The Opposite of Wild
Page 15
He turned on the hot water and waited for it to steam. His last thought before he’d fallen asleep was that he couldn’t wait to do it all over again. Usually he was eager to get out the door. Instead, Liz had been the one eager to get out the door.
What kind of person leaves a thank you note for sex? He stepped into the shower.
Only Liz.
Unfailingly proper and polite, even after a hot tangle between the sheets.
He smiled. They weren’t done yet.
Chapter Seventeen
Ryan elbowed Trav out of the way, basketball firmly in hand, spun, and executed a perfect arcing basket. “Now who’s getting old?” he ribbed his younger brother.
Trav rolled his eyes. “Still you, bro.” He snagged the basketball and dribbled away, doing some fancy footwork Ryan had taught him when they were kids. Ryan anticipated Trav’s next move and stole the ball out from under him. Another perfect basket. On a perfect day. A Sunday barbecue after he’d spent the night with Liz.
Shane came out of the house with a cooler and set it out on the nearby patio. “You guys want a drink?”
Trav took advantage of the distraction and knocked the ball out of Ryan’s hands, racing toward the basket. Ryan let him.
He pulled his shirt up to wipe the sweat from his face. “Thanks,” he told Shane. “I could use a drink.”
“We’ve only been playing for twenty minutes,” Trav said with a cocky smile. “Where’s your stamina, old man?”
Ryan punched him half-heartedly.
“Boys! Kindness is how I raised you. Not fists,” Gran called, carrying over a bag of her favorite Milano cookies (essential to any family get-together she always said). She hugged each of her grandsons, ignoring the sweat pouring off two of them.
Ryan took the bag of cookies. “How you feeling, Gran?” He put an arm lightly around her shoulders and walked with her to the backyard, where she could sit in the shade of the patio umbrella.
Gran pushed his arm off her shoulders. “I’m good, but you smell like a locker room. Go shower.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Ryan said with a grin.
When they reached the patio, Shane, ever the host, even when it wasn’t his house, handed Ryan a Gatorade and Trav a Sam Adams. His brothers weren’t traumatized by their father’s drinking, thanks to Ryan’s sheltering of them. He’d tried beer in high school. The taste had revolted him. Just as well. He never wanted to be like that asshole.
Ryan turned, shocked to see Liz approaching. She wore snug blue shorts and a red tank top. Her hair was up in a ponytail, revealing the earrings he’d given her for her birthday. He remained speechless over both her showing up and her decidedly unbuttoned outfit. Had he done that to her? Loosened her up right into sexy clothes? God, she was hot.
“Hey, Liz, thanks for coming,” Shane said.
“What are you doing here?” Ryan asked.
“Ryan!” Gran scolded.
“I invited her,” Shane said.
He turned and stared at his brother, then slowly turned back to Liz.
She smiled and pink flooded her cheeks. “Shane invited me at dance class. Nice to see everyone. I brought carrot cake from Garner’s.”
“Wonderful!” Gran exclaimed.
Liz handed Shane the cake, and he bent to kiss her cheek. A white-hot surge of jealousy speared through Ryan, and he barely resisted knocking his brother down. He felt like a snarling Neanderthal. Next he’d be throwing Liz over his shoulder and carrying her back to his cave. He perked up at the thought.
“Have you been practicing your cha-cha?” Shane asked.
Liz laughed. “Not since we tried it.”
Ryan was done wasting time. He crossed to Liz and kissed her long and hard, ignoring their audience. He released her. She wobbled for a moment, and he kept a steady hand on her back.
“Get a room,” Trav said.
Shane whistled under his breath.
“Hush, boys,” Gran said.
Ryan pointed a finger of warning at Shane and Trav.
Shane broke the stunned silence. “Is Rachel coming?”
Liz smoothed her hair. “Oh, I’m sorry. I meant to tell you. She’s at the zoo with her sister and her nieces and nephew.”
Ryan felt like a dope. Shane was asking about Rachel. He wasn’t trying to get in Liz’s pants. Not that he would’ve gotten there anytime soon. He moved at a snail’s pace when he was interested in someone.
