Book Read Free

Perfectly Mixed

Page 26

by Ancelli

  “No you haven’t,” Brandon circled his arms around her waist and grabbed her ass. “Why don’t you show me instead?”

  Kanielle’s luscious lips curled into a smile. She unbuckled his belt, and undid his button. “I see you’re ready for me.” He was rock hard.

  “I’m always ready for you,” he nibbled her neck. “I haven’t been this happy in years,” he continued, sucking on her neck, and making her moan. “Baby…”

  Kanielle’s soft hands stroked his cock, and instantly it grew in her grip. Fuck she was going to drain him. They’d been at it almost every day. He’d spend the night at her house, or she and Cece stayed over his. They didn’t keep their relationship a secret, however no one asked either. Every time they were around Irene, she’d give them the look, but never said anything.

  Brandon picked Kanielle up, and she wrapped her legs around him. He could feel the heat of her pussy. He pinned her against the wall. She grinded down on his bulge, “Bran…” He slowly kissed her, as she opened her mouth, and his tongue swirled around hers. Kanielle rotated her hips. “Give it to me.”

  He pulled down his pants and boxers to his ankles, and in one swift move he entered her.

  “Uhhhhh…” Kanielle moaned into his mouth. She sucked on his tongue as he thrust up into her tight pussy. Like always, her pussy sheathed around his dick, pulsating as Brandon moved up, and she grinded down.

  “I love… you…” Brandon said between short breaths. Kanielle paused, gazing at him. “You… don’t have to say it… back.”

  “I believe…” She rested on the wall, and slowly started rotating her hips, taking him in. She gently kissed him. “Yes…” Brandon’s strokes became faster. “More!” she raised her passion filled voice.

  Someone entered the restroom, and she squeezed her lips together. They heard two voices, and they started chuckling.

  “Shhhh,” Kanielle placed her fingers over his lips.

  Brandon began sucking her digits, and her eyes closed. He couldn’t stop making love to her, and he continued slowly moving in and out of her. He could feel her pussy getting wetter, her grip was getting stronger, and then her legs started to shake. Kanielle was coming, her eyes rolled back in her head, and she banged her head on the stall.

  “Did you hear that?” One of the ladies asked.

  “Hello, is anyone in here? Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay.” Kanielle said, trying to sound normal.

  Brandon slammed into her a few more times, and came deep inside of her. He bit her collarbone. She slowly lowered herself to the floor, still weak. Brandon cupped her face, “I would do anything for you,” and then he kissed her.

  Kanielle bent down, pulling up his pants and securing his cock. “You bring out the naughty side in me, and I like it,” she grabbed her panties out of his pocket, and slipped them on.

  He fixed his button and belt. “Let’s go home,” Brandon took her hand in his. He opened the door, forgetting that there were other people in the restroom. The ladies stared at them with raised eyebrows. There was no shame in what they did.

  “Have a good evening, ladies,” Kanielle waved as they walked out.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Angela placed Coral in her playpen, and Jr. was down for his nap. Her house phone rang. She rushed over to her kitchen counter, hoping the ringing wouldn’t wake the kids.


  “How’s Cece doing?” Kanielle asked.

  “Kanielle, your daughter is doing just fine,” Angela answered. Baby girl had a fever when Brandon dropped her off, and Kanielle wanted to check in on her. “Her fever is down.”

  “I was worried.”

  “I know you are,” Angela walked down the hall, and checked on the kids one more time before closing the door. “She’s sleeping.”

  “Angela, thank you for taking care of my baby.”

  “You’re welcome, I love your peanut,” Angela grabbed a bottle of water. “And I’m practicing for when I have another baby.”

  “Are you pregnant?” Kanielle asked excitedly.

  “No, Shawn is barely home.” The doorbell rung, someone was at her front door. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Give her a big kiss.”

  “I will.” Angela hung up, strolling over to the door, and swung it open.

  “Hi, Angela!”

  Angela’s eyes widened in surprise. What the hell was Maggie doing at her front door? “Maggie.”

