Love in Game (De La Fuente Family Book 6)

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Love in Game (De La Fuente Family Book 6) Page 10

by Lexi Buchanan

  “That’s a beautiful smile,” the guy next to me interrupts.

  His friend looks around him to see me. “I agree.” He takes another gulp from the container in his hands.

  Ignoring them both, I watch as the teams come flying onto the ice to thunderous cheers. Kasey is easy to spot, not just because of his shirt, but because my eyes always find him. He’s my guy, and I never thought I’d find a love like I have with him. It was sudden, and fast, but it’s real.

  “Hey!” the rude man next to me nudges me with his elbow. “I should have known that you’re an ice bunny. Not interested in normal guys, huh?”

  Shocked, I swallow before answering, “You got the wrong girl if you think that’s me.”

  Turning back to the game, I find Kasey and see he’s watching me before he quickly turns back to the ice as the game begins.

  It’s fast paced and I have no idea who the other players are because they’re not a team that I’ve ever focused on because of my brother. I will be doing so now though.

  Kasey looks to be sweating with exertion as they’re coming up on halftime. The asshole beside me has ignored me for the most part, but I feel his eyes on me now.

  The whistle blows for halftime and rushing past me are a few women all wearing Kasey’s shirt. They bang on the windows to the rink as the players swarm the ice. It’s then that I notice other groups of women wearing other players’ shirts.

  Ice bunnies!

  Kasey happens to glance over at me, but of course the bunnies get the wrong idea and start screaming about who he’s actually looking at. That’s when the asshole beside me gets in my face.

  I jump back with fear racing down my spine, trying to get out of his way, but he reaches out and the iron grip he has on my wrist is too strong. “What the hell is wrong with you?” I snap.

  “I’m sick of coming to these games and having women like you ruining the game by trying to catch the attention of the players. Women like you are whores and shouldn’t even be let into the arena.” He spits at my feet.

  “Please let me go,” I cry, my wrist hurting like a bitch. “I haven’t done anything to you.”

  “Women like you are all the same. Whores…Got nothing else to say, bitch?”

  Even though the blood is pounding in my ears, I hear the hush as it settles over our part of the arena, but yet no one comes and helps me. Then shouting, which I can’t quite make out the words to, surrounds us, as well as the women down at the front getting all excited over something. But I can’t move my eyes from the man who has a beef with me for some reason.

  “Get your fucking hands off my girlfriend,” Kasey roars seconds before his fist flies into the guy’s face, and I’m free, and falling backwards.

  Kasey wraps an arm around my waist, stopping my flight down the stairs, and keeps me tightly in his arms. “You’ll be lucky to ever get inside this arena again.”

  Security comes rushing up, better late than never. Kasey turns me away from the asshole and cradles my face in his hands. “Are you okay?”

  Shaking my head, I wrap my arms around his neck and burst into tears when he wraps his arms tightly around my waist. “Don’t let go,” I beg, my body shaking slightly.

  “I’ve got you,” Kasey whispers, and keeps his lips pressed against the top of my head.

  “Is she okay?” someone asks.

  “No. I need to get her out of here,” Kasey answers.

  “Let’s get her around back and ask Doc to take a look at her wrist.”

  “Fuck,” Kasey curses and moves me away from him. “Let me see your wrist.”

  “It throbs,” I tell Kasey as I hold it out for him to see.

  He carefully slides up my sleeve and then his face tightens with anger. “I wish I’d killed the fucking asshole.”

  “Kasey, no. Let him be handed over to the cops. I don’t want you to be in trouble. I need you with me.”

  He slides his fingers through my hair and cupping the back of my head, brings me closer so that he can kiss my forehead. “Let’s go.” He tucks me under his arm, and cradles my sore wrist in his large hand so that no more damage can happen to it.

  His friend helps usher us through the crowd while people with cell phones snap our picture and probably video as well. They lead me out through the side of the arena and then we double back around to the entrance of the team’s locker room.

