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Love in Game (De La Fuente Family Book 6)

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by Lexi Buchanan

  Waking up and finding her gone had crushed me. She hadn’t left a note or anything to indicate that I’d ever see her again. Months have gone by and I still think of her everyday. All I know is her first name and that she lives in Cleveland. Not enough to find her. I’ve even considered asking my brother Eric to try and find her for me. I haven’t though because what if she doesn’t want to see me again? I wish I knew more because not knowing what went wrong or if she’s all right, is slowly driving me insane.

  “Fuente!” Coach yells, jarring me from the sadness and frustration that always comes over me when thinking about finding Felicity.

  I nod in his direction with acknowledgement and inwardly groan when he waves me to go over to him.

  Probably another ass-chewing for being such a rookie on the ice. Scratch that, even a rookie wouldn’t have played so crappy. I sure as fuck had a work out though because sweat is still running down my back.

  Getting closer to Coach, he smirks. “The boss wants your pretty ass in the multi-team calendar.”

  I stumble to a halt and stare at him in wide-eyed shock. “Come again?”

  He laughs. “Dickerson is refusing, so you’re next in line. I’ll message you the details.” He grins. “I wanted to see your reaction when I told you, and it was worth it.”

  “All I heard was calendar. What?” I run my fingers through my hair. “I have to model?” I force the word out.

  He shakes his head, amusement still clear on his face. “Okay, here’s the deal. The powers that be are putting together a multi-team calendar with all profit being split between the charities each team chooses. The calendars are eighteen months long, with nine teams in each one. Not only is it for a good cause, but it’s good publicity for the team and you. On your page, it will list your bio, etcetera.” He sighs. “I know you’ve always shied away from this kind of stuff before the Mavericks, but my advice is to just go with it.”

  It’s pointless arguing about this because reading between the lines it’s a done deal and I’m already on the list. “Full kit?”

  “Take it, but they usually have you losing some of the uniform. They want teasing shots.” He holds his hand out to silence me before I can speak. “I got that from the fact sheet the boss forwarded on to me. I’ll forward it to you.” He sighs when he notices that I really do lack any enthusiasm for this. “Look, Kasey, it’s on Saturday, at least the meet ‘n’ greet is. Just go. Mingle with other players and keep reminding yourself that it’s for charity. It might make you feel better about doing it.”

  I’m not sure which is worse, mingling with other players in the evening or having to model half naked for a calendar, regardless of the reasoning behind it all.

  “We good?” Coach asks, not waiting around for my answer as he moves on to shout at the rest of the team.

  I stare at the ice wondering why I can’t just be left to play hockey instead of all the extra stuff that comes with it. In my younger days, when I’d been scouted at college, I loved the partying, the girls, and all the extra stuff. At thirty-two, I felt fucking old and really wanted to be left alone. If it weren’t for my love of the game, I wouldn’t have signed on with the New York Mavericks. I’d have gone back to Montana.

  Unsure how long I’ve been standing here like an idiot, I hear, “Kasey,” screeched at the top of a woman’s lungs, giving me seconds to get my balance before she flies into my arms.

  With a grunt, I wrap my arms around her waist. “Geez, Andie…You need to lay off that chocolate cake,” I joke and get a punch in the arm for the effort.

  “I haven’t put any weight on.” She frowns. “Have I?”

  My eyes widen in surprise. “Andie, it was a joke.”

  “You sure?”

  Rolling my eyes, I wrap an arm around her neck and move her along out of the rink, grabbing the bag with my gear along the way. “Loosen up, and tell me why you’re here in New York.”

  Tears hover on her lashes that she rapidly blinks away. “I needed a break,” she admits, turning away.

  I stop and bring her face around to mine. “Andie?” I question softly. “Talk to me.”

  She shakes her head. “Not here, and not until I’m ready.”

  “I hate knowing that something is going on that has you so upset.” Then I have a thought. “Are you being threatened?”

  “No, it’s nothing like that.” She glances at some of my teammates as they make their way past us, curiosity in their expressions.

