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The Amish Christmas Sleigh

Page 21

by Kelly Long

  A loud knock on the door interrupted them. Charity rose. “I’m not expecting anyone.” She opened the door and her eyes widened. “Mrs. Troyer, what brings you here? Please come in.”

  The Amish teacher stepped inside. “I should come back later. I don’t want to interrupt your supper, and you have company.”

  Josiah and Beth rushed in. “Who’s here?” They frowned and stared at the floor.

  Josiah stood stiffly. “Hello, Mrs. Troyer.”

  Beth whispered, “Hello, Mrs. Troyer.”

  Luke glanced at the kinner. Why the long faces?

  Closing the door behind the woman, Charity said, “Mrs. Troyer, please have a seat.” She pulled an empty chair to the table for the teacher. “May I get you something? Let me take your burnoose.”

  Mrs. Troyer sat.

  Charity gestured to Josiah and Beth. “Come and sit.”

  The kinner took slow steps to their chairs next to each other.

  “Mrs. Troyer, have you met Luke Fisher? He’s our neighbor.”

  The teacher pinched her lips. “I’ve not been formally introduced, but I’ve seen you at church.” She addressed Charity. “I really should come back later. What I have to say should be told to you in private.”

  Charity waved a dismissive hand. “Anything you have to say, you can tell me in front of Luke. He’s a family friend.”

  The stout, gray-haired Amish woman had a pinched face and a stern tone. She frowned and her demeanor appeared serious. What could Charity’s sweet kinner have possibly done to bring this somber woman here today?

  Luke stood. “Mrs. Troyer, Charity, I can leave if you wish.”

  “No, please stay.” Charity glanced at Luke, puzzled.

  He shrugged his shoulders slightly and sat. He hoped whatever news this teacher had to say wouldn’t be upsetting to Charity. He furrowed his brow.

  “What I have to say won’t take long.”

  Charity faced the woman. “Have the kinner done something to upset you?”

  The woman darted her eyes at Beth.

  Beth winced and shifted in her seat.

  “During playtime outside today at school, Matthew Oyer said unkind words to Josiah about his hand and shoved him to the ground. Josiah asked him to stop. I headed in their direction to reprimand Matthew, when Beth pushed him. I understand her intention to defend Josiah, but she shouldn’t have put her hands on Matthew. She should’ve let me handle the situation.”

  Luke’s eyes widened, and he held his breath for a moment. This woman couldn’t be talking about the same sweet and kind Beth Lantz who was sitting at this table. He couldn’t imagine her pushing anyone. She had a direct manner at times, but never had she exhibited this type of behavior before.

  Charity gasped and put her hand over Josiah’s. “Are you all right? Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

  He lifted his shirt. “I have a bruise, but I’m fine.” His lip trembled. “I didn’t want Beth to get in trouble. Please don’t punish her. She helped me, and Matthew scared me.”

  Charity patted his arm. “I understand. I’m sorry this happened to you.” She eyed Beth. “You should never have put your hands on Matthew to settle this. Apologize to Mrs. Troyer.”

  “I’m sorry, Mrs. Troyer.” Beth stared at her lap.

  Charity turned to the teacher. “Is Matthew all right?”

  “Jah, he’s fine.”

  Luke narrowed his eyes. “Have you talked to Matthew’s parents?”

  “Jah, I visited them before I came here. They asked me to tell you how sorry they are for Matthew’s rude actions. They are punishing him, and so am I. He will be responsible for cleaning the school, stocking the fireplace wood, and writing Bible verses during playtime for two months.”

  Luke cleared his throat. He’d be upset if Beth received the same punishment. Her actions were to defend her bruder, not to torment or start a scuffle. “What is Beth’s punishment?”

  “She’s to write Bible verses at playtime for two weeks.”

  Charity bit her lip. “Your punishment is fair, Mrs. Troyer. I’ll speak to Beth concerning this. Danki for bringing it to my attention.”

  Mrs. Troyer stood. “I wasn’t sure Beth would tell you about the incident and thought I should make you aware of what happened.”

  Beth’s lips trembled. “I would’ve told her tonight at bedtime.”

