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Lost Valley: The Discovery

Page 11

by J. T. Cross

  “You got his address and who he works for. I’ve located his girlfriend and got her address. I think we’ve got enough information.”

  “When I ask for information from my contact, I usually get more than I want to know in a few hours. This is the first time he’s come up short.”

  “What else do you want to know, his underwear size?” she asked in a sassy tone.

  “Don’t be cute. He told me there’s a hole in the records he hasn’t seen before and I might want to be a more careful than usual.”

  “Maybe he was just living with his grandfather in that little village during that time.”

  “No. From the age of twenty-two to twenty-nine he literally fell off the map. He left his grandfather’s house when he turned eighteen and joined the navy. He was discharged after four years and then disappeared. There’s no record of him getting a driver’s license, renting a house, registering a car, nothing. And then he turns up at twenty-nine, back at his grandfather’s house, and meets his ex-wife. Where was he for all those years?”

  “You’re sounding a little paranoid, Victor.”

  He rubbed the scar on the side of his left temple. “This is what happens when you don’t know your target well enough.”

  “That was a different situation in another country. They were trained military men,” she said.

  “I don’t know. It’s just a feeling.”

  He didn’t have an answer for her. He usually didn’t waste time on issues for which he didn’t have answers. He touched the scar again, moving his hand along the side of his head, feeling it extend under his hair. An eighth of an inch or more to the right and he knew he would’ve been dead. He decided to change the subject.

  “Have you learned anything about Kate McGrew and Luc Moon’s weekly schedules?”

  “My plane suddenly developed some engine problems today. With no plane to fly, I had plenty of time to walk around a small airport in Auburn and meet some of the pilots; one of them turned out to be Kate McGrew. What a coincidence, huh?”

  “That’s what I like about you, Serena; you don’t waste time. What’s she like?”

  “Why do you want to know, Victor?”

  “Just curious.”

  “She’s actually a very nice person, but then again, nice people die every day. I’ve got something for you.” She pulled out a folder from a satchel she had brought and placed it on the table.

  “These are the engineering drawings and maintenance instructions for her plane. You might find them helpful. She told me she flies Luc out to Manatuk on a regular basis. God knows what would happen if something went wrong with her plane when they were out over the tundra.”

  Victor opened the folder and slowly leafed through the papers.

  “These will probably come in handy. I’ve brought down several of these small planes before.

  He put down the folder, and glanced up at her. ”By the way, do you need any cash?”

  “Yes, fuel for the plane is expensive, and I want to take my new friend out to some nice places for dinner and a little girl talk. I think we’re going to be close friends until the very end,” Serena said, with mock sadness.

  He reached into his jacket pocket and handed her a thick stack of twenty-dollar bills. “This should keep you going for a while.”

  “When do you want to meet again?” she asked.

  The cell phone in Victor’s coat pocket began ringing. He pulled out the phone and looked at the display screen.

  “It’s Roland,” he said.

  He answered the phone and stared out the window while he listened to Roland. Gradually, he began to smile as he nodded his head. He glanced at Serena and mouthed the words: change in plans.

  “Okay, I understand,” Victor said. Closing the flip phone, he slid it back in his pocket.

  “So, what’s up?” Serena asked, with a curious look.

  “Our plans have changed. Almost everyone who’s been causing grief to Roland is going to be flying into Manatuk tomorrow. They’re going to borrow one of Roland’s helicopters and fly into the area where they think the ore deposits are located. Roland doesn’t want anyone to return from the trip.”

  “What about the plan for Kate’s plane?”

  “For now, forget about it. We’ll use the device on the helicopter instead. Roland is arranging for one to be flown into Manatuk tonight. It’s going to be waiting for Philip and the others when they land tomorrow afternoon. That means we need to leave for the village as soon as I finish work on the detonator.”

  “The plane’s ready any time you want to leave,” she said.

  “Go get us some dinner. By the time you get back, I’ll have the device completed. I just need to hook up the batteries and test it.”

  Serena left the motel room and Victor placed the parts back down on the table. In twenty minutes’ time, he had tested the detonator and proved to his satisfaction that it produced the right voltage and current to detonate the blasting cap. He taped the battery holder to the small plastic box and then wrapped them together in duct tape. He put the small device in his backpack.

  He had begun packing his things into a small suitcase when Serena returned. She put the sandwiches and drinks down on the table.

  “All done?” she asked.

  “Yeah, it tested out fine. Let’s eat.”

  After eating they walked out to the motel parking lot and he looked around while his eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight. It was a crisp fall day, and he was pretty sure the weather wouldn’t hold out for much longer. He was also pretty sure that in a few days everyone on his list would be dead, after which he would disappear for a few months to the Caribbean Islands.

  “How long will it take us to get to Manatuk?” he asked.

  “It’s a little over three hours in my plane.”

  “Good. That will leave me enough time tonight to get the device installed in the helicopter.”

  They climbed into the van and Victor pulled out of the motel parking lot and headed for the Auburn airport.

  * * *

  When they landed at the Manatuk airport it was dark, except for the light of an almost full moon.

