Beyond Grace's Rainbow: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance

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Beyond Grace's Rainbow: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance Page 29

by Carmel Harrington

  ‘You okay, babe?’ Liam asked with concern.

  Grace assured him she was. She couldn’t wait for Liam to be able to start living again. He spent his whole time worrying and caring about her and Jack, and Catherine too. They drove home singing songs. Jack’s favourite song was Maggie May by Rod Stewart. He just loved it and kept asking his parents to play it over and over again. Happy to oblige, they kept hitting replay and spent forty minutes singing the same song over and over.

  ‘Is Catherine at home?’ Grace asked Liam.

  ‘She’s gone back to Meath for a few days. She thought we might like to have some time on our own for a while,’ Liam answered.

  Grace smiled. It was typical of Catherine to be so thoughtful. And to be honest, she was glad; it would be nice to have some quiet time without doctors and nurses around, just the three of them.

  ‘Gerry wanted to throw a party for you too,’ Liam told Grace. ‘He was quite put out when I told him that I’d rather he didn’t!’

  ‘I can imagine,’ Grace said with a laugh. ‘Darling, how could you be so cruel?’ she mimicked Gerry’s accent perfectly.

  ‘You don’t mind do you?’ Liam asked with a frown. He hoped he’d made the right choice.

  ‘Liam, I am so relieved. I couldn’t face a big party now. I’m too tired to be honest, plus I really want to just relax with you two,’ Grace said honestly.

  ‘I wouldn’t say you’re off the hook though,’ Liam told his wife. ‘Gerry left muttering about it not being right that we didn’t celebrate your homecoming. I’d get ready for a surprise over the next few days!’

  Grace felt tears in her eyes as she arrived outside her apartment. It had never looked quite so lovely. Liam fussed as he helped her up the stairs, and Jack was shouting, ‘Close your eyes, Mommy!’

  ‘I thought you said no surprises?’ Grace said to Liam. But she did as she was told and let Jack lead her into the living room.

  ‘Open, Mommy!’

  Following Jack’s orders, she opened her eyes and saw a huge banner tied to the curtain rail, saying ‘Welcome home Mommy!’, obviously Jack’s handiwork, with a little bit of help from his Daddy.

  ‘Wow,’ she said. ‘Where did you buy that fancy sign?’

  Jack beamed with pride. ‘I made it, Mommy! Daddy, Mommy thought that we bought it!’

  ‘I heard, buddy. I told you it was really good,’ Liam said with a grin.

  ‘It’s a masterpiece, Jack,’ Grace said, bending down to kiss her son. ‘I love it.’

  ‘And we have cake!’ Jack said. ‘Oh no, it’s a surprise. I wasn’t supposed to say.’

  ‘Oh I hate surprises, Jack,’ Grace told him. ‘But I love cake! Where is it?’

  Liam and Jack went into the kitchen and left Grace with strict instructions that she sit down and relax. They came back in a few minutes later with a laden tray. ‘A nice cup of rosy!’ Liam told her.

  Grace looked at the cake and couldn’t believe her eyes. It had the photo of the three of them outside Mickey Mouse’s house on the top of it.

  ‘Do you like it, Mommy? I picked the photo!’

  ‘I love it,’ Grace said honestly. ‘It’s just perfect.’

  ‘It has your rainbow, too,’ Jack added. ‘And Daddy let me pick a DVD for us all to watch.’

  ‘Let me guess – would that be Mickey Mouse by any chance?’ Grace asked with a smile.

  ‘Yes!’ Jack replied. ‘How did you guess? Put it on, Daddy.’

  Liam put the DVD on and sat down on the couch with Grace curled up into his chest and Jack curled up into Grace.

  ‘This is perfect,’ Grace whispered.

  Chapter Fifty

  Grace was getting ready; she was going out for dinner tonight. She’d been home for two weeks and was feeling much better. Tonight the gang were all going to dinner at Siam’s to celebrate her recovery. Noel was also going home this weekend, so it was a farewell party for him. Both Noel and Catherine were staying at Tom and Gerry’s tonight as they had more room for them.

  ‘You look great, babe,’ Liam said, walking into their bedroom. ‘I think you’ve put on some weight!’

  ‘I think this is about the only time that a girl wants to hear those words!’ Grace said with a laugh. ‘Jack okay at your Mam’s?’

