Book Read Free

Perfectly Mixed

Page 3

by Ancelli

  Maggie had a huge smile on her face while everyone else was upset.

  “Mr. Stokes.”

  “Fuck!” Brandon paced, brushing his fingers through his hair.

  Kanielle examined Greg’s face. It really wasn’t his fault, he looked so distraught telling her the news. “Calm down,” she raised her voice, feeling much better. “It’s not his fault, the technician is the one that messed up, not Greg.”

  As she spoke, Brandon peered into her eyes, taking her breath away. His eyes were mesmerizing, making her forget what she was saying.

  “What are we going to do if the baby is ours?” Brandon asked.

  Kanielle pushed herself off the chair, and grabbed her purse. When she stood she felt a cramp in her stomach, making her tighten her grip on her purse. “Nothing!” Her voice cracked.

  “What do you mean nothing?” Brandon’s tone sounded harsh.

  “What I meant,” she pointed at her stomach. “This is my baby. I don’t care if she’s black, white, yellow, or green. She’s my baby. I went through too much to give her up no matter what.”

  Maggie finally stood. “If that’s our baby, we are taking it.” She spat.

  “You think,” she glared at Mrs. Stokes.

  “Kanielle is it?” Brandon stepped forward. “Don’t make us have to take you to court.”

  Kanielle smirked, strolled over to the door, and opened it. “Well, I guess I’ll see you in court then, because according to the law, she’s mine.” She stepped out, slamming the door behind her. When she was alone, the tears began rolling down her face, she couldn’t control it. The pain subsided. This is my baby, she said to herself as she walked down the hall to the elevator, and pushed the red button non-stop.

  “That won’t make it come any faster,” a male’s voice came from behind, sounding concerned.

  Kanielle turned around, and almost bumped into Brandon. He must have followed her out of the office, she figured as she looked down the hall and saw that the office door was open. She could hear Greg and Maggie arguing. She wiped her eyes. “I have nothing more to say.” She inhaled, holding her back with her hands.

  “Are you okay?” Brandon placed his hand in his pocket, staring at her. “I don’t mean to hurt you, Kanielle, but you need to see our side of things too.”

  “Are you seeing my side?” She pushed the triangle button again.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” the elevator doors began to open, and he stepped in front of them. “Are you okay?”

  “Please move out of my way,” she tried maneuvering around him, but he didn’t budge, placing his hand on the wall, waiting for an answer. “I’m okay. I feel great, I just found out that my baby might not be mine.”

  “I’m sorry.” He whispered.

  “If you move out the way, I will feel much better,” she dug in her purse, pulling out a business card, and handed it to him.

  Brandon took the card, and while he was reading her card, she eased her way past him, touching his side with her belly. “You can give your lawyer my information,” the doors began to close. “See you in court if this baby is white.”

  Chapter Two

  Kanielle pounded the steering wheel of her car with her fists. How could this be happening to her? First her husband having some hussy talking in his ear while he was on the phone with her, and now this mess with the baby. She needed to control her anger, she knew it wasn’t good for her pregnancy. The cramps had stopped completely, but she was still concerned. Kanielle called her OBGYN and made an appointment for next week. She was still upset at Robert, but he deserved to know what Greg had said, so she swallowed her pride and called.

  “What do you mean the baby may not be ours?” Robert’s voice echoed through the car speakers.

  “Greg said there was a mix up at the lab. The technician might have switched our embryos.” Kanielle wiped at her falling tears. She couldn’t even imagine giving up the baby growing in her womb. She was already attached to her baby girl. Coral had become her reason for smiling.

  “How did they let that happen?” His voice grew louder. “They are a bunch of incompetent doctors.” She heard him slam something. “My wife might not be carrying my baby. I know Dr. Howard’s your friend, but I’m suing that fucking clinic.”

  He never once asked her if she was okay, or how she was feeling. Robert wasn’t the same attentive man she married. He ranted about what this would do to him and his family, like she didn’t matter at all.

