Princess for a Summer: An Amanda Clarke Novel

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Princess for a Summer: An Amanda Clarke Novel Page 8

by Amanda Clarke

  Just like I was about to go do the thing that made me happy- or, more accurately, the person.

  Pushing myself from my chair with a groan, I shook out my arms and stretched my legs as they ached in protest. Erich’s image bloomed in my inner eye, and a content sigh escaped my lips as they tingled. The dull throbbing that provided constant reminder of our escapades last night had held me taut all day, and I shut off my computer to grab my bag with a buzzing at my fingertips.

  “Helen- lock up when you leave, okay?” Shuffling through the floor of my shop, my call only earned me a grunt of acknowledgment from the break room. My best friend had sat, furiously working, in front of a computer all day, and I only shook my head slightly. Helen would be shoveling the rest of her wrap from lunch down her throat, staring at the television to catch all of the drama that trickled to my ears from beyond the closed door.

  The walk to my car was short and uneventful, and I pulled off the curb easily as all thoughts of work vanished from my mind. Erich had texted me sporadically throughout the day as he went through my stuff; if it’d been anyone else, I wouldn’t have thought him trying on my bras was funny. If it was anyone else, I wouldn’t have let him stay, either.

  My lips quirked at the memory of Erich using one of my thongs as a mask, and I took a turn slowly on my usual route home. He’d tried hard to get rid of the atmosphere of this morning, and his childish antics were endearing. No one would’ve thought that the Prince of Kastav, who has an inarguably miserable life of unduly warranted responsibility, was a little jokester with a good sense of humor.

  “Erich, I’m ba-“ The ride home had been short, so short I barely remembered it, and I pushed my way into my apartment only to freeze mid-step. No lights rained down from above, but the golden glow of candles illuminated the entryway to cut a path through the living room. Dozens upon dozens of unscented candles of different sizes lined the three feet wide walkway, and I dropped my purse with a hard, heavy thunk.

  Staring through wide eyes, I gulped harshly as I pushed through my shock to take one, small step. The glow of the candles’ flames flickered but didn’t go out, and I held one hand to my quivering abdomen. My chest tightened with each step I took, and my knees wobbled dangerously as I slowly made my way down the path. Holding my breath underneath the lump that formed in my throat, I peeked into the bathroom to find Erich standing between the sink and the bathtub-slash-shower.

  He radiated pride, smiling wider as he caught the surprise that played unhindered on my face, and I tensed when he took long, confident strides towards me. Erich’s big hand reached for my hair, and he deftly extracted the clip that held back my locks. Wordlessly hooking his fingers under my blouse, he tugged up my shirt as goosebumps rose on my skin, and my core clenched and twisted.

  I couldn’t resist him even if I wanted to, and a strangled gasp escaped my lips when Erich pulled the silky, peach fabric over my head and up my arms. Expertly unfastening the front clasp of my bra, he never dropped my gaze even as he freed my breasts. Fire licked my cheeks, and he unbuttoned my jeans before dropping to his knees. For the first time, I noticed his bare shoulders, the slight tremble in his touch, and I thoughtlessly threaded my fingers through his hair as he carefully took off my heels.

  Sliding the coarse fabric of my pants down my legs, Erich inhaled deeply against my hidden mound, and I clamped my thighs shut with a gasp. It seemed to be the only sound I could make, and his crackling, intense eyes flickered to mine as he freed my ankles one after the other.

  “I’m shocked…” Finally managing to rasp out a declaration, I tightened my grip on Erich’s scalp as he tugged down my panties. Only a wisp of sexual tension hung in the air, but it was so light that I could easily ignore it. Catching me in his eyes clouded with desire, he helped me out of my underwear before standing up only a half an inch in front of me.

  Cupping my chin, Erich stroked my jaw with his middle finger, and I licked my lips heavily and held my breath in shivering lungs.

  “I know. Be intimate with me, Amelia.” Haughtiness was absent from Erich’s tone, and I cupped his cheeks in both my hands as I nodded wordlessly. Kissing the butts of my palms, he took hold of my wrists to gesture to the bathtub with the barest, slight of a smirk. “There is going to be time to enjoy the finer points of you. There is time for more- for everything.”

