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Shadow Watcher (Darkness #6)

Page 3

by K. F. Breene

  “Did you call the pound?” Charles tried, looking at the high grasses and wildflowers we were approaching. I had every belief that a few would lose their lives for his entertainment.

  “You’re not even thinking, anymore. The pound Charles? I don’t drive a dog.”

  “I’d like to ride one.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  “She’s a mountain lion, for the millionth time, and Ann would totally let you if you were nice to her.”

  “I am nice to her!”

  “Constantly asking for sex is not wooing a girl, Charles.”

  Paulie huffed out a laugh behind us. He’d stayed a few paces back the whole walk, and had been silent most of the time, only once uttering a warning of “Car,” when I was about to cross the street. Even though the guy looked all kinds of dangerous, his overall vibe was actually more on the relaxed side. He seemed grounded and patient, content to let life rage around him, comfortable in his skin.

  “Oh yeah, human male? What do you know about it?” Charles glanced over his shoulder.

  “I know that women are nothing but trouble,” Paulie said in his deep rasp.

  “I like him,” Charles announced.

  “Cute.” I glanced at the overgrown field to my left as a strange feeling came over me. Something felt like it brushed against my magic, and then weaved within it. But it wasn’t like normal magic. It wasn’t someone weaving spells or even feeling for other magic workers. It was wholly different. It reminded me of—

  I felt a large hand on my shoulder, startled to see Paulie suddenly right beside me, putting his body between the park and me. “There’s something out there,” he said in a low tone, looking out across the dark field.

  “It’s a Mata,” I clarified. “I can feel its magic. Only one, I think.” I pointed at the distant trees beyond the field. Deep pools of shadow lurked between the trees. Crickets had stopped their song, uncomfortable with whatever lay in their midst.

  “Probably just on patrol,” Charles said.

  “He must know it’s us, though. We’re upwind.” I hadn’t meant to hush my voice, but my words came out a whisper all the same. Something was not quite right about this. While the Mata were patrolling a lot of the city, I was pretty sure this was our territory.

  “What’s a Mata?” Paulie said, still blocking me off from the park with his body.

  “Shape changers. Were-animals. Were-wolves, were-mountain lions and the like,” I answered softly. My gaze scanned the tree trunks. Sometimes a Mata in animal form was in plain sight and you couldn’t see it because it stood absolutely still next to a tree.

  “Witches, mages and now humans who turn into animals. I feel like I’m losing my mind.” Paulie’s voice sounded strained.

  “You’ll get used to it.” I felt my body tingle with danger. My magic prickled in the presence of a shifter magic, sensing it moving slowly toward us.

  “If that’s one of Tim’s, he either doesn’t know who the hell we are, the smell of my kind, or he’s gone feral. There’s something not right about this,” Charles said, dropping his usual lighthearted manner. His tattoos swirled a light gold. “I feel him coming. He knows we’re here, but he’s in no hurry to show himself.”

  “My thoughts exactly. Paulie, get behind me,” I said in a low tone as we neared the end of the baseball field. The trees were starting to close in on the rest of the park, the long grasses reaching out into the sidewalk to brush our legs as we passed. “You don’t want to get blasted with magic.”

  Paulie dropped back a little. Charles and I walked a little faster to get in front of him. I felt the movement of magic, coming closer. Nearing us but well hidden somewhere among the trees and long grasses. A bird exploded from a tree some distance to our left, warning us of something approaching.

  “Do you see anything Charles?” I asked in a frantic whisper. Slow and purposeful, the Mata stalked us like a predator.

  Charles peered into the dark spaces with a bent body and squinting eyes. He shook his head slowly as he drew his sword. The blade flashed with magic. He took the gun out of his belt and handed it back to Paulie without hesitation.

  “I feel the movement, but I can’t…” Charles shook his head in jerks, frustration making his brow crinkle.

  “Should we take off, do you think?” I asked in a squeak.

  “Four legs are faster than two,” Paulie said with an edge to his voice. The rasp had deepened into something hinting at unspeakable violence. Neither Charles nor I could help but glance back.

