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Wretched: Book 2 (Mystic Valley Shifters)

Page 7

by LC Taylor

The next week went by fast. I had slept most of it, when Haven wasn’t making love to me. Exhaustion was taking over, and seeing Haley this weekend would hopefully bring some answers to why I felt so tired all the time. Two weeks being out of the in-between, should’ve been enough time to recuperate.

  I pretty much slept when Haven was at the office or we weren’t busy exploring each other. Dylan seemed to think the exhaustion was from all the sex we had been having, but I wasn’t going to avoid sex – I craved him too much not to indulge. Plus, I hadn’t tried to shift since trying with Cassandra, I was scared and didn’t want to let Haven know there was a problem – so, I decided to wait until Haley or Stef was back to attempt again.

  Haven emerged from the shower, “Morning, beautiful. You want some breakfast?”

  Smiling, I stood wrapping myself in his arms. “Yes, I’m starved.” Stepping out of his embrace, I wobbled on my feet – a dizzy spell wracking my body.

  “Tessa,” Haven grabbed my arm, “I got you. Sit down… what’s wrong? Are you ok?”

  He guided me back to the bed. “Yeah, just dizzy. I think I need to eat. Let’s go downstairs.” I stood again, taking hold of his arm. Using him for support we walked downstairs.

  Dylan was at the counter making some pancakes. “Can I get some of those?” I pointed to the stack of golden delectable on the counter. “Sure… help yourself. Ewwww,” Dylan’s eyes widened, “Tessa, you don’t look so hot.”

  “Geez, thanks. I just feel a bit dizzy. Hopefully this will make me feel better.” Shoving a mouthful of warm food in my mouth, “God, these are good.” Mumbling through syrup stained lips.

  “Maybe you should try and shift today. You haven’t shifted in a week – could be your wolf making you feel sick.”

  I choked on my food, Haven rushing to pat my back. “Are you ok?” Nodding as I cleared my throat.

  “Yeah, fine. Went down the wrong pipe. Dylan – you feel like shifting with me?” I looked at her, hoping she wouldn’t give away my secret.

  “Sure, it’s perfect weather for it, besides,” she pointed into the living room, “The boys are engrossed in their little game in there. Let me just clean up my mess.”

  After she cleared the dishes, we walked outside, leaving Haven inside. “We can walk into the woods a bit, that way Haven won’t see if you can't shift still.” Dylan could sense my concern.

  “Thanks, Dylan. I just don’t want him to know anything. Not until Stef or Haley have a chance to check me out. It could be something stupid. Some residual magic from being in the in-between.”

  “Yeah, I think it’s magic for sure. I can sense your wolf still, but somethings preventing me from getting through to her. Maybe you can this time, though.” We walked into the tree line, Dylan shifted immediately.

  Calling out to my wolf, she refused to come forth. It was weird, I could feel her – I knew she was inside me, but she wouldn’t take over. She refused to shift. Sensing my struggle, Dylan shifted back. “Still won’t shift?”

  “Nope. It’s the weirdest thing. I can sense her, even hear her. But she refuses to shift. She just sits and whimpers in my mind.” We started walking back towards the house. Before we made it out of the woods, I doubled over and expelled all the food I’d eaten earlier. Dropping to my knees, the vomiting grew more intense.

  “HAVEN!” screaming for help, Dylan ran to me – dropping to her knees she grabbed my hair.

  My expression fearful, the heaving causing my voice to be winded as I spoke, “Dylan, I think I’m I dying?”

  Chapter 27: Tessa

  Haven rushed out, missing half the steps as he ran down them. “What happened?” He scooped me from the ground, my body weakened and limp. Everyone had gathered around, trying to see what was wrong. “Move, clear the way!” Haven pushed through the wall of guys, heading towards the living room.

  Jensen cleared the game controllers from the couch, “Hurry, set her down here.” Rushing from the kitchen, Paul placed a wet rag on my forehead.

  “Dylan, what happened?” Haven was on his knees in front of me, rubbing the cool rag across my face.

  “I don’t know. Look, she’s gonna be pissed but... Haven, Tessa hasn’t been able to shift since she woke up. We kept hoping she would, and she didn’t want you to worry. I'm going to call Haley and Stef. See if they can get over here now.” From their expressions, I assumed I looked like death. My skin was glistening with sweat, droplets dripping down my listless body.

