Book Read Free

Perfectly Mixed

Page 1

by Ancelli




  Kindle Version

  Copyright © Ancelli 2015

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover Design by Taria Reed

  Editor Danielle Harden

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. This is an explicit and erotic novel intended for the enjoyment of adult readers only.

  Special Thank you:

  Kassanna Dwight

  Denise Williams Cherry

  Noreen Joseph Etienne

  Dawn Ligons

  Michelle D. Jackson

  Ernestine C-riley

  Kelly White Prioleau

  Dalma Antoine

  Laura L. Ferdinand

  Karen Moss

  Twana Carr

  Each one of you have inspired me. Never give up on your dreams.


  To all the ladies from the Ancelli Romance Club, thank you for your support!

  To all the wonderful readers who supported me from the beginning, thank you!

  “Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.” Eleanor Roosevelt


  Robert and Kanielle Richardson sat in the waiting room at Believe in Miracles Fertility Clinic. It was early in the morning, and they were the only ones there. It was dead quiet until the receptionist started checking her voicemail. Kanielle was alone with her thoughts. She glanced around the office she’d become familiar with over the last year and a half, observing all the pictures of infants, dreams the doctors had achieved. Hopefully one day her baby would be in one of those colorful frames. She had to admit she wasn’t feeling positive, this would be her fifth time trying to get pregnant through the clinic. The first three tries were by artificial insemination, she’d gotten pregnant twice but miscarried in her first trimester. They’d stored four matured eggs. This was her second, and last time, trying in vitro fertilization.

  Kanielle looked over at her husband. They’d been married for three years, and whenever she brought up the subject of having children, Robert would always claim they weren’t ready. He was the one not ready for the responsibilities of being a parent. Then his grandmother got ill, and everything changed. He was the only son and grandson in his family; his grandmother begged him to start a family, so she could at least see her first great-grandchild. Now Kanielle regretted waiting, if they would’ve tried sooner, she would’ve known they’d have problems conceiving the natural way. Dr. Greg Howard did all sorts of tests on her and Robert, and couldn’t find any reason why they weren’t being successful.

  “Kanielle,” Robert touched her shaky knees.

  “Yes,” Kanielle responded, and stared at him lovingly. He was a fine African-American man, sometimes too cocky. Robert knew he was handsome, especially when he wore those expensive tailor made suits his father ordered for him. His face was strong and defined, reminding her of Yasiin Bey. She loved his rich chocolate complexion. At one time he’d had dreams and aspirations, and on top of his looks, those were some of the reasons she was attracted to him. He had wanted to start his own business one day, but lately those aspirations were no longer a goal. Robert worked at Encompass Co. as a sales manager, directing the company’s products to different customers all over the United States. He traveled a lot, and also trained new employees.

  Kanielle, on the other hand, was an interior designer at a top firm in the city that designed offices for building contractors.

  They both came from different worlds. Robert was raised with both parents, and his mother was a little over the top when it came to him. Mrs. Richardson would call Robert every day, and that wouldn’t be a problem if she would only call once, but she called at least three times a day. She always showed up unexpectedly. Robert was a momma’s boy, acting differently when she was around. Every time they had a disagreement he would call his mother. Even when he had to make decisions, he would call her first. He treated his mother like a queen. Kanielle was brought up with the belief that if a man treated his mother like a queen, that’s how he would treat his woman. And he did, well maybe at the beginning he did. When they were dating he was so attentive to her needs, opening car doors for her, pulling out her chair, telling her how much she meant to him. Everything changed after they were married over a year though, and Robert stopped being a gentleman. Now Kanielle was no longer the priority in his life, and her needs came after his family. Then he did what he promised would never happen. He put his hands on her more than once, though he swore he would never do it again. Robert wasn’t perfect, and he was often short-tempered, but he loved her in his own way and she loved him.

  It wasn’t easy for her growing up with divorced parents that hated each other. She was fifteen when her parents separated, and it was hard on her, when her father walked out on his family to be with another woman. She went from being a happy teenager to not trusting anyone, especially her friends. Chris, her little brother, was too young to know the difference. Kanielle on the other hand started working, helping her mother with the bills, helping to make sure they didn’t want for anything. All because of her father’s infidelity. Kanielle forgave a lot though; ignoring little, stupid things, but one thing she could never forgive was betrayal. She read in a post on Facebook a while ago, ‘Cheating was a choice the person made, not a mistake’.

  “Stop being so darn nervous.” He said while caressing her leg. “Everything is going to be okay.”

  “Robert, it’s not you going through the pain of losing a baby.” She stated sadly. “My body is tired.” Kanielle was exhausted from all the testing, medications, tracking her ovulations, taking her temperature, trigger shots, progesterone pills, egg retrievals, and embryo transfers.

  He arched an eyebrow. “I want my Nana to see our baby before she leaves this earth.” He whispered. “That’s her last wish, and I’m going to make it happen.”

