her without her even knowing it.

  “Let’s just watch the movie.”

  “She’s totally falling for him,” Emily said.


  “I think he’d walk over broken glass for her.”

  “A lava pit if you ask me,” Rome said.

  She laughed at some of their suggestions, finding their banter comforting. They were her friends, and even if West had brought them into her world, she was pleased that he had.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Work had no appeal to West the following week. Hannah had stayed at her apartment over the weekend with Rome and Emily for company. He’d known about their little sleepover because he got to watch it.

  The only reason he didn’t storm over there, kick Rome’s ass, and force Emily to her room was because he heard their conversation. He heard the truth from Emily. The reality of Hannah’s feelings. He even saw the happiness in her eyes that he’d taken care of Emily’s deadbeat dad.

  He witnessed i
t all and was so fucking happy that he’d stayed away just to watch her. Rome stayed alert, and Emily snuggled up against her friend. They looked good together again.

  He was glad. He may have brought them together, but their friendship was on the two of them. It wasn’t about him at all. It was about each other and the love they had for the other.

  Staring outside of his window overlooking the city, he ran fingers through his hair. Staying away all weekend had been sheer torture. The only way he’d gotten through was to watch her. To observe.

  To know that she was happy.

  What he’d done wasn’t conventional. He was aware of this. He knew that he’d crossed a damn fine line, but that didn’t matter. Not to him.

  Hannah needed someone.

  She needed him.

  He heard her clear her throat, and he turned to see Hannah standing in his doorway. She wore her usual skirt and crisp white shirt. Her jacket was probably over the back of her chair where it would stay.

  “Morning,” she said.


  She held an envelope in her hands, and he wasn’t interested in looking at whatever it was she wanted to give him. That shit wasn’t going to happen to him.

  “I wanted to thank you,” she said.

  “Thank me?”

  “Yeah. For helping Emily. For giving her a life. For being her hero.”

  “I’m not a hero.”

  “You are.”

  He snorted. “You know her father isn’t breathing.”

  “I know.” She glanced down at the envelope in her hands.

  “You better not give that to me.”

  “I can’t take this job.”

  “Hannah, I’m giving you time to get used to the idea of being mine. Don’t for a second push me too far.”

  She rolled her eyes, and the letter still in her grip, dropped to her side. “Why are you making this so difficult?”

  “Why don’t you just accept that you love me?”

  “You don’t even know love.”

  She turned on her heel, about to storm to her desk.

  Oh, no.

  He wasn’t having that.

  Before she even got to her desk, he grabbed her around the waist and hauled her back to his office.


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