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Fulfilling Fantasies - An Erotic Short Story Collection

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by Luna Swift

  Fulfilling Fantasies

  Frustration themed erotic short story collection

  By Luna Swift

  Text copyright © 2012 Luna Swift

  All rights reserved

  For adults only

  To find out more about Luna or to get in touch visit:

  Cover image courtesy of - taken by user: YaiSiriChai

  Table of Contents

  A Special Dance Lesson

  A Relaxing Massage

  The Skiing Accident

  Reflected Passions

  Ladies of Lantern House

  Keeping Calm in the Lecture Hall

  Also by the same Author

  A Special Dance Lesson

  “I wish I could do that.”

  Natasha was staring wistfully at the TV watching the celebrity couple waltzing round to the apparent delight of the studio audience. Lights were flashing, the gown was sweeping the floor, Natasha found herself daydreaming that she was the one being led round the dance floor.

  “You should come along with me to dance class.”

  Natasha looked up, brought back to the present by the suggestion.

  “Are you serious?” said Natasha, wondering if Hazel was being sarcastic or not. She’d been dancing with her before. It wasn’t a pretty sight.

  “Of course I’m serious. Why not?”

  “Because my left feet have got two left feet, that’s why not.”

  “I’m your best friend,” Hazel said laughing, “and I think it might do you some good. Stop all this moping around. You’ve been single for six months. Time to get back out there. Shake that bum of yours”

  Two days later Natasha found herself lined up against a wall with Hazel and a bunch of other women in black leggings and a lurid crop tops. Natasha self-consciously felt her own slight tummy, comparing it to the others. Maybe the exercise would do her good. Too many nights vegetating on the sofa tucking into cookie dough ice cream had done this.

  “My name is Ally Matheson,” said the woman at the front of the class, staring at them all in turn. “I teach dance. By the end of my course, you’ll be a different person. I guarantee it. Isn’t that right Miss Furrow?”

  Hazel blushed bright red at that. “Well…I…”

  Ally laughed. “Don’t worry, I won’t give away just how useless you were when you started? Oops! Oh well, let’s get going shall we?”

  Natasha wasn’t sure what to make of it all, but soon she was working so hard her only thoughts were would she survive the evening? It was exhausting. Who’d have thought dancing could be such hard work? It all seemed so effortless on TV. Why were her legs like jelly after only half an hour, her heart pounding so hard she was surprised it didn’t burst out of her chest. By the end of the session she was close to collapsing on the varnished wood floor.

  Once home, she flopped onto the sofa and was asleep within seconds, not opening her eyes again until long after the sun had risen the next day. Her stomach muscles ached when she did finally wake up. Her legs hurt to walk, but she at least felt good about herself again. It hadn’t been yet another night in, reminiscing about Greg, crying pathetic tears over someone who’d dumped her over months ago when she’d found out about his affair. It was so cliché, an affair with a secretary. But somehow he’d been the one to end it, how could that have been right?

  Natasha wasn’t sure if she could handle another session like that one but as the week went on she found herself looking forward to the next class more and more. For one thing it would be a private dance sessions. Hazel had been generous enough to pay for some private classes for her. When she skipped up the stairs, she found herself smiling without thinking about it. Ally was stretching in the studio when she walked in. Natasha nodded to her, then walked across to the dressing room door, frowning when it refused to open.

  “Sorry,” said Ally without looking up from her hamstring stretch. “The builders have been in there so it’s out of action for a few days. Just get changed in the corner.”

  Natasha looked round the room, there was nobody else there. It should be okay. She took out her leggings and sports bra from her bag. Pulling off her top she looked across at Ally but her back was turned, cat-stretching on the floor. Natasha unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor. She didn’t notice Ally had stopped stretching and was looking into the wall mirror, staring at Natasha’s reflection as she undressed.

  Natasha pulled off her jeans and was about to step into her leggings when Ally coughed. She spun round.

  “Just a bit of advice,” Ally said, looking across the room at her. “If you’re going to wear such big pants, leave them off for now, it’ll be easier for some of the moves I’ve got planned if you have a bit more freedom. Plus as a bonus you won’t look like a seventy year old granny.”

  Natasha looked down at her knickers. Okay they weren’t the sexiest things in the world but could they make that much of a difference to her dance steps?

  “Trust me,” Ally said, noticing her doubt. “I’ve been doing this long enough to know what I’m talking about.”

  Natasha nodded then pulled her panties off in one swift movement. She pulled on her leggings quickly followed by her sports bra, an essential bit of kit for someone with a chest as heavy as hers. The bouncing around last time had hurt in her ordinary bra.

  When she was ready, Ally took her through the warm ups, spending time getting her prepared for the more advanced work. After about twenty minutes Ally stopped and looked at her student, a dress draped over her arm as she watched.

  “You’re coming along well for a newcomer. I think it’s time we try you in one of my Latin outfits. Put this on.”

  She held out the smallest outfit Natasha had ever seen. She’d worn less revealing things as a teenager and been called a slut by her parents for her trouble. It was a tiny microskirt, with a few dangling tassels to brush her thighs. A single line of fabric swooped round her midriff to encircle her breasts but it didn’t look like it would cover much more than half of them. One strap over a shoulder seemed the only thing to prevent the whole ensemble from falling off her.