  Kanielle knew she was giving up, as she looked away from him. “Maybe it’s just not in the cards for us.” She responded, wondering if being a mother simply wasn’t in her future. She was emotionally drained, and couldn’t take any more heartbreak.

  “It is,” he squeezed her leg. “Be positive.”

  Kanielle watched as another couple came into the waiting area. They took the seats facing them.

  “Good afternoon.” The lady said crossing her ankles.

  “Hi,” Kanielle offered her a weak smile.

  The woman was a thin, beautiful, red head. The man she was with, whom Kanielle assumed was her husband, was taller than Robert, with dirty blond shaggy hair. She didn’t mean to stare, but he was shockingly handsome. Kanielle had only ever been attracted to black men, but she had never seen such beautiful blue eyes in her life. They reminded her of the clear blue ocean.

  The man stared back at her, but didn’t speak. Kanielle felt uneasy, glancing around to spy on anything other than him. He grabbed a magazine, opened it, and quickly began flipping through the pages.


  Brandon and Maggie Stokes walked into the clinic hand in hand, feeling defeated. They walked up to the counter and checked in, he glanced around the familiar building. This was their last try at in vitro. Every time they did the procedure, he had to pay out of pocket because their medical insurance wouldn’t cover the cost. Because of their infertility issues, their marriage had taken a hit emotional
ly, physically, and financially. Communication and intimacy was almost non-existent between them. Maggie was always stressed, worried, blaming herself for not being able to have a child. Though he tried to reassure her, it never worked, and it just made things worse. Maggie had been trying for years to get pregnant, even before they got married. And then they found out Maggie had damage to one of her fallopian tubes.

  At first they were devastated by the news, but then his wife did some research and found Dr. Howard. The doctor had performed multiple procedures on Maggie, but they never took. Their marriage was hanging on by a thread, he could feel it. Maggie was angry all the time, blaming him for shit he had no control over. She’d been acting strange lately, going out more, and coming home late at night. Brandon knew this was the last straw, if she didn’t get pregnant, she might lose it completely.

  “I can feel it,” Maggie had a huge smile on her face. “It’s going to work this time.”

  Brandon faced her. Every time they came to the clinic, she would say the same thing. “Maggie, I’m praying it does.” He had to admit he was tired of getting his hopes up, and then having them crushed. He longed to be a father, looking back he thought he would be a dad by now. At the age of thirty-four Brandon had it all. He was the chief editor at the Daily Newspaper, they owned their own home, and had nice cars. Maggie was a stay at home wife, and they’d decided that early on in their marriage she would stay home and take care of the kids. All their dreams had come true except there was one thing missing, a child. He’d become a workaholic-avoiding going home and getting into unnecessary arguments.

  “I have faith, this will work.” She clutched his hand in hers.

  “If it doesn’t we can always adopt,” he searched her eyes. Maggie’s smile withered.

  “It’s going to happen, you’ll see.” She squeezed his hand, and then released it. “I have nothing against orphans, but we don’t know where they come from. What if they have something in their genes we don’t know about, like a disease that might run in their family?”

  “Honey, some agencies will allow us to meet the parents, at times they are teens having babies and they can’t care for them.” Brandon didn’t have a problem with adoption, and he couldn’t understand why his wife did. His mother’s parents raised him, when both his parents died in a tragic car accident when he was eight, so he was practically adopted too. “Do you know the medical history of everyone in your family?”

  Maggie was about to say something when the receptionist called. “Mr. and Mrs. Richardson.”

  The African-American couple seated across from them stood, and turned following the nurse. Without thinking, his eyes went straight to her ass, damn. Her butt wasn’t too big, but it was tight in those jeans that fit her like a glove. She had her hair in braids down her back, and when she moved her ass swayed.

  Maggie hit him with her elbow. “You like what you see?” her lips thinned.

  Brandon pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers, hell yeah. He was an idiot he knew it, however he was a man. It didn’t hurt to look, it wasn’t like he was going touch her.

  The couple continued down the hall to a private room.

  A nurse with a chart in her hand came over to the desk. “Mr. and Mrs. Stokes,” she eyed them, “follow me.”

  They stood; Brandon took Maggie’s hand in his, and they followed the nurse. As they began preparing Maggie for the procedure, Brandon closed his eyes, saying a little prayer. “Please, Lord, let this work.”


  Kanielle couldn’t help the smile on her face. She’d waited the two weeks Dr. Howard instructed. She took five pregnancy tests, and they all confirmed what she already knew. She was pregnant, after everything she’d gone through. The tears, the anger. She finally got her turn again, and she would do anything to keep her baby safe. Kanielle knew she shouldn’t be this joyous with everything that had happened in the past with her pregnancies ending in miscarriages, but she could sense it in her bones, her baby was safe and sound this time. She wanted to surprise Robert with the news.

  She stared at her watch on her wrist, patiently waiting for Robert to come home. It was after eight and he was supposed to be home hours ago. This was becoming a habit, coming home after hours. Kanielle sat at the dining room table set for two, with unlit candles. As usual she would probably be eating dinner by herself.

