One Big Family (Hot Alaska Nights Book 1)
Page 5
Inside the University of Florida gym locker room, they stripped out of their sweaty shorts. In the same way that Bastian was not the stereotypical alpha, Sam was not your typical omega. As he pulled his shorts off, he stared into Bastian’s eyes—an invitation, a taunt—and then headed to one of the shower stalls. Sam’s sexual confidence was both arousing and intimidating. Bastian loved it.
The stall had a latching door, but the kind where anyone could see the feet of the user if they tried. It was a risk. At five in the afternoon, dinner time, there wasn’t anyone else there but that didn’t mean no one would show up. What if one of their students saw them?
Bastian followed him.
The water was steaming hot by the time he locked the stall behind them and joined Sam under the spray. Sam looked positively delectable, his eyes closed against the water, his hot mouth open, his chiseled form dripping. His dick was rising as Bastian watched, but Bastian’s was already a steel rod. Bastian grabbed the soap and started to lather his hands up, then moved them to his lover’s body.
As his hands caressed Sam’s chest, he leaned in to whisper into his ear. “Your ass looked good enough to eat in those shorts.”
Sam pulled back and looked Bastian in the eyes again. He had the most beautiful hazel eyes, turning blue or green or amber depending on the light. Now they were soulful blue, reflecting the tile around them. “What about now?” Sam asked, his voice teasing.
In response, Bastian reached back and gripped Sam’s ass cheeks in both soapy hands then pulled him in, hard, possessive. “Mouthwatering. I can barely wait.” He kissed his omega then, showing Sam how he was going to use his tongue on other parts of his body: prodding, stroking, penetrating.
Sam pulled away then lowered himself so that his knees were on the tile floor of the stall. He stroked Bastian’s cock in his fist a few times—not that it needed it—and then began to lap at its head expertly, his hot tongue flicking against the sensitive underside, swirling around the tip, and dipping into the slit. He did it over and over, confident that this pattern would yield results.
Bastian let his head loll back, the water washing down his body as his lover took him fully into his mouth. He was so good at sucking cock, and he seemed to genuinely enjoy it, which made it even hotter. Bastian gently held him by the back of his head and thrust lightly into Sam’s mouth.
Bastian could feel the vibration of a growl—Sam letting him know he was turned on—and then he felt Sam’s hands come up around and grab his ass, squeeze it, spread it. He felt Sam’s finger swipe against his asshole, teasing again, prodding it. Many alphas thought that it was un-alpha-like to enjoy having one’s anus pleasured by an omega, but perhaps they’d never had an omega like Sam, who could make Bastian’s entire body melt with just a few strokes against that tender, puckered place.
That seemed to be the direction that Sam was heading in—he wanted Bastian to melt in his mouth—but Bastian wasn’t ready to cum yet.
“Get up,” he said with a thick, lusty voice. He tugged lightly on Sam’s hair in a mildly dominant way that he knew Sam loved.
Sam stood obediently, licking his now-red lips as he did so.
Bastian flipped him quickly and pushed him forward so that Sam’s cheek and chest were against the wall.
“I told you what I want, didn’t I?”
He saw Sam swallow hard, and nod, a smirk playing around his lips.
“Then stay still.”
Bastian knelt behind him then pulled Sam’s hips slightly away from the wall to give himself better access. Sam had the cutest ass, it was true—firm and round, with the perfect ratio of muscle to fat—and Bastian gripped it firmly, his fingers denting into his flesh as he gently split him like a ripe peach. Bastian watched a moment as the hot water spray splashed against the sensitive place, and Sam shivered at the sensation. Then Bastian leaned in and tasted his lover—a little soap, clean skin, the faintest hint of musk, flavors that inexplicably made Bastian almost crazed with lust. He teased him, tormented him with his tongue, causing guttural moans to escape from Sam’s lips. Bastian loved how tight he was, but how eager to open as Bastian’s tongue went deeper with every lap. He was readying his omega.
He pulled away from Sam’s ass, and then used his index finger to swirl around his entrance. Again, Sam indicated his pleasure with a throaty moan.