  “You didn’t have to do all this, Erich.” My whispered German earned me a squeeze, and I tensed as Erich climbed into the steaming tub. Helping me into the water, he slowly turned me to face the wall before sitting me down. Hot water sloshed gently, enveloping me in its weightless embrace, and he sat down behind me to hold me to his chest.

  The bathtub wasn’t small, easily fitting both of us, and I closed my eyes to sigh in content before Erich whispered in my ear.

  “I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. This is your vacation- we should start it off right.” Smiling slightly, I hummed in acknowledgment, and Erich wrapped his arms around me firmly before continuing. The water around us was cold compared to the warm, fuzzy feeling that spread through my chest, and he stroked the side of my breast with the backs of his fingers. “I have never worked the way you do, and I am always tired at the end of the day. They say that when you do something you love, you do not work, but I do not believe that. It’s stressful no matter how much you enjoy it.”

  “I’m so swamped for the next year that I haven’t been taking as many weddings as I usually do. Jason’s wedding really seemed to skyrocket my business, so I can do bigger weddings for a lot more money. It’ll slow down, eventually.”

  “Eventually is a long way off…” Erich’s wise words resonated deeply inside me, and I nodded against his hard pectoral muscle. “Eventually, you will be the most sought-after wedding photographer in the world. That, I know for sure. The amount of work you do may slow, but things will never be easier.”

  Chapter Sixteen Amelia

  “Sit on my lap, Amelia.” Smiling as I climbed to straddle Erich’s lap, I moaned softly when his hot, greedy hands dragged up my back. My arms slithered around his neck, and our lips met in a fierce meeting that stole my breath and sent prickles down my spine. His palms searched my body, kneading the flesh of my hips and ass before sliding up to squeeze my breasts, and I arched as raging need flooded my veins.

  “R-r-r-ride me…” Rolling his ‘r’ on a harsh, rumbling growl, Erich swallowed my gasp when he pinched my aching, attentive nipples, and I shivered. Sweat beaded the back of my neck, ruining the work he’d done on me the night before, but there wasn’t a single thought of care racing in my fogged mind. Tilting my hips, just as he’d demanded, I opened my mouth for his tongue to tangle with my own.

  Thick saliva washed over my taste buds to carry down my throat, and I gulped greedily even while Erich pulled back to descend on my chest. Throwing my head back with a moan of ecstasy, I braced myself on his broad shoulders to grind against his hard cock. The silky smooth flesh burned my folds, and a shock of thrill slithered into my veins when the thick seam between his shaft and head clipped my clit.

  Sucking and nibbling my nipples, Erich squeezed and dug his fingernails into my skin, and I sucked in a sharp breath through clenched teeth. My core throbbed with need, but he didn’t seem in any rush at all as he laved the valley between my breasts. The slight twinge of frustration only added to the tension hanging just above my head, and he kissed and licked with grunts of hungry appreciation.

  “Eric-ch…” Moaning gutturally, I squeezed my eyelids shut tight to focus on the thick member curved against my slit. Erich groaned in response, the sound sending erotic delight spearing through my chest, and his palms left my breasts to grope my ass. Spreading my cheeks, he ground against me until my folds burned from the friction.

  But it wasn’t enough to make me cum, and he kissed and suckled on my neck before leaning back to lay on my bed. The sudden cold pouring through the vents of the air-conditioner pierced my pert nipples, and my newly freed hands flew to my chest to twist and pinc
h. Harsh pants escaped my crackling, dry lips, and he rolled my hips more forcefully as I played with myself.

  “Oh-h-h-h- d- damn- damn-“ Callused and rough, Erich’s thumb circled my clit with broad, hard swipes, and his urging grunts and groans only made the fog surrounding my brain denser. Spreading my seeping wetness as he jerked my hip with his other hand, he smeared my juices along my thighs. “Come here- sit here so I can taste how wet you are.”

  The thrill that assault my spine and flooded my chest was almost overwhelming, and I scrambled to do just as Erich wanted. His hands never left my thighs, and he wasted no time delving past my entrance with his tongue. The shock and suddenness alone were enough to send me over the edge, and I tossed my head back to moan loudly. Shivering and twitching as he licked my inner walls, I leaned over to brace weak arms above his head, but his tongue only circled my swollen clit.