“How’s Daisy?” Trav asked.
“She’s good,” Liz said. “Eight months now.”
Ryan turned to go in the house for his shower when he heard Trav say, “I beat his butt in basketball. The old man can’t hack it anymore.”
Liz giggled. Ryan turned and gave his brother the one-finger salute. A gesture that Liz missed because her back was to him. Trav blew him a kiss. Damn nuisance little brothers.
~ ~ ~
Liz had to force herself to focus on Trav as he told her some funny stories of working with his landscape crew. She was still shaken and hot from Ryan’s kiss in front of everyone.
And the urge to join him in that shower.
Trav was a bit of a rascal, always joking. He used to get in trouble a lot. She still remembered the time he’d stolen some letters from the high school sign. Instead of Clover Park High, it read: lover High. The police had gotten involved, but he’d gotten off with community service, mowing lawns and cleaning up around town.
When Trav finished the story of his crew boss, who drank from a can of Coke that one of the guys had used as a piss can, he offered to get Liz a drink.
“Um, I’m okay,” she said, not feeling especially thirsty with the Coke story fresh in her mind.
“I’m gonna get the burgers and dogs started,” he said, heading into the house.
She joined Maggie under the shaded umbrella. Shane went in the house too, and, a moment later, jazz pumped out through the outside speakers. He returned, handing Liz a glass of chilled white wine.
“Thank you.” Shane was so thoughtful. He remembered she liked white wine.
“You’re welcome.” He popped open a Sam Adams from a nearby cooler and joined them in one of the chairs around the patio table.
“So, you and Ryan, huh, Liz?” Shane asked.
She shrugged. “It’s nothing serious.”
“Is that what he told you?” Maggie asked. “I’ll have a talk with him.” She stood.
“No!” Liz placed a staying hand on her arm. “Maggie, please, he didn’t say that. It’s just casual between us, that’s all.” She could just picture Maggie yanking back the shower curtain to lecture a naked Ryan.
“Do it, Gran,” Trav urged from where he stood at the grill. “I dare you.”
Maggie raised an eyebrow at him and sat down. “That’s a reason not to do it.”
Shane studied Liz in his quiet, earnest way. “Does he make you happy?”
Liz smiled dreamily, remembering her mind-blowing orgasms. “I’m happy.”
Shane reached over and squeezed her hand. “Good. I’m glad for you. He can be a little—”
“Get your hands off her,” Ryan growled from the open door. His hair was slicked back and still wet from the shower. He strode barefoot to the table, in low-slung basketball shorts and a T-shirt, heading straight for Shane.
“Oh!” Liz stood between the two brothers. “Ryan, it’s nothing. Shane and I’ve been friends for a long time.”
Ryan jammed a hand through his hair, looking ruffled and cranky. He turned to Trav. “Need any help on the grill?”
“I’ve got it, thanks.” Trav took a sip of his beer. “Pretty earrings, Liz.”
She felt the dangling spirals. “Thank you.”
Ryan growled, and Trav merely laughed. “It’s too easy,” Trav said. “Just too easy.”
Liz looked between the two brothers. She’d never understand men.
“See what you’re getting into,” Maggie warned with a laugh.
Liz took a h
ealthy swallow of wine. “Bring it on.”
All three brothers laughed.
~ ~ ~
Late that night, Liz stood on Ryan’s doorstep. She’d left the barbecue hours ago, but hadn’t been able to sleep. She just kept replaying that kiss at Trav’s house. She called him on her cell, so he’d know it was her at the door at this late hour. She heard his footsteps, and the door swung open.
He smiled wolfishly. “Miss me?”
She said nothing, merely stepped inside and peeled off her tank top.
In an instant, he was on her, hands roaming up and down her bare back as he kissed her, hot and demanding. He pulled back to look her in the eye. “No thank you notes this time.”
“No thank you notes,” she agreed. She licked her lips as she stared at his mouth.
