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Can I Talk to You (G Street Chronicles Presents)

Page 14

by Nicole Jackson

  “Umm, is Celebrity around?”

  “Who is this?” I asked as I felt my body growing hot.

  “This is Chris.”

  “Say homie, how you know Celebrity?” I asked, even though I already knew.

  “Ay, I ain’t know it was a problem, man. She told me that she was single.”

  “Yeah, okay. So, when and how did you meet her?”

  “I met her at a store,” he lied. “That was about three months ago.”

  “Yeah? Well, she’s asleep right now. I’ma let her know that you called though.”

  “Alright. Appreciate it,” the nigga said before he hung up.

  I was pissed even though I wasn’t sure if I should be. I knew that she called the chat line and the nigga said it himself that he met her three months ago. I wasn’t dealing with her then. Still, I didn’t know if they’d been dealing with each other while she’d been fucking with me. So I went through her cell’s call log. She talked to the nigga at least once a day. Sometimes the conversations would last no longer than five minutes, while other times they’d talk for an hour or more.

  “Keirah, wake up,” I shook her awake.

  “Huh?” she popped her head up and looked around the room. She was out of it.

  “Who is Chris?” I asked her.

  “What?” she whined as she laid her head back on the pillow.

  “Wake up!” I shook her again.

  “What? What?” she mumbled as turned away from me.

  “Get your ass up!” I barked as I smacked her on the ass.

  “What the fuck is your problem?!” she snapped as she sat up, now fully awake.

  “Who is Chris?” I asked.


  “Yeah, Chris. Don’t play stupid.”

  “I have a friend named Chris,” she admitted.

  “You fucking him?” I asked.

  “What? Are you serious?” she frowned.

  “Hell yeah. That nigga is calling you at damn near four in the morning. That ain’t what friends do.”

  “You talked to him?” she asked.


  “So you answered my phone?”


  “Killah, you on some other shit right now. Not once have I attempted to touch your phone, but you answering my shit?”

  “You damn right. I’m over here every night sliding my dick in you naked headed and you got other niggas calling you in the middle of the night. Any nigga in his right mind would be concerned with some shit like that.”

  “Do I say anything when your phone rings? And besides that, you said the key words, You be here every night, so when in the hell do I have time to fuck anybody else?”

  “First off, don’t try to reverse this shit. I answer my phone anytime it rings because of how I get money and you know that. But never have I hid shit from you. I answer the phone right in your face so that you know what the business is. But you…you on that slick shit. You talk to that nigga while you at work and shit. Who knows, you probably fuck the nigga on your lunch break for all I know.”

  “Wow,” she stressed. “It’s almost time for me to get up for work and I have been sleep for less than three hours. This is redundant.”

  There wasn’t much that I hated about Keirah, but her using big words to make the next person feel small was one thing that I hated. She tried to make a nigga feel stupid for even coming to her with such rubbish, as she would say.

  “It’s redundant, huh?” I asked her. “Well, I’ll show you what makes the most sense right now,” I said as I got out of her bed. I searched through the darkness for my clothes.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “Home,” I answered.

  “So, you leaving?”


  “Oh my God, you are blowing this whole thing out of proportion.”

  “Whatever, man. I ain’t for this shit. Motherfuckin AIDS is real out here, and I ain’t about to play Russian Rolette with my life.”

  “AIDS, are you serious?”

  “As a motherfuckin heart attack,” I seeth, as I stepped into my jeans.

  “You tripping, Trent,” she sighed.

  “Whatever,” I snapped, as I placed on my Nike’s.

  “So, you just gon leave?” she asked sadly. That shit got on my nerves. She couldn’t ever just admit when she was wrong.

  “This is so stupid! Ahh!” she let out a frustrated groan. “Don’t go, Trent,” she finally said.

  I paused. “What?”

  “I said, don’t go,” she gritted.

  “That damn near killed you, didn’t it?”


  “To ask me to stay.”

  “Why you making me do this?” she whined.

  “Cause I’ma break your ass out of that shit. You gon have to swallow some of that pride to fuck with me.”

  She took a deep breath. “Trent, I really, really want you to stay. Don’t leave like this.”

  I wasn’t trying to take that ride to the crib right then. I wanted to go back to sleep. “I’ma let you make it right now, but when you get off of work we need to get some shit understood,” I told her as I took my shoes off and climbed back in to bed.

  I lied on the opposite side of the bed, but her slick ass somehow ended up on my side with her ass resting on my dick. I thought about pushing her off, but that ass felt good, and it put me right to sleep.

  * * * * *

  “Hello,” I answered my cell.

  “Nigga, where you at?” Ted asked me.

  “At the crib,” I told him with a yawn.

  “Nigga, your lying ass ain’t at the crib, cause I just went by there.”

  “I’m at Baby’s crib.”

  “Baby, huh? You been spending a lot of time with this new broad. Don’t tell me that you’re in love?”

  I ignored him. “What do you want?”

  “I was trying to get the rest of the clothes that I left over there.”

  “Shit, must be going good at ole girl’s house then.”

  “It’s a place to stay, you feel me.”

  “Just a place to stay? Ain’t you fucking that bitch regularly?”