  Thick, long fingers slipped past my entrance, and I clamped down on them as pleasure threatened to sweep me away. Burying my face in the comforter, my muffled moans and gasped nearly suffocated me under the intensity of his touches. Wiggling knuckle-deep, his fingers curled to the beat of my shameless grinding. Rough and warm, his tongue sent passionate sparks igniting in my abdomen, and I clenched as my orgasm broke through to spill down his hand and into his mouth.

  Grinding my teeth against the pressure that built in my skull, I whimpered pathetically as spasms assaulted my spine and legs. Erich licked and sucked, easing his fingers in and out to gather all that he could, and I struggled to breath even when he slipped out from under me.

  Big, wet hands gripped my hips and pulled up, and I nearly came against in anticipation when the bed dipped against my shins. Spreading my knees wider, I groaned loudly when the head of Erich’s cock teased my entrance, and he kneaded my ass with a slight, satisfied huff.

  “You want my big cock, Ame?” The naughty lilt in Erich’s voice only pulled a furious nod from me, and he spread my ass cheeks with a low, rough chuckle. “How bad?”

  “I want it- it… I want… it… now!” Sputtering my response, I forced words up my aching throat as I tossed my head to the side to glance at Erich out of the corner of my eye. “Now- now- now- now-“

  “Shh-hh…” Sliding his palm up my back, Erich grinned devilishly, and the sparkles in his eyes only grew more brilliant in my skewed field of vision. Hiccupping a breath, I arched into his touch even as his fingers threaded through my hair to grasp in a tight fist. “Listen…”

  Holding my breath, I stiffened at the sudden, utter lack of sound before I heard it- the blood pounding in my ears. The shuffling of the comforter underneath me as I trembled uncontrollably in expectation.

  My own heart beating furiously, fueled by desire and need for this man that was unparalleled.

  So, focused on listening, I didn’t notice Erich draping himself over me until he whispered hoarsely in my ear.

  “I’m going to drown out those sounds with your screams of pleasure, Amelia.” The fine hairs on my back and neck stood up, and Erich plunged into my depths in one, smooth thrust. Forcing the breath from my lungs, his length inside me pulsed to send waves of icicles up all the way to my shoulders, His gasp echoed in my ears, and he straightened to tug gently on my hair.

  Without the comforter, my moans and blissful shrieks bounced off the walls as Erich thrust to set a steady pace. Rolling in their sockets, my eyes ached from the pressure beating against them, throbbing in time to his hips colliding with my ass. He was careful not to pull my hair too hard- not to thrust too jerkily- as he rode the tsunami that slammed in to me to flood my chest.

  “Oh-h- my God! Eri- Erich- Erich! I’m- I’m c- cu-“ Clenching around his thick rod, I choked on my own harsh pants as Erich’s approving growl seeped into the quivering flesh of my back. Spasming wildly, mouth open in a silent scream, my scope of comprehension boiled down to the beautiful connection between us. The coarse hairs on his legs gyrated against my sensitive thighs as he reached deeply, and I pushed back to draw him even deeper.

  “Tight-“ Grinding the word out through his teeth, Erich released my hair to grope my ass heavily. “You are the best woman I’ve ever been with, Ame- truthfully…”

  My heart nearly exploded from the compliment as eroticism and affection squeezed the muscle, and I gasped a soft moan when Erich pulled back to ease into my channel. Whimpering pathetically, I buried my face in the comforter once again as he set about doing exactly what he’d promised.

  An hour, two hours- three hours- could’ve gone by, and I wouldn’t have noticed as Erich sent wave after wave of pleasure crashing through my veins. The deluge was impossible to withstand; the deep strokes of his cock coaxing me higher and higher until I was beyond the clouds that roiled in his eyes. Nothing could penetrate the fog in my mind, and I relished every single noise he made in his efforts to please me.

  Because pleasing me pleased him. It was the most gentlemanly kind of sex I’d ever had, and I knew I’d never experience it again.

  Only leaving me empty to roll me onto my back, Erich anchored himself atop me to rub my throbbing clit with the butt of his palm. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I gasped into his mouth as his tongue pushed past my teeth, and a low moan burst from behind the clog in my throat. Rolling my hips against his palm, deep shivers attacked my spine, and he gripped his cock to guide himself back into me.