  Charity met Beth’s eyes. “I do believe her. She isn’t deceitful or secretive.”

  Luke wanted to hug Beth. She shouldn’t have put her hands on Matthew, but she loved her bruder and hadn’t wanted anyone to hurt him. Mrs. Troyer’s stern eyes and voice set his teeth on edge.

  Mrs. Troyer frowned. “Nonetheless, I always visit the parents of a student involved in such matters.”

  Luke clasped his hands. Mrs. Troyer must be one of those people who insisted on having the last word. He doubted she had a humble bone in her body, given her demeanor.

  Charity opened the door. “I’d appreciate your keeping an eye on Matthew. He’s older and bigger than Josiah. I don’t condone Beth’s behavior, but she was protecting Josiah. I wouldn’t want this to happen again.”

  Luke shifted his weight in the chair and glanced out the window. He couldn’t have said it better himself.

  “I understand, and rest assured, I will monitor him closely.” She turned on her heels.

  “Gut day to all of you.”

  “Gut day, Mrs. Troyer.” Charity shut the door behind her.

  “Josiah, stay far away from this boy. He sounds like trouble.”

  “I will, Mamm.”

  “Why don’t you go to your room and practice writing your alphabet, while I talk to Beth for a few minutes.”

  Her son clasped Beth’s hand resting on the table for a moment before he slid out of his chair. He dragged his feet to his room.

  Luke smiled. What an endearing picture. The kinner loved each other. Mrs. Troyer, what a somber woman. The kinner had to endure her cold personality each day. He’d had young and kind teachers in school. There wasn’t a sign of anything kind about this teacher. Maybe he should speak to the bishop about Mrs. Troyer. He glanced at Charity. No, he wouldn’t interfere. She might not like it.

  He sat and sipped his water.

  Charity pointed her finger at Beth. “You will not be allowed to go outside and play for a week. You will go to your room right after school, do your homework, have supper, and go to bed.”

  Beth’s tears stained her face. “I’m sorry, Mamm. I told Matthew to stop, but he went to push Josiah again. I had to do something.”

  She reached across the table and put her hand on Beth’s. “I understand you wanted to protect your bruder, but putting your hands on Matthew shouldn’t have entered your mind. You could’ve used your voice or waited for the teacher. She would’ve handled the situation.” She shook her head. “Please go to your room and do your homework.”

  Beth glanced over her shoulder at Luke.

  He bit his lip and glanced out the window.

  Chin to her chest, she padded to her room.

  Charity slumped in a chair. “Beth pushing Matthew is terrible.”

  Luke reached for her hand, then withdrew it quickly. He had reacted and not thought first. He suspected his heart had taken over. “I’m surprised at Beth’s behavior, but it doesn’t sound like the teacher would’ve crossed the yard in time before Matthew delivered his second shove.”

  Charity stood and crossed her arms. “Are you condoning what Beth did?”

  “No, but I don’t agree her pushing the boy is terrible, given the circumstances.”

  Charity tightened her lips and crossed her arms. “I disagree. There is no room for compromise on this issue.”

  “You’re overreacting.”

  She stiffened. “I’m disappointed we don’t agree. You and I have both been raised not to impose physical harm to anyone for any reason. Beth must understand she can’t do this again.” She nervously touched her kapp and glanced toward the hallway. �
�I should check on the kinner.”

  Her abruptness caught him off guard. “Charity, I didn’t mean to offend you. Let’s sit and discuss this. I don’t want to leave under these circumstances.”

  She stared at her feet. “I’m sorry, Luke. I’m tired, and it has been a long day. May we discuss this another time?”

  He nodded, lifted his coat and hat from the wooden peg, and left. He would allow her time to digest what had happened before talking about this again. He’d said the wrong words. She’d misunderstood him. What Beth had done deserved punishment and she shouldn’t ever repeat her action, but he understood it. He’d apologize tomorrow and listen to what Charity had to say.

  Charity pressed a hand to her forehead. Her head throbbed and her teeth hurt from gritting them so hard. He had been Amish all his life, so how could Luke defend Beth’s putting her hands on the boy in such a way? Overreacting? How dare he? He hadn’t understood at all, and she wasn’t overreacting. She filled and warmed a large basin of water on the stove and then carried it to Beth’s room.

