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CHAOS (A Lords of Sin MC Novel) (Motorcycle Club Bad Boy Romance)

Page 12

by Michelle, Aubrey

  “I appreciate the offer, but I’d rather stay at my place. Why don’t you stay with me instead?”

  “No, Raven. I need to be here with the club. What if something happens and we need to head out ASAP?”

  “You have a phone.”

  “You’re staying here. End of story.”

  “I’ve been pretty compliant with all of your demands and requests. The least you can do is let me be comfortable in my own home. I’m not staying here.”

  “How do you expect me to keep you safe? If I’m not here with the club, I can’t do my job, which means I’m not protecting anybody. I’m the enforcer here and—”

  “I know, what you say goes. But I’m not staying here.”

  “Don’t tempt fate, babe. If you don’t wanna wind up like the guys you work on, you’ll be staying here with me. Now let’s get in that foreign piece of shit you drive, go to your house and get you some clothes.”

  I looked at him not quite sure what to say. He was dead serious and there was no budging him on this one. Before I could contemplate my next move, he scooped me up like an infant, carrying me in both arms. “I said NOW!”

  Kicking and yelling at him to put me down, he made his way through the Commons with me and carried me out to my car with everyone staring. Embarrassed, I pouted in the car as he tossed me into the passenger seat and drove off the lot. Lecturing me on the way to my house, he told me how foolish I was being and what a pain in the ass I was.

  “You wouldn’t like it if someone told you that you couldn’t live in your own house and made you stay someplace you didn’t like.”

  “I’m not the one needing protection, babe. You’re my old lady and you’re gonna listen to what I say. Plain and simple, that’s just how it is. If you don’t like it, you’ll have to learn to get over it.”

  Pulling up to my house, we got out and stood on the porch as he fumbled with my keys.

  “Here, let me” I took them from his hand and unlocked the door.

  “Pack what you need.” He said as he walked into my bedroom and started rummaging through my closet. After finding a duffel bag, he threw it on the bed and began unzipping it. “Bring about a week’s worth of clothes and whatever girly shit you use to goop up your face. I don’t wanna have to make extra trips back here because you forgot your black purse instead of the tan one or whatever favorite shoes you like to wear. We won’t be coming back until you’re completely out of clothes.”

  “You aren’t really going to force me to stay with you.” I was trying to call his bluff, but it wasn’t working. He reached into my underwear drawer and started tossing socks, bras and panties in my bag. “All right! I’ll pack.” Shit, the way he was tossing stuff in there, I’d never have to come back. As I was getting clothes out of my closet, I noticed him laying on the bed watching me with a grin on his face.

  “What the fuck are you smiling about?”

  “Watching that cute little ass of yours wiggle around while you get clothes out. And you do it with such anger, it’s kinda comical.”

  “What the fuck ever.”

  He got off the bed and joined me in the closet. His enormous arms enveloped me as he pulled me in to him, kissing the top of my head. “You know I’m only doing this for your own good. I wanna make sure you’re safe.”

  I broke down. I’d had more than I could handle. He pulled me closer to him, wiping my tears away as he stroked my hair. “Babe, I’d kill myself if anything ever happened to you. You mean the world to me and I’ll be damned if anyone ever hurts you.”

  “I’m so scared,” I admitted to him. “All these murders, the phone call, Skeeter—I’m fucking terrified. I don’t know what to—”

  His lips came crashing down on mine, kissing me long and hard. I melted in his hands as we made our way over to the bed. He threw everything in the floor, climbing on top of me as he pressed me into the mattress. I’d gone from packing to a steamy make-out session with him all in the matter of about two minutes. Tossing our clothes on the floor, he went down on me. His long, firm tongue wildly flicked my clit while his fingers sank into my wet spot. Oh fuck! Working his magic, I was cumming all over his fingers within minutes. His dark eyes looked up at me as he sucked my juices off every finger until they were all clean. Making his way up to me, he trailed kisses along my stomach, breasts and neck until his mouth met mine. Slowly, he deliberately drove his cock deep inside me and held it there until he started to purposely work his thick dick in and out of me. Glimpsing between my thighs, I could see every vein on the surface of his cock. Teasing me, I could feel the fire kindling deep within my pussy, craving and demanding more. My hips bucked, matching his rhythm as he drove his cock into me, balls deep. His pace hastened, his balls smacking off my ass, the sound echoing throughout the room. Wiggling beneath him, I found the perfect spot that made his cock surge as his thick cream shot out like hot lava from an erupting volcano.

  Chapter 12: Chaos

  Cleaning up in the shower before we left Raven’s house to head back to the clubhouse, we started having a debate about who had been setting up the club. She made a good point about Matt. Maybe buttering up to the asshole would get her some inside information, but we couldn’t wait around to find out. The murders finally hit home when Skeeter wound up in a body bag. His family was devastated when they learned what happened. Telling his mom and sister was the worst. I’ll never forget his mom fainting when she heard the news, his sister catching her as she screamed. Duke didn’t have much to say about the situation, which stunned me. That old bastard had an opinion about everything, it wasn’t like him to keep his mouth shut, especially when it came to club business. Dragging Raven into the middle of this might help solve everything, or at least I hope. It didn’t matter if it did or not to tell you the truth. There were so many nights when I laid awake in bed, staring at the ceiling wondering what would have happened if I hadn’t been such an asshole when we were in high school.