“You like that, don’t you? You’re starved for it,” Bastian said. He wasn’t asking.
He was tight but accepting, and so warm. Bastian added a second finger, just up to the first knuckle, and frigged him. Sam pushed back into him, squeezed him with his tight muscle. Bastian growled, leaned in and took a playful nip of Sam’s butt cheek, before standing up quickly.
“You’re asking for it,” Bastian snarled into his lover’s ear as he massaged some conditioner onto his dick for lube. He held Sam’s wet hip with his left hand while lining his dick up to Sam’s hole with his right. “Fuck yourself on my cock,” he commanded, and Sam did as he was told.
The exquisite warmth of Sam began to envelope the head of Bastian’s cock, like a hot, velvety mouth sucking him. Bastian gasped and clenched Sam’s hips. He wanted to fuck hard . . . but he wanted to make it last. It was so good, too good, and he didn’t want to climax too soon.
Bastian’s lips caressed Sam’s ear and jaw as he watched his lover’s face to make sure Sam was feeling the same overwhelming pleasure as himself. His gorgeous hazel eyes were hooded with lust as he continued to push back onto Bastian’s engorged manhood. When he was back as far as he could go, his butt nestled against Bastian’s groin, he stayed there for a moment and took deep breaths, his eyes now closed. He breathed deeply and rocked slightly, allowing Bastian’s erection to massage him on the inside. Then he opened his eyes, smiled over his shoulder at his alpha, and started to move again.
Oh, that smile, that wicked, playful smile—it drove Bastian fucking nuts on a daily basis, made him hard at all the wrong times . . . but now it drove Bastian to an animalistic place and suddenly all his brain was telling him was to fuck, fuck, FUCK.
He pulled his hips back and impaled Sam with one smooth motion, then again, and again. Sam grasped at him, scratched him, and said his name over and over, lost in the crushing pleasure. With each thrust into Sam’s accommodating body, Bastian felt more dominant, more masculine, more powerful. He loved being an alpha
Bastian was reaching his climax quickly, having waited so long to get there. “Sam . . . Oh, fuck . . . I’m going to cum,” he groaned. He was suddenly worried that he was going to disappoint his lover, but he didn’t think he’d be able to stop it anyway.
“I am, too,” Sam panted.
Bastian felt Sam begin to stroke himself, and it only turned him on more.
“Do it, Sam,” Bastian whispered huskily, forcing himself to hold off if only for a few more seconds. “I want to feel it from inside you.”
Sam obeyed his alpha lover, allowing the pressure of Bastian’s thick, powerful cock inside him to push him into orgasm.
Bastian felt Sam’s muscles spasm from his climax, squeezing Bastian’s dick rhythmically. He saw Sam’s face light up with pleasure, and his cries reverberated off the wet tile walls, but neither of them cared. The erotic sight and sound of his lover being overcome with ecstasy was all it took to send Bastian over the edge. With one last slam into his lover, Bastian threw his head back and roared like a beast. His orgasm ripped through him like a tornado.
Alone in his condo, Bastian’s hand was flying over his cock, and he bit his lip as he felt his lower belly churning with excitement. But again, just like the times before, he couldn’t make himself climax. After a few more minutes, he decided to stop before he chafed. With a sigh, he tucked himself back into his pants. He knew he should set an appointment with the doctor, but that was more humiliation than he wanted to deal with right now.
As he stared at the ceiling and caught his breath, he wondered what Sam would think now, knowing that his ex was jerking off to the memory of tha
t time in the shower. He’d probably be flattered, Bastian thought.
That was one thing for sure about Sam—he had never lacked in the confidence department, and pretty much knew that at any time, all the alphas, women, and gay men in the room were drooling over him. He hadn’t been wrong.
And Bastian was so excited to be with him. It was Bastian’s first serious relationship. It wasn’t that he was unattractive. No, quite the opposite, in fact, as he had this mysterious, brooding thing going on that many found irresistible. But most omegas were looking for more assertive alphas that had that whole get on the bed so I can ravage you and fill you with my babies thing that quiet, contemplative Bastian didn’t have. Thus being with sexy, sweet Sam was a dream come true.
