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Fallen Bride: A Historical Western Romance (Bride books Book 6)

Page 7

by Ginny Sterling

  “Maggie, relax. You’ll be safe. The fort is well protected and a major stronghold, but they are in need just like any other camp. I may have to leave the house and tend to the injured here and there – but, for the most part, I plan on being home with my new bride,” he reassured her, patting her hand lightly.

  As they rolled their wagon through the gate, she looked around, dismayed. Something was not right. There were too few people there for this to be a major stronghold. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end as she heard a yell behind her. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw a wave of dark uniforms headed their way, bubbling through the open gate and spreading everywhere.

  “Something’s wrong!” she whispered frantically, turning to Anthony. She grabbed his arm desperately, shaking him. Concerned, he glanced over his shoulder and then his jaw dropped. She could see that he hadn’t taken her seriously until he saw the soldiers rushing the grounds.

  “Mierda!” he yelled, cracking the whip on the horse, causing it to rush forward, nearly tossing Maggie backwards. The wagon’s wheels lifted on the right side as they flew around the back side of the small church in the middle of the fort. Anthony pulled hard on the reins and jumped down quickly. “Maggie, get down!” he yelled, pulling her from the seat as she attempted to stand up. He yanked her down and set her harshly on her feet. “We need to find you shelter. Something’s wrong!”

  “You there!” a soldier called out in broken English and both of them froze immediately. They stared at each other, afraid to move as the soldier held a bayonet to Anthony’s back. He began speaking Spanish and Anthony answered quickly, giving Maggie a sharp look that silently bid her to keep quiet. That would not be a problem! She was so scared that she wasn’t sure she could utter a word. The single soldier was now accompanied by almost twenty, surrounding them completely. Anthony pointed to the wagon with an easy smile, and a cheer went up causing her to jump nervously. The bayonet was lowered and instead of them being killed, they were being hailed as friends.

  He took her hand and pulled her towards one of the outbuildings. Pulling her inside, he barred the door from the inside and put his finger to his mouth, indicating that she should be silent still. He inspected each corner of the small building and came back out with a sigh.

  “Maggie, you’ll need to stay hidden. We have just found ourselves in the middle of a mess. General Cos’ forces are reinforcing the presidio and I think they are preparing an attack. There’s too many men here,” he said shakily, running his hand through his hair nervously. “I’ve gotten you in quite a mess. I can pass for Mexican, but you, ,u dear, sweet bride of mine – you cannot.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “We’ll stay put and look for an opening. We need to either get out, get word out or stay put and hope that help comes soon.”

  “And if it doesn’t?”

  “Then I will make sure they never touch a hair on your head. You are a Mejia now. For tonight, let’s make up a pallet for you to rest. It’s been a long day.”

  “How do you know this place?”

  “I’ve been here before, years ago as a boy. I took a guess that this was still the infirmary and hoped it was uninhabited. Thankfully, it was.”

  Staring at her surroundings, she saw the small trunk and opened it. If she kept herself occupied, she could fight down the panic that was scratching at her. The dark, wooden walls reminded her of the ship she had hidden on, yet the ground was steady. Gathering up a few blankets, she ignored the musty smell and saw that Anthony had pushed two makeshift cots together.

  “I thought we were going to wait until I was ready?” she asked warily, staring at the cots apprehensively.

  “We are, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t sleep next to my wife. If there is a problem during the night, I want to be beside you,” he explained with a hard glint to his eyes. She knew that he was anxious as well. He didn’t want to admit that if there was a problem, he wanted to protect her from intruders. “Take the bunk closest to the wall and get some rest. I will keep watch.”

  “Won’t you be tired?”

  “I can lose a little sleep knowing your safe,” he admitted with a sad smile. “If something happens on my watch, it would cause me to never sleep again. Rest,” he urged.

