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The iron lance cc-1

Page 54

by Stephen Lawhead


  King Magnus greeted his newest vassal lord with a ready and genuine welcome. Splendid in a yellow siarc and breecs, new brown boots, and a wide belt of red leather, he met them, cup in hand, at the door of his great hall at Thorsa, saying, 'Hail, Lord Murdo! Good greeting and good ale await you in my hall. Come, drink with me.'

  Murdo, pleased to find the king in an expansive mood, greeted the lord respectfully, and accepted the proffered cup. The ale was cool and frothy and rich, and tasted like liquid smoke on the tongue – reminding him of the Dark Isles, and his home at Hrafnbu. He passed the cup back to the king, who drained it and promptly called for more; a servingboy appeared to take the cup, and Magnus confided, 'We have been drinking a little already, but never fear, there is plenty for everyone.'

  'I hope your journey has borne fruit,' the king replied; handing his cup to the servingboy, Murdo beckoned to the women waiting a few paces away to join him. 'But tell me now, who are these ladies?' asked Magnus. 'For, despite their drab habits, I cannot think they are nuns. Although, if such beauty were more common in the cloisters, I might be tempted to don monk's robes myself.'

  'Lord and king,' replied Murdo proudly, 'your eye is keen as ever. Allow me to present my mother, Lady Niamh, and my wife, Lady Ragna.' Taking up the infant, he said, 'And this is my son, Eirik.'

  While the king greeted each of his guests in turn, the rest of the landing party arrived in the yard. The king called to the sea lord and said, 'Jon Wing! Welcome! Who is this with you? Can it be the Bishop of Orkneyjar and his esteemed abbot?' The king spread his hands, 'I am honoured indeed. Never has such an illustrious company gathered in Thorsa court. My friends, I give you good greeting, and bid you to take your ease beneath my roof. You will want for nothing while you are my guests. Come, let us share the welcome bowl.'

  Bishop Adalbert and Abbot Gerardus, however, decided to take the opportunity to declare their outrage at having been dragged from the cathedral like criminals. 'You are mistaken, O king, if you believe we have come here of our own volition,' declared the bishop.

  'These men,' the abbot said scornfully, 'have taken grave and unlawful liberties for which we expect them to be soundly punished.'

  'Are you telling me you did not come here to pay homage to your king, and offer thanksgiving for his safe return?' wondered Magnus.

  'Your safe return was ever upmost in our minds, of course,' confirmed the abbot. 'Even so, we were carried away by force and have been brought here very much against our will.'

  'I demand you take these men at once and make them answer for their crimes.' The bishop waved his arm to include Murdo, Jon Wing, and his men, in the accusation.

  The king frowned. 'As it happens, I have made it my concern to discover what has been happening in my realm while I have been away on crusade.' He drew himself up. 'I was willing to allow you a respite from the journey before bringing the matter to judgement, but you have forced my hand. Therefore, we will deal with it here and now.'

  He turned and called to his counsellors to attend him. Hearing the summons, the house carles and warriors in the hall came to see what commotion was taking place outside; they crowded the doorway, spilling out around those standing judgement before the king. In a moment, Ronan and Fionn pushed through the throng and took their places either side of Magnus. 'Tell out,' he ordered. 'Tell us all what you have discovered.'

  'At your command, and on your behalf, O king,' said Ronan, speaking gravely, 'we have made inquiries of your subject lords and vassals. From these we have discovered that no fewer than eighteen holdings, estates, and properties have been taken by the bishop and placed under the control of the church.'

  'How so?' asked the king. 'Word of the crusade's victorious conclusion has yet to reach these shores. As we ourselves are the first to return, I cannot see how the bishop can know which of the many landholders will return to resume the possession of their lands.' Addressing the churchmen, he said, 'Enlighten us, if you can.'

  The bishop grew indignant. 'Am I to be made to answer this rumour-monger's gossip?'

  'Come now, Bishop Adalbert, it would be a mistake to dismiss these accusations so lightly,' said Ronan. 'I myself have spoken with more than one whose lands have been seized.'

  'No one's lands have been seized,' the abbot said. 'At most, we have simply extended the protection of the church to those who, through unfortunate circumstance, required our aid.'