  “But that’s just a place to stay?”

  “Yeah, nigga,” my little brother said, sounding like he was becoming annoyed.

  “You need to step your game up, dog. Cause that shit you got going ain’t nowhere near foolproof. How many times you gotta bump your head to see that? You make enough to live on your own. Then you can fuck all the bitches you want without worrying about these hoes putting you out, nigga.”

  “I know. That’s why I’m saving enough money to move out.”

  “Let you tell it. It don’t take that long to save for an apartment. You can do that shit with one check.”

  “I know that. I might do that next month.”

  I knew that the nigga was lying through his teeth. They say that lazy people work harder and the saying was so true. He thought that he was going the easy route, but when you look at all the times he had been kicked out, or in between houses, he’d be better off on his own. One day he’d see it for himself; and until then, I hoped that his new situation worked out for him. I wasn’t trying to take his ass in again.

  After I hung up the phone with Ted, I thought about how I hadn’t spent a night in my own house in almost two months. Keirah probably thought that a nigga was lying about even having a crib, and I decided that I would take her there in the very near future.

  Since I didn’t have shit planned for the day, I just chilled out at my baby’s crib and channel surfed while smoking some purp. I couldn’t wait for her to get off of work so that I could slay her. I thought about just lying there with my dick in my hand so that it would be the first thing she saw when she walked through the door. I was glad that I didn’t run with that thought.

  Baby walked through the door with a familiar broad with her, and a gang of kids. I damn near burned a hole in my jeans when
I dropped my blunt in my lap. That’s just how surprised I was.

  “Shit,” I mumbled as I grabbed the blunt and brushed the ashes out of my lap.

  “That shit got you tripping, baby?” she asked me with a giggle.

  “No, I’m good,” I waved my head.

  “Hey, Killah,” the chick spoke. I couldn’t even remember her name, but I did remember her loving to take the dick up her ass.

  “You know him?” Keirah asked.

  “Yeah, you remember when I told you that I met a nigga with a ‘04 Cadillac?” the broad asked.

  “Yeah,” Keirah nodded.

  “Well, that’s him.”

  Keirah’s eyes grew two sizes larger. “So y’all fucked?” she gasped.

  Neither one of them didn’t seem to care that the little kids with them were right there listening to every word.

  Her friend seemed to have a slight grin on her face as she said, “Yes.”

  “Baby, let me talk to you in private,” I stood up.

  She followed me upstairs. As soon as she closed the door behind her I started. “I met her about a year ago on the chat line. I held one conversation with her and then went to pick her up. I took her to a motel and had sex with her. I dropped her off and never called her again.”

  “Oh, yeah? Don’t forget about the $200 you gave her,” she sassed as she folded her arms across her breasts.

  “What?!” I shouted. “Lil Mama on some other shit. I wasn’t even trying to put her out there like that, but since it’s like that…I gave her $20.”


  “Yeah, $20.” I nodded.

  “Man, I don’t know who to believe. She is always trying to make it seem like niggas pay her left and right. She told me this whole story about how she met you and you went crazy over her pussy. She talked about how you tricked with her and got mad when you found out that she was married.”

  “Baby, that bitch is delusional; and the way she was acting, I doubt that I was the only nigga she met and fucked. She was ready for whatever, from jump. I didn’t give a damn about her having a man. She didn’t even mention it until the last minute though. She had me drop her off and then literally ducked down in the seat and shit. Now, I didn’t like how she wasn’t upfront about her situation, but I was far from mad. That just showed me what type of broad she was.”

  “She made it seem like she fucked with you for a long time and kept saying that if it wasn’t for Jay, that y’all would still be fucking.”

  “Who is Jay?” I frowned

  “Her broke ass husband.”

  “Man, I don’t know what she been telling you, but it ain’t even like that. I don’t even remember her name. All I know is that she was claiming that her baby needed some diapers, so I gave her twenty dollars.”

  “Wow,” she stressed. “This shit is crazy. I never thought that I would end up fucking the same nigga that Kerry had.”

  “She never really had me.”

  “Whatever,” she rolled her eyes. “I know that she fucks with too many niggas. Did you strap up?”

  “That’s without a question.”

  “I don’t know. You don’t wear condoms with me,” she pointed out.

  “And that’s not something that I usually do, so that should tell you something.”

  “That should tell me what, Trent?”

  “That you and her ain’t that same person.”

  “Whatever. Look…I ain’t tripping on you fucking her. That was before our time. I just hate that she’s going to feel like she got one up on me,” she exhaled, as she sat on her bed.

  “What you mean by that?” I furrowed my brows.

  “She’s the type of chick that wants to compete. The only reason that she don’t give me too much static now is because she knows that she ain’t fucking with me on no level. But a few years ago, she’d wait until we were in a heated argument and then she would throw in a slug about the nigga that I was with at the time, making a pass at her. Then she was forever trying to compare our bodies and making remarks about how her cheap clothes looked better on her than my expensive clothes looked on me. That’s when I starting feeling like this bitch really thought that she had something on me. I never doubted myself because things have a way of working themselves out. I noticed a minute ago that she gauged her self-worth on how many niggas tried to fuck with her.