  “Xander, will you go and get Doc.”

  “Yeah, sure.” He goes off and my legs finally stop holding me up.

  “I need to sit, Kasey. Now.”

  His eyes widen, but he quickly helps me to the floor while I cradle my wrist against my chest. “I’m okay, really.” I grab his hand and hold it tightly. “I think I’m just in shock. I’ve never been attacked like that before. He kept calling me a whore.” Tears trickle down my face and then I start laughing when I realize he still has his hockey boots on.

  Glancing down, Kasey offers me a wry smile. “I wanted to get to you as soon as I realized something was wrong. I didn’t stop to think. I wouldn’t have taken them off anyway.” I glance at the locker room door as a man comes rushing out.

  “What’s going on? Xander said a bruised wrist.” He drops down beside Kasey, who points at me.

  “Some asshole wouldn’t let her go. Her wrist needs checking out…Please, Doc.” Kasey holds the man’s gaze and sags when he turns toward me.

  “So do you have a name?” he asks, taking care with my wrist.


  “My girlfriend,” Kasey adds.

  The man smirks. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “She’s Blake Kelly’s sister.”

  The doctor pauses and stares at me before back to Kasey. “Well, shit!” He laughs.

  After a bit of poking and prodding at my wrist, which makes me wince, he declares, “I don’t think it’s broken, but I’m going to strap it up to ease it a bit.” He smiles, and adds, “I’m sorry to hear about your brother. How’s he doing?”

  “Thank you. He’s bored and driving the nursing staff crazy. I’m hoping they’ll have some answers soon.”

  He nods. “Okay, that should feel a bit better.”

  “Thanks, Doc,” Kasey says, taking my uninjured hand into his.

  “I need to get back in there.” The doctor stands up and disappears into the locker room.

  After some shouting, the team tumbles out toward the ice with curious glances and smirks in our direction.

  Kasey runs his hands through his hair and then helps me back on my feet. “I’m going to take you over to Xander’s family. His two sisters are here with their kids. You’ll be safer there. No drunken assholes.”


  “Felicity, look at me.” He tips my face up to his. “Do you want to stay or should I take you back to the apartment?”

  I smile and cup his cheek. “You can take me home after you win this game.”

  He closes his eyes and rests his forehead against mine. “I love you.”

  I wrap my good arm around him and snuggle against him. “I love you too…now show me to my seat and go kick some ass.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He snickers.

  Narrowing my eyes, I playfully smack his arm. “If you want me naked later you better knock it off with the ma’am.”

  He chuckles and leads me to where his friend’s family welcomes me with open arms. I end up watching the end of the game with a beautiful baby girl in my arms.



  Accompanying Felicity up to her brother’s room, I can’t get the image of her cuddling Xander’s niece, out of my head. She’d looked so beautiful at that moment, and I knew that I wanted that to be in our future. Since she’s been back in my life, I knew that I wouldn’t let her out of it again, but seeing her holding a small baby made me crave to have everything with her.

  She’s young and I want her to go to college if that’s what she wants, as long as in the evenings she comes home to me, and eventually, I want a f
amily with her.

  I tighten my arm around her middle and smile when she turns her head, holding my gaze. “How are you holding up?” I ask, her wrist is still cradled against her chest and she looks tired.

  “I’m okay.” She sighs. “We won’t stay long though because I’m going to need some more painkillers soon.”

  “Five minutes so that Blake can see how you are doing, and then we’ll leave. You need to sleep.”

  “Hmm,” she mumbles, leading the way from the elevator and to her brother’s room.

  Blake is sitting up in bed and looks to have been waiting for us. I know he’s pissed because of what happened to Felicity, which he’d seen on Facebook of all places.

  “Let me see,” he growls.

  Felicity moves next to him and shows him her bandaged wrist. “I’m really okay, Blake. Kasey saw what was happening and came off the ice. He punched the asshole in the face.”