  'Aid and protection,' sneered Murdo. 'A curious kind of protection, when you cast a mother and her newborn child out of a warm house and force them to take ship in the dead of winter. Or, perhaps it was the house and lands you were wishing to protect.'

  'We acted only in accord with the provisions of the decree of remission and conveyance which Lord Brusi signed before his departure,' the bishop replied haughtily. 'You will find the documents all properly attested.'

  'It was my home,' declared Ragna. 'And you took it from me.'

  'You are mistaken,' said the abbot. 'You were not among the heirs listed in the decree. Your father included only your mother and brothers. An unfortunate oversight, no doubt, but that cannot be laid at our feet. As the lord and his heirs are all deceased, those lands belong to the church now.'

  'But you took the estate anyway,' Murdo pointed out. 'The king himself has said it: you could not have known Lord Brusi would not return.'

  'We know it now,' replied the abbot smugly. 'At the time, we were but offering the church's protection to people in need of it.'

  Murdo felt his once-solid certainty beginning to crumble. The oily churchmen were squirming from their grasp.

  'Yet,' replied King Magnus tightly, 'it seems to me you did act with unseemly haste to secure your right to the estate.'

  'What about my father's estate?' he countered. 'Lord Ranulf signed no decree, yet Hrafnbu has fallen under the protection of the church.'

  'That is a far different matter,' asserted the bishop staunchly. 'The former estate of your father fell forfeit to King Magnus himself and was given to Lord Orin Broad-Foot. It was Lord Orin who placed your lands under the protection of the church while he was on crusade.'

  'Ah, now we come to it,' said Ronan. 'I have been wondering how it is that the only lands to fall forfeit to the king belonged to landholders who did not sign the pope's decree. Nor were any of the unfortunate noblemen given opportunity to swear fealty to Prince Sigurd, which would have secured their holdings. Perhaps you could explain that, bishop?'

  The bishop's mouth clamped tight in a frown.

  'We do not have to answer to you, heretic!' Abbot Gerardus sneered.

  'Yet, I will have an answer,' said the king.

  'Then ask Lord Orin,' answered the bishop. 'He was the one who took the lands, not me.'

  'Very well,' agreed the king, 'we will ask him.' He nodded to Fionn, who disappeared inside the hall, returning a moment later with Orin Broad-Foot at his side.

  Magnus greeted his nobleman, and said, 'We have been discussing how so many estates have been claimed by these zealous men for the church. They are telling me that you are responsible, Lord Orin. Can this be true?'

  'My lord and king,' answered Orin, 'it is true that I led the seizure of certain holdings in order to gain fealty for the king and Prince Sigurd. The estates we took were those of rebel lords whose loyalty to Jarl Erlend and Jarl Paul prevented them from taking the prince to be Jarl over them.'

  Murdo opened his mouth to object, but the king raised his hand to silence him, and asked Orin to continue, saying, 'How did you know these estates were those of noblemen who would not own Prince Sigurd for their Jarl?'

  'Bishop Adalbert offered us his counsel,' Orin answered matter-of-factly. 'He came to us saying he feared the peace which had been long obtained on the islands would be broken if the rebel lords were allowed openly to defy the prince. He said he had learned of a plan to kill the prince and return Jarl Erlend to the throne. He urged us to act swiftly to put down the rebellion and preserve the peace at all cost

  The bishop glared ahead in rigid defiance. The abbot, however, brow creased in thought, appeared to be composing a different song than the one he had been singing.

  Turning next to Lady Niamh, the king said, 'Good lady, I would hear you speak of your husband's loyalties in this matter.'

  Before she could speak, the bishop objected. 'Ask a woman? The affairs of kings and lords are beyond her understanding, certainly. She can tell us nothing.'

  'I disagree,' answered the king, sobering now. 'Indeed, who knows the moods and desires of a man better than his wife?' Looking to Niamh, he said, 'What say you, my lady? Was Lord Ranulf loyal to Jarl Erlend, or was he willing to support Prince Sigurd?'

  'You ask her to denounce her husband, or to condemn me,' the bishop protested. 'Which do you imagine she will choose?'