It wasn’t long into their relationship that Bastian thought he might be falling in love. He certainly was by the time of their hot shower scene. Bastian realized quickly that he was of the belief that sex was better when you loved your partner. He didn’t discuss it with Sam, almost didn’t want to know if Sam felt the same way.
So when Sam nuzzled into him after another round of hot sex and said he wanted to talk, Bastian’s heart held still. It was a Florida summer day when the air conditioning was broken and the windows of Bastian’s tiny second-floor apartment were left open. They were sticky with sweat even before they fucked, and it was like a sauna afterwards. Bastian lay there, drenched, but suddenly felt cold.
“I love you,” Sam said. He had climbed on top of Bastian, straddling his waist, with his hands on Bastian’s chest.
“That’s—that’s all?” Bastian said, the relief thick in his voice.
“What do you mean, that’s all?” Sam replied with a laugh. “I thought you’d be happy.”
“I love you, too!” Bastian yelled. He was happy.
“I’ve been waiting to meet someone like you,” Sam admitted. “I’m not your typical omega, I know, but you’re okay with that. And I love that about you.”
Bastian knew what he meant—Sam was passionate, loud, and weird in a wonderful way, and Bastian loved that about him.
“But there are things you need to know about me,” Sam continued.
Bastian lay there, glowing, not from the sex but from the joy of loving and being loved. Nothing Sam could tell him—nothing about his past or his family or even any slightly bizarre sexual kink—could change the way Bastian felt about him.
“I’m polyamorous,” Sam said. “I believe my heart can love infinitely. And yours, too. We all can.”
Bastian blinked. He had heard the term—they were in college, after all; it was like the 60s never ended with all of the free love going on—but he wasn’t sure exactly what it meant for him and Sam.
Sam must have sensed his confusion. “I don’t want to only be with one lover. I feel like that would be limiting myself, not allowing my heart muscles to stretch in a healthy way.”
“So you want more than one alpha?”
“Not exactly. One alpha is all I can handle,” Sam giggled, wiggling his hips so that his butt rubbed suggestively against Bastian’s groin. “But I can love others. Men. Women.”
“You want to start a relationship with a woman?” Bastian felt like he was sinking into a puddle of mud, his eyes and ears filling. Nothing was making sense, and he felt an impending sense of doom.
“Well, I’m already in one. Her name is Tilly.”
Sinking, sinking, sinking.
“And who else besides Tilly?”
“Tilly is married. Her husband is Zach. We’re all . . . in love. And they’d love to meet you, too. I think . . . It might sound crazy, but I think we could all work . . . together.”
Bastian pushed Sam off of his hips. He was bigger than Sam, and he tried to be gentle, but he was angry. Sam landed on the mattress on his back.
“You’ve been . . . fucking them? While we were fucking?”
“Well, yeah . . . but we’ve all used protection.”
Of course, Bastian knew that Sam insisted on using condoms with intercourse, but he just assumed it was because Sam didn’t want to get pregnant. He didn’t know that it was because he was screwing multiple partners.
“Sam.” He ran his fingers through his own hair and then grabbed it in his fists. “You should have told me this before we had sex for the first time. Before I—before I fell in love with you.” Bastian heard his own voice shaking, and he hated himself for it.
“We never said we were exclusive,” Sam said. He was defensive. “You’re not enough for me.”
That stung.
“I mean—that came out wrong. I’m crazy about you, Bastian. But one person can never be enough for me. It’s—it’s a little boring, don’t you think? We—we never said we were exclusive.” Sam’s eyes were wild and darting around the room, like a trapped animal, and his words reflected that as well.
“We shouldn’t have had to! We’re alpha/omega. That’s just . . . how we are.” Suddenly it struck Bastian. That’s why Sam had constantly talked about how different he was from their kind. He wasn’t referring to his outgoing personality. He was referring to his aversion to monogamy.
Bastian told Sam to leave. He dropped a box filled with belongings off at Sam’s front door a few days later. By the end of the week, he’d gotten a battery of tests at the university clinic. He was grateful to get out of the relationship without a nasty bout of the clap . . . or worse. Bastian never spoke to Sam again—which wasn’t easy, considering they studied and taught at the same school.