  “Angela, it’s been so long,” Maggie grinned trying to look inside her house.

  “How can I help you?” Angela eyed her.

  “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

  Angela stepped outside on the covered porch, and pulled the door closed, “No. You can say what you want to right here.” She knew what Maggie was up to. Kanielle had mentioned Maggie visited Brandon.

  “Angela, how have you been?”

  “I’m great,” she looked Maggie over. There was no way she was letting her in her house. “Maggie, cut the crap and tell me why you’re here.”

  “Why do you always have to be so rude?” Maggie gripped her purse.

  “I just don’t like beating around the bush,” Angela watched her. “I never liked you, and I don’t think you liked me either.”

  “I don’t understand why Brandon is still friends with you,” Maggie lifted her chin up as she talked.

  Angela gave her a dirty stare. “What do you want?” she placed her hand on her hip.

  “I apologize,” Maggie pulled up her purse strap over her shoulder. “Brandon said I could come see the baby. You are her baby sitter right?”

  “Brandon told you to come here to see his baby?” Angela raised an eyebrow.


  “Wait here,” Angela let her think she was getting the baby. She opened the front door, and closed it behind her. She picked up the phone and walked toward the back of the house, dialing. “Brandon…”

  “Angela, is something wrong?” Brandon asked concerned.

  “Not with your daughter, but with your ex-wife,” Angela stared at the red head through the window.


  “Yes, she’s standing on my porch, asking to see Coral.”

  “She’s what?” he raised his voice.

  “Maggie said you told her she could see her.”

  “Tell Maggie we need to talk. I’m on my way.” Brandon hung up on her.

  Angela walked back out to the front porch. “Maggie, are you sure Brandon told you to come here?” She gave her one more chance to tell the truth.

  Maggie glared at her. “You called him didn’t you?”

  “Yes,” Angela replied. “You think I’m stupid. Why would he ever tell you to come to my house when he knows I don’t like you?”

  Her lips thinned, and she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “You can wait for your ex here, or not, but you are not seeing that baby under my watch.”

  Maggie sat in the plastic lawn chair, and crossed her legs. “I need to talk to Brandon anyways.”

  “Knock yourself out,” Angela went back into the house, and locked the door. Bitch!


  Brandon backed his truck into the driveway and turned it off, staring at his ex-wife. He combed his fingers through his unruly hair. It was time to set Maggie straight. He understood she was devastated when the results were read, but he warned her it was a possibility they weren’t her parents. He took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped out, slamming it.

  Maggie got up off the chair once she saw Brandon walking up the pathway.

  “What are you doing here?” He pulled the screen open, entering the porch. Brandon looked at Maggie; she had a smile on her face as she stared back at him. “Answer me!”

  “Brandon…” she glanced down at the floor. “I just wanted to see Victoria.”

  “Her name isn’t Victoria,” he sighed, observing the woman he once loved. He would’ve done anything for her, but things had changed. He would do any
thing to protect his daughter, even from Maggie. “Maggie, I don’t want to place a restraining order out on you.”

  “You would really do that?” Maggie’s eyes shined.

  “Yes,” Brandon stepped back. When did they come to this? “I would do anything to protect my daughter.”

  Her face began turning red. “You think I would hurt her?” Maggie’s voice cracked in anger.

  “I don’t know what to think,” he pointed at the front door. “You went behind my back and lied to Angela.” He needed to lower his voice, Angela didn’t have to hear their conversation. “If you wanted to see Coral why didn’t you call me?”

  “Is this shit you’re mouthing coming from her?” Her tone was getting harsher.


  “Kanielle, isn’t that her name?” Maggie placed her purse on the plastic chair.

  “No,” he raised his eyebrow. “It’s coming from me,” now it was his turn to raise his voice, fuck trying to be cordial. “Kanielle didn’t have a problem with you seeing our child through me.”

  “Then what’s the problem?” she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I’m the one that doesn’t want you to see her.” Brandon glared at Maggie, and her tears began rolling down her cheeks.