  “Take off that hideous bra first though. Latin is about looking sexy remember?”

  Natasha went over to her corner to change yet again. She dressed quickly and looked at herself in the mirror, jaw dropping as she did so. She’d never worn anything so sexy or so revealing. Although her nipples were covered up at least, the top and bottom of her breasts were clearly visible, as was most of her stomach. The skirt was slung inches below her belly button. She was more concerned by the fact the very tops of her thighs were so exposed. She liked how her legs looked though, even after one day of dancing and a few hours practice at home they seemed more toned than before. She spun round, looking back over her shoulder. The fabric skirted the base of her bottom, covering just enough to stop it from being completely obscene.

  “Wow,” Ally said, walking towards her. “You look incredible.”

  “Thank you,” Natasha replied. “I just hope there aren’t too many spins to do, I’ll end up flashing the world. Are you sure I can’t wear any underwear?”

  Ally didn’t answer. Instead she strode over to the stereo and pressed play. Latin music began to course from the speakers, increasing Natasha’s heart rate. She was nervous enough without the music, could she dance in something so revealing?

  Ally held out a hand and walked across to her. “Follow my movements,” she said, “and try to keep up.”

  The first few minutes were fairly easy, not much more than striding round the room. Building confidence Ally
called it. Natasha kept glimpsing at herself in the mirror, seeing a different woman there, someone taller and more confident, someone in control of her life. She liked that person. Wanted to see more of her.

  Ally stopped for a moment and stood to one side. “I want to watch you now, see how you handle yourself. Repeat the steps I just showed you. Let’s see if you can remember them. But double the speed, and keep focussed, no matter what happens.”

  Natasha began to move but the dress wasn’t helping her. As she leapt across the room, once, twice, a third time, she could feel the elasticity of the dress begin to give way, it was sliding down her chest as her boobs wobbled up and down. Finally it happened, they popped out of the dress, sticking pertly out, the dress caught under them. She moved her hands to put them back in but Ally called out. “No, keep going, concentrate on the dance, don’t lose focus.”

  So Natasha continued. She could see her chest in the room length mirror, her boobs hanging free like that was strangely exciting her. She could also see Ally watching with an odd look in her eyes, unblinking. As she moved, her breasts bounced, pain shooting through them as they were wrenched around unsupported. But the exposure also felt good in a weird way. She felt so confident, the body she’d kept hidden away for months was on show and nobody could mock her for it. Ally didn’t seem to mind her flashing at all.

  Natasha spun round once more, stretching out a leg. The skirt rode up exposing her bottom. She reached back to tug it down, then remembered what her instructor had said before and left it alone. As she moved the music pounded in her ears, she found she no longer cared about how exposed her body was, she felt lost in the dance.

  Ally watched, smiling. Because of her another student was coming to life, blossoming into their body. Again she was reminded of why she loved her job so much as she looked at the round shape of Natasha’s large breasts, wondering what they’d be like to touch. She looked down, at her bottom as she bent and twisted. It was rounded and shapely, smooth light skin in contrast the tan covering the rest of her body. Every few seconds she could see what lay between her legs. It was only flashes, she was moving so fast but she could tell Natasha was shaven. Nothing but smooth skin and the slight puffy lips of her labia appearing whenever she had to stretch from one movement to another.

  Ally found herself wishing she could reach out and touch her, wished she could simply march over and stop her dancing. Press a hand between her legs, feel her body. She had to force herself to stay where she stood. After all who knew how Natasha might react. She knew she was straight, Hazel had told her so. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t watch. That incredible body, those legs she pictured wrapped round her on the floor of the studio. Her mind drifted off into a daydream as Natasha danced.

  Ally pictured the two of them at the end of sweaty hours of work panting for breath, Natasha wearing the same outfit.

  “How was I?” Natasha would ask.

  Ally just knew she would wrap her arms round her, holding her tight. “You were amazing,” she would whisper. “Good enough to eat.”

  She dreamt of putting her hands up to Natasha’s face, kissing her passionately, their tongues entwining, chests heaving as they fought for breath and to get closer to each other. At last Natasha pulls away. Ally wondering if she’d gone too far but knowing it was okay when Natasha pulled her down to the floor, lying beside her. She could watch in the mirror as Natasha lowered herself above her face, straddling her mouth, legs wide open. As she stuck out her tongue, Natasha leaning forward, hooking fingers into her leggings and pulling them down her.

  She began by stroking Ally’s pussy, feeling the soft hair between her fingers, kissing her thighs. Ally pushing her tongue up until she felt it make contact with Natasha’s clit. It was engorged, sticking out slightly, wanting her to envelop it with her mouth. Ally began flicking her tongue back and forth over it, breathing in the musky scent of Natasha’s sex. Wetness was running over her mouth, her own saliva mixing with the arousal of the woman above her, hips beginning to rock back and forth slightly. Ally’s nose was nestled in between her bottom cheeks, the closest to her she could possibly get.