  “Oh- yes-s-s!” Hissing at the familiar, full feeling, I arched into Erich’s hand as it glided up my sweat-slicked chest. “Yes- yes- please- please- please-“

  “Please what?” Grunting harshly, Erich’s lips left mine to duck into my neck, and he began to thrust in earnest as the air above us began to crackle with energy. Harsh pants burned my throat, inside and out, and I gasped and shuddered when he tweaked my nipple.

  “Please- please! Pleas-s-s-se!” I couldn’t even articulate what I wanted, but Erich knew. His thrusts jarred my hips, teeth scraping my skin and nails digging into the sensitive flesh of my breast. Repeating my plea over and over again, I buried my shrill wail of pleasure in his muscular shoulder as he thrust with a sharp jerk.

  Staring at the ceiling in a dazed, sweaty, satisfied heap, I wheezed weakly under Erich’s weight. Emptying himself inside me, he sluggishly propped his elbow beside my head and kissed his way up my jaw to my lips. The slow, warm meeting eased the aching that prickled through my muscles- even my eyelids throbbed slightly. Opening my mouth automatically, I moaned breathlessly at this sweet moment as it imbedded deep in my mind.

  And it was only Saturday.

  Chapter Seventeen Erich

  “Dad! What are you doing here?” Amelia’s screech echoed through the entire apartment, and I sat up on the couch as my hands flew to my pants fastenings. Frantic shock rippled through me, but the smirk that stretched my lips was filled with humor and a certain sense of immaturity. “You- you should’ve called first, you know- I was pretty busy…”

  “I did call you- twice. Went to voicemail both times, so I assume you forgot the charge your phone.” Anxiety coiled in my gut at Amelia’s step-father’s chiding tone, only thickened by his light accent, and I glanced over to find him already staring at me. “Anyway, I’m here because your mother wants to know you’re alive.”

  Addressing Amelia without taking his gaze off me from under furrowed brows, Aleks frowned slightly as I stood up from the couch. My heart thundered in my chest, and his frown only deepened before his daughter stole his attention.

  “Well, I’m alive, Dad. It’s only Tuesday, you know- I wouldn’t have died of starvation yet.” The slightest twang of annoyance colored her voice, and I watched through narrowed eyes as Aleks shook his head.

  “I am aware. Don’t forget to charge your phone. Don’t forget also about Thursday.” Flickering to me, Aleks’ gaze scanned me from top to bottom before he simply nodded curtly. Relief flooded my veins when he turned on his heel to wander down the hallway towards the elevator, and Amelia heaved a sigh as she shut the door. Red suffused her cheeks when
she faced me, and a guilty smile tilted her lips.

  There was no way her step-father didn’t know what we were just about to do; Amelia’s disheveled appearance made it very obvious. Yet, Aleks didn’t say anything about our relationship, and I frowned slightly as she made her way back to the sofa to drop down heavily.

  “Does your step-father not care about your relationships?” My probing must’ve surprised Amelia by the change in her expression, and I sat beside her to lean against the back cushions. “I would have thought he’d be very protective of you… or curious, at the least.”

  “He cares, yeah…” Trailing off, Amelia nodded firmly to herself, as if she thought over her response and liked it, and my lips twitched at the tiny gesture. “He’s the least overbearing guy ever. If he didn’t like you, you’d know it, but he wouldn’t make a big scene. When I first started dating my ex-boyfriend, my step-dad told me once and once only that my ex was going to be a clingy, whiny brat, and that he wasn’t worth what very little time I had for leisure. And he was right.”

  “So, does that mean he doesn’t mind our relationship? Does he know I’m leaving this country next month?” Furrowing her brows sharply, Amelia let the silence stretch on, and I held my breath in anticipation. My mind whirred, reminiscing on all of the crappy things my uncle had to say about my first and only serious girlfriend. We’d broken up after 3 years because she finally couldn’t take my uncle’s abuse anymore.

  I had loved her, but I would never fault her for doing what I couldn’t.

  “I don’t know, honestly.” Drawing my attention, Amelia cast me a sidelong glance as she shrugged. “I don’t know if he likes you, but he hasn’t said anything to me yet. And no- he doesn’t know who you are or that you’re leaving. Even if he did, I don’t think he’d think it’s a problem. I work all the time… even casual relationships are hard to upkeep for me.”


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