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Page 9

by Rocklyn Ryder

  Slamming the gear shift back into park, I open the door and start to jump out. Then I think better and I kill the engine and set the e-brake. Then I slide out of my seat and slam the door shut.

  "I'm coming after you."

  His words make no sense, "Why the hell would you do that?"

  He's hiking, for crying out loud.

  A smug grin plays at the corners of his eyes, "Because, Princess, even if Han is an ass, Leia still showed up to rescue him."


  "Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

  God she looks good. Even better than I remembered, and I've had 4 and half hours to build up her memory in my head but here she is again, standing in front of me spitting mad as hell and she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

  Her hair is blonder than I remember, her eyes brighter. Her body curvier, with better tits and a nicer ass and even though she's cursing a blue streak and every insult is aimed at me, her voice is like an angel.

  She came back to me.

  "You were going to come after me?" She eyes me from boot to beanie with a suspicious glare, "you know how long it took me to drive to the bottom of this road?"

  I nod, not able to help the grin on my face.

  "And you were just going to hike out after me?"

  I nod again.

  "Jeeze, Blaze! For fuck sake, you couldn't even start the truck up for me? What the hell did you think you were going to accomplish by walking after me?"

  Shit, she sounds-- hurt. Like I'm not even trying here. "I ran all the way back up to the fucking cabin after you left me standing out here feeling like a fucking loser! The truck needs the battery put in, it needs gas added to the tank, I didn't have time for that."

  She looks up the road toward the cabin and back at me, "You were going to hike all the way to town? It'll take 2 days to hike to town, I'd have been gone by the time you got there. Why even bother?"

  "It'd take me 6 hours, tops," I tell her confidently. Still grinning like a fucking maniac.

  She came back to me.

  "It's all downhill and there's a foot path that bypasses a lot of the switchbacks the road takes. I'd have been there before dark if I hadn't had to go all the way back to the cabin first."

  Gail stares at me, her jaw set, her eyes narrowed in disbelief, "And then what? How did you think you were going to find me once you got to town? You don't know anything about me, Blaze."

  Her voice cracks on that last sentence and I think I start to see what's on the other side of that crack.

  I lunge for her, catching her by her arm and pulling her back to me before she can climb back in her damn car.

  I don't know what made her turn around and drive all the way back to me on that damn spare, but she did and I'll be damned if I'm letting her get away again. I don't care if I have to drive her fucking car off the cliff.

  "You're wrong, Princess," I have to bend down to get on eye level with her. I need to prove to her how wrong she is but all I want to do is crush her lips against mine, "I know everything about you. I know that you're headed to Elk Creek, but there's nothing there but a camp ground with a rinky dink general store that's gonna charge you 2 bucks for a can of soda and you need your tire fixed, so you're gonna head for Kooskia and you'll stop in Pinion Point because you're gonna see the sign for Tom's auto shop.

  "But Tom's gonna be closed for the night when you get in so you're gonna get a room at Beth's little motorlodge that only has 6 rooms but they're clean and she's got WiFi so you're gonna think you're in hog heaven. Then you're gonna take a hot shower and you're gonna be in there for a fucking hour because you won't have me banging on the door bitchin' at you about using all the hot water in the tank.

  "You're gonna order a pizza from Andy's with double pepperoni and you're gonna have them put olives on it even though those things are the work of the devil.

  "In the morning you're gonna find out that Tom doesn't have the tire size you need and it's gonna take him 2 days to get it from Boise because you've got metric tires and none of these little towns carry metric in that rim size. So you're gonna be stuck at Beth's for 2 more nights.

  "And I'm gonna show up before your pizza does and bribe Beth into telling me which room you're in and then I'm going explain to you all the reasons you can't leave me and I'm not leaving until you agree to marry me."

  I was on a roll till the M word slipped out of my mouth.

  The words dry up in my throat and all I can do is stand there like a fucking idiot, my hand still wrapped around her arm, waiting for her to say something.

  If I was surprised to hear my own voice telling her I loved her a few hours ago, hearing that same voice telling her she's gonna marry me damn near brings me to my knees. At least it looks like I finally hit her with news she wasn't expecting.

  Gail's been looking at me like I'm a ranting lunatic through most of my speech but when I choke up on those last words I'm not the only one standing around looking surprised.

  "Blaze," her face has softened, her voice so quiet I have to watch her lips to know what she's saying, "you don't want to marry me. Just because I showed up on your doorstep doesn't mean we're destined for each other. You need to find a woman who has more to offer you than just sex."

  "Would you stop?"

  "Stop what?"

  "Stop. Just stop. Stop trying to convince yourself that you don't love me too. Stop trying to run away from what you could have here. Stop fooling yourself into thinking that home is something that's always ahead of you."

  Her eyes shine with tears and I know if I point it out she'll just find a way to channel her pain into anger again.

  "You're the only woman in the whole goddamn world that is going to look at my drafty shack like it's a Beverly Hills mansion, Princess. The only woman I'm ever going to find that looks at that patch of weeds out back and sees fresh vegetables instead of dirt and bugs, and you're sure as hell the only woman that's ever gonna look at this scruffy nerfherder like he's Prince fucking Charming. So what do you say, we get that thing back up into my barn and we'll worry about that tire another day while I fill you up with some more of that elk stew you like and then fill you up with some more of this cock you like?"