  'Yet, I will hear the answer,' insisted Magnus. He nodded to Niamh. 'Proceed.'

  'My lord and king,' answered Niamh, 'you ask whether my husband's loyalty to the Jarl would have prevented him from supporting the prince. In truth, I cannot say.'

  'There!' the bishop cried. 'It is as I said. She knows nothing.'

  'I cannot say,' continued Niamh firmly, 'for the reason that my husband joined the crusade long before the jarls were dethroned.'

  'Are we to believe her?' demanded the bishop. 'She would say anything to demean us.'

  'I do not beg belief of anyone,' Niamh answered, cold fury edging her voice. 'The fact is self-evident: the lords left on pilgrimage before the harvest, and Prince Sigurd did not arrive in the islands until the following Eastertide.'

  'Your recollection is entirely correct, Lady Niamh,' declared the king. Turning once more to the churchmen, he observed, 'It seems to me that you have become so used to trimming the truth to fit your covetous designs, Bishop Adalbert, that you no longer know or remember its original shape.'

  At last the bishop felt the sand washing away beneath his feet. He stared at the king, and at Lord Orin. 'You brought me here not to seek justice, but only to condemn me.'

  'If I condemn you, it is my right,' Magnus retorted. Suddenly fierce with indignation, he drew himself up full height. 'Hear me, you two low serpents! You have used my son in his youth and innocence as a tool for your purposes-in effect, stealing in my name. Even so, I would not have you imagine yourselves unjustly accused and punished. Therefore, I have decided that you will both be taken to Jorvik to explain your dealings to the archbishop. Lord Orin will accompany you to make certain your crimes receive their full hearing.'

  The abbot made bold to challenge the king's decision, claiming he had only acted on his superior's command. But the king would not hear it. 'As you have so bravely supported your bishop in his acquisitions, do not be cowardly now. Where is your loyalty, man?'

  The king summoned several of his house carles then, and ordered them to make the bishop and abbot comfortable in the storehouse until a ship could be found to take them to Jorvik. While the bishop and abbot were led away Magnus brought Murdo and his family into his private quarters within the hall to share the welcome bowl. Lord Orin and Jon Wing joined them, and the king's counsellors as well.

  When custom had been more than satisfied, the king bade Ronan to fetch the parchment that had been prepared. The elder priest left the chamber, returning quickly with a large rolled skin tied with a fine leather strap. Taking the scroll, the king unbound it and spread it across the table. He called everyone to gather around and see what he proposed.

  'This,' he said, tracing a wavy black line on the bleached skin, 'is my realm in Caithness. And this,' he said, indicating a red line dividing the kingdom almost in half, 'shall be Lord Murdo's realm if he will have it.'

  Murdo gaped at the vast extent of his lands. 'My lord, it is far more than the bargain we struck.'

  'Cannot a king treat his nobles generously?' asked Magnus. 'Still, you should know that this is a gift which will demand the best of you and your people. This is no easy wealth I give you; in truth, of all the realms I possess, Caithness is the least in many ways. For the land is wild, and there are neither settlements nor holdings, less yet fine estates like those you have lost. It will fall to you to decide where the settlements should be built and how. It will be the work of a lifetime, and more.' He regarded Murdo with a dare in his eye. 'Well, what say you? Will you take it, and be my liegeman?'

  'If it shall please you, my lord, I will take it,' he replied, and quickly added, 'and so that my ignorance and lack of wisdom does not prove a hazard to us all, I would beg the use of the king's wise counsellors to aid me in the establishment of my realm.'

  King Magnus smiled approvingly. 'You need have no fear of ignorance, I think. And anyone with the prudence to secure the services of my advisors lacks nothing in wisdom.' Turning to the monks, he said, 'I leave it to you, priests. Stay with him and help him, or sail with me to Jerusalem. The choice is yours.'

  The three held a quick consultation, and the matter was swiftly decided. 'If it pleases you, lord,' answered Ronan. 'We would help Murdo establish his realm. But so that the king should not lack for advisors on his return to the Holy Land, I will summon the learned Brother Monon from the abbey to join you.'