  “I saw. It was on the video.”

  Felicity looks at me, so I move and taking her in my arms, kiss her forehead before I push her gently down in the chair beside the bed.

  “She needs to sleep.” I look at Blake. “Her wrist is bruised.” My gaze flicks back to Felicity and caresses over her. “I couldn’t get to her quick enough. I hate that.”

  “I hated seeing it on Facebook. One of you should have told me.” Blake has every right to be pissed about that.

  “It happened at halftime. Neither one of us gave a thought about it appearing on social media. I should have thought of it, but at the time I was more concerned about my girl.” I hold Felicity’s loving stare. “I wanted to kill that asshole for touching her.”

  Blake snorts. “That was one hell of a punch you got him with.”

  I flex my aching fist and feel the gentle touch of Felicity as she kisses my bruised knuckles. “You’re hurt too,” she whispers.

  “It was worth it to knock that bastard on his ass.”

  Blake chuckles. “I’m glad you saw what was going on to help her. She’s all I have.” He looks away but not before I see tears in his eyes.

  I turn away and hold my hand out to Felicity. Her palm slips into mine and I lift her to her feet. She leans over her brother, her arms going around his shoulders. She kisses his cheek and whispers something to him, which has him rapidly blinking. He holds on to her like he isn’t going to let go, but when he does he’s in control again as Felicity steps into me and wraps an arm around my back.

  She lays her cheek against my chest and lets out a heavy sigh. I drop my chin to the top of her head and meet her brother’s gaze. “We’ll be back tomorrow.” I lead her toward the door and turn back to Blake with a smirk on my face. “Just so you know, when we break you out of this place, we’re taking you to Montana with us.”

  I close the door on her stunned brother while Felicity snickers against me. “You did that deliberately.”

  “I did.” I laugh. “It gives him something else to think about. It’s also reassurance for him that I’m not going to take you away from him. He’s going to need you whether he’s walking or not.”

  “Thank you,” she whispers, tears in her voice. “I don’t know how I got so lucky to meet you.”

  I smile against the top of her head as we enter the busy elevator. “We need to thank Bev sometime for our meeting, besides, I’m the lucky one here.”

  She chuckles. “I wouldn’t give her the pleasure of knowing that…Is Blake really going to be okay?”

  Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, I answer, “I don’t know if he’ll walk again if that’s what you’re asking. But either way he’s going to have you and me to help him adjust in anyway he has to. I’m in this with you.” I kiss the top of her head. “Don’t ever forget that.”

  “I won’t. We can’t go back to our apartment in Cleveland though because we’re on the third floor. There’s no elevator.”

  Taking her hand, we head toward my truck. “We need to go and pack all your stuff up. For now we can put it into storage. Are you okay with letting the apartment in Cleveland go?”

  She bites her lip. “I think we need to talk to Blake about that, but I’m all for it. He won’t be able to manage the stairs, even if he does get feeling back in his legs. He’s not going to be running around anytime soon. However, I don’t want to just take everything away from him without discussing it first.”

  “I get that, and we’ll go and talk to him about it first thing so that we can head over there straight after. We’ll drive so that we can load the truck with what you want to keep with you.”

  Tears slip down her cheeks, and I cradle her beautiful face in my large hands, brushing at them with my thumbs. “Baby, please talk to me.”

  “I love you.” She hiccups and knocking my hands away from her face, she wraps herself around me. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you enough for everything you’re doing for Blake and me.”

  “You never need to thank me. I’m doing it because I want to. Because I’m in love with you, and I’m not going to lie, but I’m being selfish. I want you with me, and if getting rid of your apartment in Cleveland makes that happen, then I can’t wait to help you move out and in with me.” I offer her a wry smile. “I just wish that all this was being accomplished for a different reason than your brother being in the hospital.”

  “Me too.” She sighs.

  “C’mon, let’s get you home.”