  Maggie sat on the edge of the cot and pulled her boots off, exhausted. She slowly removed the lace mantilla from her head. The veil was fragile and brilliantly colored with sewn in designs along the edges. Beauty in the shadows, it seemed. She carefully folded it and placed it upon the table nearby. Avoiding his eyes, she returned and crawled into the cot. Holding herself tautly, she listened as he lay down beside her. The faint creak of him moving on the cot made her anxious, her breath hitching.

  “Rest.” His voice cut the silence, as if he could read her mind. “We’ve enough to worry about without you fearing me or our future together. I am on your side, not your enemy.”

  “Goodnight,” she said simply, not wanting to discuss the turmoil in her mind.

  “Buenos noches, amor.” His deep whisper barely registered as she closed her eyes against the fatigue washing over her now.

  The next several days became a routine. Maggie hid away in the small building, keeping her blond hair covered. She spoke with no one, save when Anthony returned. The last thing she wanted was for someone to find her, discover she could not speak the language and realize that she did not fit in. Anthony was very careful to hide food on him and return to her. This helped alleviate some of her anxiety. On the ship, she’d had little food unless she scrounged it up out of the stores. Hot, dark, hungry, the rolling waves had felt like hell. Here, it was warm, brightly lit even in the dim building and still. So much so that she swore she could have heard a pin drop at times. It was an endless waiting game.

  Anthony looked beyond exhausted and tense. He’d kept watch day in and day out. He refused to let his guard down. If he believed it wasn’t safe for them, she wholeheartedly agreed and would take no chances. He would not talk much about the few outings from the building, other than admitting that they needed to leave as soon as possible. The only thing different was that some of the soldiers had filed out of the presidio, the fort, today unexpectedly and without notice. He would wait and see if they were evacuating, or if they were simply passing through.

  The days kept passing with little change. Even though the numbers were diminished inside the fort, it was still under Mexican rule and they were threatened. There had been much discussion amongst Texians that they should be free. Now, that freedom would mean war.

  “Anthony, you can’t go on like this,” Maggie told him, finally, after seeing him sitting against the wall struggling to stay awake. His head kept nodding down, jerking him back awake. “How long has it been since you have slept? You need to rest! You’ll be no good if we have to escape,” she explained, trying to make him see reason. “If we had to leave now, would you be any good in a fight?” Smiling, Maggie knew she’d won when he gave her a sheepish grin.

  “Exactly. Lie down and I will keep watch.”

  “Lay down with me and I will sleep better,” he negotiated with a large yawn. “Just let me hold you and pretend all is well.”

  “Only for a bit and no touching. Agreed?”

  “Deal,” he said, lying back. He yanked his shirt over his head and kicked off his boots. He slowly patted his chest, indicating that she should rest her head on his chest. Her heart pounding, she carefully lay down beside him.

  “I won’t bite, Maggie.”

  “I know that,” she admitted softly, embarrassed. “This is difficult for me.”

  “Trust me.”

  “Don’t trick me.”

  “I won’t. I haven’t yet.”

  Maggie scooted closer towards him, carefully tucking her arm underneath her. He grabbed her free hand and placed it over his heart. “There,” he whispered. She heard him give a soft sigh and a slight snore almost immediately. He was beyond exhausted to the point of collapse, but she knew she w
as right. If they had to leave, he’d be useless in a fight. She prayed it did not come to that. Glancing at the door frame, she saw he had barricaded it yet again for their safety. Laying her head back down on his chest, she gave a deep sigh and allowed herself to fall asleep.

  Maggie awoke abruptly to a tickling on her arm. She lay draped across Anthony’s chest and his finger was simply running slowly up and down in a caress. Glancing up at him in surprise, she frowned.

  “That tickles. How long have you been awake?”

  “Long enough,” he countered. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes. Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “You looked so peaceful, so happy. I like it.”

  She sat up and pushed her hair back off her face. She felt like she looked a mess, but the adoration in his eyes told her that he didn’t care. “I’m glad you slept finally.”

  “I’m glad you joined me.”

  “You’re staring at me.”