He nibbled gently along her ear. “Tell me what you want.” His voice vibrated in her ear, making her shiver.
“I wanted to join you in that shower today,” she admitted.
He grabbed her hand, and they raced up the stairs. Liz giggled over his urgency. He turned on the water, and while it heated, he peeled off her shorts, groaned at her silk no-line panties and peeled them down too, pausing to kiss her intimately below. Her knees gave out. Steam billowed out from the shower. “Shower,” she croaked.
He stripped and stepped into the shower, setting a condom on the edge of the tub. She caught a glance at the puckered scar on his shoulder.
She joined him in the shower and ran a hand over the scar. “How did this happen?”
“Old wound from when I was a cop.” He threaded his fingers through her hair, silencing any further questions with a demanding kiss. His knowing hand proceeded to remind her why her late night visit had been a very good idea.
Within minutes, she was wild for him and practically climbed his body, wrapping her arms and legs around him.
“Not yet.” He set her down to grab the condom while she ran her hand up and down his magnificent erection. “You’re killing me.” He quickly rolled it on and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs tight around him. He matched her urgency as they came together, finding a natural rhythm. She felt wonderful and free, so very free.
After they were both sated and overheated from the water and each other, Ryan snagged a towel and wrapped her in it. She stepped out of the shower.
He wrapped a towel around his waist and joined her. “I love that you have a wild side.”
“I do?” He’d once said she was the opposite of wild.
“You look all buttoned up to the rest of the world, but with me you’re just yourself. Right? Wild on the inside.”
Liz smiled. “That’s right.” She liked that description. She’d never thought of herself that way, but Ryan brought that out in her. “I’ll be right back.”
She ran downstairs for her purse. Back in his room, she pulled a black lace cami and short set from her purse and dressed. Another purchase from the Secret store. After he’d seen her in her Snoopy T-shirt, she didn’t want him to think she only wore frumpy T-shirts to bed.
“Nice,” he said from across the room, where he’d pulled on some fresh briefs. She smiled and headed for the bathroom with the small overnight kit of toiletries she’d tucked in her purse. She brushed her teeth and flossed. She had just started to brush out her hair when he grabbed her from behind. She shrieked.
“You scared me!”
“You look hot in black.” He turned her and kissed her.
She pulled away, her heart still racing. “I have to finish—”
“After,” he told her before his lips met hers. She moaned as she sank into the kiss, knowing she was lost.
She woke before dawn again, unable to let herself get too used to him, to the intimacy of spending the morning together. He was sprawled on his back, one arm thrown across her stomach. She gently lifted his arm and shifted out from under it. Then she slipped out of bed, turned, and neatly folded her side of the bed. Ryan was still in a deep sleep. She was tempted to wake him for more love-making—sex, call it what it is—but she needed to keep it casual.
Fun night.
Thank you.
~ ~ ~
Ryan drove with Trav to a Norwalk Tigers game and puzzled over Liz. She’d come over five nights in a row only to take off her clothes, do it, and leave while he was sleeping. He was usually the one who left early with some excuse after sex. It was pissing him off.
And they never went out anywhere. She’d declined his dinner invitation again, said she was busy this weekend. He was beginning to think she only wanted him for sex. He stopped at a light and blew out an exasperated breath. There was no way around it.
He was a boy toy.
“You okay there?” Trav asked. “Mooning over Liz?”
Ryan socked him in the arm. “Shut up.”
Trav chuckled.
By the time he parked and they found their seats, Ryan told himself to forget trying to figure out Liz. It was what it was. End of story.
He bought them some popcorn from a passing vendor. It was a great night for a game. Not too hot.
“I saw Dad,” Trav said, looking straight ahead.
Ryan stared at him. “You too?”
“Yeah.” Trav ate his popcorn and watched the field.
“So, why’d you do it?”
“Curious, I guess. Shane said he’d been sober for a while.”
Ryan waited in silence for Trav to spill. He didn’t. Just kept eating popcorn, reading the scoreboard trivia quiz.
“What’d he want?” Ryan finally asked.