  ‘Happy we’re going out, Grace. Uncle Martin is over as well, so Jack is being totally spoiled. This was the first time I dropped him there in weeks that he didn’t start crying when I left. I think he’s finally realised that we’re both here to stay,’ Liam said smiling.

  ‘I know. He’s been so clingy with me. But today, when I dropped him at the crèche, he barely said goodbye!’ Grace replied.

  They got up and left for the restaurant, picking up a wrapped gift as they left. They were the last to arrive. Everyone else was sitting down and when they got there, the others all started clapping and cheering.

  ‘Shut up!’ Grace said with an embarrassed laugh. ‘Everyone’s looking!’ She sat down next to Tara. ‘How you feeling? Still got morning sickness?’

  ‘No, thankfully that little beauty has gone. Look at the size of me already! Only four months pregnant and I’m huge!’ Tara said, but with the biggest smile on her face. She was secretly delighted. She loved wearing clothes that accentuated her bump. She’d never felt so much like a woman, so earthy and maternal all at once. She could barely contain her excitement that inside her right this moment was a tiny little baby, growing every day, getting ready to come into the world.

  ‘You look radiant, Tara,’ Liam said.

  ‘Thanks, Liam,’ Tara smiled in return.

  ‘My beautiful wife,’ Sean said proudly, then placed a hand gently on her little bump. ‘You’re looking better too Grace,’ Sean said.

  ‘I put on two pounds this week,’ Grace answered triumphantly. They all raised their glasses to that. The waiter arrived with a bottle of champagne.

  ‘Moet Chandon. Oh la la!’ Grace said with a laugh.

  ‘Only the best for you, darling!’ Gerry declared.

  Everyone took a glass, with the obvious exception of Liam. Tom stood up then to make a toast. ‘We’re here for two special people. One an old and dear friend, the other a new but equally dear friend. For one of them, we’re here to say welcome back and for the other we’re here to say a fond farewell. Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses to Grace and Noel.’

  ‘To Grace and Noel,’ everyone said.

  Grace stood up then. ‘My turn! I’d like to say a few words.’ The gang clapped and cheered. ‘I’m soooooo glad to be back! I feel great and I’ve never been happier than right now. I couldn’t have got through the past couple of months without all of your support and love. Words will never express how grateful Liam and I are for that.’ Grace then turned towards Noel and continued, ‘Uncle Noel. You gave me an amazing gift. I’ll never be able to thank you enough. To me you’re my star. So, as a small token of my gratitude, I’ve got a little something for you.’ Grace handed him the parcel.

  Noel quickly dabbed his eyes with his napkin, before taking his parcel. He opened it and in it was a frame. He read the words to the group. ‘A star has been named in your honour. This unique star will be called Noel Dunne from this day forth. With love always, Grace, Liam and Jack.’

  Everyone clapped and Noel jumped up to kiss his niece. ‘Well I never, a star named after me. I’m honoured, love. Truly honoured. I’m going to hang this over the mantelpiece at home.’ He was chuffed.

  The gang spent the night chatting and laughing, talking about the future. Noel invited every one of them to come to Perth to visit him and his family and they all promised to do just that. It was a great night. Finally, at midnight, Grace began to feel tired.

  ‘You okay?’ Tara asked, noticing her cousin looking a little pale.

  ‘Just tired. Still not back to full throttle!’ Grace replied. ‘You look tired too.’

  ‘What are we like? Both nauseous, both tired! There’s a pair of us in it!’ Tara said with a laugh.
  They all decided to call it a night and with kisses and hugs all round they said their goodbyes.

  ‘You’re quiet, babe,’ Liam said when they got home. ‘Tired?’

  ‘I’ve a slight headache to be honest. Think I’ll take a Nurofen,’ she answered him. ‘Too much excitement!’

  ‘It was a long night,’ Liam agreed. ‘Straight to bed for you young lady!’

  With no argument, Grace climbed into bed and fell asleep almost immediately.


  The following morning she woke up feeling worse. Her headache had got worse and she felt really warm. Liam decided not to take any chances and rang Sean.

  ‘Let’s check that temperature,’ Sean said to Grace, sticking his thermometer in her mouth. ‘103.5.’