  “You think Matty will come around and start giving me more insight on the murders?”

  “Don’t know, babe. He’s as fucked up as they come. I wouldn’t bet on it, though. If I had to put money on it, I’d say he’ll stay tight-lipped about everything until he finally blows it open and claim the victory by himself. He’d never admit that a biker’s old lady helped him, so I don’t think he’s going to be as forthcoming as you’d like.”

  “Any more about the Dirty Dozen? You think they really killed Skeeter?”

  “That’s what we’re gonna get to the bottom of. If they did, there’s gonna be hell to pay. The way they beat him—” all I could picture was how mangled, bloody and distorted his face was. That face would haunt me for the rest of my life. In a way, I wished that I hadn’t seen him. Knowing that I was the cause of it twisted me up inside. Fucked my head up. I’d killed before, but never in that manner. Mine were clean—a stabbing right to the heart, smothering someone or my personal favorite, a single gunshot wound. I’d never make someone suffer the way Skeeter was killed unless it was over one of my brothers or my old lady. Those were the only two things I didn’t fuck around about.

  “What will your club do?” she whispered, as if the place was bugged.

  “That’s club business, and you don’t need to worry about it.”

  “What’s the next step in our little…investigation? I’ll help in any way I can.”

  “I know you will, babe.” I kissed her sweet forehead. “Duke’s holding church after we bury Skeeter tomorrow. We’ll know more then.”

  Saying the words, “bury Skeeter”, made me want to cringe. Ever since I’d seen him dead, I’ve hated myself. He was so young, only 22 and had the world in front of him. The kid had some good ideas, too. He came up with lots of concepts for fronts for the club to make legit money that would also allow us to launder plenty more. The Lords were paying for his funeral. His 18-year-old sister had a baby and was trying to finish high school while their mom worked two jobs to help raise her daughter and grandchild. Ironically, t
hat was what attracted him to the club. The fat paydays after a big run. He’d take the money straight home to his mom to help pay rent or buy groceries. Goddamn Chaos! You fucked it up for everyone! Clenching my teeth, I could feel a headache coming on as I ground my back molars.

  As we were getting dressed, she started staring at me.


  “I want to know something, Chaos. What would happen to someone if…you know. Something happened to me?”

  “Babe, you’re my old lady. And when the right time comes, we’ll get married one of these days, but if someone even thought about laying a fucking finger on you, I’d break it off their hand and shove it right up their fucking ass before I blew their brains out.”

  Satisfied, and a little afraid, of my answer, she went back to packing her bags, making me carry shit out to her car. On one of my trips back inside, she said something that stopped me dead in my tracks.

  “You know, thinking about the murders, if it were the Dirty Dozen, which members do you think it would be? Who would you go after?”

  “I don’t know what makes you think we wouldn’t go after their whole fucking club. Doesn’t matter if it’s one or ten of ‘em. They’ll pay for what they did.”

  “I was just wondering. You’d think it would be more than one of ‘em with as many bodies have turned up. There’d have to be at least two of them on the inside working together. Matty said he’s suspected more than one person committing the homicides. He thought you had someone helping you. Funny thing, I told him how Amber wouldn’t have recognized the symbols or known what they meant and he admitted that he hadn’t thought of it himself.”

  Her phone started ringing, interrupting our conversation. She had a point. Who else would know our symbol and want to put it on the bodies? The Dirty Dozen was far enough away, out at the lake, and a new enough MC that they wouldn’t really have access to that kind of information. Not unless they’d been staking us out for a long ass time. After thinking about it for a minute, that wouldn’t even be possible. They’d only been around for about two years, meaning that they would’ve had to start studying all the local area MCs and figure out any and all the beef we’ve ever hashed out between the Chargers and Warriors. Not even the cops knew all that information and they’d been up our asses for years. Wait a fucking minute! The cops are the only ones who know most of our business.

  “Chaos!” she barked at me. “Did you hear what I said?”

  “Holy shit, babe!” I don’t know what she was rambling about, but I had to tell her I figured it out.

  “You’ve gotta get out of here! That was Matty on the phone, he said—”

  “Raven! I figured it out! Stop trying to push me out the door and listen!”

  “Now! You gotta go right now. Matty’s on his way over here. He’s bringing some files over and said another body turned up.” She looked like she was about to hurl and go into shock. “It’s Vic!”

  “What?!” I punched the wall, leaving a hole in it. “Raven, he’s the one who did it! He’s done ALL of it!”

  “What? What are you talking about? Matty wouldn’t kill all those guys, and if he did it would have been in self-defense. There wouldn’t be all these pending homicide investigations.”