  “I hate landing in strange airports at night,” Serena said.

  “At least it’s well lit,” Victor said.

  He listened as the flight controller informed them the wind was coming from the north at fifteen kilometers. He also told them where Serena could park her plane for the night then wished them a good evening. She lined up with the runway and made her final approach.

  Just before they touched down, Victor spotted a large Sikorsky helicopter at the side of the airport, illuminated by one of the airport floodlights.

  “There it is,” he said.

  “It’s a pity to have to bring down a nice copter like that,” Serena said.

  Once on the ground, she taxied the plane around the edge of the airport to the south end. There was only one plane parked in the area. She pulled in next to it and shut off the engine.

  Victor got out and immediately scanned the airport, looking for security. He was glad to see the place was deserted. He grabbed his backpack and began making his way to the helicopter, careful to stay in the shadows as much is possible. He didn’t want the man in the control tower to see him.

  When he reached the helicopter, he twisted the handle to the hatch and the door opened. Just as Roland had said, it wasn’t locked. He climbed in, shut the hatch, and pulled his flashlight out of the backpack. He turned it on and set to work.

  Chapter 18

  Kate stayed at home Thursday morning and cleaned her place. As she worked, she wondered why Luc hadn’t called her the day before, as he had promised. Maybe he just needed some time alone with his kids?

  Now, she found herself waiting again for his call. She looked at her watch and saw it was fast approaching 10:00. She went in the bathroom, brushed her hair, and put on some makeup.

  Her feelings were hurt, especially when she thought about the way Luc had turned her down
Tuesday night. She thought about it a little bit more. Yes, her feelings were definitely hurt. If he thought she intended to call him after the way things went Tuesday night, he had another thing coming.

  She decided she was done. She wasn’t going to wait beside the phone like some needy spinster, she would go to the airport and do some maintenance on her plane and... Why hadn’t he called? she wondered again.

  She arrived at the Auburn airport a little after 10:30 and set to work washing and waxing her plane. She enjoyed taking care of her plane, and after Luc, it was the thing she valued most.

  As she focused on scrubbing the leading edge of a wing, she heard a familiar voice. “Hi there, girlfriend, how are you doing this morning?”

  She glanced up and saw her new friend, Gina, walking toward her. She had met her the day before, and it turned out they had a lot in common. They were young, attractive, single, and looking for Mr. Right. Plus, she was also a pilot. Kate had never before hit it off quite so well with anyone.

  Serena walked up to her plane. “I was thinking about you last night.”

  “Oh yeah, why was that?” Kate asked.

  “Yesterday you told me your favorite dinner was steak and lobster, and guess what I found?” Serena waved a shiny coupon in front of her.

  “What do you have there?” Kate asked slyly.

  “Well if you must know, it’s an advertisement for the Captain’s Steak And Lobster House. Free hors d’oeuvres with two dinners, you can’t beat that.”

  “Oh, Gina, it’s an expensive restaurant. I’ve only been there once, when Luc got a raise and was feeling generous.”

  “Not to worry, I’m buying. My uncle left me a nice little nest egg that I’m using to start my business, and there’s a little left over for fine dining.”

  “Yeah, but I couldn’t let you buy mine, it’s too expensive.”

  “Hey girl, haven’t you ever heard you’re not supposed to look a gift horse in the mouth?”

  “Okay, you win, but I treat next time.”

  “It’s a deal. But be warned, my other favorite meal, besides steak and lobster, is a Big Mac and fries.”

  Kate smiled and shook her head. She began to think Gina was a pretty nice person.

  “So, how about tomorrow evening? I can almost taste that lobster dipped in butter and lemon right now.”

  “You really know how to tempt a girl. Sure, tomorrow evening would be great. Luc will probably still be busy with his kids anyway. I haven’t heard from him in two days.”

  “So, when do I get to meet your boyfriend?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure how much time I’m going to get to spend with him now that his kids are visiting. Don’t get me wrong. They’re fantastic, and I really like them. It’s just that he doesn’t seem to have any time for me, now that he’s so busy trying to be the cool dad.”

  “You could help him look like the cool dad if you offer to take the whole group for a ride in your plane. His kids would love it, and so would Luc, if you know what I mean.”

  “You know, that’s a good idea.”

  “There’s no charge for good ideas this week.”

  At that moment, a horn beeped and startled her. She looked around and saw Luc pull up in his truck. It was about time he came around, she thought.

  She walked over to his truck. “I wasn’t expecting to see you down here today,” she said with a nonchalant look on her face.

  “What’s wrong?”


  “There’s something wrong, I can tell.”

  “Well, yeah. You said you’d call me on Wednesday and we’d all spend the day together. I sort of planned my day around that,” she said quietly.

  “Oh, about that... I’m sorry, Kate. We started building a tree house. Just Stuart and me.”

  So, that’s what had been going on, she thought. Father and son bonding. Luc deserved that, what had she been thinking?

  “Something else has come up, too,” he said.

  “What?” she asked, wondering what else it could be.