  "Nerfherder?" She laughs lightly, "I thought I was the Han in this relationship?"

  My heart practically takes flight, it's beating so fast. Holy shit, I think she's coming home with me. "OK," I shrug, "in that case, you're the only scruffy nerfherder that I'm ever going to want to hear screaming my name while she comes on my cock. Better?"

  "Not really. No." She says it with such a straight face that my soaring heart takes a sudden dive. "But I do like that stew." She smiles and then looks up at the dark clouds that are headed toward us, "And it looks like more storms are rolling in."

  I waste no time throwing my day pack in the back of her SUV and climbing up in the passenger seat before she's even back behind the wheel. This thing isn't going anywhere without me in it.

  Gail laughs at me as she buckles up her seat belt but before she can start the engine I'm reaching across the cab and pulling her into an awkward embrace for a kiss.

  "Don't get ahead yourself," she warns me as she starts us back up to the cabin, "I haven't agreed to anything but stew."


  I forgot all the things I had to say to him as soon as I saw him hiking down the hill. Why does he have to look so good? Why does my heart have to twist in knots when I see him? Why does hearing him tell me he's coming after me make everything inside me turn to mush?

  He was really going to hike 40 miles to come find me?

  I drive us up the road that he refers to as his driveway mostly in silence. It's an easy silence. Blaze seems so relieved that I'm going back with him, I can see the goofy grin on his face out of the corner of my eye. He keeps looking at me like he wants to say something but when I glance over he just grins.

  He hops out of the car and pulls open the barn door so I can pull inside behind the pick up truck th
at's sitting there. He explained to me once before that he rarely needs it for anything so he keeps the fluids drained and the battery is usually out and on a trickle charger.

  When I have the Pathfinder tucked away safely, Blaze closes the big barn door and wraps his arm around me like he's worried I'm going to run off before he can get me in the cabin.

  I guess I can't blame him. I'm still not sure what I'm doing here but I can't deny that it feels like the place I'm supposed to be.

  I don't think he was serious about marrying me. I mean-- he wasn't serious, right?

  The cabin is cold inside, the fire having died hours ago. Blaze opens the door on the wood stove and I grab an armful of wood from the stack on the porch. Together we get the fire started and then together we get a pot of stew simmering on the stove, together we work like we were meant to be a team.

  "That stew's gonna take a lot longer than I'm willing to wait, Princess." Blaze's eyes are a dark reflection of the new storm blowing outside as he turns and runs his hand along the side of my face.

  I don't need him to tell me he's not talking about dinner.

  "Gail," his lips dip dangerously close to mine, "I meant it."

  I don't get to ask what he meant. His mouth is on mine, his lips soft but firm as they part with mine and his tongue moves between them and that's the moment I cave.

  Everything that I've been looking for is here. In this tiny valley, nestled in the remote heart of the Bitterroot mountains, in the arms of a man that swears he's never going to let me go.

  Blaze slides his hands over my body, lifting my shirt over my head and freeing my breasts from my bra. His hands cup each mound, lifting them in his palms and rolling my nipples in his fingers till I whimper into his mouth.

  "I need you in my bed," he growls in my ear before hauling me over his shoulder and carrying me to his room, "forever, Princess," he tells me seriously as he deposits me in the middle of the king size bed that takes up most of the small bedroom.

  "You belong here." His clothes are coming off faster than I can recover from landing on the bed, "In my house," his jeans hit the floor along with his briefs, "on my cock," he gives me a wicked grin as he pulls my pants off and begins crawling between my legs, "with my babies growing inside you."

  He settles between my thighs and places one hand over my stomach with his fingers spread wide and stares down at me with a smoldering look. I feel my body flare up with white hot need and the primal reaction to his words catches me off guard, causing me to gasp under his simple but oh so demanding touch.

  Blaze doesn't miss the way my body rewards him.

  "Is that what you want, Princess?" his voice drops to a dark, gravelly tone that lights my nerves up and makes my skin ache for his touch on every part of me at once.

  He drops down so that our bodies are aligned and I feel his thick cock pressed between us. I can't help but moan at the contact, and I run my hands over the smooth contours of his biceps and up his shoulders.

  "You want to be my wife and give me heirs so this land stays in my family another generation," It's not a question that he whispers in a ragged voice as his mouth moves from one rock hard nipple to the next and back, "You want me to fill you up with babies and give you a reason to stay here with me."

  I should hate this. His words should sound sexist and infuriating but instead I'm on fire, desperate for him to follow through on his threats.

  And I'm not the only one who's turned on by what he's saying. Every time he mentions filling me with his child his cock surges against my thigh so fiercely I think he might come before he even gets inside me.

  Blaze moves down my body and groans deeply when his mouth finds me wet and ready for him, "Oh baby," his fingers slide along my seam, with his tongue following closely, "you should have told me you needed me here this bad."

  Then he presses his fingers into my opening and massages the sensitive spot inside that makes everything in my field of vision turn to glitter while I claw at the thick down comforter under us.