  “I’m gonna kill that son-of-a-bitch!” Suddenly, it dawned on me what she said. “Wait, what did you say about Vic? What are you talking about?”

  “Matty said he had another body and that he’s headed over here with some files. I told him I was busy, I’d do the autopsy tomorrow. He told me the body was Vic’s. He’s coming over right now!”

  Skeeter’s death wasn’t shit compared to what she’d told me about my best friend. Vic and I go back over 20 years. It felt like a stake was driven right through my heart, pulled out and shoved into my gut. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, but anger took over and all I could see was the blood written on the wall. I’d always said that when I figure out who’s behind all of this, they’re gonna pay. If what she said was true, Mr. Matty was about to meet his maker.

  “Matt’s loyalty has always been in question, all the way back to when we were in high school and now. The only reason he was letting you in on any of these cases was because he knew he had you duped. He’s had eyes for you since we were kids, and this was his chance to ‘work with you’. Show you how much he could ‘shine’. He’s been waiting to pin this on someone—me—so he could look like the good guy! He’s the only person that would know the symbol, both as a cop and because he knew all the people and places of the past when he was trying to earn his patch.”

  The color in her face drained, giving her pale complexion a porcelain appearance. Her mouth popped open as she slumped down on the bed. I could see the light bulb and sirens going off in her head as she realized I was right.

  She gulped, trying to form her words. “What are we going to do?” she whispered to me.

  “We’re going to stay right here and wait for him. He might be a murderer, but I’m not afraid of him. Not one fucking bit. In fact, I welcome him to come.” A sick, sadistic grin plastered across my face as I thought about what I would do to him, especially now that Vic was dead. God damn! If there’s ever been a beast inside of me, I was going to unleash it on him in the worst way possible. Make him pay for every body, every symbol and pay for the death of my brothers. There was no need to call the rest of the club to let them know. I wouldn’t give them that satisfaction, this kill—it was all mine. I was going to be the one to do it.

  “Do you know how much trouble you’ll be in if you kill a cop? They’ll fry your ass! I can’t let you do it, Chaos. I don’t wanna live without you.”

  Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she lunged into my arms. It didn’t matter. All the tears in the world weren’t going to stop me from doing justice. Matt deserved everything that was coming to him, and then some. Hatred, anger, rage and revenge coursed through my veins like a poisonous venom, and I had my sights locked on one person.

  “I gotta do it, babe. Remember how Skeeter was beaten to death, his face mangled and fucked up, and now Vic? I can’t walk away or let this go. I’m not giving the justice system any more chances to fuck my club. I’m taking matters into my own hands, make sure shit’s done right—by me, you and my club.”

  “I love you, Chaos. Please—” there was a knock at the door. It damn near about made her jump out of her skin.

  “I’ll get that,” I growled. The beast was off his leash, ready to attack.

  Grabbing the door knob, I gave it a twist and popped the door open. Matt had a sinister look about his face, one that said he knew the game was on. He wasn’t carrying files like he’d told Raven he was bringing over, he was carrying a red toolbox with a black handle. I looked around outside, making sure nobody was watching and yanked him in the house, shutting the door as soon as I had a hold of him. He wasn’t getting out. There was no getting away, I had him trapped.

  “I knew you’d be here.” He looked around, peering into the bedroom where he spotted Raven sitting on the bed. “I’m not as dumb as I look, huh Raven?”

  “It’s over, Matt. I know you were the one behind the murders, and yet, you were trying to pin them on me. The fucked up part is that I’m the one who’s supposed to be on the wrong side of the law. That badge of yours, it doesn’t mean shit! Just like the patch didn’t mean shit to you, either.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Chaos. I knew that you were working on Raven, trying to win her over so I wouldn’t have a chance. I’ve been watching you the last few weeks, sweetheart,” he said as he looked at her.

  “Shut up, Matty! I can’t even believe all of this. Why? Why would you want to point the finger at Chaos? You started killing those innocent guys long before I even started talking to him. What was there to gain?”

  His gut jiggled up and down as he laughed. “Honey, it ain’t all about you. These guys did me wrong from the start.” He cocked his eyebrow as a smirk spread across his face as he stepped closer to me. “And you
r friend Vic? Consider that payback for ending my future with the club before it even started.”

  Everything inside of me snapped. My eyes protruded as I planted my legs wide apart and stepped in, closing the distance between us. An animalistic instinct took over as my voice let out a throaty growl and I started pounding him, bludgeoning his face—just like he did to Skeeter. The only difference is that I was using bare knuckles, he’d used an instrument when he committed his assault. Fighting back, he got in a good punch—square in the jaw—but it didn’t faze me. Wrestling in the bedroom, I took him down to the floor, straddling him and pinned him down with my weight. His eyes bulged out of his head as my thick, burly hands wrapped around his neck and I started choking him. Grumbling and snarling at him about what a piece of shit he was, he reached down at his side and grabbed his police-issued gun that he was carrying.


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