In part, Sam was the reason Bastian ended up in Alaska. After a few years of being reminded of the failed relationship and the heartbreak at every coffee shop and every corner, Bastian needed a complete change of scenery. Stellar, Alaska, was certainly that.
Bastian got up from the couch. He was a little bit down, again, after spending an hour thinking about his cheater of an ex-omega and his own personal shortcomings, but as a psychologist, he knew one of the best ways to get through minor depression was to surround himself with good company. He headed up to the café for dinner.
Sure enough, the small room was packed with diners, and there was a thirty-minute wait. That never seemed to deter the residents, though, and the corridor outside the café was packed as well with a convivial group.
A flurry of activity filled the hall—Aaron, the wilderness tour guide, and his wonderful wife Denise were there with their three very active sons, who were playing hide and seek around the waiting customers. Bastian knew the boys from the school, and he engaged them all in conversation. He knew that Aaron and Denise brought the boys to the café once a week, and he could only imagine what a treat it might be for a busy family to not have to make dinner for a night.
“Hey, man!” Aaron said, looking past Bastian.
Bastian turned and saw that Aaron was waving to a stranger getting off the elevator. As the stranger waved back and his face lit up with a smile of recognition, Bastian’s breath caught.
Whoever he was, he was incredibly handsome—rugged like a man who worked outdoors, with sexy stubble and hair that he only raked his hands through to style, but with sensitive, laughing eyes and a wide, friendly grin.
“Glad you could make it, my man,” Aaron said, giving the stranger a pound on the back. “And hey, have you met our friend Bastian? Bastian, this is Zachary Kelso, the photographer I told you about.”
The stranger turned, and as he and Bastian shook hands, Bastian thought he sensed recognition in his eyes. At the same time, he caught an ethereal whiff of something delicious.
This stranger, this Zachary Kelso, was an omega.
Chapter Six
Of all the places where Zachary thought he might run into a handsome alpha, a tiny café in Alaska had not made that list.
As soon as he shook Bastian’s hand, he could smell it. It was so hard to explain, but there was a musk that alphas had. Oddly, the smell reminded him of his grandfather’s aftershave, and the rare agarwood forests that Zachary had toured in the Himalayan foothills, and a wisp
of candied ginger—in fact, whenever Zachary tried to explain it to a non-alpha/omega, he felt silly for trying to even put it into words. Whatever the scent was, when you finally caught a trace of it, it was unmistakably alpha.
And this alpha was handsome, too. He was tall, with longish black hair, an olive complexion, and dark eyes that seemed to be able to look straight into Zachary’s head and heart. He looked sensitive and artistic.
They made light conversation outside the café, dancing widely around the fact that they were alpha and omega. Bastian politely asked Zachary what brought him to Stellar, and Zachary inquired as to Bastian’s research. They were both outsiders, and both shared a fascination with the unique community at Stellar Landing. Zachary was grateful that they had this built-in topic of conversation because he desperately wanted to keep talking to the fascinating man.
It was obvious that Aaron was trying to set the two of them up. When their table was called, Aaron insisted that they pull up a chair for Bastian, and soon Zachary and Bastian were continuing their conversation over dinner. Whenever Zachary tried to steer the conversation away from professional matters—Stellar, psychology, or photography—however, Bastian skillfully steered it back. Zachary wondered if he couldn’t talk about anything more personal or if he simply didn’t want to.
Regardless, between the handsome alpha and the three raucous boys, it was the most fun that Zachary had had since being in Stellar, and a welcome break during what felt like an endless shut-in.
Toward the end of the meal, Zachary decided he wanted to try to get to know Bastian further.
“Listen, in addition to the bird thing, I’m interviewing Stellar residents and taking portraits. I’ve gotten some really wonderful stuff, and it might become a feature.” Zachary wasn’t going to jinx himself by mentioning a possible book too soon. “I’d love to talk to you more and shoot you, and let the readers understand what you’re doing for the community.”