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Eraser Platinum

Page 8

by Keith, Megan

  “A pleasure to meet you Mrs. Pierce.”

  “Oh please! Call me Carol.” She looked at Nate with wetness in her eyes and gave him a nod before focusing back on Mackenzie. “Or Mom, you can call me Mom.” Mackenzie didn’t know how to respond to that. It seemed a little odd, especially as she rarely even called her own mother that. Carol positioned herself at Mackenzie’s side and took hold of her hand. “Come inside, we’ll leave the boys to grab the bags.”

  “Thank you so much for welcoming me into your home.” Mackenzie looked around the large entry way as they ascended the stairs. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Thank you dear. We like it. How was your flight? Not too taxing I hope.”

  “It was amazing.”

  “Amazing? Eight hours on a plane?”

  “Mackenzie hadn’t flown before, Mom.” Nate spoke from behind them.

  “Never? Well you have had quite the adventure today then. First flight, so obviously your first time overseas, meeting the in-laws … I best not bombard you with questions tonight then.” She squeezed her hand and stopped at a doorway at the end of the corridor. “This is your room.”

  Mackenzie took a step inside the large room with soft blue walls. An oversized four poster bed sat in the center of the room, with white billowing curtains, a pale blue bed spread and pillows piled high. Antique furniture filled the room that was decorated to perfection.

  “This is gorgeous,” Mackenzie said in awe.

  “Come, take a seat,” Carol said, pulling Mackenzie to the edge of the bed. “How’s your leg?”

  “Oh, it’s fine, thank you.”

  “I’m so sorry that wretched man did that to you.” She grabbed Mackenzie’s hand between both of her own. “Lucky it wasn’t worse than a broken leg. I knew he was trouble the moment I met him, but do you think Tom would listen to me?” She sighed and shook her head. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So have you settled into Nate’s home alright? I’ve always admired that house, I’m so happy he’s finally living there and that he has someone to share it with.”

  “Oh yes, I love living there.”

  “Good.” Carol’s smile was infectious and Mackenzie instantly liked being in her company. “And what do you think of Hilda? I’ve always teased Nate about hiring her, she’s a lot like me, you know. It’s like he didn’t like living away from his momma and needed a replacement to take care of him,” she sniggered.

  “Mom!” Nate’s cheeks were red with embarrassment and Mackenzie laughed out loud.

  “Come on Carol, it’s late. You’ve got all week to embarrass him.” Lincoln smiled lovingly at his wife and put his hand out for her to take.

  “But they only just got here.” Carol pouted.

  “And you can play twenty questions tomorrow,” Lincoln said, dropping his hand with a sigh.

  “Oh alright.” She leaned in to kiss Mackenzie on the cheek. “Good night dear.” She gave Nate another hug. “So glad you’re finally here,” she said to him, giving him a pat on the cheek.

  As soon as Carol and Lincoln had left the room, Mackenzie exhaled loudly.

  Nate took a wary step toward her. She looked a little overwhelmed. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded but Nate could see her eyes welling with tears.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Your Mom …”

  “Is a little overbearing?”

  “No, it’s not …” She shook her head looking into Nate’s eyes. “She mentioned meeting the ‘in-laws’ and wanted me to call her Mom, Nate. It’s just-”

  “Too much? I’ll speak to her about it tomorrow. I’m sorry, Mackenzie, I-”

  “No. Granted it was a little unexpected, but it was kind of … nice.” She gave him a timid smile.

  The tension left him in a whoosh. “Nice?” He grinned, seating himself beside her. “I thought she freaked you out.”

  “She did.” Mackenzie laughed. “But it was kind of …”

  “Nice,” he finished for her.

  “Just be honest,” Mackenzie looked him square in the eye, “did you put her up to that?”

  Nate laughed and threw himself back on the bed. “No.”

  Mackenzie climbed on top of him. “Really?”