  ‘That’s high,’ Liam said.

  ‘Yep. I’m sorry Grace. We’re going to have to get you into hospital straightaway. No arguments.’ Sean picked up his phone and called for an ambulance. Two hours later she was back in hospital and her temperature had rocketed to 105. Grace was thrashing about and wasn’t really coherent anymore. Liam was standing outside the hospital room with Tara, while Sean tried to find out what was going on.

  ‘This can’t be happening, Tara,’ Liam said. ‘She was fine last night. She was getting better.’

  Tara couldn’t believe it either. They had all thought that Grace was on the mend. How could she get so bad so quickly? Sean came back and brought the two of them into the relative’s room.

  ‘Her temperature is now at 105.1.’

  ‘Fuck,’ Tara said.

  ‘That’s bad?’ Liam asked. ‘What’s wrong with her?’

  ‘She’s obviously got some form of infection. We won’t know what until the blood tests come back. But right now, they’re concerned about her heart. Her blood pressure has dropped dramatically. They’re doing everything they can to stabilise her, Liam.’

  ‘Can I go and see her?’ Liam said in a voice that sounded like he was a small boy no more than Jack’s age.

  ‘In a few minutes I’d say so, Liam. They’ve a few more tests to do. They’ll come and get you,’ Sean replied.

  Liam dropped to his seat. He couldn’t believe it. This was all wrong. ‘I’m scared Tara,’ he said simply.

  ‘Me too,’ she answered, walking over to Liam and taking him in his arms. ‘You better ring Catherine, Sean.’ He went outside and started making calls. Soon, the waiting room was full with Tom, Gerry, Abby, Shay, Catherine, Noel, Mrs Ryan and Uncle Martin, Tara and Sean. Liam was pacing the hall over and over, waiting to be allowed to see Grace.

  ‘It’s been nearly an hour since we got here, Sean,’ he said. ‘Surely, they’ve done all their tests now.’

  With that, a nurse walked in. ‘Liam, you can go in now.’

  Liam practically ran to Grace’s room and couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw her. Dr Kennedy was standing by her bed waiting for him.

  ‘Grace,’ Liam sobbed. ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘She’s unconscious, Liam. We had to sedate her as she was thrashing about so much with the fever. We’re giving her meds to bring her temperature down. Grace has a very nasty infection in her blood – she’s got sepsis. We’ve started her on a course of strong antibiotics.’

  ‘Will she be alright?’ Liam asked quietly.

  ‘I hope so,’ Dr Kennedy answered, patting him on his shoulder. ‘She should come out of sedation in an hour or so. Hopefully the temperature should be down by then. I’ll be back later.’

  Liam sat holding her hand, praying over and over for her to get through this. He didn’t even hear Catherine come into the room. She walked over and put her arms around him.

  ‘Dr Kennedy came to see us. He’s filled us in,’ she told Liam. ‘How you doing?’

  ‘Bargaining,’ he answered flatly.

  ‘Sorry?’ Catherine asked him puzzled.

  ‘I’m bargaining with God. You get Grace better, I’ll do anything, sort of thing,’ Liam said, his eyes never leaving Grace for a second.

  ‘Oh of course, I’ve done that myself quite a bit too,’ Catherine replied.

  They sat quietly for another forty minutes or so, and then Grace began to come out of sedation. She opened her eyes and looked frightened, then calmed down when she saw Liam.

  ‘Don’t talk, babe. You’ve got to conserve your energy. You’ve got a nasty infection. But you’re getting antibiotics to sort it out. You gave us quite a scare, you know. Everyone’s here, all outside waiting to say hello,’ Liam whispered to her.

  Grace smiled faintly. She closed her eyes again. She couldn’t seem to be able to keep them open.

  An hour later, she opened them again. Liam was still sitting there, but this time Tara and Sean were with him. She smiled. They were back to taking shifts. The nurse came in then and asked them all to wait outside, as she had some more tests to do. Liam joined the others in the relatives’ room.

  A cup of coffee appeared from somewhere and Gerry had some sandwiches for him. ‘You’ve got to eat darling,’ he said very gently.

  Liam couldn’t taste a thing, but he somehow managed to get half a sandwich down.

  Dr Kennedy came back in a moment later. ‘Liam, may I have a word in private please.’

