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CHAOS (A Lords of Sin MC Novel) (Motorcycle Club Bad Boy Romance)

Page 6

by Michelle, Aubrey

  Might as well have. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

  “Really?” his eyebrows jumped about an inch from their resting position on his slightly wrinkled forehead. “I don’t believe that. Not for a minute. I remember how you two were back in the day.”

  “No, he’s not. In fact, he was…” Don’t say it. Don’t tell him about the club whore. That satisfaction would go right to the top of his head.

  “He was what?”

  “Never mind. I forgot what I was going to say. Don’t you have to go get lunch anyway?”

  “Yeah, better head out.” He turned to walk out but paused at the door. “If that boyfriend of yours tells you anything useful, let me know. Whoever committed these heinous acts deserves to pay for it, even though I’m pretty sure I already have my main guy. All that’s left to do is build a case against him. Don’t worry though, he’ll slip up. Maybe he’ll even slip up in front of you.”

  “I’ll definitely let you know.” Not! I didn’t like his attitude and demeanor about the whole situation. It was like he couldn’t wait to hang Chaos for these murders, and I didn’t like that one bit.

  There was tension between them. Hatred and jealousy, which I didn’t understand. They used to be so close, they even shared the same brotherhood. I never did understand how Matty ended up becoming law enforcement instead of a biker. Note to self: find out what happened. That might give me some insight on why he’s so persistent in blaming Chaos. Asking Matty would be stupid, I’m sure he’d give me some watered-down story. Troy’s probably my best bet—if he’ll tell me. That might be considered privileged club business. I sent him a text to find out if we could hang out when I got off work.


  Walking up to the House of Commons, I noticed there was another building to the left that I hadn’t noticed before. The Commons was a cheap, thrown-together fabricated metal building. The kind you’d see sheds made out of. Dents and spray paint covered the front of it. It had definitely seen better days. But this place to the left, it was nice. White and tall, towering over the cheap metal building everyone referred to as the Commons. Its outer design was basic, nothing over the top. There weren’t many windows, which I thought was odd. I’d never seen anyone enter or exit the building.

  “Hey, babe,” Troy called to me as I walked through the parking lot.

  “What’s that building over there?”

  He looked in the direction I’d pointed in. “That? It’s the House of Lords. That’s where we have church and hold all of our official club meetings. Why?”

  “And you need a separate building just to talk in? What else is in there?”

  “Nothin, babe. I told you. We use the Commons as a general place where everyone can come. All the hangers on, strippers, club whores and prospects.”

  “And where do I fit in on that list? Club whore?”

  He let out a deep, throaty laugh. “No, you’re not a club whore.”

  “Then what am I?”

  “Come on. Let’s grab a beer and head into my room.”

  He grabbed a couple of long neck beer bottles leading me into his room.

  “That bad, huh?”

  “What are you talking about, babe?”

  “You need alcohol to discuss the status of our relationship, if that’s what you want to call it.” I could see he was thinking about it, about us.

  “Why are you here, Raven? You thought my club had something to do with those murders, you get pissed about girls being in my room, and now you wanna know what we are. I don’t get you.”

  “I want to help you, Chaos. I believe you that you didn’t have anything to do with those murders, but the cops think otherwise. And I wasn’t pissed about girls being in your room. You got that all wrong. I was pissed because you were fucking other girls. And yes, I’d like to know where we stand, don’t you?”

  “How are you going to help me? You’re a medical examiner, and I’m a criminal. A criminal that the cops believe is guilty of being a serial killer.”

  “But that’s where you’re wrong. I’m not just a medical examiner. I work directly with the police—Matty, specifically. The one who’d love to have your nuts mounted on a plaque to hang on his wall.”

  “I’m not following you, Raven. I don’t do the whole read between the lines bullshit. You gotta spell it out, I’m not a damned mind reader.”

  “My idea was that you get me more access inside the club. Let me get a little closer to see what I can find out. I know most of what the police know, thanks to our good ole Sergeant. And if you get me close enough to some of the other MCs that have been involved, like the Chargers and the Warriors, I can see what I can find out by hanging out with their old ladies and watch them.”

  He rubbed his temples for a minute, processing what I’d just said. “I don’t like that, babe. It could put you in danger, and I’d have to watch you. More than you’ve ever been watched in your entire life. If these assholes were capable of beating the hell out of full grown men and setting them on fire, imagine what they’d do to a chick like you? They’d rape and beat you before they tortured you and slit your throat.”

  “If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that I can trust you. Chaos, I’d trust you with my life—you know that, don’t you?”

  “And Princess, she’s just a warm hole to fuck, she doesn’t mean nothin’ to me.”

  What? Did he just say that to me? “What do you mean she’s just a warm hole to fuck? Isn’t mine good enough for you?” I could feel the heat rising in my face as the words slipped out of my mouth. Maybe I shouldn’t have asked him that question, I might not like the answer.

