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Perfectly Mixed

Page 18

by Ancelli

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The father of your baby has a thing for you.” She kissed the baby’s temple. “If you would just open your eyes and heart you would see it too.”

  “It’s too soon for me to be thinking about any man.” Kanielle was lying, Brandon was all she thought about besides her daughter.

  “It’s never too soon when you find something good.” Her mother smirked. “Listen to me, if you had, you wouldn’t have married that fool you used to be with.”

  “Lesson learned,” Kanielle felt some kind of way. Robert did a number on her. She still wondered how many women he had cheated on her with. Her heart still hurt, because when she married him it was supposed to be for life. Robert knew what he was doing though, he got her to trust him and tell him all of her insecurities, and what she did and didn’t want in a man, and that’s what he became until they were married. Over the years he revealed his true self little by little. She sighed. Enough of thinking of her ex, he wasn’t worth a second thought. “Brandon loves our little girl, he doesn’t have any feelings for me.” Kanielle was trying to convince herself that Brandon only saw her in a different light because they now shared a child. She didn’t think he would have looked her way otherwise.

  Her mother stared with her eyebrow cocked. “It may have started with this beautiful baby,” she pressed Cece’s fingers to her lips before speaking. “But so what? It began with the baby for you too. If it wasn’t for the mix-up, you might’ve never met him. My prayers were answered when that man stormed into your life without asking permission. Unlike Robert, Brandon doesn’t know your past, your wants and dislikes. And he treats you better than any man you’ve dated, and the one you married. Kanielle put on your big girl panties, and for once in your life take what’s meant for you.”

  She knew her mom was right, but it was too soon.

  “God makes miracles out of mistakes,” she kissed Cece’s temple.

  Kanielle watched her mom with her little girl. She’d dreamt of a day like this, and now it was here. It also made her think of her father. Would he want to know that he was a grandfather? Would he care?

  “Mom, can I ask you something?” She sat on the sofa with her feet under her butt, looking as her mom paced from side to side, trying to get Coral to fall asleep.

  “Yes, you can ask me anything,” her mom stopped moving, staring at her. “By the look on your face I can tell it’s serious.”

  “Did he ever come back to see us?”

  Her mom placed a still awake baby in her bassinette on the side of the sofa, and then sat next to Kanielle. “Are you referring to your father?”

  “Yes…” She looked away from her mother. Kanielle needed to know if at any time her father regretted what he did. “Please tell me the truth.”

  Her mother’s expression changed, she got serious. “Yes, Christopher came by a few times after he left.”

  Kanielle just watched her mother, waiting for her to continue.

  “Kanielle, your father came by the house when neither of us were there,” her mother’s eyes shined with unshed tears. “He would visit Chris when Phyllis next door would babysit.”

  Kanielle wiped at a fallen tear, and her mom took her hand in hers.

  “One day I came home and he was still there visiting Chris. I asked him why he came by to see Chris, but not you.” Her mother’s voice cracked.

  “What did he say?” Kanielle was afraid of what her mother would say, but she needed to know.

  “Your father said, he couldn’t bear seeing the disappointment in your eyes after what he put you through.” She squeezed her hand. “Kanielle, he loved you, but his guilt…” Her mom cried, and Kanielle moved forward, wrapping her arms around her. “I’m sorry, sweetie, I wish I could’ve gotten through to him.”

  Kanielle kissed her mom’s cheek. “This wasn’t your fault. You did your best; he was the coward. Because of him, I never thought I was worthy.” She knew she needed therapy to deal with her issues with her father, and his abandonment of their family.

  Her mother pulled back, “Baby you are worthy. You deserve the best. God, I’m so thankful you finally saw Robert for what he was, a bully. I prayed you wouldn’t get married to him, but you swore to me that he made you happy. That he treated you like a queen. However, behind closed doors it was different wasn’t it?” She just stared at her mother. “I thank God that my precious grandbaby isn’t his, you no longer have any ties to that.”

  “After everything we’ve been through, I also thank God she isn’t his,” Kanielle lovingly gazed at her baby girl. “Mom, you sacrificed so much for us,” Kanielle held her mother’s hands.

