Love in Game (De La Fuente Family Book 6)

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Love in Game (De La Fuente Family Book 6) Page 11

by Lexi Buchanan


  He hisses through his teeth and clamping me completely against his chest, he throbs and jerks, squirting against my walls as his orgasm takes over. I convulse and pulsate around him in so much pleasure that my toes curl.

  Kasey pants against my neck while he continues to release and tiny flutters along my core cause me to moan. Eventually I collapse against him as our bodies start to cool.

  “So much for putting you to bed with aspirin.” He laughs.

  “I’m glad that you didn’t.”

  “Me too.” He yanks the throw from the back of the sofa and places it over us. “I should have mentioned this the last time, but we’ve done it again.”

  I frown wondering what he’s talking about. He uses a finger to stroke between my brows and answers my silent question, “I haven’t used any protection with you. I’ve never forgotten to wrap it before, but with you, the minute you touch me, or I touch you, I forget everything.” He sighs. “I’m so damn sorry, Felicity. I’m clean though, I just feel like a bastard for not protecting you.”

  “You feel amazing inside of me.” I wiggle on him because he’s starting to grow erect inside of me again. “I love being skin-to-skin with you. I don’t want to have latex between us.”

  “You’ll get pregnant if we don’t.” He smiles. “Although I wouldn’t mind seeing you round with my baby, I want you to have the chance at college if that’s what you want. But make no mistake, we’re going to have everything, together.” Kissing me sweetly while his hands brush my hair back from my face, he pauses, and says, “I’m talking marriage, Felicity. I want that, I want children with you. The white picket fence. Dogs, cats, and whatever pets you want. But every damn thing is going to happen, the whole nine yards.”

  “You won’t hear any complaints from me,” I admit and sigh against his chest as he lies us down along the sofa.

  He slowly withdraws his penis from between my thighs before our legs intertwine. “What would you study at college?”

  “Creative writing.”

  He chuckles. “You didn’t even have to think about that.”

  “No.” He cradles my wrist against his chest, his thumb lightly rubbing over the bruising, easing the ache. “I enjoyed writing at school. They had a creative writing activity during lunch that I’d take part in.” I smile at the memory and lift my face to Kasey’s. “My teacher was young, pretty, and she would flirt with Blake at the parent teacher meetings.”

  “He’d go to those?”

  “Every one…So my teacher, Ms. Seddons, had this crush on him, so she loved my stories because they’d always center on Blake. It was as though she couldn’t get enough of him.” I shrug and smirk. “He’d squirm as though he was back at school whenever he had to talk to her. She’d come on all heavy so that it was obvious to everyone who witnessed it. She gave him the creeps.” I giggle at the memory.

  “I’d forgotten about that. My brother lost some of his youth because our parents died. He’s always been there for me, pushing me to excel at school even when I wanted to give up.”

  “That’s why I’m going to make sure he has everything he needs to recover, as well as you and me there to help him. And what I said about Montana, I was serious. When he can travel, I want to take you both home with me. There’ll be no problem with you sharing my room and we can sort out one of the guest rooms for Blake. Being surrounded by my family will hopefully help him.”

  “I appreciate everything you’re doing, but what about your team?”

  He caresses over my hip, bringing my leg to rest over his. “They’ve given me a month, and then I have to be back with my head in the game to see out my contract.”

  “Hmm, I’m sleepy now.” I am sleepy but I want to tease him now that I feel him hard and throbbing against me.

  I reach between us and guide him to where I need him. He slips inside, but because of our position, only a shallow penetration is possible. I shiver at the feel as his fingers tickle down my back to clasp my bottom.

  “I’m going to make sweet love to you again, and then if I can walk, I’m going to carry you to bed. Then I’m going to hold you all night while we sleep.”

  I lay my palms against his face and whisper, “I love you,” as he slowly starts making love to me.



  The trip to Cleveland took us eight hours, but we’ve made it and now I’m crashed out on the sofa while Felicity insists on cooking us something to eat in the kitchen.

