Beyond Grace's Rainbow: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance

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Beyond Grace's Rainbow: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance Page 28

by Carmel Harrington

  Sensing their impatience, Dr. Kennedy continued, ‘I’m sorry if I sound like I’m dragging this out. I just need you to understand the importance of having all six tissue typing groups matched. I’m afraid the news isn’t good. Fr O’Hara is not a suitable donor for Grace.’

  Both Catherine and Liam sagged at this news. ‘I was so sure…’ Catherine started.

  ‘What now?’ Liam asked. ‘What now doctor? What can we do?’

  ‘Well, all is not lost, Liam. I’ve some good news for you that I think may just cheer you both up.’

  Liam and Catherine perked up with this and looked at Dr Kennedy puzzled.

  ‘A Mr Noel Dunne, from Perth in Australia, it appears is a perfect match.’

  ‘Noel, oh my God,’ Catherine said with a surprise. ‘I didn’t even know he had himself tested.’

  Liam let out a whoop of joy, barely believing his ears. ‘Does that mean he’s going to be Grace’s donor?’ Liam asked.

  ‘That it does, Liam.’ Dr Kennedy replied. ‘He is, I believe, currently making plans to travel to Ireland. When he arrives, I’ll do some further tests to ensure that he is indeed a match, but I’m confident that he is. Then we’ll start preparing Grace’s body for the transplant and start harvesting the cells from Mr Dunne’s marrow. I’ll need to go through all of this with Grace of course.’

  Liam jumped up and hugged Dr Kennedy, ‘Thank you, thank you.’

  ‘I can’t believe it,’ Catherine said. ‘I’ve got to ring Noel.’

  Dr Kennedy stood up and, pointing to his phone, said, ‘Be my guest. Give your brother a call. I think the hospital can stretch just this once!’ He was so happy to finally be able to give some hope to Grace’s family. He’d grown very fond of her over the past year.

  Catherine was shaking as she dialled Noel’s number and prayed he’d be at home. Her prayers were answered, because he answered almost immediately.

  ‘Sis, that you?’ Noel’s booming voice came out.

  Catherine tried to answer but couldn’t because she had started to cry and couldn’t stop.

  Liam grabbed the phone, holding it between Catherine and himself, ‘Noel, thank you so much. I had no idea you were getting yourself tested.’

  ‘You’re welcome Liam. I know I only met you guys recently, but Grace is my niece and I love her. And I love my sister and when she rang to tell me Grace was ill again, I just had to do something.’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ Catherine finally managed to get out.

  ‘I was afraid I wouldn’t be a match. I didn’t want to get your hopes up. I rang Dr Kennedy and he arranged for me to have my tests here in Perth General. I only found out about an hour ago!’

  ‘Words can’t say what this means to us,’ Catherine said.

  ‘Sure you’d do the same for my lot,’ Noel answered. ‘I’m leaving tomorrow. I’ll see you on Wednesday!’

  Making arrangements to pick him up at the airport, Catherine and Liam hung up, hugging each other, laughing and crying at the same time.

  ‘Let’s go tell your daughter!’ Liam said to Catherine.

  Grace was dozing when they walked in, Tom and Gerry sitting by her bed quietly. They were waiting for the news on Fr O’Hara. Seeing the looks on both Liam’s and Catherine’s faces, they realised the news was good. Liam gently kissed Grace’s forehead and she opened her eyes.

  ‘Hey baby,’ she smiled at him. ‘Sorry. Fell asleep,’ she said, turning to Tom and Gerry.

  ‘I’ve just been to see Dr Kennedy, babe,’ Liam told Grace.

  She looked up suspiciously at her husband, ‘What’s wrong, Liam?’

  ‘Nothing, babe. Just the opposite. They’ve got a donor. They’ve found a match for you.’

  Grace couldn’t believe her ears, ‘Who?’

  Catherine walked up to the bed and grabbed Grace’s hand, ‘Noel. Your Uncle Noel, Grace. He had himself tested in Australia and he’s a perfect match!’

  Tom and Gerry let out a gasp of surprise. They assumed the match was Fr O’Hara.

  ‘I can’t believe it,’ Grace said.

  ‘Believe it, babe,’ Liam said. ‘He’s travelling tomorrow. He’ll be here on Wednesday. Dr Kennedy will be in later to go through what’s going to happen.’

  Grace felt tears streaming down her face. At last, some good news. ‘Told you’d I’d beat this,’ she said to Liam.