  ‘You can talk freely here Dr Kennedy. We’re all family,’ Liam said.

  ‘I’m sorry, Liam. I’m afraid that Grace isn’t responding to our treatment,’ Dr Kennedy stated.

  ‘What does that mean?’ He looked the doctor squarely in the eye. He was vaguely aware of the others surrounding him. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He heard a strangled sob; he wasn’t sure who it came from.

  ‘She’s deteriorated quickly, I’m afraid. I think the time has come for you to say your goodbyes. I’m so sorry,’ the doctor said very gently.

  Liam put his head in his hands and felt himself sink to the ground. Arms reached out to him but he pushed them away. The room was deathly silent. It was as if time froze. After a moment or two, he stood up. ‘Does Grace know?’ he asked in a strong voice that surprised everyone.

  ‘Yes. She knows,’ Dr Kennedy replied.

  ‘How long do we have?’ Liam asked.

  ‘I don’t think she’ll last the night,’ Dr Kennedy replied. ‘I’m so sorry, Liam. We have done everything but her body is just not strong enough.’ He wiped tears from his eyes. He had grown very fond of Grace and Liam over the year.

  Liam felt like he’d just been hit by a bolt of lightning. Every fibre and nerve in his body was on edge. The room felt like it was suffocating him. It was still deathly quiet. Nobody was speaking; he supposed they were all, like him, adjusting to the shock. He wanted to run out of the room and out of the hospital. Nobody would blame him. Instead he turned to the others. ‘Please. Don’t,’ he said to his mother as she went to embrace him. ‘If you hug me now, I swear I’ll fucking collapse. We have to be strong now for Grace’s sake. Okay?’ Nobody answered him, so he said louder, ‘Okay?’ They nodded their assent. ‘I’m going to see Grace now. Can you give me ten minutes on my own? Then come in. I know she’ll want all of you with her. Mam, can you go get Jack?’

  ‘Of course, son,’ she answered. ‘We’re all here for you Liam. Whatever you need.’ She walked over to her child. Her heart was breaking for him and for her grandson. She didn’t know how they would get through what was facing them. She pulled Liam into her arms and whispered, ‘There, there son.’ It was something she used to say to him as a baby when she was trying to calm him down to sleep. Liam allowed himself a moment to sink into the familiar embrace of his mother’s arms; he allowed himself the luxury of being comforted by her love for just a short time. ‘Thank you, Mam,’ he whispered back.

  Tom walked over to Liam, ‘Go say goodbye to Grace, Liam. We’ll be in soon. Keep it together just a little bit longer. You can do this.’

  Nodding, Liam walked out of the room.

  Grace was awake when he got back to the room.

  ‘Bummer,’ she said with a small smile.

  ‘An absolute bitch,’ he agreed kissing her.

  ‘Jack,’ she whispered.

  ‘I know,’ he sobbed back. And he did.

  ‘Tell him that I love him,’ Grace said softly.

  ‘He knows that, babe. He knows you love him,’ Liam reassured her.

  ‘Tell him about the rainbows,’ she whispered. ‘Tell him that I’ll be just beyond the rainbow’s end.’

  Liam nodded. ‘I’ll tell him,’ Liam promised. ‘I’ll make sure he’s alright, Grace. I won’t let you down.’

  ‘I know that, Liam. I know Jack will be fine, because he’s got you. No regrets?’

  ‘No babe, no regrets,’ he answered her.

  ‘I’m so sorry. I wanted to grow old with you,’ she struggled to get the words out.

  ‘Oh babe. I love you so much,’ Liam replied, sobbing.

  ‘Always remember what I said at the wedding, Liam. Even right now I feel blessed,’ Grace said to him.

  He nodded, stroking her hair delicately. Catherine and Noel walked in then. They walked over and kissed her. Noel stood in the corner, unable to compose himself.

  Catherine held Grace’s hand and said, ‘I am so proud of you Grace. I love you so much.’

  ‘I love you too, Mam,’ Grace replied with a smile. This was the first time in Catherine’s entire life that she’d ever been called Mam. It was too much. She started to cry and Noel walked over to her, pulling her into his arms, trying his best to offer some sort of comfort to his sister.

  Tara and Sean came in next. ‘Hi cousin. You looking for all the attention again?’ she said, smiling through her tears.


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