  The king professed himself well pleased with this decision, and hailed the new arrangement as a boon and blessing for all Caithness, and commanded a feast to be prepared for his guests. Noticing the ladies' drab convent clothing, Magnus called for some of the noblewomen of the settlement to come forward. 'These ladies will be attending the king's feast tomorrow. Find them attire more befitting their rank, and see that they are well-arrayed for the celebration.'

  Niamh thanked the king for his kindness and consideration, and said, 'Your queen is a fortunate woman to have such a thoughtful husband.'

  'Alas,' Magnus replied, 'my wife and queen has not yet arrived from Norway, so I will not have the pleasure of commending you ladies to her acquaintance. Yet, I would be honoured if you would take her place at table.'

  'My lord,' Niamh replied, inclining her head gracefully, 'the honour would be mine.'

  The ladies took their leave and hurried away, whereupon Magnus declared himself parched, and called for ale to quench a thirst greatly inflamed by the incessant demands of kingcraft. 'Noble friends, let us sit together and drink the sweet ol of brotherhood.' He led them into the hall where the vat had been filled to overflowing with sweet dark ale.

  After the cups had made the circuit a fair few times, Murdo found the chance to slip away. Begging leave of the king to borrow his counsellors for a small duty, he asked Jon Wing to join him and the five left the hall together. He led them across the yard, out of the settlement, and down to the cove where the Skidbladnir had been pulled up onto the shingle.

  'This is a day to settle accounts,' Murdo told them. He climbed over the rail and onto the deck, beckoning the others to follow him. Stepping to the platform before the mast, he entered the tent and untied one of the four shroud-wrapped bundles. Gathering it in his arms, he emerged and presented the sea lord with the plunder.

  ‘I promised you a reward for helping me,' Murdo said. 'There are three other bundles like this, and they are all yours.'

  'You paid for your passage with six silver marks, remember?' Jon Wing said.

  'Even so, I can never repay your care and protection, less yet the debt of friendship I owe you. Take it,' he urged.

  Lowering the bundle to the deck, Jon took his knife, cut into the windings and began pulling out objects: a golden bowl, two silver cups in the shape of horns, a gold bracelet with a plaque in the shape of a horse, and a gold chalice with two rubies and two emeralds set in a silver band around the base, and handfuls of coins.

  Rising from the treasure, the sea lord said, 'I cannot take it, Murdo. The plunder I got from the amir's tent is enough for me. And if I return to the Holy Land with the king, I will get more. Besides, you will need your wealth if you are to build a realm here.'

  'Please,' Murdo said, indicating the hoard, 'take something at least, so
that I can say I began my rule with an easy heart and an open hand.'

  At this, the Norseman relented. He stooped and retrieved the two silver cups shaped like horns. 'As you insist, I will take these,' he said. 'And I will keep them full so that when you come to visit me, we can drink together like kings.'

  'That we shall,' agreed Murdo happily. 'No doubt it is thirsty work building a kingdom.'

  'You are always welcome on my ship,' the Norseman vowed happily. 'A lord always needs men with ships to serve him. Who knows, maybe we will sail together again one day, hey?'

  'I would like nothing better,' Murdo agreed. Turning to the monks, he said, 'I have something for you, too.'

  'We have no need of gold or silver,' Ronan demurred. 'It is enough for us to see you reunited with your family and befriended by the king. We are well content, my friend.'

  'Be that as it may, I would reward you,' Murdo insisted. Moving quickly to the ship's prow, he motioned to the others to follow. When the four had joined him there, he asked Jon Wing to witness the giving of the gift.

  'I kept waiting for a good time to give this to you,' Murdo told them, 'but there were always too many people around, and I was afraid of what Magnus would do if he found out. But that does not matter anymore.'

  The monks, puzzled by his words, looked on as Murdo knelt and began running his hands along the underside of the railing. After a moment, his fingers closed on the prize. 'Here it is,' he said, bringing out the long, slightly bent iron spear.

  Ronan took one look at the relic and lapsed into an awe-stricken silence.

  Emlyn was not so afflicted. 'God save you, Murdo!' he gasped. 'What have you done?'

  'The Holy Lance!' Fionn murmured in amazement.


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