  With a heavy sigh, she admits, “My situation is a bit like you and Felicity, except the man that I’m in love with doesn’t see me.” She laughs without any mirth behind it. “Even if he did nothing could come of it while I’m there.”

  I frown and then my eyes pop wide. “It’s one of your professors?”

  Andie clears her throat and I watch while she pulls herself together. “Is my bed still available?”

  I decide to let her problem go for now, and grin. “I’ve told you before, that spare bedroom is for family, Sis.”

  Her eyes light with joy. “I love hearing you call me that. Until my mom fell for Diego it had only really been the two of us, and now I have family coming out of my ears…and I couldn’t be any happier about it.”

  “You fit in well with us,” I admit, urging her inside my truck, tossing her bag into the back with mine. Running around and climbing in, I add, “I’m not just family to you, I’m your friend and I want to help you. This guy has had you down for a while now.”

  She softly smiles. “Sometimes I think that maybe he knows how I feel about him because he goes out of his way to avoid me, even having someone else liaise between us. That hurts me, Kasey. It’s not as though I’m going to jump him in his office, although that thought kinda crosses my mind on a daily basis.” She laughs, knowing how uncomfortable she’s making me.

  “Fuck, Andie. That’s too much information. Geez.” I shudder and catch her hand when she pokes me in the side with her finger. “Hey, stop that.” I groan.

  “You told me that I’m your sister and friend, right? That means I can talk to you about that kinda thing.” She grins so wide that it starts to freak me out.

  I cough awkwardly. “Let me rephrase what I said then, you can talk to me about absolutely anything as long as it doesn’t involve you getting horizontal with your professor.” Pulling out of the lot, I glance at her from the corner of my eye. “How old is he anyway? Aren’t professors old?”

  “Old, seriously?”

  “Mine were old.”

  She giggles and it’s good to hear. “He’s in his early thirties.” She raises a brow as she watches me. “So unless you consider yourself old at the grand old age of thirty-two, then no he isn’t old.”

  I’m thinking that her professor has it just as bad for her as she does for him. Why else would he have someone liaise between them both? To me it sounds like he doesn’t trust himself to be alone with her, which makes me respect him all the more, even though it’s obviously causing Andie distress. Do I tell Andie my thoughts on her professor or do I keep it to myself? That’s the big question because I could be wrong.

  “What are you thinking so deeply about?” she asks, turning toward me, one of her legs pulled up on the seat.

  “I’m thinking that I have a meet ‘n’ greet thing to go to tomorrow night and that I need a date.” I turn and grin at her. “So what’d you say, Sis? You going to save me from going alone to this boring as fuck thing and go with me?”

  “Well, as you put it so eloquently.” She rolls her eyes. “I’ll go, although I don’t have anything to wear other than jeans, sweats and pajamas.”

  “Pajamas will do.” I laugh.

  We sit in silence until I pull into the underground parking of my apartment complex, when she asks, “Do you still think about Felicity?”

  I don’t even have to think about my answer. “Every day.” I sigh.

  “You do realize that Eric could probably find her from the hotel records in Vegas?”

All I know is her first name and that she lives in Cleveland. That’s it. Plus, what if she doesn’t want me to find her? She could have woken me if she needed to leave. Left a note. Something, dammit.” I slam my fist into the steering wheel.

  “That tells me that you need to ask her why? Let her tell you and then you can hopefully rest, one way or the other.”

  Listening to Andie, I want to grab my phone and call my brother for help, but in all honesty, I’m afraid of Felicity telling me that everything I felt that night was a lie. That she just went along with it to humor me because she was in my room. That would kill me.



  The small reception room in our hotel is full of hockey players, their guests, and staff from the company responsible for the charity calendar, Sports Print and Design. My belly rolls with nerves because being around so many people makes me feel crowded. My brother is in his element though, especially with the gorgeous blonde whom he hasn’t taken his eyes away from. With a bit of luck she’ll provide a distraction so that I can slip away and find a computer to use.