  “You’re beautiful when you first wake up,” he said softly. “That soft, open, sweet blush on those delicate cheeks.”

  “Anthony –”

  “Shhh,” he said with a sad smile. “Just let me pretend that you want to be here for a moment.” His hand cupped her face tenderly and just as his finger touched her lips, she pulled back.

  Maggie turned away. She didn’t know what to say. She was surprised and stunned that he looked like he wanted her there, wanted a relationship. Intimidated and scared, yes. He thought she didn’t want to be there. Had she truly given him that impression? The problem was that she did want to be there but she was frightened and lacked trust. He had come closer to her than anyone else in the last few months, but letting someone in again was terrifying. Looking back, she saw that he had stood, donning his shirt. The tender moment was gone and she had let it pass by with the thought of being hurt again. She looked up at him and saw the hurt gaze on his face just moments before he hid it. She’d hurt his feelings when he’d been nothing but kind and understanding towards her.

  “I will return shortly with something to break your fast,” he said tightly, and pulled the bar from the door. Opening it, he stepped out and was suddenly gone. She was alone, staring at the closed door. It was a long time before Anthony returned.


  “That’s some breakfast if it took you –” Maggie hungrily snapped as he stormed back in the small one room building they had called home the last week. Anthony’s face was pale, like he’d seen a ghost.

  “No,” she breathed fearfully. They had been found out. She assumed that the Mexican army would be at their door any moment. The thought of coming so far only to have her life snuffed out or sit in a prison terrified her. But more than that, she felt like her newfound tentative security was slipping through her very fingers.

  “Maggie, do you trust me?” Anthony asked quickly, grabbing her by the upper arms. “I’m serious. The Texians are coming and there is going to be a fight. Do you trust me?” he repeated, shaking her for an answer.

  Anthony’s words had her almost in a panic. The intensity, the ferocity in his face scared her. Maggie nodded quickly, afraid he would rattle her teeth to get an answer. He released her arms suddenly as if he realized he was hurting her. He then stooped down and pulled two lethal looking knives from his boots. Anthony slipped them in the belt of her dress. She stared at him confused.

  “Why do I need those?”

  “I need you to hide,” he said quickly, grabbing her hand and pulling her out the door. “The knives are for you if they find where you are hidden. I want you to be able to defend yourself if we don’t win. No one will ever touch you without your permission, love. I swear it.” Anthony yanked her across the courtyard quickly.

  The sun was low in the sky, stinging her eyes. Late afternoon, she surmised. She glanced around as she blindly ran behind him, struggling to keep up. She could see a few soldiers, but that was it. No women, no children. Were they hiding?

  “Where is everyone?” she asked and bumped right into his back as he came to an abrupt stop. She could hear horses protesting in the background. A cloud of smoke and dust was quickly slithering over the walls of the fort as it rose higher and higher.

  “Querida, I told you I’d protect you and I meant it. I need you to trust me and do as I say. Do you understand?” A massive boom shook her as she looked around fearfully. “Maggie! Maggie? Sweetheart, listen to me. Get inside of the well.”

  “No!” she blurted out, shocked at his words. Was he completely insane? There was so much chaos erupting around them and she couldn’t focus.

  “It’s not deep and you can hang on to the rope. If someone falls in there and they are alive, I want you to use the knife. Maggie, do you understand me?”

  She stared up at his black irises, worry written all over his brow. He was near frantic and urging her to get in the large opening in the ground. It resembled an open mouth ready to eat her alive. She backed away, yet Anthony’s hands held her fast in place.

  “I will be back for you, love. I promise,” he breathed and kissed her quickly. There was no slow buildup or tender passion. He was desperate and short on time by the hurried movements he was making and the rushed explanations.

  “I’m sorry,” he quickly apologized at her surprised expression. “But I might not get the chance to do that again.” Without another word, he picked her up bodily and put her over the edge of the stone wall that surrounded the opening of the well. Maggie scrambled to hang on to the wall as he was trying to push her into the inky darkness below. Her fingernails were tearing as she struggled to keep a hold of the stones, bleeding and breaking from the effort.