  “What about my Nana, my mom? They were so excited about the baby.” He kept going on and on. “The baby gave Nana hope.”

  Kanielle sat in her car in the parking garage. “This might still be our baby, Robert.” She looked over at the clinic exit. Mr. and Mrs. Stokes were across the open space and getting into their vehicle. The lady had a smile on her face. Did she really think the baby was hers? Kanielle dropped her head so they wouldn’t see her, and waited until they pulled out.



  “Did you hear me?”

  “No,” she maneuvered her sedan out of the tight parking space.

  “Are the other couple black?”


  “What do you mean no?” He sounded exasperated.

  She drove down the empty road on to the highway. “It’s a white couple.”

  Robert started chuckling. “You might be having a white baby.”

  “It’s not funny,” he was being an insensitive bastard. “This is my baby no matter what race she is.”

  His laugher stopped. “If that baby is not ours, you’re giving it up.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Kanielle, I’m not raising someone else’s kid. They will want their baby, how could you even think of keeping their child?”

  “I’m not giving up this baby no matter what you say,” she said as she took the exit off the highway towards their home. “You don’t have to be involved in her life, I can raise her by myself.” Kanielle shook her head. The one time she needed him to be on her side, he wasn’t. How could he side with them after years of trying to conceive?

  “Baby…” his voice became soft. “You realize these people went through what we did. Imagine how you would feel if it was the other way around.”

  He was right, but at the moment she didn’t care about them. Robert wasn’t the one feeling the baby grow and move. It was her. She felt sorry for the couple, but she had prayed long and hard for this baby. “This might be our baby.”

  “I’m praying that she is, but if she’s not, you have to prepare to give her up.” He sighed. “We can always try again.”

  “No…” she pulled up to their house and parked in the driveway. “Robert, I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Kanielle, I will be there in two weeks. I’ll fix this, I promise.”

  “Can you promise that this baby will be ours?” he didn’t answer, “No? Then you can’t fix this…” She turned the ignition, turning off the car, and then she swiped her phone off. “Coral, you’re mine,” she caressed her tummy.


  “I can’t believe it,” Maggie smiled, getting into his truck. “She said we’re having a girl.” She asked him for a ride, because her car was being fixed.

  Brandon looked over at his ex-wife. Why did he give her a ride? She could’ve taken a taxi. “She might not be our baby, it’s just a possibility. Don’t get your hopes up.”

  “This is our second chance,” she took his hand in hers. “I can finally decorate and paint the nursery.”

  He yanked his hand from her grip. At whose house? “It’s a fifty-fifty chance, Maggie,” he looked forward as cars zoomed past them. “I think we need to wait.”

  “Fine,” she stared out the window. “Mike is going to be so happy.”

  “Mike! He doesn’t have anything to do with my baby,” he gripped the steering wheel. Brandon was still hurt over what Maggie had done months ago. He gave her everything she ever wanted, but it wasn’t enough, she cheated on him
with some fool she met at the park.

  “He’s my boyfriend,” she stared at him.

  Brandon clenched his jaw, and didn’t answer back. He wasn’t in the mood to argue with her. He smiled to himself, he might be a father soon. Brandon couldn’t shake the sadness in Kanielle’s eyes when Greg announced the reason they were there. He felt sorry for her; he could just imagine what she was going through. She’d carried the baby for almost six months, and now to find out that she might be carrying someone else’s baby, it must hurt.

  “We need to talk to a lawyer.”

  “When the baby is born,” Brandon pulled into the driveway of Maggie’s new home.

  “It will be too late, you heard her. She doesn’t want to give her up,” Maggie turned to stare at him with a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

  “I’ll be giving my lawyer a call, but it’s about suing that damn clinic.” He stared back at her. “If this baby is ours, I promise she’ll be with us.” He touched her arm, feeling the softness of her skin. Brandon missed Maggie, their home was empty without her. How do you let go of someone you loved for over seven years, he often asked himself. He wondered the same thing again now, staring at the woman he thought he was going to grow old with.