  I laid on the couch, Haven wiping my head.

  “Get her some water, please.” Paul disappeared into the kitchen, appearing with a glass in his hand. “Tessa, baby, sit up and try to drink this.” Lifting my head, the room spun. I collapsed back on the couch, nausea hitting me hard. Closing my eyes, I tried to ebb the need to vomit again.

  “I got your call,” Haley walked around the guys crowding my small frame, “Guy’s give us some space. I need to check her, and I can't with y’all hoovering.” Haley commanded the room, dispersing them with the flick of her hand.

  “Hey Jensen, we’ll, uh… call us when you know something, ok?” Chris motioned Paul towards the door.

  Carter walked towards the kitchen, “Jensen, can I talk to you in the kitchen? Let’s give them some space to work.”

  Haley was looking me over, “Dylan, tell me everything that happened.” Seeing me in this state made Dylan gasp. “Jesus, I don’t understand Haley… she didn’t look that way five minutes ago. I mean her eyes are sunken in and she’s so damn pale. We went out to try and shift. She hasn’t been able to since she woke up with Haven – from the in-between. We were coming inside to call you, but she started throwing up everywhere and collapsed.”

  Haven was visibly upset, he was burning a hole in the floor as he paced. “Do you know what’s wrong with her? I… I can’t get a read – it’s like something is blocking my magic.”

  “Haven, you're right, something’s blocking her. Her wolf, she’s growling and whimpering – but refusing to shift, she’s afraid of hurting Tessa.” They exchanged glances, confused about why my wolf would react that way.

  “What do you mean her wolf’s afraid?” Haven looked lost, confused why I was in this state. “I have some ideas as to what’s causing this… But I need Stef here. Her magic is the only thing strong enough to confirm my suspicion.”

  “What do you mean? Tell me… What the hell is going on. If you know what’s wrong with her, I want to know.” His glare was pointed as he waited for her response.

  “Haven, when a wolfen female becomes pregnant, her wolf goes dormant – kind of. She protects her cub in the womb, by preventing a shift which could ultimately kill the baby. I am pretty sure that’s what’s happening with Tessa. It’s a defense mechanism.” Haley stood, waiting for her words to soak in.

  “Holy shit.” Jensen was the first to speak.

  “Wait, what are you saying?” Haven spun around looking between Jensen and Dylan. “Haley, are you saying that Tessa is pregnant? How… How is that possible?”

  “I didn’t figure you for the type that didn’t understand how babies were made…” Haley quipped, “Haven, I am pretty sure Tessa is pregnant. That’s why she couldn’t or can’t shift. Now… why she’s so sick… I don’t know. That’s unusual. Stef can enlighten us as to why she thinks she’s so ill.”

  Haven crumpled to the floor next to me. He brushed the stray hairs from my ashen face, “Oh Tessa, what have I done to you?” Pressing a kiss to my forehead he turned to face everyone else, “I never in my wildest dreams thought I would find my destined mate – much less father a child again. But this… this is not normal. We have to help her, I can't lose her now that I've finally found her.”

  “Well… I need to speak with Stef. Dylan,” turning towards her, “Do you know how to get a hold of her?” Unsure where she was, “No I haven’t heard from her. She was supposed to be back today. I can call Roxy and see if she knows.”

  “I can call Stef.” We all turned to see Chris leaning against th
e wall.

  “I thought you left with Paul,” Jensen nodded at him.

  He pushed off and walked closer to Haven, “I did. I took him to the bar in town, but left my wallet here. I can call her, I have her number.” Turning away to call her, we stood dumbstruck.

  He had his phone pressed to his face before we could ask why he had her number, “Hey. They need you at the house. Something’s wrong with Tessa. Yep, see you then.” Dylan’s mouth hung open, she was stunned speechless. “What, why is everyone looking at me?”

  “Uh, no reason, man. What did Stef say?” Jensen wrapped his arm around Dylan, forcing the shock away.