  So, any man that smiles at her wants her, and that in turn makes her the baddest in her mind. I know that I’m better than her on so many different levels, so she is reduced to calling out anything that she thinks she knows about the man in my life, you know. Like, she’ll say your shit couldn’t be too air tight since you can’t keep a man. And now that she has fucked you, she’ll make it seem like I’m fucking with a nigga after her. Almost like she gave you to me. I can’t give that bitch the satisfaction.”

  I was taking everything in. I never understood how women could hang out with a bitch that they secretly couldn’t stand. “So, if y’all get down like that, then why even kick it with her?”

  “Cause, I’ve been knowing her all of my life. Shit, we had our first birthday party together. Some of the petty shit started when we were in our teens, but it got heavier a few years ago. I think that she hates to see me doing so much better than her, and tries any angle to bring me back down to her level. I recognize that cause I have really been hearing plenty of gossip about myself lately. It’s been said that I was tricking to one of my boyfriends and that was the only reason he was with me. And hoes used to try to be funny about my size and say shit like if you were a little smaller, you’d get all the niggas; and now that I’m much smaller, I’m so-called starving myself because these niggas keep leaving me.”

  “You know what that is, right? That’s jealousy,” I told her.

  “I know that, but that’s why I keep them hoes out of my business so they can’t poke holes in my shit.”

  “Baby, I can remember seeing you with your friends at the club and I couldn’t even remember what any of them looked like. It’s real vague. All I remember seeing is a real bad built broad, a slim chick; she didn’t look bad, but she was too skinny, and a bitch with a bad weave. You were making your girls look like shit all while being the thickest out the clique. So, if I were them, I would point out anything that I could find to say too.”

  “I know, but I don’t like the idea of her being able to go back and tell anybody that she fucked with you.”

  “None of that shit should matter as long as you know the truth, right?”

  “I guess,” she shrugged.

  She killed me with that shit. She was too hung up on what people thought about her.

  “Anyway, why is she here now? Y’all gon kick it for a while?”

  “Kind of. Her lights are off and I was going to let her spend a couple of nights here.”

  “And you worried about what she’ll say about you? You can’t be serious. It shouldn’t even matter what people like her think. I mean, damn. The bitch can’t even handle her business.”

  “You’re right,” she nodded. “But she has her two kids with her, and her husband’s niece, so I didn’t want to see the kids in the dark. I’m going to let them sleep in the guest room for a couple of days.”

  A couple of days?! What the fuck was I supposed to do until then? I knew that she wouldn’t feel comfortable having us around each other; especially with her having to leave early in the morning. No, that shit wasn’t going to work at all. “Baby, how long are her lights going to be off?” I asked her.

  “Until she gets the money to get them back on.”

  “Why don’t you just give her the money?”

  She gave me a look that could kill. “What do I look like giving her damn near $300? I ain’t fucking her.”

  Keirah killed me. She was so damn tight with money. She made more than enough to help that girl out, but then I had to look at shit from her perspective. That girl Kerry was someone that tried to make herself look like she was handling niggas and getting paid. S
o, I guess my baby was like, let the niggas she’s fucking pay that bill. Better yet, let her husband pay it.

  I just wanted the nasty bitch out of my hair. “What if I give you the money and you tell her that it’s from you. That way she can be back at home before tomorrow night.”

  “You would actually do that?” she asked me.

  “Man, look…” I mumbled as I went in my pockets and pulled out my knot. “Here,” I said as I peeled back four big faces. “Give this to her.”

  “She only needs about $280,” she said as she took the money out of my hand.

  “I know. Take her to a room for the night. That should be more than enough.”

  She gave me a strange look. “Okay.”

  “And hurry up cause I’m ready to fuck something,” I told her as I lied back in the bed.

  Chapter 17


  “So, what were y’all talking about in the room?”

  “Stuff,” I sighed as drove her to the motel.

  Kerry had been badgering me since I’d given her the $400 and told her that it came from Trent. I could’ve lied and told her that it was from me, but I wanted her to know the truth. I wanted her to see that I could get a man to do more for her, then she could on her own. She fucked and probably sucked him and was only able to get twenty damn dollars. I didn’t doubt for one second that he was telling the truth. I’d heard similar stories too many times before.

  “So, do y’all go together?” she probed.

  “Something like that.”

  “He living there with you?”

  “Nope. He has his own house.”

  “Oh,” she giggled. “Bitch, I know that you’re doing it all if you fucking with him. You gotta take it up the ass and all.”

  Did she think that any part of what she’d just said was cute? “I have never had anal sex and you know that.”

  “Yeah right, Keirah. You always talking about what you haven’t been doing. Like those niggas go crazy for nothing. You be doing something to their asses.”

  “Who ever said that I have niggas going crazy?” I wanted to know.

  “Well, Boo said that Slim been tripping since you broke up with him. I know that it’s probably because of the freaky shit you were doing to him.”

  Was that bitch for real? A man could only miss me because of what I did with him in the bedroom? Why couldn’t it be because of my good heart, my drive, my intelligence, or just my plain old beauty?


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