  “She was supposed to be ours.” Maggie whispered. “Why?”

  “Your lies!”

  “She’s that good, she erased me?” Maggie asked and watched him, waiting for an answer.

  “You’re my past. Just like you, I’ve moved on, and I’m happier than I’ve been in years.”

  “We were happy, Brandon,” she moved forward taking his hand in hers. “I know you still love me, Brandon.”

  “I don’t,” he mumbled, moving away from her embrace. “Maggie, the moment you walked out on me, was the day the love I felt for you started fading away.”

  “You don’t mean that,” Maggie wiped at her tears.

  “I do,” he needed to make sure she understood. “Keep away from my daughter.”

  Maggie started bawling. “You and that bitch got everything that was mine,” she spat. “For years I tried to give you a child, and someone else’s mistakes gave you one and left me outside in the cold. How could you ask me to stay away?” she yelled.

  Brandon couldn’t let her know what she just said affected him. He was right by her side through all those years, through the tests, treatments, procedures and grief. Every time the doctors said she wasn’t pregnant a part of Maggie died. He didn’t want to hurt her, but for some reason he was fearful for Coral. Maggie needed help.

  “Maggie,” Brandon strolled up to her. “She’s not your baby,” he caressed her hand. “Go home to Mike and cherish whatever you have with him and his children. Leave my family alone.”

  “I hate you,” she muttered, slapping his hand. “I am happy, and don’t worry, you can keep your baby to yourself.”

  Brandon smirked. “I will.”

  Maggie stormed off the porch.

  “Wow…” Angela opened the front door with a smiling Cece in her arms. “She needs help.”

  “She’s no longer my business,” he grinned taking Cece from Angela. “Hey, sweetie,” he kissed her. “Daddy came by to say hello.”

  “That woman is cray-cray,” Angela laughed. “We’re still on for Friday?”

  “Yes,” he didn’t want to go but Kanielle convinced him that it would be fun to hang out with Angela and Shawn. He tried to stay away from Shawn, they had a long distance friendship, and that’s how he preferred it. “I have to go back to work,” he kissed Cece on her head, and gave her back to Angela. “See you later.”

  Cece started crying watching him go down the pathway to his truck. He waved his hand, and jumped into his vehicle. He grabbed his steering wheel, taking a deep breath. “She needs help.”


  Brandon and Kanielle strolled up hand in hand to the tiny pub. It was one of Shawn’s favorite spots to shoot pool. Why did he agree to come out with them? Every time they were all together something was said bringing up old memories.

  Kanielle must have noticed he was distant, “If you want to cancel, I understand.”

  He gave her a fake smile, “Nothing’s wrong.”

  “Are you still mad about Maggie?”

  Brandon had called Kanielle and told her what transpired with his ex-wife. He was expecting her to blow-up, but instead she remained calm. She knew he would protect Cece, and do what he thought was best for their little girl.

  “Why didn’t she just call you?” She wondered.

  “I asked her the same question,” Brandon pulled the door open. “I told your mom to be careful, and not to let anyone in.”

  “Anyone,” Kanielle entered the pub. “Do you honestly think Maggie would try to see her again after you threatened her with a restraining order?”

  “I don’t know. It’s better to be safe than sorry,” they spotted Shawn and Angela in an intimate embrace in a booth next to the billiards tables.

  “That’s true,” she released his hand, and walked up to the couple. “Hey.”

  Angela jumped out of her seat, and hugged Kanielle like she hadn’t just seen her that morning. “You made it! I thought Brandon would’ve found a way to convince you not to come out.”

  “Nah.” Kanielle sat in the booth. “We needed some adult time.”

  “I hear you, Jr. and Cece can be a handful,” Angela scooted next to Shawn, and he placed his arm around her waist.

  Here we go, he shook Shawn’s hand. “Glad you’re back home,” Brandon sat in front of Shawn.

  “I’m glad to be home,” he took a gulp of his beer. “Can’t wait to retire, these old bones can’t take too much more.”

