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Page 3

by Jade Kuzma

“No,” I said as I shook my head. “No, you didn’t.”

  “Yes,” she said with a nod, her eyes wide. “Yes, I did.”

  “I gotta be honest with you. I don’t remember much about senior year.”

  “How could you? Captain of the football team. Captain of the wrestling squad. All of those obligations. All of those friends. Big Man on Campus…”

  “Yeah, that’s right…”

  She gave me smirk as she sipped on her drink.

  Who is this girl?

  “Your story checks out,” I said. “You’ve got all the details right. You sure you’re not spying on me?”

  She leaned in close to me and motioned for me to come closer with her index finger. Her breath against my cheek, she whispered into my ear.

  “And what if I was spying on you? What would you do?”

  I pulled away from her, our eyes locked on one another.


  The boys in the club warned me about the kind of women who came to the clubhouse. They would do anything to try and seduce a man. There was something a woman couldn’t resist when they saw a man in leather.

  As I looked into Gina’s eyes, I could understand why they warned me. And there was another part of me that didn’t give a shit.

  “Okay,” I said. “We went to high school together. That was a long time ago.”

  “It was. Almost six years.”


  A sudden shrieking voice interrupted my conversation with Gina. I turned and saw a pair of blonds standing there.

  Now these were the kind of women that the boys warned me about.

  Fake tits. Fake tans. Enough makeup you had to use a knife to cut through it. Bleach blond hair that was done up. Scantily-clad tops that barely covered anything.

  The two women bounced up and down as they looked at me.

  “It’s him!”

  “Oh, my God! Dorian, can we get a picture with you?”

  “Um… Sure,” I muttered.

  I stood there and smiled as the two women held their cell phones up to take photos. They took multiple selfies, each one capturing a different pose as I just stood there.

  “Thank you! We just read the article about you in the paper! We just loved it!”

  “The way you saved that old lady! It was amazing!”

  “Actually, it was a man…”

  “It doesn’t matter,” one of the blonds cut me off. “All that matters is that you are a hero.”

  “Say, Dorian. You got anything planned for tonight?”

  The other blond teased me by trailing her hand along the zipper of my kutte.


  I turned and saw that Gina had disappeared. Her half-empty drink sat on the counter. I looked around the bar in confusion before spotting her walking toward the exit.

  “Actually, I’m a little busy,” I said.

  I pushed myself away from between the two blonds and paced toward Gina as quickly as I could. I caught up to her just as she got to the door.

  “Hey! Where are you going?”

  She slowly turned around, a noticeable bit of disappointment on her face.

  “I… I just needed to get out of my apartment for a bit. I really shouldn’t be out this late.”

  “Oh,” I said with a nod. “Okay… I was thinking that maybe we could talk for a bit.”


  “We went to high school together. It’s been a long time. We have a lot to catch up on.”

  If this girl walked out on me, I wouldn’t know what to think. But I wasn’t about to beg her. Not out loud, anyway.

  “Okay,” she said with a shrug. “We can talk and catch up.”

  “I know just the place. Nobody will bother us.”

  Chapter 4


  Dorian was the most popular guy in high school. Every girl would have killed just to spend some time with him. There were guys who wanted to be his friend just because of what it would mean to say he was your friend. It was the kind of thing that was a huge deal to teenagers.

  Even though I thought I’d left all that pettiness behind me, I couldn’t help but enjoy the feeling of my hand in his as he led me around the back of The Grindhouse.

  “This way,” he whispered. “Nobody will bother us over here.”

  As we got to the back of the clubhouse, there was barely enough light for me to see my surroundings. The alley was empty except for a police cruiser parked off to the side.

  “You took me to the back alley of the clubhouse?” I said.

  “Most people spend their time out front. It gives the boys a chance to keep an eye on their rides when they head out for a smoke.”

  “I see…”

  I leaned up against the brick wall of the bar and crossed my arms. The music was so loud I could feel it thumping through the walls. I eyeballed Dorian curiously as he stood in front of me. There was something on his mind, but I didn’t know what it was.

  “All right,” I said. “What was it you wanted to talk to me about?”

  “This isn’t some trick, is it?”


  “Did you really go to high school with me?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at his suspicions. I couldn’t blame him for not recognizing me. Everybody back in high school knew who Dorian was but I wasn’t exactly the most popular girl in school.

  “Sorry to disappoint you,” I said. “I’m just a regular girl who went to Ivory High.”

  He examined me for a second before smiling softly.

  “Okay,” he said with a nod.


  “I shouldn’t be telling you this but…”

  “But what?”

  Dorian sighed before he continued.

  “There’s something happening in Ivory.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Federal agents are in town. They’re working with the Sheriff’s Department. Every club in town has been put on notice. There’s a big spotlight on all of us. Any slip-up and it could mean some serious shit.”

  “Right… I get it. Sorry to disappoint you but I’m not working for the FBI or whatever. I’m just some girl who went to high school with you.”

  “Hmm… I thought I knew every girl in my class.”