  ‘The best is yet to come,’ Liam whispered quietly into her ear.

  Chapter Forty Seven

  Grace was sitting in her hospital bed surrounded by all her friends and family. They were having a pre-transplant party and everyone was in high spirits. Grace actually felt better; it was amazing what some good news did to improve her spirits. ‘I can’t believe this,’ Grace said for the hundredth time. ‘I had hoped and prayed…’

  ‘Darling, “hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies,”’ Gerry said dramatically, standing up to face everyone, his arms outstretched.

  Seeing Noel’s startled face, Tom said to him. ‘Shawshank Redemption. He’s quoting a line from it. Ignore him, we all do.’

  ‘Thank you, Gerry,’ Grace said with a laugh. ‘Very inspiring.’

  Then Liam’s mom arrived to take Jack home with her. He was going for a few days’ holidays, while the transplant happened. ‘I’m praying for you, Grace,’ she said to her daughter-in law, kissing her gently on her cheek.

  ‘Mommy, when you coming home?’ Jack asked. He looked younger than his four years when he asked this. Although they’d all tried their best to make this easier on him, Liam and Grace could tell that he was anxious. He’d started to wet his bed again, which hadn’t happened for at least two years. His Montessori teacher had also called Liam aside the previous day to tell him that she was concerned about Jack. ‘He’s been very quiet lately, Liam,’ she’d told him. ‘And when I asked him what was wrong, he said he was sad.’

  ‘Did he say what was making him sad?’ Liam asked her.

  ‘No, I questioned him of course, but he said he didn’t know why. Just that he felt sad.’

  Liam hadn’t told Grace this as she was worried enough about him as it was. Jack had taken to crying whenever it was time for him to go home from the hospital, clinging to Grace. It was breaking both their hearts. Grace had insisted that Liam spend more time at home over the past couple of days. It was too much for Jack to cope with: Grace being in hospital and Liam hardly at home at all. Grace kissed Jack firmly on the lips, ‘I’m going to be coming home real soon, I promise. Uncle Noel is going to give me some of his bone marrow and it’s going to make me feel better. I promise.’

  Jack looked at Uncle Noel. ‘Are you?’ he asked him.

  ‘Yes I am, Jack. In a couple of days it will all be done. You wait and see, your Mommy will be home in no time.’

  Tara was quietly crying. It broke her heart to see Jack missing his Mom so much.

  ‘Can I come in again tomorrow, Daddy?’ he asked Liam.

  ‘We’ll see, buddy. Mommy has to get ready for her transplant.’ Jack started to cry again, throwing himself into Grace’s arms.

  ‘Course you can come in tomorrow sweetie-pie,’ Grace said, wiping Jack’s tears away. ‘I couldn’t make it through the day without seeing your gorgeous face.’ Grace leaned over to her bedside locker and picked up the framed photograph of Liam, Grace and Jack that was taken outside Mickey Mouse’s house. In the background of the house was a beautiful bright rainbow. It was her absolute favourite picture. ‘You take this sweetie-pie,’ Grace said to Jack. ‘And whenever you want to see me, you look at this photo and remember the fun we had in Disney. Now dry your tears and go with your Nana.’

  Clutching his photograph tightly, Jack gave each of his aunts and uncles a kiss and left.

  ‘Oh my God, Liam. I can’t bear it,’ Grace said, breaking down.

  ‘I can’t bear it either darling,’ Gerry said dramatically, tears streaming down his face.

  Abby started to giggle at this, which caused Ta
ra and Sean to start giggling, and within minutes everyone was laughing hysterically and crying at the same time.

  ‘Oh Abby, it’s good to see you laughing,’ Grace told her friend. ‘I’ve been worried about you.’

  ‘I’m fine.’ Abby said with a big smile, amazed at Grace’s ability to put others before herself even when she was the one everyone needed to look out for. ‘I’m seeing Shay later on. We’re going for dinner.’

  ‘That’s wonderful. I’m so pleased for you.’ Grace said, grinning.

  Tara jumped up then and walked over to Grace’s bed, ‘Move over cousin, I’ve some news for you.’

  Grace looked up at Tara enquiringly.

  Tara stood up and said with a flair for drama that Gerry would envy, ‘I am with child.’

  ‘No!’ Grace screamed.

  ‘Yes!’ Tara screamed back.

  With that the room broke into pandemonium as everyone congratulated Sean and Tara.

  ‘When are you due?’ Grace asked her friend.