  Their apartment is small and homey with NHL memorabilia covering part of the walls. It’s also nice to see pictures of Felicity when she was younger in frames around the place, sometimes with Blake. No matter how much I’ve never gotten on with her brother, I can’t find fault in how he obviously tried to fill in the role of parent for Felicity while she matured into the young woman she is today.

  “Your brother did good,” I shout, and getting to my feet, I pad softly into the small kitchen. She smiles, which always makes my heart pound that bit harder when it’s directed at me. “He made you a home.”

  “He did. He suddenly became a mom and dad rolled into one.” She chuckles. “There have been a few bumps in the road along the way, but he made us a real home in this apartment, and I love him all the more for it.” Smiling, she adds, “He gave up a personal life for me, and he worked twice as hard to get drafted.”

  She shrugs and then starts to laugh. “I’ll never forget the time he thought I should know about the birds and the bees.” She leans against the table with a fond smile on her lips. “He’d tried for days to broach the subject, but when he finally got the guts to just blurt it out, he was bright red. I’m not going to lie, I made him suffer.”

  She shakes her head and continues, “I waited until he’d said the word penis, as though it was a disease, and then I admitted to watching porn at a friend’s house. He sagged in relief and then when it sank in that I’d watched a man and woman fucking, he was pissed as hell.” Giggling, she adds, “I’ve never known anyone to say penis the way he did. Sometimes now, I’ll tease him about that talk and his sudden stutter.”

  Clearing my throat, I ask, “You’ve watched porn?”

  She rolls her eyes. “That’s all you got out of that?”

  “No…Now explain about the porn.”

  “Yes, I’ve watched porn. Who hasn’t?”

  I crowd her around the table, and taking the knife from her hands, I reach for her hips. Sitting her on the table, I kneel between her open thighs. “I can’t get over a little innocent like you watching the naughty stuff.”

  I slip my hands up her dress, and follow with my mouth, nibbling along her thighs to her panty clad pussy.

  “Hmm, I used to slip my hand into my panties while I watched.”

  “Oh yeah? My dick likes the sound of that.” I slip a finger into her panties, and rub against the wetness already there before I yank her panties down her legs. “My mouth needs to taste this sweet pussy.”

  Her legs wrap around my neck and I lean in, rubbing my nose against her mound, while my tongue slips out and plays against her clit.

  She arches her back, shoving herself into my face. “Nothing has ever felt as good as it does when you touch me.”

  “Damn straight.” I blow against her heat and watch as her core clenches around thin air, the sight making me throb to have her doing that around my dick.

  Soon. Very soon.

  “I want your release on my face, baby.” I shove a finger inside her as I suck on her swollen clit.

  “Oh,” she moans, her hands gripping my head. “Kasey…Too much.” She tries to pull my head away, but I rub against her sweet spot with my finger and she bows off the table, panting.

  Her fingers release me and grip the table, and with one final sweep of my tongue she’s coming. Her core clamps around my fingers while I lick her sensitive folds.

  When her legs go lax on my shoulders, I ease up and kiss her mound. Getting to my feet is uncomfortable as hell with the monster of an er
ection pushing for freedom behind my zipper.

  The satisfied smile on her face makes me smile in return as I grip her bottom and tug her up against me. Her arms slide around my neck and her legs wrap around my hips.

  “Love me, Kasey,” she whispers against my lips as one of her hands slips between us to the fastener of my jeans.

  My body trembles as I claim her mouth in a slow, soft kiss. She moans and slips her tongue between my lips. Deepening the kiss, and unable to get enough of her, I nearly come the minute her fingers wrap around my dick.

  “I love”—she nibbles along my jaw—“how hard you get for me.”

  Laughing, it turns into a throaty groan when her thumb rubs against the leaking slit. “I’m really worked up, babe.”

  “Hmm,” she hums against my chest, her hand tightening into a fist around my flesh.