  His face held in a placid mask of disinterest, Paulie seemed lost in his own fantasyland. His eyes flashed with wild rage that was kept on a tight leash. I had no doubt that if something charged from the trees; Paulie would rush at it with a burst of strength and speed. He looked like he’d seen horrors in his life, and had obviously never turned tail and ran. I hoped this was no different.

  “He’s going to fit in just fine,” Charles muttered, his gaze sweeping back to the park. “I hate this type of shit. Just show yourself, bro.” Charles gave a frustrated huff. “Should we just go in and drag whoever it is back out? Two of us against—“

  “Three,” Paulie interrupted Charles.

  “Two magic workers and one antsy human against a varmint. Let’s just go get him.”

  “This guy seems…so controlled,” I said as we neared the edge of the park. Trees pushed almost up to the sidewalk. Shadows of bushes and grasses lay beneath and around them. Branches swept low, disappearing into the darkness. At the tree line stood a fence surrounding someone’s unkempt yard. I stopped at the line, staring into the black.

  I felt the prickle between my shoulder blades. It was no more than ten feet away. I should have been able to see whatever it was that my magic had located. I even pointed at it, drawing the attention of the others to a low-lying tree branch. But I couldn’t make out any other shapes.

  “Is it invisible?” Charles asked. His knuckles were white on his sword.

  “No. He doesn’t have that kind of magic. It’s all shifter magic I sense. He’s in animal form, but…”

  “A rat, maybe,” Paulie said in a contemplative tone. “Or a small animal.”

  My lips turned down in thought as I gave a slight nod. “Could be, I guess. The smallest animal Tim has is a badger, I think. I know him, though. Jacob and he wouldn’t be hiding.”

  “What if it isn’t one of Tim’s?” Charles shifted impatiently. “Look, Sasha, blast that thing out, let me go get it, or let’s move on. Standing here talking about it is embarrassing because you know it can hear us.”

  He was right. It was close enough to hear everything we said. We were standing in the glow of a street light with a big moon shining down on us—it could clearly see us and it wasn’t showing itself. So controlled. Stalking us. But why?

  My mind flashed back to Cato’s call. Then to Paulie’s sudden appearance and all the humans Birdie was finding. Then this trouble in my hometown. Fate wasn’t done with me yet.

  Chapter Three

  “C’mon, let’s go,” I said with a calm voice. I didn’t want this person to know my thought process. Or my alarm.

  “We’re just going to leave it at that?” Charles asked. “I don’t like people trying to sneak up on me. It’s irritating.”

  “Just…c’mon.” I gave him a small zap to get him to move.

  The park fell away behind us as we passed the fence and quickened our pace. Our spy started to move, but not toward us.

  “It’s headed back the way it came. Maybe it was just checking us out because it heard us…” I noted.

  “Still not one of Tim’s, though. Couldn’t be,” Charles said, glancing back. “Couldn’t be. They all know my smell. And everyone—and I mean everyone—knows about you. You’re a pack friend. It couldn’t be one of his.”

  “What does that mean?” Paulie asked from behind us.

  “It means Tim’s got a visitor in his territory, bro, and he’s going to lose his shit when he finds out.” Charles slapped a bu

  “I doubt Stefan is going to be too thrilled, either.” I bit my lip, thinking about the slow, purposeful movements of the shifter.

  “That happen often?” Paulie asked.

  “What?” I looked behind me and tried to read his face. He had the same placid expression he’d had all night. The wildness in his eyes had calmed, though. He was back to patient and relaxed.

  “Random people threatening you.”

  “Usually we get to actually confront it.” Charles kicked another rock. “I don’t like that creeper bullshit. What kind of game do you think that cat was playing?”

  “Cat…” I let that word roll around in my mouth. It sounded about right, with the slow stalking and contented waiting. “I bet it was some kind of cat.”

  “Mountain lion?” Charles asked with a growl.

  “No. I know Ann’s magic. But cat fits. Hmm.”

  “So…you guys weren’t kidding about the violence. You carry swords and shit, huh?” Paulie tried again.