  “Baby, I didn’t give up anything. I did what any mother who loves their kids would’ve done. You two came first, to me that wasn’t a sacrifice.” Her mom smiled.

  “What about love?” She stared at her mother. Her mom smirked, was there something Kanielle didn’t know?

  Her mom chuckled, releasing Kanielle’s hand.

  “Why are you laughing, Ma?”

  “I didn’t give up on love.” Her mother stood, smiling. “You’re a grown woman now, I should’ve told you this a long time ago, but you never asked.”

  “I’m waiting, young lady,” Kanielle crossed her arms across her chest.

  “I started dating a man a few months after your father and I divorced. He was too good to be true, and after three months I ended things.”

  “Because of us?” She was curious.


  “Then why did you let him go?” Kanielle placed her feet on the plush rug, she never knew her mother dated after she divorced her father. She always assumed her mother closed that door.

  “Your father did a number on me, he destroyed my self-confidence. I couldn’t believe a man like Andy would want me. I thought he was using me.” Her mom’s tone softened. “I dated a few other men over the years, dear daughter, I just didn’t bring them home.”

  “I see,” she watched her mother. Kanielle felt much better knowing her mother didn’t give up on love, at least she did have companionship over the years. “I can sense there is more.”

  “I ran into that someone special again two years ago, and our relationship has blossomed since. I could never get him out my system.” Her mom grinned. She was beaming over whoever he was.

  “Two years, Mother! You’ve been in a relationship for two years, and you didn’t tell me?” Kanielle was a bit hurt, why did her mother keep this secret from her?

  “I’m telling you now,” her mother walked over to the bassinette looking at Coral. “This was my happiness, my secret.”

  “Why keep it a secret, Ma?”

  “Because of who he is,” her mom touched the pink bow on the baby furniture.

  “Who is he?” Kanielle blurted. Now she was worried, who could it be?

  “Andy Stuart.”

  “Mr. Stuart,” Kanielle’s mouth opened in surprise. Mr. Stuart was her sophomore math teacher. He was the only teacher who cared enough to ask her what was going on when her parents divorcing. He’d noticed she went from an A student to almost failing. After her parents divorced he made sure she had someone to talk to. “Isn’t he younger than you?”

  “Exactly why I didn’t say anything.” Her mom watched her. “He makes me happy, and he rocks my world.”

  “Ma!” Kanielle drew her eyebrows together. If Mr. Stuart made her happy that’s all that mattered, though she didn’t want to envision her mom having sex with him. She was happy for her mom, unlike the reaction Chris would have when he finds out. “I’m happy for you.”

  The doorbell rang making them look back at the door. It had to be Brandon. He felt really bad that he couldn’t stay at her house for a while after Coral was released from the hospital. He dropped them off, and had to go into work. He called every hour though to check up on the baby.

  Kanielle stood, walking toward the entrance, and opened the door. Brandon was standing there looking like a GQ model. His hair
was messy with a few strands in his face, and he was wearing a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, washed out blue jeans, and white sneakers. Damn the man was gorgeous, even while holding a teddy bear in one hand.

  “Good evening, sweets,” Brandon kissed her cheek.

  Kanielle smiled. “Good evening to you. She’s awake, waiting for you.” She moved to the side, allowing him to enter. He passed by her, walked in looking around, and placed the stuffed animal on the coffee table.

  “Mrs. Jackson,” he said excited, making Kanielle raise an eyebrow. He ambled forward, and hugged her mother tight. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m great,” her mother chuckled.

  Brandon stepped away from her and towards the bassinette, gently picking up their little girl. “Hey, princess,” Coral smiled when she heard his voice. He kissed her rosy cheeks, “I missed you…” He walked to the back of the house talking to her. “I can’t believe you’re five weeks old already.”

  “I’m leaving,” her mom picked up her purse off the table.


  “You two need to stop beating around the bush and talk about how you’re going to handle being parents together.” Her mom turned, waving. “Bye, Brandon.”

  “Bye, Mrs. Jackson,” he sang.