  “She’s ten minutes away. She’ll be here soon. I’ll get my wallet and go. Let her know where I went…”

  Chapter 28: Haven

  “What the hell? Did you know he and Stef were talking?” We all knew Stef had the hots for Chris, but we didn’t realize he was talking to her.

  “I don’t know, nor do I care right now. I’m glad he found her, but I hope she gets here soon.”

  “Haven, I know it’s none of my business… but – did anything happen physically between y’all in the in-between?”

  “Seriously? she saved me there… what happened was special – and private. So, please, don’t pry. Give me that – I won’t share our intimate details with all of you.” I looked towards Jensen, “Would you want all your private details shared?”

  He was right it was no one’s business, but if knowing we were physical in the in-between would help Tessa, they needed an answer. “Haven, they don’t want details – but maybe knowing the truth about what happened would help.”

  Stef arrived and immediately went to Tessa’s side. She placed a hand on her belly, “She’s pregnant. How did I miss this before? Haven, this baby is strong – the heart beat is good.”

  “Then why is Tessa so sick?” We all stood with bated breaths, “If the baby is good… why does she look like she’s dying?”

  “I think, conceiving in the in-between – is doing something bizarre to how she is adapting to carrying the baby.” Stef turned to look at me, a smile gracing her lips.

  “What??” they all said in unison as all of their eyes pinned Stef to her spot.

  “What do you mean her body isn’t adjusting to carrying the baby? How is that even possible? And how the hell did she conceive in the in-between?” My panicked toned cut through the room.

  Stef closed her eyes, palms above Tessa’s belly, murmuring something. A blinding light encompassed the room, causing everyone to shield their eyes. “STEF!” I took two steps towards her, but the light dissipated and Stef stepped back. Wrapping my hand around her arm, “What DID YOU DO?”

  “Relax, I did a calming spell. It will calm the baby’s spirit until we can figure out what to do,” turning to face me, “You need to prepare yourself. You may have to make a very hard choice, Haven.”

  “A choice? What the hell does that mean? There is no choice for me, TESSA WILL LIVE.” Pacing, my anger palpitating throughout the room.

  It was barely audible, like a whisper in the dark, “No, you will not kill our baby.” Sitting up, still pale and gasping, Tessa attempted to speak.

  “Tessa,” Rushing to sit beside her, “baby, you should lie down. How much did you hear?” pressing my forehead against hers, “Enough… I heard enough. I’m pregnant and the baby is making me sick. But I don’t care – you can't kill the baby. I would rather die than let that happen.”

  “Tessa… I can’t be forced to choose. I can’t lose you – I won’t… so don’t ask me. I won’t save that thing.” Waving my hands around her belly, “I won’t.” Standing, I turned my back to everyone and stared out the window into the yard.

  “Haven,” Tessa attempted to stand, stumbling, Jensen caught her, steadying her. Waving him off, she moved to where I stood.

  Never turning to look at the others, “Can you all give us a moment?” placing her hand on my shoulder.

  “Um, guys,” Carter had emerged from the kitchen, “come in here, so they can talk.”

  Chapter 29: Tessa

  “Please, Haven look at me.” I pulled on his shirt to make him face me. Shaking his head as he pulled from my grasp.

  “Tessa, I can't lose you again.”

  “Haven, you won’t lose me – but I can’t harm my baby… your baby.” Those two words hit him hard. Slowly he turned, facing me with his tear stained face, drops still rolling down his cheeks. Running my thumb across the wetness pooling on his lip, “Please, don’t cry. We can figure this out – together. We must not give up. I love you and I am having your baby.”

  Smiling as I pulled him closer. “We’re having a baby.” We were having a baby.

  “Tessa, I love you with every fiber of my soul. I am terrified of losing you – when I just got you back. I cannot imagine a life where I have to choose between your life and another. So, understand, I will fight for you – but if it comes down to making a choice on who lives, your life will always be my choice.”

  Taking in his words, “You won’t have to choose. This life,” taking his hand I placed it on my stomach, “is ours. We made this out of love.” I stood, awestruck at the tiny bump already forming. My stomach was tight with a life blooming inside.

  “I hope you're right.” Claiming my lips, he kissed me hard.

  “Excuse me… sorry, but I thought maybe you’d like to try to drink something.” Dylan was in the doorway, shifting on her feet. She seemed embarrassed for walking in on us.