  “No, I wasn’t kidding. Yes, we carry sharp objects. And yes, danger often turns into a battle. It used to be that walking through town got you a sword fight and a few demons. These days…” I let my voice trail away as we got closer to home. I wanted to run. I wanted to get to the safety of the Mansion and tell Stefan what had happened. I wanted to hear what he said.

  I also needed to call Tim. He’d want to know about a stranger immediately.

  “These days we’re just waiting for the balloon to pop. The problem now is, we don’t know what surprises will be thrown at us.” I shoved my hands in my pockets. I had a feeling demons would be the least of my problems.

  As we turned onto our home block a half hour later, my feet protesting loudly, I stopped dead. My car sat right out in front of the Mansion. A white piece of paper waved at me in the breeze from beneath my windshield wiper. The windows were all up and in place, no new dents or scratches marred the sides as far as I could see. When we drew closer I saw that nothing was out of place inside.

  Maybe Jonas had played a prank. Maybe Charles’ humor was rubbing off…

  I curled my fingers under the cold metal of the door handle and tugged. Locked. I glanced up as Charles tried the other side. Also locked.

  “Someone stole my car, brought it home for me, and then locked up?” I asked, snatching the note off the windshield.

  “Someone’s messing with you,” Paulie observed from the grass, taking turns in staring at the car and then the huge Mansion. “I’ve lived in this town most my life. Ain’t never seen nothing like this. Looks like it’s from the turn of the century. And here it is, squatting here. Been here this whole time, I got no doubt. I’m losing my mind.”

  Ignoring Paulie, I opened the letter and read the contents.

  Hope you don’t mind. Just checking you out.

  A shiver raced up my back. There was no signature.

  I gestured Charles over as I unlocked and opened the car door. “Stick your nose in there. What do you smell?”

  “What the fuck took you so long, human?” Jonas’ voice called across the expanse of grass in front of the Mansion.

  “Super. He’s in a colorful mood.” I got out of the way of Charles, not bothering to look over at Jonas until I heard, “What the fuck are you staring at?”

  I spun and threw up a barrier between Jonas and Paulie while Charles stuck his face into my car. He slid inside and looked all around, sniffing the air.

  Jonas stood at the barrier, eyes on fire, staring directly at Paulie. Paulie stood as calm as could be, but that wildness burned in his gaze as he stared right back at Jonas. The man had no fear. Equally as clear, Jonas wanted to fix that.

  “Jonas, we’ve had a really long night. Can you just give him a break for a moment? He doesn’t know your customs.” I squeezed the bridge of my nose. It never helped, but it gave me something to do.

  “Why the hell is he eye-ballin’ me?” Jonas growled.

  I sighed and leaned against the car as Charles got out. He shut the door and glanced between Jonas and Paulie with unfocused eyes. He turned to me with a rumpled brow. “Shifter. Definitely. But I’ve never smelled that odor before, so either he isn’t one of Tim’s, or I’ve never met him. It’s a pretty strong magical smell.” Charles shifted, his eyes utterly serious. “Tim strong. Like…alpha strong.”

  Jonas’ head turned our way.

  “So what does that mean?” I asked quietly.

  “You saw how the Boss behaved with Dominicous in his space. Alphas do not like other alphas in their space unless the hierarchy is clearly defined and accepted. The Boss and Dominicous—that was defined, but not really accepted by the Boss. So…fireworks. This guy…he’s probably a stranger. And he’s got some powerful magic. Tim’s going to lose his shit.” Charles mimed an explosion.

  “You going to fill me in?” Jonas finally asked. Paulie went back to staring at the Mansion. I let the magic drift away back into the world.

  “Why is he sizing me up, though?” I asked with a shaky voice. “What do I have to do with anything?”

  “He’s learnin’ how this town works,” Paulie said. “That’s what we did when I ran in that street gang. You don’t just go into a new territory and take what you want. That’d get you dead. Naw, man, you go in, figure out who’s in charge, figure out if you can dominate, and then take over. If you can’t dominate right off, you got to figure out if it’s worth taking them out and claiming the spot. If you got someone more organized than you, with more fire power—well, you back the hell out, you know? You don’t play that game. Someone weak? Or someone you can work with? Cool. Got yourself a wider area.”