  She walked her mother to the door, and closed it. Brandon was talking to Coral in his baby voice, making Kanielle giggle. “Daddy loves you…” His voice was squeaky as he talked to her. It sounded funny coming from him. “Cece…” He had Coral’s back against his chest. Their baby’s eyes were heavy with sleep.

  “Hey, mama,” Kanielle blew kisses at Coral.

  “Did she sleep through the night?” Brandon kissed the top of her head.

  “Nope, she woke up every two hours.”

  “I wish I could help out at night,” Brandon rocked the baby.

  “We can always make that happen,” Kanielle chuckled. “I do have a guest bedroom.”

  Brandon’s lips curled up into a smile, “Say the word, and I’ll be here.”

  Kanielle didn’t answer. For some reason she couldn’t imagine sleeping under the same roof as Brandon. Her hormones weren’t back to normal yet. “She’s knocked out.” Kanielle gazed at her sleeping baby.

  He snuggled Coral on his chest as he strolled over to the bassinette and gently laid her down, making sure the quilt his granny made covered her.

  “Are you hungry?” Kanielle moved away toward the kitchen wondering what was happening between them.

  “Yes, I’m starving.” He said following behind her.

  She uncovered the pots on the stove. Kanielle always cooked for more than one person. She hoped Brandon would eat dinner with her. “Do you like spaghetti?”

  “That’s my favorite. I love Italian food.”

  Kanielle grabbed two plates, began serving, and then she poured them some fruit punch.

  She placed the plates and cups on the kitchen counter, and grabbed two stools. Brandon sat next to her. “This smells delicious,” he picked up the fork, and dug in, savoring her food. “Damn, woman, you can cook.”

  Kanielle grinned, looking at Brandon enjoying the food. She picked up her fork and ate too.

  “I haven’t had a home cooked meal since we went over to Shawn and Angela’s,” he took a sip of his drink. “I can eat this every day.”

  “You haven’t visited your friends since? It’s been over three months.”

  “No.” he continued eating.


  “I don’t have time for all of the questions I know they are going to have.”

  “They care about you.”

  “Me too, but from afar.”

  Brandon had seconds of the spaghetti, while Kanielle just watched him. Having him in her life wasn’t bad at all. He was a breath of fresh air compared to her life with Robert. She hadn’t heard from Robert since the hospital showdown, but Greg mentioned that Robert had tried to see the baby when Kanielle was in with Coral not long before she was released from the hospital. He made a scene, and security escorted him out.

  “I don’t want your ex-husband near my child,” Brandon stared at her. “Greg told me what happened.”

  “Okay,” she couldn’t blame him, after everything Robert said. Her house phone rang, and Kanielle stood, and picked it up, looking at the caller ID. “Hi, Nana.”

  “Kanielle, when are you going to bring my great-granddaughter to see me?” Her voice was soft.

  “Coral was just released from the hospital,” Kanielle looked over at Brandon, he was watching her with his eyebrow cocked. “She’s still too fragile to take a long car ride.” She’d tried to explain why she couldn’t, however Nana wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  “I’ve waited this long to see your baby,” Nana coughed. “Promise that you’ll bring her when she’s strong enough. Please…”

  They hadn’t told her that Coral wasn’t her great-grandchild. Kanielle sighed, she couldn’t tell her on the phone. “I promise…” she turned her back, placing the phone back on the cradle. Kanielle genuinely loved Robert’s grandmother, and didn’t know how to tell her the truth without hurting her.

  She heard Brandon scoot back in the chair and get up. “What’s wrong?” He stood right behind her. Kanielle didn’t answer, and he placed his hands around her waist, turning her to face him. “What’s going on?”

  “Robert’s grandmother wants to see Coral.”

  “Does she know Cece is not his?”

  “No, they haven’t told her the truth. I didn’t have the heart to tell her. She begged me,” Kanielle twisted out of his embrace. “I’m going let her see Coral, and I’ll tell her the truth.” She moved around him, and grabbed the plates and cups off the counter, placing them in the dishwasher.

  “You’re not going to ask me what I think?”


  Brandon chuckled, shaking his head.

  “She’s not Robert or his parents. She has been like a grandmother to me, so I am going let her see Cece with or without your permission.” Kanielle rinsed out the dishes.