  “Look, babe, I’m not lookin’ for an old lady. Princess has been around the club for years. She’s, uh, what you’d call…communal property. Everyone’s ran their dick up in her. She’s no one special.”

  “Okay?” Where the fuck is he going with this?

  “I’m telling you this, because if I agree to let you do this, I have some terms for you to follow.”

  “Uh-huh…” Watch it dude. It might be the last time you ever feel my warm hole again. “And, uh, what are those terms?”

  “If I allow you to get closer, inside the club with the old ladies and around the other MCs, you have to stay close. No wandering, following others or going off on your own. That includes no hookin’ up with other guys. You tell me any and all information before you do anything with the said information. Everything goes by me because when I find out who the fuck’s behind this shit, they’re gonna wish they never even knew my club. Got it?”

  “And, uh, what about us? What are we?”

  “I just told you, you’ll be with me, babe.”


  Dancing with the devil isn’t an easy task. It had been a couple of days since I’d seen Chaos, but I felt…different. I felt like abad girl. Trying to play it cool while at work around Amber and Matty was harder than I thought it would be. At first I figured it wouldn’t be a big deal, but Amber’s the nosy type and Matty, well…he’s Matty. Before I’d agreed to Troy’s terms, Matty was already acting strangely around me after he’d learned that I’d been hanging around the clubhouse. He was jealous, I knew that, but it seemed to be eating him up. He’d been buttering me up even more, pushing for a date and dropping by the lab more than usual. He even showed up at my house last night.

  The weather we’ve been having has been spectacular. I decided to take my tablet out on the porch to enjoy the evening sipping a latte while curled up on my porch swing reading a good book. It must not have been more than an hour before I heard someone walking up the stairs to my porch. I looked up and was surprised when I saw Matty standing there.

  “What are you doing here?” Noticing that he was still in his uniform, I figured he’d shown up on official business—another homicide.

  “Was driving back to the station and saw my favorite Goth girl hanging out on her porch looking lonely. Whatch’ya doin?”

  “Reading.” Okay, maybe I sounded more annoy
ed than I’d meant to, but shit, I see him every day at work.

  “Somethin’ wrong?”

  “Nope, not a thing. You’re working late…is everything all right?”

  “Oh, yeah. Fine, just fine. Like I said, I was heading back and thought I’d check in on you.”

  “Why? I’m a big girl Matty, I can take care of myself.”

  “I know that. Hey, before I leave, you wanna grab a bite to eat in about an hour?”

  “No thanks, I’ve already had dinner.”

  “Too bad I didn’t come by earlier.” I stared at him, waiting to see what else would come out of his mouth. All I wanted to do was read a damn book. “Well, guess I’ll see you later. Have a good night.”

  When I went to work the next morning, he acted like nothing happened, which was fine by me. Both him and Amber were picking up on the fact that I’d been distancing myself from them. But I felt like I needed to. I’m not like Troy. I can’t walk both sides of the line—law abiding citizen by day, bad ass by night. By the end of the day, I was finishing up an autopsy when the text alert on my phone sounded off. It was him:

  “Got somethin’ we need to talk about. Get dressed and be here by 6.”

  I didn’t know what the hell he had planned for me, but I knew I’d better not be late. Shit, if I had to change clothes before heading over there, I was going to be pressed for time. Make another mental note to carry biker clothes in the trunk.

  “Amber, I’m going to need you to finish this up. I’ve got to get out of here.”

  “Everything okay?”

  “Fine. I forgot that I had plans tonight. See you tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, be careful.”

  Barreling down the highway, I tried to call Chaos to see what was going on but he didn’t answer. When I got home, I jumped out of the car and ran inside before I started thumbing through my outfits. Fuck! I don’t have any biker clothes. Okay, new mental note: buy some! The best thing I could find to wear that would make me somewhat close to fitting in was a short black skirt—probably too short to wear to a biker thing, but I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. Pulling out my dresser drawer, I went through my corsets, and found a black one with pink silk on the front—hey it was better than my baggy spider webbed-looking tops. Like Cinderella, I slipped into a pair of spiked heels, touched up my makeup and ran a brush through my hair.

  On the way to the clubhouse, I glanced down at my phone. Shit, he’d tried to call me back. I guess I didn’t hear it when I was busy getting dressed. Returning the call was useless. He didn’t answer again. I swear he’s busier than a whore in a Burger King bathroom. Griffin and Skeeter, or Baldy and Red as I liked to call them, opened the tall, wrought-iron fence when I pulled up to the lot. Everyone—and I mean everyone—was there. All the bikes were neatly lined up, and the crowd overflowed from inside the Commons out into the parking lot. Fighting my way through the crowd, my eyes were busy scanning for Chaos. I found him shooting pool in the back of the Commons with some of the other bikers.