  “Anthony! I can’t! Don’t do this to me!” she cried out desperately, her voice breaking in sheer panic. She heard several loud pops and a massive boom shook down debris around her from where she hung against the damp, cold stones. “Anthony!”

  “Diosa, I swear I will be back as fast as I can. Don’t yell, darling. I don’t want them to know where you are hidden. They are watching the gates for the Texians. Give me your hands, sweetheart. Trust me,” he pleaded harshly. Grasping a hand, he pulled her struggling limbs off the side of the well wall and leaned heavily over, dangling her above the water. The blackness below her was terrifying!

  “Anthony! Don’t leave me down here!”

  “Maggie, I swear on everything holy, if I didn’t need to, I wouldn’t,” he muttered thickly. She could see the pain in his eyes as she looked at him fearfully. His face was tortured, knowing what he was doing to her would scar her terribly.

  “I’m so sorry, diosa.”

  She heard him whisper just before he let go of her hands, causing her to fall a few feet down into the water below. Kicking frantically, she tried to keep her head above water, looking for a hold. Seeing the rope dangling, she grabbed it and stared up at him. His dark head shadowed against the light.

  “Don’t hate me,” she heard him plead just before she watched him turn away.

  Maggie hung on the rope that dangled from the edge feeling it was a lifeline for her. The soggy mud was just below her feet and the idea of getting stuck just terrified her. Inside the well, she could hear drips and tinkling as the water rippled against the stone sides. The damp silence was deafening, and her teeth were beginning to chatter from the cool temperature of the water. Looking up, she saw that she had to be about ten feet from the opening. The sun was peering over the left side of the ring of stones, illuminating the water.

  Then it began.

  A faint yell in the background, eerie pops and grunting sounds that began to combine together in earnest. The hollow thumps and gurgling noises from above made her gag with nausea as she recognized the sounds. They were signs of death being dealt out just above where she was hidden away.

  Flinching, she saw a figure lean over the edge of the well and gasped when she didn’t recognize him. Pulling the knife from her belt, she trembled. The idea of harming another made her ill, but if it came down to a fig
ht in the confined location, she would bravely try to make sure she was the survivor.

  It seemed like forever that the yelling and shots being fired went on before finally fading. Now, the fear really took hold of her. The shivering she felt from the cold water was nothing compared to the unknown that had just occurred above her head.

  No one else knew she was down here, save Anthony. Was he alive? Who won? If she called for help now, would it result in her being harmed or worse? Slowly breathing in and out, she tried to keep her breath steady and not panting in fear. Closing her eyes, she focused on the sounds of the water lapping the wet stones around her.


  The rope in her hands then tugged like a fish on a line, jerking her shivering arms upwards above her head causing her to yelp audibly. Then she heard the sweetest sound ever: Anthony’s voice.

  “Maggie, sweetheart? Are you okay?” She sagged in relief, losing her grip on the rope and sliding down into the water. Sputtering, she scrambled to grab the rope yet again.

  “Anthony! Is it over?” she called out nervously. “Are you all right?”

  “A little scratch, that’s all. We won and you’re safe now,” he replied, his dark head now silhouetted by the sun directly above them, blinding her. “Can you hang on to the rope? Do you think you are strong enough?”

  “Just get me out of here,” she exclaimed, feeling herself slip down in the sticky muck under her feet.

  “That’s my girl. Hang on.”

  She grabbed the wet rope and wound it around her arm several times. Clutching it, she steeled herself against the pain of the wet, thick rope cutting into her arm. She just wanted out of the well that had been her hiding place. As she got higher up the sides, the pain was almost too much to bear causing her to grunt in pain as the woven rope bit into her arm. Suddenly, warm hands grabbed her and dragged her out over the edge of the stone wall. While she might have balked before at the touch, now she flung herself bodily into his warm arms.


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