  My blood heats to boiling point and I can’t think, let alone see straight, with her touch, and when she rubs me against her wet pussy, I take things into my own hands. I tilt her forward and nearly bust a nut when I glance down. I’m dripping with precum against Felicity’s core as she holds me in place, her slender fingers caress me…and, “Fuck, I’m going to come.”

  Thrusting inside her, I jerk, coming so hard my eyes cross. I drop my face between her covered breasts and groan through the hard release. Felicity throws her head back and moans, and then her wet pussy convulses around me. The tightness surrounding me, tugs more release from my dick until I’m sure she’s sucked me dry as I strain over her.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” I confess, and chuckle. “That nearly blew my head off, and I’m not only talking about the one on my shoulders.”

  She giggles and it makes her core massage around me. I moan and slowly pull out as I watch my release follow. I snap my eyes closed to avoid the erotic sight before I blindly reach for a clean dishtowel. “We’ll toss it into the trash.” I quickly dry my cock and pulling my briefs and jeans back up, I hold the towel between her legs. I stroke her mound with my thumb before leaning in to capture her pink lips. “I love you,” I whisper, and capture another kiss.

  Once I’ve cleaned her up, I help her back into her panties, finding that I’m reluctant to remove my hands from under her dress. But when I do she clasps them in hers. Kissing my knuckles, she moves my hands behind her back and wraps her arms around my waist, her head going to my chest. I hold her in the circle of my arms and rest my chin on the top of her head.

  Felicity sighs. “This is the place that I always want to be. Wrapped up in your arms, listening to the beat of your heart. I love you, Kasey. I love you so much that I can’t believe you’re mine.”

  “You’ll always be mine.” I kiss the top of her head, and picking her up in my arms move us to a kitchen chair. I sit with her on my lap, our arms still holding each other. “Will you do something for me when we get back?” I ask.

  She frowns, so I continue, “I don’t ever want there to be anything between us. It feels too good being inside of you bare. I just don’t want to get you pregnant before you’re ready, okay? So I was wondering if you’d make a doctor’s appointment and, well, you know…” I flounder and can’t finish.

  Felicity shakes her head, but with a huge smile splitting her face. “I’m not going to be taking anything, Kasey.” She gets to her feet and turns the oven off. “It’s ready.” She turns to face me with her bottom resting against the countertop. “If we get pregnant then we’ll deal with it, right? I mean it’s not something I’ve really thought about until you just mentioned it. But now I can’t get it out of my head. You keep talking about wanting a life with me. Well, I want one with you too.”

  I’m sure that I’m grinning like an idiot, but I can’t help it, she’s a dream come true. “Are you sure?”

  “More than anything.” She smiles. “Besides, I love feeling you come inside of me. It really turns me on but it also makes me feel special.”

  “You are special.” I grab her up into my arms and twirl her around. “So damn special.”



  A week after returning to New York with everything that Blake and I own, I’m getting the spare room in the apartment ready for him. The room isn’t as large as the master bedroom, but now that we’ve rearranged the furniture my brother shouldn’t have a problem maneuvering around it. The bathroom isn’t ideal, but it will do for now, and he should still be able to manage.

  I’ll just be glad to have Blake here instead of in the hospital. I’m kinda hoping that he loses the chip that he has on his shoulder. I know he’s pissed at the world because he’s bound to a wheelchair for now, but I really want him to start living again.

  The doctors can’t find any reason why he can’t feel his legs. Nothing. They’ve said it might come back in time, or it might not. In fact, I’m sure if he could have punched one of the doctors he would have done so, especially when one particular doctor had told him his lack of feeling was psychological.

  Personally, I think there is some truth to that. I mean, why can’t they find what the problem is when he’s had test after test? I’m hoping that the change of scenery, especially when we leave for Montana, will have a positive effect on him.

  Sighing, I finish tucking the sheet in on the bed, and hear a groan from behind me. I turn my head and see Kasey leaning against the doorjamb with his arms crossed and his eyes on my bottom.

  “You like what you see, huh?” I wiggle and smirk when his eyes darken.