  I’m desperate to see if I can find a Kasey in New York without knowing any other details about him. I would have tried from home but I’m never sure whether or not my brother has a way of checking what sites I visit. I wouldn’t put it past him with how controlling he is. Even Roger has noticed, so at least I know it isn’t just me reading things that aren’t there.

  But having lost sight of my brother, I slowly start to move around everyone when a hand lands on my neck. “Where are you going?” Blake asks against my ear.

  “Restroom.” I try to move away but his arm slips to my waist.

  “Loosen up and come over and meet some people.” He ushers me to where I can see Roger talking to some more players, but I hiss, “I really need to pee.” I elbow him in the side and turn to glare at him. “Stop being so controlling. This is your event and I’m happy that they chose you, but stop watching me every two seconds. Have some fun for a change. That blonde hasn’t stopped staring at you.”

  His jaw twitches as though he wants to say a lot more than what he does. “Do not leave this hotel.” He growls.

  I roll my eyes. “As if I would. You know how bad my sense of direction is. I’m not leaving without you so don’t worry big brother.” I smile now and see his returning smile reach his eyes. “I love you even when you’re an ass.” I grab hold of his arm and reach up to place a kiss on his cheek. “Go get the girl.”

  Refusing to look back, I hurry to the restroom and entering, I quickly take care of business. At least I won’t be lying about visiting here now.

  Heading out and along the corridor, I freeze where I’m standing when I hear Kasey’s voice coming from around the corner. It can’t be. I’m never so lucky.

  Slowly moving toward the voice, I wish I hadn’t because it is Kasey, and he has his arm around another woman. Tears fill my vision while my heart cracks. I’d wanted to find him and know that he’s been missing me as much as I’ve missed him. I realize now that it was a dream. It always was.

  I try to back up before I’m seen, but the woman he’s with notices me first and her eyes widen as though she recognizes me. She whispers something to Kasey and immediately his head snaps to me.

  I can’t hear anything except my blood pounding harshly through my head, but I see his lips form my name. “Felicity?”

  He releases the woman and starts to move toward me, which gets my feet moving in the opposite direction while my heart continues to pound. I don’t get far before his arm circles around my waist and he softly tugs me into a dark room.

  “I don’t know where the fuck we are, but…God, Felicity.” His hands cup my face and his thumbs rub the tears from my cheeks. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. Wondering what I did wrong to make you run without so much as a note.” He drops his hands and takes a step back as my eyes adjust to the sight of him.

  He’s even more handsome than I remember. His blond hair with reddish undertones looks like he’s run his hands through it a few times. But he’s still larger than life, over six feet tall. I reach his chin and his athletic build and the way he fills out his clothes still has the power to make my mouth water.

  When I finally look back up and meet his blue eyes, they’re swimming with amusement, but there’s also heat there.

  “Tell me why you left? Did you regret spending the night in my room? I need to know because it’s been driving me crazy. Didn’t you feel anything that night?”

  I hear the anguish in his voice and move closer to where he’s backed himself up against the wall. I lay my hands against the scruff on his face, and admit, “I woke up and found so many missed calls and messages from my brother that I freaked out and left you there. I’m so sorry that I left after the best night of my life. I’ve regretted it ever since, even more so that I didn’t at least leave a note.” I drop my hands remembering that he has obviously moved on from our night together.

  “I’m glad that I’ve had the opportunity to apologize to you.” I move to leave, but he cages me in with his hands on either side of me, resting against the door, his front against my back.

  “You can’t disappear on me again. Please,” he begs.

  I drop my forehead to the door. “You have someone,” I mumble softly.

  “What?” he whispers against my ear, sending goose bumps racing across my skin, and then I feel his mouth on my shoulder. “I haven’t been with anyone since long before you, and since I met you, I haven’t wanted anyone else. It hasn’t even entered my head.” I feel him smile against my naked shoulder. “The only time sex enters my head is when I’m alone in my bed and I’m thinking about you as I wrap my hand around my dick and get myself off. It’s all you, Felicity.”