  “I can tell,” Brandon looked away.

  “I ordered us some wings,” Shawn watched him closely. “Here,” he handed him and Kanielle a beer.

  “Thanks,” Brandon grabbed the bottle and took a long gulp.

  Kanielle got closer to him, and began massaging his neck. “It’s been a long week,” her finger gently roamed the back of his neck, and Brandon rolled his neck.

  “I heard,” Shawn said. “Maggie still hasn’t gotten over that the baby not being hers? How long has it been?”

  “Almost five months,” Angela replied.

  “It’s hard when you lose a child, and that’s what happened to Maggie. She lost the only hope she had,” Kanielle gave her opinion. “The way she’s going about it is wrong. I don’t think she’s coped with her loss.”

  Brandon gazed at her. She still had compassion for Maggie, even after what she did?

  “What she tried to pull today was wrong,” Kanielle moved back. “But do I think she’s dangerous, no.”

  Angela looked at Brandon. “What do you think?”

  “I’ll protect my child from anyone, even Maggie,” Brandon took another sip from his beer.

  “Let’s change the subject,” Shawn still watched him with concern. “How have you been?”

  “Couldn’t be happier,” he gazed at Kanielle. She made him smile more than he cared to admit. They spent most of their time together, but he could feel Kanielle holding back. He was willing to risk his heart again just to be with her.

  “You look tired,” Shawn said. The ladies were having their own side conversation.

  “I’ve been busy at work, and up at nights with the baby,” Brandon didn’t want to have this conversation.

  Shawn leaned forward. “You stopped taking the pills, didn’t you?” He lowered his voice so only he could hear him. Brandon stared back at him, hoping Kanielle didn’t hear their conversation, but knowing her she was eavesdropping. “When was the last time you saw a shrink?”

  Brandon shook his head, while Kanielle removed her hand, and continued talking to Angela.

  “How do you expect to get better if you don’t take care of yourself? The VA was helping you. What the hell happened?” Shawn raised his voice, and that’s when the ladies looked over. “You’ve pushed me away because you don�
�t want to hear the truth, but the truth is it won’t disappear without help,” he whispered. “PTSD doesn’t just magically go away.”

  “What are you boys whispering about?” Angela asked.

  “Nothing.” Brandon sighed. Kanielle stared at him, he could see the concern in her eyes. She heard Shawn, this is why he kept his distance from them. They always brought up shit from the past, things he wanted buried. He wasn’t the same person that he used to be, and not sleeping wasn’t an issue to him. At least he slept three to four hours until the dreams haunted him.

  “Shawn,” Angela touched her husband’s biceps. “Let’s go shoot some pool, and let them eat.” She was giving them privacy.

  “Fine,” Shawn and Angela scooted out of the booth to the billiards table.


  Kanielle was quiet for a few minutes, trying to get her words together. Why hadn’t he told her he was suffering from PTSD? She’d read an article about post-traumatic stress disorder, centered on military men and women living with the condition for years, even committing suicide because of it. It said severe trauma or a life-threating event could cause PTSD. It was like shell shock or combat stress. Individuals who have been assaulted, abused, or witness someone getting hurt can also have this disorder. She needed him to understand that she was there now, and they were a team. Kanielle could feel her eyes tear. He was keeping all this to himself, with no one to share it with. He wasn’t keeping away from Shawn because of the affair, he was doing it because of himself.

  Brandon didn’t make eye contact with her. He dug into the chicken wings and French fries. “You’re not going to eat?”

  “I lost my appetite,” Kanielle twisted in her seat looking at him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Tell you what?” His tone was harsh, but that wasn’t going to stop her.

  “Look at me,” Kanielle grabbed his hand, stopping him from eating. Brandon turned his head glaring at her, his ears were red, and his face was flushed.


  She caressed his jaw with her fingers. “Why didn’t you tell me you suffer from PTSD? I missed the signs before but it makes sense now: the lack of sleep, the way you always park your car, your calming temper. I should’ve noticed, and for that I’m sorry.”


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