  “We weren’t in the same graduating class. You were a year older than me. But we were in the same history class.”

  There was a bit of relief on his face when he realized that I wasn’t anything more than what I claimed to be. Considering what he just told me, I had to believe him. I had no clue what the clubs in this town were involved in. If there were any truth to the rumors, the Black Reapers weren’t exactly angels.

  “All right,” I said. “You’ve got me out here in the back alley. Alone. What was it you wanted to talk about?”

  Dorian didn’t say anything. He just stared at me with that confident smile on his face.


  He was even more handsome than I remembered. His face was clean-shaven, so I could see all of it. Chiseled cheeks. A strong jaw. Short brown hair that was patted down on his head.

  And those eyes. Those fucking gray eyes of his. Even in the darkness of the alley, I could see them. They were shining as he stared right at me, so innocent and naughty at the same time.

  It was hard not to think all of the wrong thoughts when I looked up at him. The baggy pair of blue jeans and leather kutte weren’t helping me keep my focus. Even with his vest on, I could still see how broad his shoulders were and how slim his waist was. Those tattoos added to the perfect picture he already was.

  I shifted my gaze away from him to keep my focus. I turned my attention toward the patch on his leather vest.

  “Sully,” I said as I read the patch. “Is that what they call you?”

  “Yeah,” he sighed, chuckling softly. “Needle came up with it. His idea of a joke.”

  “Anybody who calls himself Needle shouldn’t be making fun of anybody else’s name.”

rue. But he likes it.”

  “What’s wrong? You don’t like being called Sully?”

  “…I don’t mind either way. The boys all started calling me that and it just kind of stuck.”

  “I remember back in high school, everybody called you Sullivan.”

  “I remember,” he said with a smile. “They called me that because it was on the back of my football jersey. Football was how everybody knew me best.”

  “That begs the question.”

  “And what question is that?”

  He was standing so close to me, I could reach out and touch him. I raised my hand up and ran my finger over the patch on his chest.

  “What should I call you?” I asked. “Sullivan? Sully? Dorian? Or something else?”

  I raised a knowing eyebrow at him. I bit my tongue, trying not to smile too hard at him. It was more than five years later but the hottest guy from high school was standing right there in front of me. I felt like an obnoxious schoolgirl all over again.

  Dorian took a step forward and leaned over me, his hand pressing against the brick wall behind me to hold himself up.

  “I don’t know,” he said with a shrug. “What do you feel like calling me?”

  He wasn’t smiling. There was no expression on his face at all. He just stared at me.

  I swallowed to wet my suddenly dry throat. I clenched my jaw, having trouble looking back at him.

  “Dorian,” I said, my voice cracking slightly. “Dorian sounds nice.”

  “And what should I call you?”

  “I don’t think anybody has ever called me anything else besides Gina,” I said with a laugh.

  “All right, Gina.”

  I was having trouble staring back at him. But I kept staring into his eyes, holding my ground as I leaned against the brick wall behind me.

  “You know, I would have remembered someone like you,” he said.

  “Well, I guess that’s why we’re here now. Getting to know each other better.”


  The tension was mounting between us. I couldn’t take it. Rather than try to fight it, I decided I would play his game.

  “I remember you were with Tracy,” I said.

  “Tracy,” he said, his face finally breaking into a smile as he leaned back. “You do know me.”

  “Whatever happened to her.”

  “I don’t know,” he said, shrugging. “Tracy moved on with her life. Don’t really give a shit what she’s up to now, to be honest with you.”

  “Is there… anybody else?”

  He shook his head.

  “What about you?” he asked.

  “I wouldn’t be on the dance floor by myself if there were someone.”

  He moved back closer to me and leaned on top of me. He was more than a foot taller than me but his face was close to mine.

  “Gina Newman…”

  Hearing him whisper my name sent a shiver through my spine that I had to hold back. It was a warm night but it still felt slightly chilly. Just the look he gave me was enough to stir something inside of me I couldn’t control.

  “I would have remembered a girl like you,” he said. “I remembered all the girls back in high school I wanted to…”

  “All the girls back in high school you wanted to what?”

  He leaned in close to me. His lips grazed my ear as he whispered.

  “All the girls I wanted to fuck.”

  Holy. Shit.

  I couldn’t believe it.

  This wasn’t high school anymore. I wasn’t some lovesick teenager with an obnoxious crush. But dammit if Dorian weren’t making me feel like we were back in time. If my younger self knew this was gonna happen, she would have told me to jump all over this chance.

  But I had to maintain my composure. Firefighter. Town hero. Black Reaper. All of the labels Dorian had, he was still just a man and I was gonna play this game for as long as I could. I was gonna savor this moment.

  “Is that right?” I whispered. “You wanna fuck me?”

  “Yeah, I wanna fuck you… Gina.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “You don’t believe me? Why’s that?”

  “Because if you wanted to fuck me, you would have fucked me already.”

  I playfully moved away from the wall and started to slowly walk away from him.

  “Yeah, you would have fucked me by now,” I said, making sure his eyes were still on me. “You’ve had the chance before.”