  “Sure, can someone bring it here? Tessa should be sitting down. She’s having my baby after all.”

  Haven cast a sideways smile at me, urging me to the couch to sit. “Sure thing, I’ll bring it right out. Tessa, I'm glad you're awake… but you look like shit. So, sit down, I’ll bring you a drink and some crackers.”

  “We’ll talk with Roxy and Stef. They can help us make sure you and the baby are fine,” kissing me deeply, “but you’ll do everything they say, and I say – it’s the only way I will be ok with the risk.”

  Nodding, I sat down. Pulling Haven next to me, I wrapped my arms around his waist. “Anything you ask, as long as you’re by my side.”

  Stef entered the room, seating herself on the table in front of us, “Ok. Let’s talk about what is happening. Tessa, I believe the babies soul is still in the in-between. Since you likely conceived while there, the baby is struggling to survive. Your wolf is essentially purging herself to save her pup.”

  “Wait, does that mean her wolf is dying?” It was Dylan who asked.

  “Yeah… Stef we can’t let that happen. If her wolf side dies, so does she.” Jensen came to stand beside me, concerned about the effects of her pregnancy. “Look, I called my mom. She’ll come by, she can shed light on the wolf side of things.”

  “Thanks, Jensen, Casandra can help with the wolf aspect, but I believe this has to do with the in-between. I have thoughts about how to handle the pregnancy, I want to talk with Roxy first. Then I’ll run it by you two.” Stef stood, walking towards the front door, “I have somewhere to be… Haley will be close by if you need something. I also wrote my number by the fridge… Tessa, you need to go rest when you finish eating. NO EXCEPTIONS. Only get up to use the bathroom.”

  “Ok. Thanks, Stef. I’m sure Haven will ensure I follow your orders.” I nuzzled Haven, our love radiated out like a summers breeze.

  “Yes, I’ll make sure she’s a good patient.”

  After eating, we said good bye to the others and Haven carried me up the stairs. He laid me on the bed and sat next to me. “Tessa, I love you more than you can ever imagine. It pains me that I cannot help you with my magic… I am so sorry that I have done this to you.”

  The expression he gave me was full of heartache and remorse, “Haven, please don’t blame yourself. Perhaps if I’d just accepted our destiny, we would not be here now. But, it does not change the fact that I love you or that we are having a baby. I never thought I would have children of my own. Rob and I tried f
or years, hoping we would defeat the odds. When I didn’t, I gave up hope. But you… you have given me more than I could have dreamed for.”

  He kissed me hard on the lips, laying down beside me on the bed. His hands explored my body as he pulled me into the warmth of his embrace. “Tessa, I will fight for you and our baby. I love you, my darling.” I nestled in the crook of his arm, comforted by the warmth his embrace offered me, I fell asleep.

  Chapter 30: Tessa

  I opened my eyes to the sound of water flowing and a warm breeze. Sitting up I took in the familiar sight of the crystal waters of the waterfall. I immediately knew I was in the in-between. Pushing myself to a standing position, I surveyed my surroundings. “Haven,” calling out, afraid that he was still here and the past day had been a figment of my imagination.

  My voice echoed through the area, resounding with a hollow answer. I was alone. The place seemed vacant and desolate since the last time I’d found myself here. Walking to the water’s edge, I slipped my bare feet into the cool water. Why was I here? It didn’t make any sense.

  I decided to explore and see if I could find anyone else here. Someone had to be here with me. I wondered the area, noticing the lush greenery of the forest. I spied a walking path, chancing it might take me to others, I elected to walk and see where it led.

  Walking for what seemed like hours, I came upon the small cabin in the woods I had seen Haven go into. The cabin appeared to be unlived in, the windows appeared dark and no sounds came from the dwelling. Taking the steps up the porch, I knocked on the door.

  After a few taps on the door, I tested the door knob, finding it unlocked I cracked open the door, “Hello, anyone home?” I was greeted with more silence. Pushing it open all the way I found the cabin mostly empty. Only a bed and kitchen table filled the small space.

  The emptiness of the room gave me chills, but I chose to go in and sit for a few moments to rest. I was feeling exhausted and needed a moment to gather my thoughts.


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