  ‘Well I’m only barely pregnant, seven weeks,’ Tara said, making a face. ‘And I know that you’re not meant to tell people until you get to twelve weeks, but I thought everyone could do with some good news for a change!’

  ‘That’s the best news I’ve heard in ages,’ Grace said to her cousin. ‘I’m so happy for you both.’

  ‘So now, that gives you about seven months to get back on your feet,’ Sean told Grace. ‘Because this baby is going to need a godmother in full working order you know!’

  Grace beamed at this news. ‘Well if I ever needed an incentive to get better, there it is!’

  Tara coughed then said, ‘The baby will need a godfather too.’ Turning to Liam she continued, ‘We thought you’d do.’

  Everyone laughed at Liam’s expression. He looked like he was going to have a heart attack. ‘And I thought you had me down as the spawn of the Devil!’ he eventually spluttered out to Tara.

  ‘I have no idea where you got that from,’ Tara said haughtily.

  ‘Well I’d be honoured to be godfather to junior,’ Liam said, walking over to Tara and pulling her in for a big bear hug. ‘Always knew you liked me really!’

  Chapter Forty Eight

  ‘T-Day had arrived, as Grace had taken to calling it. She’d had a course of radiation to eradicate all traces of her own bone marrow. Following which, she’d been placed in an isolation ward. They had to be totally careful now, as she was wide open to infection. Dr Kennedy had told her that she could expect to call this germ-free room home for at least a month. Only Liam and Catherine – not even Jack, much to Grace’s distress – would be allowed in the room, and that was only after they’d put on protective clothing. Everyone else would have to contact Grace via an intercom or on the phone. There was even a hatch whereby all items were delivered into the room to ensure that it stayed germ-free. While this was going on, Noel was on the operating table having one litre of his bone marrow removed. He was going to stay overnight in hospital to recover, but hopefully would be okay to go home tomorrow. Catherine was with him. The doctors had predicted he’d be stiff and sore for a couple of days, but hopefully, nothing worse than that. Grace wasn’t sure how she’d ever be able to repay him. It was a debt that was maybe un-payable.

  Grace shivered. The room was actually very cold. The nurse had said it was because of the system used to keep the room sterile. Grace was feeling really nauseous and she couldn’t work out if it was the radiation – probably – or the waiting for the actual transplant. She hoped Liam got here soon. It was so lonely in the little room. She didn’t have long to wait. He walked in a few moments later.

  ‘Not long now, babe,’ he said, smiling as he walked in. Grace couldn’t help but notice the new lines around her husband’s face. Cancer was taking its toll on Liam too, she knew that.

  ‘Come here,’ Grace said, patting her bed. ‘I’ve something to ask of you.’

  Liam sat on the edge of the bed and smiled at his wife. ‘What can I do for you, babe?’ he asked tenderly.

  ‘Kiss me passionately. Then tell me you love me. If something goes wrong, I want to go smiling,’ Grace said.

  Liam leaned in and did just as his wife asked. They sat holding each other until it was time for Grace to leave for the transplant.

  A few hours later Liam walked into Noel’s room where everyone had gathered to wait for news of Grace’s transplant.

  ‘Well, it’s done,’ Liam told everyone.

  ‘How is she?’ Noel asked.

  ‘Worried about you, mate,’ Liam told him. ‘How you doing? Are you in much pain?’

  ‘Not a bit of it,’ Noel said bravely. ‘Nothing a few days’ rest won’t cure.’

  ‘Looking like a florist in here,’ Liam said with a laugh.

  ‘Can you believe it?!’ Noel answered. He couldn’t get over how Grace’s family and friends had treated him. They had welcomed him like a returned war hero and he couldn’t keep up with the stream of visitors and friends who called in to see him.

  ‘Did you give her our love?’ Tara asked Liam.

  ‘Of course,’ he replied with a smile. ‘She knows you guys are all here willing her on. She said to say she loves you.’ It was difficult for them all, not being able to see her. ‘Won’t be long though and she’ll be home again,’ Liam said.

  Tom walked over and gave him a hug, ‘You alright buddy?’

  ‘I’m getting there,’ he replied.

  ‘We’re all here for you too, you know. Don’t forget that,’ Tom said.