  “Who says I don’t now?”

  He raised an eyebrow at me. I turned away from him as the heat in my cheeks forced me to blush.

  “How would you have done it?” I continued. “Would you have ripped my shorts off and pinned me against the wall? Would you have bent me over so I couldn’t look at you? Would you lie down so I could get on top of you?”

  “It sounds like the possibilities are endless.”

  “They’re endless. But right now, all we need is one.”

  The anticipation in my stomach was getting harder to fight. I’d never wanted a man more than I wanted Dorian right now. Seeing the biker standing there with his eyes locked on me as I slowly moved away from him filled me with a desire that I couldn’t ever remember feeling.

  “How would you do it—”

  Before I could finish, he marched over to me and took my arms in his grip. A hard kiss against my lips shut me up for good.


  It was like being in a dream. But it felt real. It felt so fucking real.

  His tongue gliding between my lips. The taste of him slipping into my mouth. I tilted my head up and let Dorian have his way with me as we kissed underneath the darkness of the back alley.

  The game was over. My instincts took control.

  I reached down and felt the hardness beginning to build in his jeans. I stroked his cock through the denim and pulled a moan from his lips. I pulled my mouth away long enough to look up and see the ecstasy on his face.

  “You like that?” I whispered. “You like it when I stroke your big… hard… cock?”

  He clenched his jaw at me, staring at me with those intense gray eyes of his. He didn’t need to say anything to tell me what he wanted. He was already in complete control.

  “Let’s see just how big you are, Mr. Sullivan…”

  I trailed my other hand down toward his belt, our stares still locked on one another. The sound of the metal clasp was music to my ears. The metal teeth of the zipper added to the chorus. I glanced down just long enough to see that he wasn’t wearing any underwear. All I could see now was a thick shaft, pointing up at me, full and erect.


  It was hard not to contain myself at the sight of his cock but I did. I reached down and stroked him. He exhaled a sharp sigh through his nose and his body tensed up. I licked the palm of my hand to give him a little more lubrication.

  “Feels good, huh?” I whispered.

  “I know what’ll make it feel even better.”

  “And what’s that?”

  He put his hands on my arms and pushed me back. I kept walking backward until I hit the bumper of the car behind me. I turned around just long enough to see that it was the police cruiser I first saw when we first entered the alley.

  “Why don’t you have a seat?” he said. “It’ll make it easier for you.”

  “Sitting on top of a cop car? I don’t think that’s such a good idea…”

  “Sheriff Sutton won’t mind.”

  “This is Sheriff Sutton’s car?” I exclaimed.

  “Like I said, he won’t mind.”

  There was a devilish look in his eyes. Every man in the Reapers had it. A mischievous twinkle like they were up to no good. Dorian wasn’t an exception.

  I bit my bottom lip as I sat on the front bumper of the car. The entire time, my hand was still on Dorian’s shaft, pumping it until he was ready.

  Dorian was tall enough for me to lean down and put my face near it.

  I leaned down and spit on his cock.
I stuck my tongue out and licked the sides of his shaft. It continued to point up at me. My mouth was watering in anticipation. I couldn’t hold back.

  I took his tip into my mouth. Dorian gripped my shoulders in his hand and braced himself.

  I couldn’t believe it. In the back alley of The Grindhouse, I sat on the front bumper of Sheriff Sutton’s police cruiser. That would have been enough to get me in trouble. Sucking off a Black Reaper while I was doing it made it even more dangerous.

  The thought of getting caught spurred me to work even harder. Sounds of sucking bounced off the walls and echoed into the night sky.

  Dorian began pumping his hips back and forth. I opened my throat and did my best not to gag as I took the entire length of his cock.

  “Oh, fuck… Gina…”

  Hearing him groan my name made me work even harder. I bobbed my head back and forth as best as I could. The car beneath me started to bounce up and down.

  I could have sucked his cock for hours but I knew I couldn’t or else we’d get caught.


  I reached my hands up and held his waist as his body started to tighten.


  He grunted just as he started to come. A splash of his cum against my tongue made me moan. I gulped it down and let another pulse of him splash in my mouth. His cock throbbed between my teeth. I kept my lips sealed around him, milking his cock as it sprayed against the insides of my mouth.

  I squeezed my lips around his cock and pulled the last few drops of cum out of him. Eyes watering and out of breath, I looked up and stuck my tongue out to give Dorian one last look at what’d he done before gulping it down.

  The realization of what we’d done made me giggle. Dorian gave me a satisfied smile. I licked my lips to wipe away the last remnants of the mess he’d made.

  The sudden opening of the back alley door made my heart jump in my chest.


  I muttered to myself as I hopped off the police cruiser. Dorian rushed to pull his jeans up from his ankles. He zipped himself up but his belt buckle was still undone as he stepped away from the car.

  I tried to remain as nonchalant as possible as I watched Sheriff Sutton walked toward his car.

  “What the hell?”

  He narrowed his eyes at the man standing next to me.

  “Dorian? What are you doing back here?”


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