  “What if she runs with her?”

  “Kanielle doesn’t seem like that type of woman,” Brandon thought about the little talk they had next to the elevator. “She’ll fight us to the end.”

  “Let her try,” Maggie opened the door. “I don’t know why you trust that woman, but if you think she won’t run, I’ll let it be.” She stepped out of his vehicle.

  “Maggie, it’s a possibility the baby isn’t ours, you shouldn’t get your hopes up.”

  “I can feel it, she’s our baby.” She gently closed the door, waving her hand. That son of a bitch opened the front door, and wrapped his arm around Maggie’s waist.

  Brandon’s ears burned, and he clenched his jaw tighter at the sight of another man holding his wife. He shook his head, she’s no longer your wife. He backed up, and drove away. This baby would probably bring them back together, that is if she was theirs. Did he want a second chance? He grabbed his phone and dialed.

  “Hello,” her soft voice came through his Bluetooth.

  “Hi Rebecca,” he smiled. “It’s Brandon, the guy from the bank.”

  “Hi Brandon,” she giggled. “I thought you would never call.”

  “Hey I was wondering, are you free next Friday?”


  Brandon pumped his right fist in the air. “Great, we can meet at a restaurant or I can pick you up?”

  “You can pick me up, I’ll text you my address.” He heard her talking to someone. “Brandon, I’m so sorry, but I have to pick my daughter up from daycare. Can I call you later?”

  Brandon grinned. “Yes, talk to you later.”


  He turned his radio on, and country music blasted through his speakers. “To new beginnings.” He drove down the highway back to work, singing Dirt Road Anthem by Jason Aldean. Things were looking up for him, a new friend, and hopefully a baby girl.

  Chapter Three

  Two weeks later.

  Kanielle sat on the sofa reading an old bio she’d googled on Brandon Stokes, the man was interesting. She’d called Greg and he’d given her as much information as possible without breaking protocol. Mr. Stokes had served in the Army for ten years, and was now the Chief Editor for a major newspaper in the city. He’d done some really nice things for the community, like helping out at the Girls and Boys Club, right along José Martinez. She remembered reading an article on the upcoming Chef. Kanielle couldn’t find anything on Mrs. Stokes, she was only mentioned in his bio as his wife.

  She was mesmerized staring at the picture in his bio, noticing that his eyes were dreamy. “Stop looking,” she giggled. Her baby girl kicked. “I know, baby,” she massaged her belly. “He’s the enemy.”

  The doorbell chimed, startling her. Kanielle took off her reading glasses, setting them on the side table, and placed the laptop on the sofa. She slowly pushed herself up. The person on the other side seemed impatient as they started banging on the door.

  “Coming,” annoyed she waddled to the front door, and pulled it open. There was a tall, slender woman standing on her porch with her full lips thinned.

  “How can I help you?” Kanielle looked up at her. The young lady was wearing a tight ass black dress, and her stilettos must have been over six inches high.

  “Is Robert home?” The woman asked smacking her lips, making her stare at her red apple mouth.

  “You’re looking for Robert?” Kanielle placed her hand on her hip. “Why?”

  The woman looked down at her stomach and covered her mouth like she was surprised.

  “What?” Kanielle was getting tired of the guessing game. “Who are you?”

  “You’re pregnant?”

  “Yes, have been for almost six months,” Kanielle arched her eyebrows, replying with attitude. “Do I know you?”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bother you,” the stranger backed away and was about to step down the stairs.

  “Wait.” She said louder than she meant.

  The woman turned to face her.

  “Is there something you need, weren’t you looking for Robert?” Kanielle moved away from the door.

  “I’m sorry, Mrs. Richardson, this was a mistake.”

  How the hell did she know her last name?