  “Hey, babe,” he held up a beer, waving me over. “This is Dominic, president of the Warriors MC.” I shook his hand as we exchanged polite smiles. “And this is Dalton, he’s the president of the Chargers MC.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Why is he introducing me to these guys? And why are they all here? “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “Brothers, I gotta go handle some business,” he slapped my ass, grabbing a hold of and squeezing my butt cheek. “Don’t get started without me.”

  His grip didn’t release my ass until we were away from everyone, in a small room off the corridor.

  “What the hell?”

  “It’s all in good fun, babe. Glad to see you made it here in time.”

  “What’s going on? Why is everyone and their brother here?” Okay, I didn’t mean that pun, but it was funny.

  “I wanted to bring you in on something tonight, you can help me. We’re about to have church with the Chargers and the Warriors, that’s why they’re here, along with their crews and old ladies.”

  “How do I fit into all this?”

  “We’re about to head over to the House of Lords, and you’re going to stay here. Mingle with the old ladies, and see what they have to say about the shit that’s been going down. Hopefully, they’ll have loose lips and start talking after their men are inside church.”

  “Got it!”

  “And you tell me anything you find out while we’re inside.”

  When we came out of the room and headed back into the Commons, I saw her—Princess. She was standing by the bar, sipping drinks while she flirted with all the guys. Fucking bitch. Her lacy top was see-through, showing off her fake tits with her blond hair up in a high ponytail. I almost started to walk off, but he grabbed my arm.

  “Be good,” he growled at me. His hold didn’t let go until I nodded. “Remember what I said. I need your help tonight, don’t blow this.”

  Whatever. Why the fuck is he protecting her? ‘Cause he knows I’ll snatch her little scrawny ass up and beat her to a pulp. Promenading over to the bar to get myself a drink, I looked her right in the eye. That’s right, bitch. I’m standing my ground, and you’re not going to fuck with me. Turning away from me, she started chatting up the guy to her left. I’d only had a couple of drinks before a some of the old ladies from the Chargers approached me.

  “What’s her deal?” The taller, top-heavy woman pointedly asked me about Princess. Her face weathered, matching her leather mini skirt. Her auburn hair looked like a mop she’d dyed and threw on her head.

  Shrugging my shoulders, “She’s a club whore. What can I say?”

  The two old ladies and I began to gossip about some of the things that had been going down—mainly the murders. I kept my mouth shut that I was the medical examiner handling them. They didn’t have much info to give, though; just talking about how horrid they all were. The guys were gone for about an hour and a half before they returned. Everyone was slamming down shots while jamming out to the juke box. Chaos entered another pool tournament, winner take all. I’d been busy catching up with Vic when nature called and I had to use the ladies room.

  “Excuse me, Vic. I have to use the restroom.”

  Making my way to the back where the restrooms were located, a guy stopped me.

  “Hey, babe, what’s your name?”


  “Mmmm, Raven. That’s a pretty name. Wanna go for a ride?” he pointed to his dick.

  “Fuck off.”

  “Come on, baby. Don’t be that way. With tits like that, I know you love to fuck. Come on, take a hop on my pogo stick.”

  “Get the fuck away from me!” My face heated up, turning crimson as I listened to his filthy mouth.

  He pinned me against the cold metal wall, only an inch of air separated our faces as he pressed himself on to me.

  “You’re not goin’ nowhere, baby. I’m gonna fill your hot little pussy up with all my cum, and you’ll love every fucking minute of it.”

  “Back the fuck off! I’m with Chaos, and if he catches you doing this shit, he’ll fuck you up!”

  He laughed, spitting in my face. “He ain’t with no bitches. But if you come with me, I can rock your world.”

  His hand started reaching into my skirt. Kicking and screaming, I fought him off of me. We were falling to the ground as my spiked heels continued denting the metal while his finger slipped into my panties. I started to scream for Chaos, but before I could get out his name, the creep covered my mouth as he held me to the ground. Choking and gasping for air, things started to become cloudy and dark.

  The next thing I knew, he was completely off of me, floating in the air above me. What the fuck? Trying to catch my breath, I focused my eyes as I tried to figure out what was going on. Chaos! It was Chaos. He was holding the guy about four feet above me, his pathetic dick dangling out of his pants. With no explanation—not that one was needed—Chaos threw him against the wall, his body leaving a complet
e impression in the metal as he punched and obliterated the dude’s face. Sliding backwards, away from them on the edge of my heels, I sat up against the wall until I could breathe again. A couple of the guys from the MC pulled Chaos off the creep before he killed him.

  “If you ever touch her again, I’ll fucking kill you!”

  Duke, the president of Lords of Sin, pulled Chaos to the side. “Come with me, son.” He looked down at me, still heaving against the wall, disoriented. “And you, too!”

  Me? Why do I have to go with them? “Okay,” my voice was shaky. Partly from being choked out moments ago and scared to death after the attack and the other part from being scared of what he was going to say to me. Standing up, I straightened out my clothes, pulling my skirt back down after the douche bag hiked it up, trying to rape me.


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