  My breathing becomes heavy, and when he wraps an arm around my stomach and brings me against the length of his front, my legs weaken. He’s hard all over and the throb between my legs makes me ache for what is still unknown to me.

  “The woman I’m with is a friend,” he whispers, his breathing also heavier than before. “Her mom is married to my brother Diego, and Andie is like a sister to me. She’s also in love with someone else, and my heart is also otherwise engaged.”

  He groans as he rubs against my bottom once more before he moves his hips, his forehead drops against my shoulder. “You, my Felicity, are all I can think about…all I want...Will you come with me now? Just to talk again and this time we’ll exchange numbers first. And addresses. I’m not taking any chances of losing you again.” Both of his hands rest against my stomach as I intertwine my fingers with his, but then his body goes taut and he curses. “I forgot the reason why I’m in this hotel. I have a thing that I have to go to for a bit…Hey, come with me.”

  I turn in the circle of his arms and rest my head against his chest. “I wish I could, but I’m supposed to be at a meet ‘n’ greet thing with my brother. I’ve escaped but I don’t want him to see me running around the hotel with you.”

  He stills at my words and I close my eyes in distress. I’m going to have to be as honest as I can be for now. “I don’t mean that the way it sounds.” I lift my gaze and hold his. “My brother is a bit controlling.” I wince. “So I don’t want to give him any opportunity to come between us okay? And trust me, if he knows that I’ve met anyone he’ll go nuts.”

  Kasey frowns. “I’m not sure I like the sound of your brother.”

  I offer Kasey a wry smile. “He’s my only family and losing our parents so suddenly, really affected us both, and sometimes I think it hurt Blake even more. I love him, Kasey, and I’m not afraid of him.” So far I’m capable of standing up to him but I know him, and if he gets wind of Kasey, then he’d make it difficult for me to see him. “Trust me okay. He’d have me back in Cleveland before we had a chance to blink if he knew about you. He can’t know about you for now. Please, Kasey,” I beg, hoping he’ll understand.



  “I’m not comf
ortable with sneaking around, Felicity. Because that’s what you’re asking me to do if we spend time together, which is what I want.” I grunt in irritation.

  “I want to spend time with you too. So much. I’ve been really miserable since I left you in that room. You have no idea how many times I’ve wished to be able to go back and do it all again. Leave you a note or even be brave enough to wake you.” She moans and the sound does things to my body that I don’t think she’s ready for. “I’d spend all my time with you if I could.” She sighs. “Please…say something.”

  Cupping the back of her neck with an unsteady hand, I use the other to gently caress along one side of her face. “I’m thinking that I’d do just about anything if it means that I get to spend time with you.” My lips are just shy of brushing against hers as I repeat, “Anything,” before giving in to temptation and softly caressing her pink lips with mine.

  The feel of her hands on my skin as they slip under my shirt has my body tightening with desire. She has no clue what she does to me and that, combined with it being Felicity, turns me on all the more.

  I break from the kiss, panting and trying to remember where we are, but as her hands slip around to my back and dip slowly into the back of my slacks, I reclaim her lips. I move my mouth, hard and demanding, devouring her softness, wanting so much more from this beautiful woman in my arms.

  Growling in the back of my throat, I drag her into my arms and grasping her bottom with my hands, I haul her completely against me, pushing her into the door with my hips.

  She isn’t still, and rocks against my dick while I’m unable to stop kissing her. Our mouths fit together as though we were made for each other, and the feel of finally having her in my arms is bringing me to my knees. My body screams for me to shove my hands into her panties and rip them from her body so that I can feel her, wet and tight around me.

  But then, the banging on the door interrupts us. I want to ignore it, but hearing Andie’s, “Kasey,” whispered angrily through the door makes me see reason. So with regret, I pull my mouth from hers, and gaze into her eyes. I smile and brush a gentle kiss across her forehead before helping her regain her balance.


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