  Showered, I’m kind of disappointed that Kasey didn’t join me, but as I walk out in his team shirt, I realize he must have showered in the guest room. His eyes heat when they see me and he has to swallow a few times before he moves closer. “That suits you a lot better than it does me.” His eyes move over me in a heated caress, tightening my nipples and causing a throb between my thighs.

  “You showered away from me.” I groan, pretending to be offended.

  He curses and lifting me up and into his arms, he sits on the sofa with me on his lap. “You feel that?” He arches his hips against my bottom.

  “I sure do.” I press against the erection that is too big to hide.

  “That’s why I showered in the guest room. I want you. I always want you. Tonight we’d had plans, but then you got hurt. I don’t want to hurt you any more than you already are.”

  “Not being with me is hurting me,” I admit.

  Being careful with my wrist, I straddle his hips and cradle his head against my chest when I see the anguish in his gaze.

  “I’m sorry. That’s the last thing I wanted.”

  “I know, but please ask me next time so that we both don’t suffer, okay? I don’t know what you’re thinking, Kasey.” I look into the swirling blue depths of his eyes and smile. “Well, most of the time.”

  “I really don’t want to screw anything up with you.”

  “Talk to me and you won’t.”

  “Talk, huh? So should I tell you that I’m hard and aching at the sight of you in my shirt? That all I want to do is make love to you while you wear my shirt. But after admitting all that, I’ll also admit that I’m afraid of hurting you with the strength of my feelings for you.”

  “Oh, Kasey, you could never hurt me. I want everything that you do.” I smile softly. “I want everything that I saw in your gaze when you watched me hold Xander’s niece.” His eyes widen in surprise. “I want everything that I see in your eyes when you look at me.”

  His hands slip beneath the shirt, cupping my bottom, before he pushes me against his erection. I smile and rock against him. “I want to ride you.”

  Gripping me against him, his eyes slam shut. I don’t stop there with the teasing, and lifting the shirt above my chest, I lean against him. My hard nipples graze against his chest and Kasey shudders against me, his hands trembling.

  Leaning in, I kiss his jaw and along his neck to his chest. My tongue dips out and swirls around his nipples and all the while his erection throbs, trapped between us. I’m so wet that the ache I’m feeling is building
, and having Kasey stroking my bottom isn’t helping to control my arousal.

  I’m getting to the point that I need him inside of me, a place that he hasn’t been since our first time together. So sitting up, I raise my hips and with his help get his sweats down his thighs before I settle back and admire his beautiful cock. He’s long and thick, and the crown is red and leaking with his arousal.

  Licking my lips, I dip my head and swirl my tongue around, tasting him. He catches his breath and his flesh jerks against my lips. Smiling, I kiss the tip before my hand wraps around him.

  I lift up and placing him at my entrance, slowly slide down his length. My walls open up for him and then close tightly around his swollen shaft when he’s seated completely inside of me.

  He groans and his hands grasp my hips. “Please don’t move.” He pants. “You feel so good.”

  “I feel full.” I pulsate around him and watch as his eyes cross. “I can’t wait to feel you come inside of me. It’s so hot watching you orgasm. Knowing that your release is mixing with mine makes me come so hard—I never want it to stop.”

  “Felicity,” he growls, and I feel him swell even more.

  Offering him a teasing smile, I rise up slowly to the tip before dropping down so that he slides back inside. My breathing increases as my arousal quickly grows with the feel of him sliding back and forth. He’s the perfect fit. Shivers of desire chase across my skin as his hands move to cup my breasts. His thumbs rub over my nipples while his eyes stay focused on mine.

  “I need to see you. All of you.” Growling, he quickly tosses the shirt I’m wearing to the floor, and seconds later his mouth clamps around one of my breasts. I throw my head back, moaning as sensation rushes through me. My hips move faster as Kasey wraps an arm tightly around my hips and his mouth and tongue play with my nipples.

  “Fuck…Are you close?” he asks.


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