  Brandon raised his hands in the air in surrender. “I never said she couldn’t see her. I trust your judgment.” He picked up the cups off the table and handed them to her.


  When Kanielle bent down, placing the dishes in the dishwasher, Brandon’s eyes were glued to her ass. Kanielle had a nice body, and her midsection was slowly melting away.

  “What?” Kanielle placed her hand on her hip.

  “You look great for just having a baby,” he gazed into her eyes. “Is your body back to normal? I didn’t meet you pre-pregnancy.”

  “Really?” Kanielle pulled on her shirt, and marched out of the kitchen to the living room.

  He followed her. “I didn’t mean it the way it sounded,” Brandon brushed his hair out of his face.

  “That’s the same line I’ve been hearing from you since I met you.” Kanielle backed away from Brandon, standing next to the wall. “You should think about what you're about to say before it comes out of your mouth.” She rolled her eyes at him.

  He strolled up next to her, invading her personal space. “You’re beautiful.”

  Kanielle took a deep breath, gazing at him. He looked at her chest as it heaved up and down, seeing her nipples harden under her thin blouse.

  Brandon caged Kanielle in between his arms. “I've always wondered why I put my foot in my mouth when I’m around you, and then I figured it out.”

  “Why?” Kanielle whispered.

  “You make me nervous.” Brandon replied, moving closer, barely touching her face.

  She raised an eyebrow. “Me?”

  “I’m going share a little bit of myself with you,” Brandon pulled back slightly. “In my junior year of high school, there was this blonde girl I had a crush on, she was one of the popular kids at school. The ones that thought they were better than everyone. I was young and dumb at the time. She made fun of me every time I tried to holla at her.�

  Kanielle chuckled, her eyes crinkling at the edges. “Who says holla anymore?”

  Brandon smirked. “As I was saying. She looked down on me because I had holes in my pants, and I was a poor farmer’s boy. One day the only friend I had told me to stop being a chicken and go talk to her, and I did,” he paused. “I remember the look of disgust she had on her face when I asked her out, like I was shit on the bottom of her shoes. My feelings were crushed. I was bullied most of my childhood, but not once did it get to me like that moment did.” He swallowed hard. Brandon never shared his childhood memories with anyone, not even his grandmother. “As I stood there after getting my heart broken, one of the jocks tripped me, and I fell flat on my face. The whole cafeteria laughed, and in that moment I made myself a promise.”

  Kanielle’s eyes shined with unshed tears.

  “I learned to stop feeling sorry for myself, and if I wanted something, I needed to work for it. What made those idiots better than me? So I tried out for the football team,” Brandon smiled remembering the team’s reaction when he was selected as one of the wide receivers. “I proved to those knuckle heads that just because I was dirt poor, didn’t mean I didn’t have skills. I started becoming popular, but never once did I let that shit change who I was. I was the same person, wore the same clothes. I realized that only because I proved that I was worthy did they accept me. However, I didn’t accept them. In the end that girl I wanted so badly was begging to go out with me.”

  Kanielle crossed her arms under her chest, making her breasts bulge a little out her tank top, distracting him. “What does this have to do with me?” Brandon placed his index finger on her lips.

  “It has everything to do with you," he tipped her chin, making sure she was looking at him, and only him. "When I want something I’ll go after it, no matter who tries to get in my way. Even if it’s what I want that’s trying to stop me.” He caressed her lips as she gazed back at him. “Life was tough growing up, but it made me who I am today. I value everything I have, and when I find a diamond in the rough, I’ll do anything to keep it.” Brandon gave Kanielle a feather soft kiss on the cheek, before slowly stepping back. Coral started whining. He strode over to the baby’s bassinette. What was he doing? He couldn’t help himself when he was around Kanielle. The feelings he was having for her, had hit him out of nowhere. It started with him wanting to protect her unborn baby for selfish reasons, but now that the baby was here he didn’t have an excuse to want to be close to Kanielle. He’d found a rare jewel in her, and he wasn’t going to let her go. He gently picked up Cece, gazing at Kanielle. “You’re that diamond,” Brandon winked, and then started walking up the stairs. “Where’s her nursery?”


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