  The child’s lips quivered.

  Charity’s face softened. At least Beth showed remorse. “Please get ready for your bath.”

  Beth trudged to the washroom and stood silent.

  Charity returned from the kitchen and poured warm water from the wash boiler into the cool water already in the tub. She touched it. “The temperature is all right. You can step in.”

  Beth undressed, put one foot in at a time, and inched her body into the water. “Danki, Mamm.”

  “You’re a gut schweschder to Josiah. I’m glad you care about him, but do you understand why you mustn’t let this happen again?”

  Beth’s shoulders slumped and her lips trembled. “Yes. I’m sorry.”

  Her dochder had a strong will, determination, and wasn’t afraid of much. She hoped Beth had listened and learned her lesson. Charity left the room and checked on Josiah. Snuggled under the covers, he slept. She left him in his clothes and covered him. He’d been through a tough time suffering the loss of his finger, and now this. Her kinner were close and couldn’t stand it when she punished one or the other of them. She hoped they’d remain close as they aged.

  After Beth bathed and put on her bedclothes, Charity listened to Beth’s prayer. “Dear Heavenly Father, forgive me for pushing Matthew, but please help him not to push Josiah again. Make his parents real mad at him and punish him gut. I love You. Amen.”

  Charity opened her mouth but then shut it. She wanted Beth to say whatever was on her mind to God anytime she wished. She was certain Beth had learned her lesson.

  Later, she lit the kerosene lamp and opened her bag. After pulling out a half-finished scarf, she wound yarn around her needles and began to knit. Luke was too tolerant where her kinner were concerned. She’d put distance between them for a while. Maybe time apart would be gut for her, too. She couldn’t figure him out.

  Her frustration mounted, not knowing where he stood concerning his emotions for her. Pushing the needle through the blue yarn, she paused. Maybe she’d taken her irritation and embarrassment concerning the situation out on him. No doubt he loved her kinner and wanted the best for them. Nonetheless, she couldn’t allow Luke to diminish what Beth had done in any way. Even angry, she couldn’t stop her heart from skipping a beat at the picture of Luke’s handsome face in her mind.

  Luke carried a cooked chicken and a pint of peach jam he’d bought from a peddler in town to Charity. Maybe his gifts would show her he cared and wanted to make amends. “How are the kinner?” he asked.

  Charity gave him a faint smile as she held the door half-open. “They’re fine. Beth’s in her room and not allowed to play, and Josiah is playing with his wooden train.” She eyed the food in his hands. “It’s best if you and my kinner don’t spend time together for a while. Beth needs to take her punishment seriously, and I don’t want you to insinuate in any way that her behavior was justified.”

  Luke lifted his eyebrows. “I wouldn’t do anything to interfere or go against you. I apologize for speaking out of turn. I should’ve listened to you and kept my opinion to myself.”

  She met his eyes. “I accept your apology, but please help me impose this punishment on Beth by not allowing her to visit with you for a week or so. I would really appreciate it.”

  “I understand.” He passed her the chicken and jam.

  “Danki, Luke.” She bowed her head and closed the door.

  A whole week before he could darken their doorstep again. He wouldn’t want this disagreement to harm what they had between them. He’d wait, then approach her again.

  During the week, Luke repaired furniture and doors and painted inside walls for his friends and neighbors. He was sick of eating ham sandwiches. The loneliness was even worse. Had Beth and Josiah asked about him? What had Charity told them about why he hadn’t visited them? He closed his eyes. He could picture their angelic faces and melodious voices. Their giggles and stories about school delighted him, as did Charity’s full lips and wide smile and the sparkle in her eyes. He frowned. The loss of them from his life this week had been difficult. He readied for bed. Tomorrow was Sunday, and they’d be at church. Would she allow him to talk to the kinner?

  He woke to the Sunday morning sun peering in the window. Maybe it would melt the snow and ice. Hot coffee sounded gut. Climbing out of bed, he paused to stretch. He couldn’t wait to go to church. Charity, Josiah, and Beth would be there. Would Charity speak to him? Had she missed him? He hoped so.