  Her phone rang; she stood, and walked over to the kitchen counter. Kanielle grabbed her cell.

  “So… are you pregnant?” Her mother asked.

  Kanielle loved leaving her mother in suspense.

  “Don’t keep me waiting.”

  “Mom, I think I need to share the news with Robert first,” she sat back down at the dining room table, looking at the clock over the china cabinet.

  “Thank God!” Her mother started yelling. “Congratulations, sweetheart, God answered our prayers. I’m so happy for you, dear. I’m going be a grandmother.” She squealed.

  “Mom, what if…”

  “No what if, darling. Your baby will be born healthy and strong.” Her mom’s tone became softer. “I don’t care for that husband of yours, but I love you. You deserve this.”

  Kanielle heard the jingling of keys, and Robert entering through the front door. “Why is it so dark in this house?” he turned on the lights in the living room. “Kanielle!”

  “I love you, Mom, I have to go,” she hung up on her mother, and sat upright with a smile on her face. Kanielle grabbed the matches and lit the candles on the table. Her lips hurt from smiling all day. “I’m in the dining room.” She was excited to tell him the news. That’s all he talked about, the baby. She overheard him recently telling his mother that he knew she was pregnant.

  He cocked his eyebrows, entering the dining room. “What are you doing in the dark?” He hit the light switch, brightening up the room. Robert looked at the candles and plates of food on the table. “Didn’t you cook lasagna last week?”

  “It’s your favorite,” Kanielle stared at him. Robert could be insensitive at times. He walked over and gave her a kiss on the lips. “I wanted to do something special for you.” She smiled. “How was your day?”

  “Long,” he sat in front of her, picked up the fork, and began eating. Robert didn’t even ask her how her day was.

  “Well my day was interesting, thank you for asking,” she pushed her plate away. Kanielle watched him as he devoured his food. When did Robert stop caring about her feelings and dreams? It seemed that lately everything was about him, and what he wanted.

  “What’s up?” he stared at her.

  “I’m pregnant!” She blurted out.

  His face lit up with a grin, and he dropped the fork on his plate. “I told you, this would work. I can’t wait to tell my mom.” Robert dug into his pocket, pulling out his cell and dialed. “She’s pregnant,” he said standing up from his chair.

  There goes dinner, Kanielle thought. She lost her appetite, and rubbed her stomach. “I’m pregnant…” she grinned to herself.


  Brandon walked into the house with a brown paper bag in his hand. He’d stopped by Maggie’s favorite Chinese restaurant, and got her favorite. “Honey!”

  He closed the door with his foot, looking around the family room. Usually Maggie was watching some reality TV show, but the TV was off and that was strange. He placed the bag on the coffee table, and walked down the hall to their bedroom. Brandon could hear the spray of water from the bathroom, and the walk-in closet light was on. Maggie must’ve been taking a shower. “Maggie, dinner.” She didn’t answer. He strolled over to the bathroom, opening the door. He stepped in, and crushed something on the floor with his shoe, it sounded like plastic. Brandon looked down, there were about ten pregnancy tests on the floor. He bent down and retrieved one, glancing at it. There was one line instead of two on each stick. Where was she? A baby is all his wife talked about, she even started turning one of the guest bedrooms into a nursery. Maggie was picking out baby names, and buying little trinket
s for the room. Brandon took a deep breath, knowing that right now Maggie needed him.

  “Maggie…” He turned off the water in the shower, walked out of the bathroom, and ran right into his crying wife. “Honey, we’ll get through this, we always do.”

  “I’m done,” she whispered, wiping her tears.

  “I know… everything will be okay.” Brandon tried to take her hand in his and she pulled back. “We’ve made it this far.”

  “You don’t get it,” Maggie cried out.

  “What don’t I get?” Brandon replied. “It hurts me too, you think I want you to go through this every time? It hurts me to see you suffer this way. We don’t need a child to make us happy.” He knew he didn’t mean that final statement, but he would settle with having a happy home. “I want you to be happy, that’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

  Maggie stiffened, touching her wedding rings, and then she glared at him. “I want a divorce,” she tugged her wedding rings off.

  “What?” Brandon was startled by her words, stepping back. “Where is this coming from?” He knew things were bad, but not to the point of divorce. He was thinking more along the lines of counseling.

  “Brandon, I can’t do this anymore. It hurts too much, I’ve been through too much.” She played with the jewelry.

  “You’re the one who wanted to do all of this.” He voiced. “I was good with only you and me.”

  “This is all your fault!” Maggie shouted.

  “My fault?” He snapped. “You’re the one with the issue, not me.”

  She smirked. “Finally, you said how you really feel.” Maggie turned, and placed the rings on the dresser. “I don’t want anything in the divorce.”

  “Maggie, I’m sorry…” Brandon took her hand, and pulled her into an embrace, hugging her tight. “I love you.”

  “I don’t love you anymore,” she whispered, near his ear. “This was the final straw.”


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