  “I may be devious, but putting my mother up to bat for me in the battle for you to be my wife? Even I’m not that devious.” He laughed again. “I don’t have to be though, in her mind you’re already the one for me.” He brushed the hair from her eyes. “She’s right you know.”

  Mackenzie leaned down to kiss him, but when he tried to deepen the kiss she pulled away. “I’d really love to have a shower right now,” she said, climbing off the bed. She could see the hurt in his eyes. He was being all sweet and romantic and she was pulling away. She was feeling dirty after her long day of travel and so much had occurred in the last fifteen minutes, she just needed a moment to take it all in. She smiled at him for reassurance but she didn’t feel very convincing so she threw in a, “Then we can mess up this beautiful bed. You big momma’s boy!”

  That earned her a smile.

  Mackenzie woke the next morning to an empty bed and whispered voices coming from outside their room. When she heard her name mentioned she paid closer attention.

  “… still asleep and I’m feeling a little jet lagged, so I think we’ll give it a miss and just see you when you get back. Okay?”

  “Oh alright,” Carol said. She sounded disappointed. “If you’re sure. We’ll be back in a couple of hours then.”

  “Okay Mom.”

  “Nate, yours and Tom’s descriptions didn’t do her justice, she is so very beautiful. And those eyes …” Mackenzie’s face heated at her words.

  “I know Mom.”

  A moment later Mackenzie watched Nate enter the room and shut the door behind him. She didn’t budge from her position where she lay on her stomach in bed. From the corner of her eye she saw him remove his pyjama pants and then he lay on top of her, naked.

  “I know you’re awake,” he whispered into the back of her neck then kissed her. “Mom and Dad have gone into town.”

  “I’m still so tired Nate.” She groaned. “Please just let me sleep, you barely let me get any at all last night.” She glanced at the bedside clock and did the math. “Plus it’s like four-thirty in the morning back home.”

  “What?” The vibration of his laughter, while he was pressed against her, shook her whole body. He rested his head on top of hers and his arm over hers, too. “I’m just lying here,” he said with fake innocence.

  “You’re naked and on top of me.”

  “So? I like it here. Stop talking and go back to sleep.”

  She was exhausted and couldn’t find it in her to argue.

  Before he fell asleep, he moved the lower half of his body off her, he didn’t want to crush her. But he didn’t go far, he always slept better when they were touching in some way.

  As soon as Nate and Mackenzie had ventured out of the bedroom they had been separated. Nate went god knows where with his dad so Carol could play, as Lincoln put it, ‘twenty questions’ with Mackenzie.

  “What a view to wake up to everyday!” Mackenzie said, taking the coffee from Carol’s hand. They were standing in the yard and could see rolling green hills for miles. “Do you farm?”

  “Oh no dear, it’s not all ours. Do I look like a farmer to you?” Carol smiled and pointed. “See that fence a few hundred yards away? That’s our property line.”

  “Oh right.” Mackenzie laughed, her nervousness lightening a little with Carol’s friendly expression.

  “Come sit.” Carol motioned to a small round metal table with two chairs. “Tell me about yourself.”

  It took a while to open up but over the next little while Mackenzie managed to answer every single question that came her way. She told Carol about where she grew up, about her parents and the fact they weren’t close; Carol was saddened to hear that. She filled her in on Nate wanting to buy The Blue
Room; Carol was impressed. She told her about her friends Alex and Andrea and she gushed about Nate.

  Carol in turn told a few stories about Nate as a kid; he was determined to get his way from a young age but was always polite about it. She told Mackenzie how as a teen he was always very studious and serious. That he’d always been thoroughly loyal to his family and never one for much socializing.

  Mackenzie found herself feeling more and more comfortable with Carol as they spoke.

  They were seated in the den, discussing work. It was the only place in the house his mother allowed smoking. His father had held a lot of meetings, and made a lot of business decisions in this way, relaxing over a cigar and a glass of Glenfiddich. It was also how Nate had spent a lot of father/son time over the years and as this was the only time since he was a teenager that he’d brought a girl to ‘meet the parents’, he knew the discussion would turn from business to Mackenzie eventually.