  The next three weeks went by intolerably slowly for Grace. It was an endless stream of blood tests, tablets and mind-blowing boredom. She found that she couldn’t get up the interest to watch TV or even read a book. She spent all her time wishing Liam and Catherine were with her, but when they did arrive, she didn’t have the energy to talk to them. But the good news was she wasn’t getting any graft-versus-host problems that Dr Kennedy had warned her about. He had said that some patients find that their body – the host – and the graft – Noel’s marrow – don’t like each other. In some cases the marrow can start attacking vital parts of the body causing a rash to break out. But thankfully, Grace was spared that. She also managed to avoid getting any infections.

  Liam walked in and kissed Grace with a grin on his face. ‘Guess what?’ Liam asked.

  ‘What?’ Grace answered irritably.

  ‘How would you like to give your son a big kiss today?’ Liam asked with a big smile. ‘That’s right, grumpy. I’ve just spoken to the nurse and you’re moving back into your old room today!’

  Grace had never felt so happy in all her life. Not being able to touch Jack was unbelievable. He’d come to see her through the window and she’d spoken to him daily on the phone. But he couldn’t understand why he couldn’t go into her room. It had broken her heart.

  ‘When?!’ Grace demanded.

  ‘Any minute! Thought that would put a smile on your face!’ Liam said, laughing at his wife’s face.

  ‘Go get Jack, Liam. Go get him from Montessori and bring him in right now,’ Grace said excitedly.

  ‘Already taken care of. Catherine’s picking him up at this minute!’ Liam said, well aware how urgently Grace needed to feel her son in her arms.

  An hour later, Grace was back in her old room. ‘I never thought I’d be so happy to see these old beige walls again!’ she said with a smile.

  Dr Kennedy arrived then. ‘Well, Grace. You’re looking very good.’ He picked up her chart and smiled. ‘Your white cells are 0.7 to 1 and your marrow has started to grow. That’s excellent.’

  Grace couldn’t believe it. This was the first time since all this cancer shit started that Dr. Kennedy had used the word excellent! ‘Does that mean I can go home?’ Grace asked.

  ‘I’m afraid I’ll need you here for a few more weeks, Grace. We need to make sure all your counts rise to an acceptable level. Plus, we need to ensure you don’t get any major infections. You’re still going to
be taking quite a bit of medication, which we have to monitor,’ he answered.

  ‘But I’m on the home stretch though,’ Grace said with a smile.

  ‘Yes, Grace, I do believe you are,’ he answered with a smile of his own. ‘But you may continue to feel some nausea over the next few weeks. Keep drinking lots of fluids, that will help. Now, I also need you to start eating again. You’re dangerously thin, Grace.’

  ‘I want to eat, honestly. It’s just as soon as I do, it comes back again – one way or another,’ she finished bluntly.

  ‘One bite at a time, Grace. One bite at a time. It will get easier. But you must keep your strength up,’ he advised.

  ‘I promise,’ Grace told him earnestly. She was willing to do anything, if it meant that she could get out of hospital quicker. ‘Oh Liam. I haven’t felt this happy since our honeymoon.’

  ‘Me neither,’ Liam replied.

  ‘I’m going to get better,’ Grace said with a giggle.

  ‘Never doubted it,’ Liam said, giggling too.

  ‘Liar,’ Grace said, throwing a pillow at him.

  ‘Well, maybe once or twice. But only for a second,’ Liam admitted.

  Then the door burst open with Jack screaming at the top of his voice ‘Mommy!’

  Liam picked him up and he threw him into Grace’s arms.

  ‘I missed you, Mommy,’ Jack said sorrowfully.

  ‘I missed you too sweetie-pie,’ Grace answered him. ‘So much.’

  ‘Did Uncle Noel’s medicine make you better, Mommy?’ he asked earnestly.

  ‘Absolutely. I’m much better now, Jack. I’m getting stronger every day and I’ll be home real soon, I promise,’ she answered, tears in her eyes.

  ‘Can I see you every day now, Mommy?’ Jack asked.

  ‘You better believe it!’ Grace said, tickling him until he begged her to stop.

  Chapter Forty Nine

  Grace continued to get stronger every day, until eventually it was time for her to go home. Liam had packed up her things and she was ready to go. A nurse was standing with a wheelchair to take her out to the car. Grace shook her head though, ‘I walked in here on two feet; I’m going to walk out on two feet too.’ Holding Jack’s hand, she followed Liam out. She had earlier given presents to each of the nurses, without whom she knew she’d have never have got through the past two months. She couldn’t believe that it was now almost March. Walking out into the hospital grounds, she actually felt dizzy for a minute. It was a beautiful spring morning and the brightness hit her smack in the eyes.


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