  “I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight.” He continues watching me. “I’m not coming any further into this room or I’m going to be all over you. In you.”

  Placing the last corner beneath the mattress, I straighten. “All done.” I toss the quilt over the bed and smile. “I hope he likes what we’ve done in here.”

  We’ve tried to make the bedroom his room, and I’m really hoping that it doesn’t anger him because of all the NHL stuff we put up on the walls.

  I move over to Kasey and wrapping an arm around his waist, he tucks me under his arm as we look at the room. “I think it looks amazing, and I’m sure he’ll appreciate having his things around him.”


  His hand tightens around me. “There’s no real but in there, just don’t be disappointed if he doesn’t thank you for your effort, okay? I can’t imagine losing the use of my legs when hockey has been my life.”

  Chewing my lip, I glance around, wondering if I should have waited, only to decide that no, I shouldn’t. “He needs his things around him. He’s coming to a new apartment, so I want him to have comfort in his things. I know he isn’t a child, but it’s my turn to look after him.” I smile up at Kasey. “He’s going to have to deal with it. Maybe it’ll take his mind off his legs for a short while.”

  “Just remember that you’re not alone and that I’m here to help you in any way I can. You can tell me anything. Rant. Cry. Scream. Laugh. Any damn thing, Felicity,” he says this so fiercely. “That was a bit over the top, huh?” He laughs.

  “A little bit…and I promise to talk to you about anything. Always, okay?”

  “Hmm.” He guides me out of the room and into the living room when the intercom buzzes.

  Kasey answers and all I can hear is his agreement, and, “Send them up.”

  He clicks the intercom off and turns to look at me, pausing for a moment before explaining, “Um, my brother’s on his way up?”

  I blink in surprise and sit on the sofa with him facing me on the coffee table. “Diego has obviously told everyone about you.” He winces and then laughs. “I just didn’t think it would be Eric coming to see me.”

  “It makes me nervous meeting your family, but it makes me happy that they want to meet me.”

  “Eric and Sylvia are the ones who live in Lexington. He’s retired from the army and works security for McKenzie Holdings, a company owned and run by our cousins.” He smiles. “Sylvia gave him a run for his money when she worked there.”

  “How long do we
have before they’re here? I mean his wife is coming as well, right?”

  “We have a few minutes, and yes, they’re both coming. Eric doesn’t travel without Sylvia.”

  I nod. “While we wait will you tell me about Emelia and Dante? You said their relationship was complicated.”

  He chuckles. “Complicated doesn’t really cut it, but the short version is that Dante left for school when Dad remarried. He was pissed that Dad had remarried within weeks of Mom’s funeral. The others were as well, but they stayed at home. So when Emelia and Diego were born, Dante was hardly ever with us as a family. Then as Emelia grew up, she fell in love with Dante, like he did her.

  “He ran to the church because of the feelings he had for someone he thought was his half sister. Not long ago it came out that Emelia and Diego didn’t just have a different mother than us, but a different father as well. There was a lot of heartache but it worked out for the best.” I grin. “She’s about to pop with a niece or nephew for us pretty soon, otherwise she’d have been here before Diego to meet you.”

  Softly smiling, I admit, “Your family and how much they love you, fills my heart.”

  “They’re your family now as well.” He cups the back of my head and smiles. “I now have everything with you in my life. By my side, I want for nothing.”

  I meet him in the middle for a gentle kiss that says so much about his feelings for me…and then there’s a pounding on the door.

  It makes me jump back and glance at the door before I turn back to Kasey as he curses and shaking his head, gets to his feet. “I’ll let him in before he breaks the door down.”

  Sighing, I watch Kasey as he jogs to the door. He makes me weak in the knees. His strong thighs lead to a firm bottom and a slim waist. The muscles rippling under his shirt as he opens the door quickens my pulse.

  He catches my eyes as he steps aside so that his brother and wife can enter the apartment. Smiling but feeling nervous, I move toward them and find myself pulled into Sylvia’s arms.


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