  "Blaze," I whimper as his tongue flicks across my clit and makes my hips rock up to meet him, "yes," I plead for more.

  "Tell me yes again, Princess," he orders and I obey without hesitation.

  His tongue flicks, then circles while his fingers work to build the tension I feel starting to coil tighter inside me.

  "Tell me you want my babies," he growls into my folds.

  "Babies," I gasp.

  Yeah. Babies sound amazing. Blaze's babies sound amazing. Oh God, the thought of Blaze's babies sounds more than amazing. Blaze humming his satisfaction at my answer feels amazing.

  "Say yes, Princess."

  Yes is not exactly the sound that tears out of my throat though. I can't stay focused when he's doing that. His mouth locks over my clit and he adds suction to the movement of his tongue while his fingers slide in and out of my wetness till I forget everything but the orgasm rolling through me.

  When I fall back limply beneath him I feel him kiss his way back up to me, stopping over my stomach, "I mean it, Gail," he whispers, "You're going to marry me, we're going to have a family."

  Now seems like a bad time to argue with him. Even after that earth shaking climax, I need him filling me up with his thick cock and moving inside me.

  "That's what I want," his eyes come even with mine and I feel the broad tip of his head nudging into my opening, "and I want it with you."

  Meeting his gaze I nod, "OK," my voice fails me. This isn't just meaningless talk in the middle of sex. He means it. I see it in his eyes. If I say yes, he's going to hold me to it.

  It doesn't help that he's hovering just at the brink of entering me, reminding me of how my body craves his, needs to have him buried deep inside me, making me feel complete.

  "I meant what I said earlier," his lips press to mine momentarily, "I was coming after you, and when I found you I wouldn't have taken no for an answer."

  His eyes raise to mine and the storm brewing in them has turned to a dead calm, "You're going to marry me."

  He's absolutely right.

  "I'm going to marry you, Blaze," I agree firmly, "And you're going to fuck me full of babies, and I'd like you to start working on that right now." I cant my hips and he slips a little farther into me.

  A groan escapes him as he allows himself to slide all the way to the limits of my body and then I move to take him even further. For a second we still against each other, "I like it when you're talking dirty, Princess," he tells me as he starts to thrust.

  It's a good thing he likes my foul mouth because it's hard not tell him exactly how good he feels when he's moving inside me like this.


  My woman's so fucking tight, it'd be downright painful to wedge my cock this far inside her if she wasn't so fucking wet and ready for me. It's almost a shame, I love taking my time working her up till she's panting and begging for me to take her like this, not that I'm ever going to stop just because her body's already so greedy to get filled with my come.

  Hearing her promising she's gonna stop trying to run away is even hotter than hearing her tell me she wants it harder, faster, rougher. When she told me I'm gonna fuck her full of my babies I almost blew my load all over her creamy thighs before I could get inside her and give her what she wants.

  What I want.

  Damn, I never thought I was gonna want a wife. Never thought I'd find one that wouldn't expect me to move into town and go back to the bullshit 9 to 5 grind. I sure as hell never expected to be willing to chase a woman down and go begging on my fucking knees for her to stay with me.

  Here she is, under me moaning and whispering filthy words about how much she loves my cock while her body's wrapped around me like a fucking glove.

  I'd have begged if that's what she needed. I'd have done whatever it took to get her back up here where she belongs-- or anywhere she wanted to go. As long as she agreed to let me go with her. Gail's worth that. Without her here, this little cabin wouldn't feel right.

sp; She told me days ago that she gets shots to keep her from getting pregnant. I don't know how effective those are but I'm doing my best to find out. I'm gonna do exactly what she says, gonna fill her so full of my come that no birth control that modern science has come up with will keep my seed from taking root in her womb.

  We're gonna fill this property with kids and I'm gonna grow old with Gail in my arms.

  Never thought thinking about chasing a bunch of kids would be the thing that put me over the edge, but there's no holding back.

  Gail arches her back and her nails dig into my shoulders and I know she's coming hard because her cursing gives way to a strangled cry and her pussy clamps down on my dick so hard it feels like her body's trying to rip it off of me.

  The whole combination is more then enough to make my dick erupt, pumping everything I've got inside her while her walls pulse and milk every last drop from my balls.

  When I can breathe again I pull fresh air into my lungs and collapse over Gail enjoying the feel of her heat beating against mine until we've both recovered and I roll to the side with her locked in my arms.

  "Why did you think you needed to leave, Princess?" I murmur into her hair between kisses, "When you've known just as well as I have from day one that this is where you belong?"

  Her voice is soft and sleepy, "It's hard to explain," she tells me, "but you're right, this feels like home. I've moved around so much, I guess I learned not to get attached. What if it doesn't work out with us and I have to leave my home again?"

  "You really think it's not gonna work out, Princess? I thought you were my Han Solo?" I tease with a soft laugh.

  "Well it didn't really work out for Han and Leia now, did it?"

  What the fuck? I prop myself up on one elbow and scowl down at her, "what do you mean? They totally end up together."

  Gail rolls back so she's looking up at me with wide eyes, "Oh my gosh, are you serious?"


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