  Natasha had moved her fingers to spread Ally’s labia now, pushing apart the outer lips, exposing her pussy to Natasha so she could slide her tongue inside. Ally felt the tongue in her. It felt wonderful, teasing her nerve endings and making her clit cry out for the touch of her partner. Just as she was about to cry out, to beg to be touched, she felt two fingers either side of her sensitive nub, giving it the lightest of squeezes. She thrust her hips upwards, wanting more as the fingers began to slide around, alternating up and down movements either side of her clit, making her groan with pleasure.

  Ally wanted nothing more than to make the goddess above her climax. She moved her hands up, pulling at Natasha’s waist, bringing her down further onto her. She moved her tongue faster, feeling Natasha moaning between her legs. She kept going, jaw beginning to ache as she licked the clit by her mouth over and over again, feeling the woman above her beginning to tense up. Just as Natasha slid two fingers inside her, she felt her knees clamp against either side of her head. She was going to come soon. It felt amazing, having sex with this beautiful woman. She never wanted it to end but her excitement was growing too much to cope with. Natasha screamed into her pussy, an orgasm tearing through her as still she toyed with Ally. The climax shot through her body sending her into uncontrollable convulsions, her fingers buried inside Ally going rigid as she came. Ally heard Natasha calling her name over and over.


  She blinked, Natasha was standing next to her, hand on her shoulder, the latin dance finished. The music had stopped.

  “Are you all right Ally? You look as if you’re miles away.”

  Ally blinked again. “Erm…yeah I’m fine. Sorry, I was thinking of something we could try next week.”

  “Ooh, I’m intrigued. Care to share with me?”

  “Urr…you’ll have to wait and see. Gosh, look at the time. We better be off or we’ll be locked in.”

  Now it was Natasha’s turn to smile. “That wouldn’t be such a bad thing,” she said. “I can think of worse ways to spend a night than dancing here with you.”

  Ally waited for Natasha to get changed, again watching her in the mirror, staring silently at that wonderful body. They walked down the stairs together and parted by the door to the street.

  “See you next week,” said Ally. Natasha waved goodbye before climbing into her car and driving away. Ally stood watching for a minute before making her way home. Once she got in she climbed into bed, recalling her daydream, reliving it. She could clearly picture Natasha in her mind just at the moment her boobs spilled out of her dress. She pushed her hand into her panties, reaching for the spot that was yearning for her attention. She was shocked at how wet she was, her hands slipping straight up inside herself. She began to fuck her pussy with two of her fingers, her other hand rubbing over her clit frantically, desperate to come. Moaning loudly, she pictured Natasha in the room with her, between her legs, sucking her clit into her mouth, tasting her. If over it were real, she thought to herself. An orgasm hit her at that moment, making her cry out loud with joy as her hips thrust upwards into the air before falling back to the bed, leaving her panting for breath.

  Eyes still closed, Ally thought about next week’s dance class. Could she persuade Natasha to dance naked? She’d just have to wait and see.

  A Relaxing Massage

  Jennifer was slumped at the kitchen table when the doorbell rang. Piles of unpaid bills lay accusingly across the surface, all of them clamouring for attention. She wasn’t even sure when she would be able to pay them this month. Yes, the judge had awarded her a huge sum in the divorce settlement but where was it? More to the point, where was he? Could you collect money from someone who’d vanished?

  The doorbell rang again. “All right, I’m coming.”

  She opened the door to see Nicole standing there and almost collapsed into her a

  “Christ,” said Nicole, stepping into the hall. “You look awful.”

  “Thanks,” Jennifer replied. “It’s nice to see you too.”

  As the kettle boiled the two women sat in the conservatory looking out at the garden.

  “I think I know what you need,” said Nicole, handing over a business card. “Tell them I sent you.”

  Jennifer looked down at the card. “Femme - Women only massage service, let our touch take away the tension.” There was an address on the corner of the card.

  “I couldn’t afford this even if I wanted to,” Jennifer said, trying to pass the card back. “Until the court catches up with him, I can’t afford anything.”

  The kettle clicked off. Nicole ignored her outstretched hand and walked through to the kitchen to make the tea. She carried two steaming mugs back through, sitting back down on the wicker chair by the French doors. Jennifer’s cat leapt onto her lap and curled up, asleep within moments.

  “I’ll pay for it,” Nicole said, stroking the cat gently. “My treat. And when you come out I might have some good news about Brian for you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Remember Martin? I introduced you to him at Sarah’s birthday. Anyway he’s a private detective. Retired from the police. He’s been looking into your magical disappearing ex, thinks he may have tracked him down. You might have your money by the end of the week.”

  “Nicole, really? That’s fantastic.” She turned and hugged her friend, ignoring the protesting cat.

  “Go and have a massage at Femme, let them do their stuff. It’s amazing. Trust me.”

  The next day Jennifer stood outside a front door, looking down at the business card and wondering if she had the wrong address. This just looked like someone’s house. She knocked again, trying to see through the frosted glass.

  Moments later the door opened and a young woman peered out at her. “Can I help?”

  Jennifer looked at her for a second, taking in the clean white trousers, the white shirt, clinical, clean.

  “I was given a card, for this address. My friend…” She held out the card.


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