  “So tell me about her,” Lincoln said, before taking a drag of his cigar.

  “She’s amazing Dad. She’s intelligent and funny and strong-minded. I love the way she looks at life. I just love everything about her. We complement each other.”

  “And you’ve been together for how long now?”

  “A few months.”

  “So what’s the hold up? If she were a business deal you’d have sealed it by now.” His dad smirked at him.

  “Hmm … she’s stubborn. She’s turned my life upside down.” Nate shook his glass of scotch and watched the ice swirling around. “But in a good way.” He smiled before having a drink.

  “I’m pleased for you Nate.”

  “I’ve worked hard to get us this far, and it wasn’t smooth sailing. She’s so worth it though, Dad. With a little more effort I’m sure we can make it work.”

  “Well, you got her to move into the house, that’s a good start, and if she says yes to the bar purchase you’ll have secured her position in your life as a co-owner at the very least.”

  “Here’s the thing – I wasn’t planning on investing personally in The Blue Room. I plan on buying it for her.”

  “A gift?” Lincoln nodded thoughtfully. “Interesting. You’re obviously smitten with her and if that’s how you wish to spend your money, who am I to argue? I’m sure you know what you’re doing.” Lincoln stubbed out his cigar and polished off his drink before standing. “Time for some lunch,” he said, effectively ending the conversation.

  By the time Nate and Lincoln came into the kitchen, the women had long ago finished their coffees and Carol had made a start on lunch. Mackenzie was surprised to find that Carol and Lincoln didn’t have any staff like Nate did. She offered to help Carol prepare their sandwiches, but before Carol could respond the men entered the room

  “Nate can help me, can’t you dear?” She gave Lincoln a not-so-subtle look to indicate she wanted some alone time with her son.

  Lincoln growled and rolled his eyes. “Mackenzie, let me take you on a wee tour of the place while Carol plays another round of twenty questions.” Both the Pierce men laughed.

  “That would be nice,” Mackenzie replied. Nate gave her a peck on the cheek and she followed Lincoln out of the room.

  Nate silently began buttering bread and waited for his mother to start.

  “So you met her at the bar you’re now going to buy for her to run?”

  “She told you about that?”

  “Buying the bar? Yes. Why didn’t you?”

  “Mom, it’s a great investment,” he said defensively.

  “I don’t doubt your decision, Nate.”

  “You don’t?”

  “No. I wouldn’t. I just wondered why you didn’t tell me.”

  Nate shrugged. “It was a quick decision.”

  “Just like coming here? Why the rushed visit, Nate?”

  He watched her cut a cucumber for a few seconds before buttering some more bread and answering with another shrug. “It just felt like the right time. I wanted you to meet her and I wanted her to meet you and Dad.”

  “But it was so spur of the moment, that’s not like you at all. What gives Nate?”

  “I’m changing. She makes things different. I’ve been trusting my gut a lot more lately and acting on impulse.” He smiled at her.

  She nudged his arm and grinned back. “Love is liberating.”

  “Yeah.” He felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. “I asked her to marry me.”

  “You did?” Carol squealed, putting down the knife to give him a hug. “Oh my god!”

  “Settle down.” He lowered his voice. “She said no.”

  “What?” Carol moved away. “That must be a mistake. That girl is so in love with you.”

  “I assure you I’m not mistaken. She said no, repeatedly. Marriage is not something she wants, no matter how many times I ask her.”

  “And we come full circle as to why you brought her here. Showing her what a happy marriage is like, are we?”

  Nate nodded. Busted by his mother. What did I expect?

  “Her parents didn’t exactly give her anything to go by.”

  “She told me about them.”

  “She did?” Nate was shocked that Mackenzie had opened up to his mom so readily, when it had taken him so long to get to that point. Perhaps I’m a good influence on her. Maybe she’s changing too. “What else did you two talk about?”

  “Oh you know, this and that. She’s such a lovely person, Nate. Maybe given time she’ll come around.”