“He apologized—”
“Like that makes it all better.”
Trav sat up straighter in his seat. “Game’s starting. They’ve got some good players. This guy pitched a no-hitter last week.”
Ryan let it go. What do I care about the old man? I didn’t need him then, and I sure as hell don’t need him now. “You following the Tigers now?”
“I pick ’em up on the radio.”
Strange. Trav was a die-hard Yankees fan, unlike most every other person in Connecticut that held true to the Red Sox. He’d never known Trav to follow minor league ball. The Tigers weren’t even affiliated with the Yanks.
He focused on the game again. The pitcher was phenomenal. The inning ended, and the Tigers took the bat.
“Rodriguez had a two ninety-seven batting average last year,” Trav said. “This year, he’s looking good to top it. He’s at two sixty-five.”
Ryan stared at his brother, who stared unblinking at the batter.
Rodriguez got a hit. The crowd cheered. Trav merely turned to see who was up next. “Bryant,” he said. “Last year he had ten home runs, batting average two fifty-eight.”
“You get all that from the radio?” Ryan asked.
“Nah,” Trav said, never taking his eyes off the batter, “I looked them up online.”
“You did research?” Since when did Trav care so much about minor league ball? Is he betting?
“Yeah.” Trav muttered the stats of the next batter.
“Why not?” He chomped on some popcorn, his eyes glued to the field.
Which was no kind of answer. Ryan dropped it. Trav would spill sooner or later. He always did. Whatever the reason was, Ryan just hoped it was on the right side of the law.
Chapter Eighteen
Friday night Ryan had a job checking out a cheating spouse only two towns away. Maybe if he got home early enough, he could stop by Liz’s place, surprise her. Otherwise, it didn’t look like he’d see her this weekend. She’d already told him she had plans with Rachel tomorrow night.
He locked up his house and headed for his car. He slid into the driver’s seat, then paused to pull out his cell. He’d text Liz, let her know he could be back a little early. The passenger side door of his car suddenly opened and then slammed shut. What the—he did a double take. Liz was in his car.
“Liz? What are you doing?”
“I wanted to see for myself what you do.
” She clutched a giant purse tight to her chest like she was afraid he’d kick her out.
“I told you what I do.”
“I want to see if it’s as awful as it sounds.” She pulled an insulated cooler from her purse and set it on the floor.
He stared at her. “Where’s your car?”
“I parked at Maggie’s place so no one would get suspicious.” Her eyes darted around, looking for anyone that might be nearby.
Suspicious that we’re seeing each other? It’s like she’s embarrassed to be seen with me. That’s a first.
“You won’t like my job,” he said. “I’ll stop by your place when I get back.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” She stuck her chin out.
“I work better solo,” he said patiently. “I have to be silent, unseen.”
Liz sank even further into the seat. “I promise I won’t blow your cover.”
He rolled his eyes. She watched too many cop shows. “Suit yourself.” He started the car and pulled out of the driveway.
She peeked over the dashboard and, noting the lack of possible suspects in town, sat up in her seat.
He smiled despite the added difficulty for tonight’s assignment. “Since I’m stuck with you…” He didn’t miss her quick smile before she immediately covered with a serious expression. “Ground rules: one, you stay quiet. Two, you stay in the car and do not get involved. Got it?”
“Got it.”
She wore a yellow short-sleeve shirt buttoned up to her neck—he fought the urge to unbutton it, just a little, just enough. Or better yet, have her unbutton it since he was driving. Her black pants ended mid-calf, an ironed crease on each leg. Probably black silk underneath. He’d noticed her panties usually matched the pants. He liked knowing what lay underneath her buttoned-up clothes.
He turned the radio to a classic rock station. They drove for a while, silent except for the music. He wouldn’t exactly call this going out in public, since they were stuck in a car, working, but at least they’d left the bedroom. It was a step closer to going public. No one had ever avoided being seen with him before.
“Would you like a drink?” Liz asked, holding up her cooler. “I’ve got water, iced tea, lemonade, and Dr. Pepper.”