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” She held her purse.

  “Why would you think you can hurt me?” Kanielle crossed her arms over her protruding belly. “Say what you came to say.”

  “I didn’t know he was married, or that you were pregnant.” The lady wouldn’t look her in her eyes.

  “What are you talking about?” Kanielle’s hands started shaking in anger, if this mother-fucker…

  “Your husband,” she blurted out.

  “What about him?” Kanielle took a couple of steps closer to the woman, rubbing her hands together, trying to control herself. She was playing the hussy’s game.

  “We’ve been seeing each other for over four months.” The woman sounded defensive.

  Kanielle glared at the woman. She had guts coming to her house.

  “Bobby never told me he was married,” she now stared back at her.


  “My sister works in the same building as him. We met a couple of months ago in the elevator, and we hit it off from that day. One thing led to another.”

  “And.” Kanielle was angry, however she wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction.

  “We’ve been having sex. I was with him in Chicago last week.” She spat. “He’s a cheating, lying bastard. I bet I’m not the only one.”

  That was a blow to her heart, confirmation, that’s who she heard on the phone. She had a feeling he’d been cheating on her since she’d been pregnant. Kanielle should’ve listened to her sixth sense.

  “I’m not lying.” She dug in her purse, pulled out her phone, and showed Kanielle pictures of her and Robert in intimate embraces. “I’m woman enough to say I’m sorry. I would’ve never slept with a married man.”

  She sounded sincere, but Kanielle knew better. His mistress knew exactly what she was doing when she came to their house.

  Kanielle took a deep breath, calming herself. She wasn’t going to get down on her level. “What’s your name?”

  “Sasha. Sasha Wright.”

  Kanielle masked her emotions by trying to smile. She headed back into the house, and held on to the door. “Sasha, thank you for being woman enough to tell me what my piece of shit husband is up to.” She moved, closing the door, and broke down crying. Kanielle covered her mouth with her hands muffling her cries. It was hard to breathe, tears rolled down her cheeks, soaking her shirt.


  Shawn had just come back from field training. Brandon was on the phone telling Shawn everything that happened with the clinic s
ince he’d last talked to him, as he watched Kanielle throw someone’s clothes all over the front lawn. The Richardsons’ home was nice, with two levels and beautiful landscaping that included a variation of flowers and plants, and a stone pathway that was now filled with underwear.

  “They did what?” Shawn was loud. “I know you’re suing the pants off that clinic?”

  “I’ve already spoken to my lawyer,” Brandon watched Kanielle while he informed his friend of his intentions. Wasn’t she supposed to be on bed rest? He was intrigued. Gazing at her he noticed she had a white scarf wrapped around her head, grey sweats, and a white over-sized t-shirt covering her protruding belly. She walked back into the house leaving the door open.

  He had a private investigator find out everything he could about the woman that may or may not be carrying his baby. The investigator found out everything from where she was born to where she lived now. Kanielle gave him all the information he needed to begin looking into her life when she handed him her business card at the clinic. Brandon looked through the file of her information in his hands page by page.

  She was a very interesting woman. She’d been accepted to one of the best universities in the state with a full scholarship, and had a Master’s in Business. The biggest surprise was her age. He’d thought she was in her twenties, but she was actually thirty-five.

  “Shawn, we’ll talk about it tonight over dinner.” He closed the folder. “Tell Angela I want some of her famous cheesecake.”

  “See you later.”

  He swiped the phone off, and glanced up from where he was parked across the street, watching her. She opened the door wider, stepping out with more clothes, and items, tossing them with the other things. Kanielle wiped her face, waddled back in, and slammed the door shut.

  Brandon sighed, now wasn’t the best time to get her and her husband to sign the legal papers he had drawn up. Something was going on between the Richardson’s and he didn’t want to add to the stress at the moment. Brandon started his truck, turned on his radio, blasting country music through the speakers. He pulled onto the road, and headed back to work.


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