  “Christie called. They’re flying to Manatuk today in one of Northern Energies corporate jets. She worked it out so she could make a stopover here in Auburn and see the kids for a while. They’re real excited to see her.”

  “I guess that would be good for them,” she said, not knowing what else to say.

  “They want to go with her into Manatuk, so they can ride out to the survey site on a helicopter.”


  “I’m not real thrilled about it.”

  “I thought this was your time with the kids,” Kate said, with a protective tone in her voice.

  “I know, but they’re really excited about it. They should be back around six, and then we’re going out for pizza. All in all, it should be a fun day for them.”

  Now she knew why he hadn’t called. He had had a lot on his plate.

  Serena watched silently as Luc and Kate talked. Then suddenly, she stepped forward and stretched out her hand. “Hi, my name is Gina.”

  Luc looked at her and smiled. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Kate’s told me all about you. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Kate noticed a small jet come in for a landing and pointed it out to them.

  “I wonder if that’s them,” Luc said.

  Stuart and Kelly got out of his truck and ran up to them.

  “Is that Mom’s plane?” asked Stuart.

  “Could be,” Luc said.

  They waited while the plane landed and taxied to a public area. As it got closer, they could see the Northern Energies emblem on its side.

  Kate watched as the stairs lowered and Philip and Christie got out. Luc went out to meet them as they walked toward the hangar. Stuart and Kelly ran past Luc and met Christie, hugging her tightly.

  Kate looked Christie over carefully as the group walked back to the hangar area. She could understand why he was still infatuated with her. She was a beautiful woman and obviously intelligent since she was a professor. In a way, she was stiff competition for Luc’s heart. But then again, she was not available and eventually, Luc should come to his senses and move on. At least, that’s what she hoped.

  They reached the hangar area and Luc introduced them to Kate. They made small talk while the jet was refueled.

  “Are you guys having fun?” Christie asked Kelly and Stuart.

  “Yeah. Do we get to go on the helicopter with you?” Stuart asked.

  “The pilot says there’s room on the jet and the helicopter for two more. But, it’s up to your father. If I let you, it would be stealing time away from him,” Christie said.

  Start looked toward Luc. “Please, Dad, can we go? Kelly and I have never been on a helicopter. Please?”

  Kate looked at Luc. He didn’t look happy.

  “Sure. You guys can go. But when the helicopter lands out there in the mountains, you have to promise me you’ll stay inside. Okay?”

  “I promise,” Stuart said.

  “I promise, too,” Kelly said.

  Kate saw the fuel truck pulling away from the jet.

  “Looks like the plane’s ready to go,” Philip said.

  She glanced at Philip. He looked like he couldn’t wait to leave. She guessed she couldn’t blame him. This was just a business trip to him.

  “I guess we better be going,” Christie said.

  “Yeah, let’s go,” said Stuart.

  “We’ll see everybody back here around seven tonight,” Philip said, and headed back for the plane with the kids following closely.

  “Christie, can you wait a minute? Their jackets are in the truck,” Luc said.

  “I’ll go with you,” Christie said.

  Kate watched them go to the truck. They must have made a striking couple, she thought, feeling the jealousy rising up in her.

  At the truck, Luc handed her the jackets, but she didn’t leave to go back to the plane. Rather, she stood talking with him. Kate thought she seemed upset. Then they were back
with the jackets.

  Christie said goodbye and walked quickly to the plane and ran up the stairs. The pilot closed the hatch and within a few minutes, the plane taxied to the end of the runway.

  Kate and Luc watched silently as the plane accelerated down the runway, climbed into the sky and headed north.

  “So, is everything all right?” asked Kate.

  “Of course, why do you ask?”

  “It seemed like Christie was upset when she talked to you at your truck.”

  “She said she wanted to talk to me about something and would call me later on the plane’s satellite phone when she got a chance.”

  Kate reached for Luc’s hand. She could feel her face flushing red and her eyes tearing.

  “If I asked you a question, would you give me the absolute truth?”

  “Of course.”

  “Does Christie want to get back together with you?” There, she had gone and asked the question. She couldn’t help herself.

  A perplexed look appeared on his face. “No, of course not. Don’t be silly. She’s just upset with Philip, that’s all. She told me there was something she wanted to talk about.”

  “If she wanted to get back with you, would you?”

  “That’s not even an option. Besides, there’s someone else in my life now,” he said and bent down to kiss her. She closed her eyes and felt his kiss on her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and relief flooded through her.

  “Hey lovebirds, what’s going on?” asked Serena in a cheerful voice, after silently approaching Luc and Kate from the hangar area.

  “It’s nothing. I was just being silly, that’s all,” said Kate, as she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

  “I have to get going because I’ve got a few things to do this afternoon. Is it okay if I pick you up around six for dinner tomorrow?” Serena asked Kate.


  “What do you girls have planned?” Luc asked, with mock curiosity.

  “Gina’s my new flying buddy. She’s offered to take me out to dinner tomorrow evening for seafood and girl talk. Isn’t that sweet,” she said, smiling at Serena.


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