  “Human, what is going on,” Jonas barked.

  If Paulie decided to hang around, Jonas would have to learn our names or it would get pretty confusing.

  “Charles, fill him in. I’m going to go call Tim and see Stefan. Paulie, come with me. I want to know your heritage, and you need a blood test for that.” I started toward the Mansion, promising safety and comfort. And Stefan, my love. As I walked I could feel him, tugging at my middle, beckoning me closer.

  “I ain’t giving no blood sample,” Paulie said as he started forward with me. “I’ll check out this scene, like I said, but there ain’t no way I’m lettin’ some doctor at my vein.”

  “It won’t be a doctor,” I said. “And trust me, you won’t be complaining. What’s your type? Slim and willowy or strong and well built? Or both—you can have more than one.”

  I stepped up onto the porch so my eye level would be even with Paulie and turned around abruptly. He stopped and looked at me in mild surprise. I pinned him with a serious gaze. “Do not stare at anyone in here, okay? You are a human. Those inside might see an alpha in you, but you are still human—they’ll challenge for the sake of their pride. You won’t get three feet without a fight. Win that one, and you won’t get three more without another one. I’m content to let you fight your way through here any other time, because you seem smart enough not to get yourself killed, but tonight I’ve got shit to do, okay? So as a favor to me, just keep your eyes down. If you don’t plan on doing me any favors, I will wrap your ass up in magic and drag you down the hall. Got me?”

  Humor danced in Paulie’s eyes. A smile tickled his lips. “You.”


  “You’re my type.”

  Charles barked out laughter. “Don’t advertise that, bro. After you meet the Boss, you’ll know why.”

  “Strong-willed female not afraid to take command,” Jonas stated, waiting for us to go through the door. “Good taste. Shows he’ll follow orders if given by someone dominant enough. Shows he doesn’t care if that dominance is by a male or female, as long as the leadership is sound. If he can hold his magic better than his dick, he’ll fit in. As long as I don’t kill him first.”

  “That last part just had to be said, huh Jonas?” I said with an eye roll. I glanced at Charles. “What woman do you recommend?”

  “Already on it,” Ch
arles said, tapping a text into his phone. He stared for a minute, his phone lighting up his face. “She’s smooth as silk. And she likes to cuddle, so he’ll have a place to sleep after.”

  “You running a whore house?” Paulie said in disgust. “I don’t pay for—“

  “You’ll see,” I said, waving him away. “These people are insane when it comes to sex.”

  “You said you got your memory back last time, bro. You should already know what you’re stepping into.” Charles’ phone vibrated. He glanced up at me and winked. “All set. She knows he’s human. Doesn’t care.”

  I nodded and turned toward the door. Only steps inside I saw Selene, the woman Charles must’ve called. Slim but muscular, she wore a corset and a thong with a see-through, red chemise swirling down her body and around her thighs. A face that would make cupid weep with heart-shaped, pouty lips and large, luminous eyes burning with fire and arousal. I had woman-wood for this girl. It was hard not to. She was as gorgeous as they come and more. She was a fearless fighter, high up in the Watch, down to earth, and cool to hang around with. It was hard to be jealous of her rock-star personality, but I kind of wanted to trip the bitch because she was so damn pretty.

  “You’re in good hands, Paulie,” I said with a smirk, and stepped out of the way.

  I watched as Paulie’s earlier disgust turned into burning lust as he took in what was in front of him. His mouth dropped open and his body went rigid. And then it hit me. Like a wood stove on a cold, winter’s day, the smell wafted around my head pleasantly.

  “He does that smelly arousal thing!” I exclaimed, pointing at Paulie. I beamed at Charles. “Guys can do it, too! What did that mean again? Fortuneteller blood, or whatever, right? Oh my God, so cool. I totally win for finding a human magic worker!”

  “Hmmm,” Selene purred as she got closer, all hip and boob, obviously smelling what I did. “What a treat. And not like the typical, weak human. You’ll do nicely.” She ran a manicured hand up Paulie’s chest and smiled into his awe-struck face.


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