  “Oh, I’m counting on it.” He gave his mom a smirk. “I’m determined to re-negotiate.”

  “That’s my boy.” She patted his cheek affectionately.

  Mackenzie enjoyed the tour with Nate’s dad. She took in every word Lincoln said as they strolled through the different sections of the property. He pointed out the architectural significance of the house and the outlying buildings. He showed her the original stonework and the various sections of the property that had been added over the years. He’d done extensive research after they bought the place, investigating the history and he became so animated and passionate as he spoke that Mackenzie found it enthralling. The conversation was kept light and impersonal, until Lincoln blurted out, “Do you love him?”

  His tone was serious and his dark eyes turned cold. The question caught Mackenzie off-guard. She suddenly felt defensive when he stared her down. It reminded her of the detached Sir, the Nate she’d first met. There was no way she was going to allow another Pierce man to stand over her. She stood taller and kept her eyes focused on his.

  “Do you wish to know if my intentions are honorable, Lincoln?” she asked seriously. “I can assure you that I love your son and I will do everything within my power to never hurt him.”

  “Very well.” Lincoln nodded and gave her a smirk, and then continued walking toward the house like it hadn’t even happened.

  “That’s it?” she asked, rushing to catch up to him. “Interrogation over, just like that?”

  “You passed with flying colors, Mackenzie.” He winked at her. “Carol already gave me the results.” Then he started laughing at, what she guessed was, a shocked and confused look on her face. Mackenzie couldn’t help but shake her head in disbelief and let out a giggle of her own. He offered his arm for her to take and they walked back to the house in comfortable silence.

  “Where have you two been?” Carol asked when they went back inside. “We were beginning to think you were lost.” She turned her attention to Mackenzie. “He didn’t bore you to death with history did he?”

  “No, not at all.” Mackenzie laughed. She unlinked her arm from Lincoln’s and took her seat next to Nate, whose hand automatically went to rest on her thigh. “I found it all fascinating actually. Thank you, Lincoln.”

  “The pleasure was all mine.” Lincoln gave her a charming smile from across the table. Then he turned to Nate. “I’ve been thinking about that matter we were discussing earlier. Get the deal done, son. The sooner the better.”

ks Dad,” Nate replied with a nod. His smile turned breathtaking and the two men exchanged curious glances, but rather than trying to decipher what it meant, Mackenzie turned her attention to Carol.

  “It’s beautiful here, Carol. I can understand why you live here. Do you think you’ll stay here long term or do you see yourselves moving back to the States?” Mackenzie asked, taking a sandwich from the platter and placing it on the plate in front of her. Nate’s fingers started tracing infinity symbols on her thigh and she smiled.

  “I can’t see us moving back in the near future. My boys don’t need me cramping their style, and now that Linc has removed himself from the business …” She rolled her eyes dramatically and Nate and Lincoln both laughed.

  “Hey! I built that business from the ground up. So what if I have a hard time letting go?” He shrugged.

  Carol continued, “As I was saying, now that Lincoln has retired there’s not much holding us to the US right now. But I’ll never say never. If I were to get grandkids for instance, there’d be no holding me back.”

  Nate felt Mackenzie tense under his hand. “Ah Mom…” he spoke hesitantly, “Mackenzie doesn’t want kids.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, dear. I don’t mean to put the pressure on. There’s plenty of time for that.”

  “No Mom, I mean she-”

  “Nate.” Mackenzie cut him off, giving his hand a squeeze under the table. She could see the disappointment in Carol’s eyes and she didn’t want to upset her further. Turning to Nate she could see the longing in his expression, too. She started to wonder if she could ever truly be what he wanted.

  “Stop Nate, you’re making Mackenzie uncomfortable,” Carol said, giving Mackenzie a wink. “These things have a way of working out in their own time and like I said, never say never.” That last part was meant solely for Mackenzie, she knew by the way Carol focused on her. Strangely, it didn’t make Mackenzie feel uncomfortable but rather comforted instead.


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