  He dressed, readied his horse, and rode to the church barn. He passed the reins to the young stable hand and stepped inside. He searched for the Lantz family. They were seated on a bench several rows back from the front. He took slow steps to sit behind them. His throat dry, he coughed.

  The Lantz kinner turned around and grinned widely.

  Beth waved. “Hello, Luke.”

  Josiah shifted in his seat. “We’ve missed you. Mamm said you couldn’t come over because Beth was bad and it was part of her punishment. She said a week. It’s been a week. Will you sit with us at the meal today?”

  Charity smiled.

  He nodded and grinned. Maybe everything would return to normal.

  After the service, he made small talk with Charity and the kinner while they enjoyed their meals. It was as if they’d not had a disagreement. He bid them farewell and looked over his shoulder at Charity one more time. His eyes narrowed. Mr. Young was asking her a question. He strained to hear Mr. Young’s exact words. Haus? Had he asked Charity to his haus? The chatter around them drowned out most of their conversation. He couldn’t understand when Mr. Young had invited her to visit him. She was nodding. Oh no, what was she agreeing to? The man was a widower. This couldn’t be gut.

  He went home, fixed another cold ham sandwich, and read the first few pages of the book of John in the King James Bible, then fed his animals. His body ached and he couldn’t keep his eyes open. Cold one minute and hot the next, he pulled back the covers and climbed in bed. He’d shut his eyes for a few moments before changing into his bedclothes. A little while later, he shivered and pulled his knees up to his chest. Tossing and turning, he couldn’t get in a comfortable position. Legs and arms aching, he rubbed them.

  Star licked his face, and he pushed him away.

  Whining, Star jumped off the bed and paced.

  Luke gritted his teeth at the sound of the dog’s nails tapping on the wooden floor. “Settle down, boy.” He shivered. Hot one minute and cold the next, he piled quilts and blankets on himself. Sweat beaded on his face and soaked his bedclothes.


  Sunday evening Charity sat in her favorite oversized oak chair and sipped hot cocoa. Luke had brought her food and apologized. The man had gone out of his way to help her, and she had taken her anger out on him. It hadn’t been fair to punish him as well as Beth, although she was disappointed he hadn’t agreed on the seriousness of Beth’s transgression.

  On the other hand, her kinner loved and misse
d him. She had missed him more than she thought she should. Was God testing her? She bowed her head. “Dear Heavenly Father, please forgive my anger and frustration this week. I’m confused. Guide me in what You would have me do where Luke and Mr. Young are concerned. Should I wait on Luke? Is he a friend or something more You have planned for me? Give me the right words to apologize to Luke. Danki for Your love, grace, and mercy. Amen.”

  She would rather spend Thanksgiving with him than with the Young family. He shouldn’t be alone on Thanksgiving. Maybe she should invite him to her haus. No. She had accepted Mr. Young’s invitation for her family to join his for Thanksgiving. He had been a widower for a year. His wife had had a deep cough and weakness for a year before she died. Ten years older than Charity, he was a decent man, bald with pale skin and freckles. He was thin and tall. She liked his kind demeanor, and he went out of his way to talk to Josiah and Beth after church meals.

  Luke had gazed at her a few times during their suppers as if he wanted to say something endearing, but then he shied away. She frowned. Maybe she’d misunderstood his expression and it was wishful thinking on her part. She couldn’t wait forever. She owed it to herself and her kinner to find out if Mr. Young could be a potential husband.

  She cocked her head and listened. Scratch, scratch. She crossed the room and opened the door. “Star, what are you doing here?”

  Josiah and Beth joined her. “Where’s Luke?” The kinner rushed outside into the cold.

  “Kinner, please come inside. You’ll get sick without your coats on.”

  Beth’s teeth chattered as she rubbed her arms. “Star came here alone.” She petted the dog’s head. “What’s wrong, Star?”

  Star padded in but went back out before Charity could shut the door. He barked and paced on the porch.

  Beth glanced at Charity. “He wants us to follow him.”

  Charity stared at her bright dochder. The child was right. Beth never ceased to amaze her. She paid attention to detail and hardly missed a thing. “Get your coats on. We’ll return him to Luke.”


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