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Unauthorized Deception

Page 3

by Lisa Ladew

  She stood and looked at herself in the mirror. Too much makeup. She wasn’t a party girl anymore. What had she been thinking? Ivy pushed open the door and steeled herself to go find Marissa and beg her to drive her home.

  A tall blond woman with piercing eyes stared at her, an angry look growing in her face. “Who are you?” she demanded.

  Ivy pulled back. “I'm Ivy, I came with Marissa.”

  The blond grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into the living room yelling Marissa’s name. They found her in the kitchen, eyes wide. “Who’s this?”

  Marissa looked nervous, and Ivy felt fear trickle between her shoulder blades. “That’s my friend Ivy. I was going to introduce you to her, Dawn.”

  Dawn whirled to her. “Ivy huh? What’s your story? You look like a prude. You a cop?”

  Ivy’s eyes went wide. Had Dawn seen her before? Did someone at the party recognize her? She tried to pull her wrist out of Dawn’s grip, but Dawn clamped down harder and whirled her around. “You wearing a wire, you got a gun?”

  She ran her hands down Ivy’s sides and then knelt and went all the way to her ankles in a clumsy parody of a pat-down. When she came back up Ivy’s legs she put one hand directly between Ivy’s legs and pushed up, her fingers searching through Ivy’s pants. “Hey!” Ivy yelled and side-stepped, pulling away from Dawn, then spinning around to face her. She crouched slightly and looked for a door. Or a weapon. This woman was crazy.

  Marissa stared at both of them, her eyes ping-panging back and forth and looking scared to death. Dawn glared at her for a second longer, then burst out laughing. “I know you’re not a cop. I just wanted to feel your assets.” She dropped a wink at Ivy and grabbed Marissa around the neck in a one-armed hug. “She your girlfriend Mary-mine? Cuz she’s hot.”

  Ivy blinked in surprise and slowly stood up all the way. Marissa looked like she might puke. Dawn didn’t wait for an answer. “Come on you two, we got molly, mushrooms, tranqs, whatever you want.”

  Ivy grabbed Marissa and whispered into her ear. “I’ve changed my mind. Drive me home, OK?”

  Marissa looked at her like she was the crazy one. “We just got here. Dawn’s OK. She just gets excited sometimes.”

  Ivy shook her head, unable to believe what her friend was saying. Unable to believe this was where her friend hung out now. “I’m leaving, Marissa. If you were smart you’d come with me.”

  She pushed past Marissa and focused on the door. She didn’t want to see anything else, or talk to Dawn again. She reached the door and pulled it open. The cool night air felt good on her face. She threw a glance over her shoulder, but Marissa wasn’t following. Bye for good probably, she thought sadly, and pulled the door shut behind her.

  Two men were walking towards the house. In the dark, she registered that the one in the back was tall and broad through the shoulders. Almost as big as Ryker. Her heart gave another painful lurch and she took a deep breath. God, she missed him. She dropped her eyes, not wanting to talk to the men, just wanting to get out of there.

  Chapter 5

  Ivy stepped off the walkway slightly to avoid the two men. She sensed the first man moving to block her way and groaned inwardly. She didn't want to deal with this right now. She took a step back and looked at him. A boring face. Tattoos up and down both arms, red preppy shoes and khaki pants. He was a walking contradiction. “Where you going, chica?” he asked. “The party’s inside.”

  Ivy heard the second man make a strangled noise, almost like he was choking. She flicked her eyes past Mr. Contradiction to the second man, the one who was almost as big as Ryker. At first she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She stood stock-still, forgetting to breathe.


  The stark fear on his face chilled her deep in her soul. He didn’t look happy to see her, surprised to see her, or upset to see her. He looked terrified to see her. Why? Why would Ryker be terrified of me? Or for me? He lifted his chin at the man who had blocked her way, then shook his head slightly, first left, then right. Ivy understood immediately. He didn’t want Mr. Contradiction to know they knew each other. Or who she was. Or something like that. Ivy’s police training and undercover experience dropped an icy veil over her thoughts. She wouldn’t let on. But she wasn’t leaving till she got to talk to him, either.

  She forced a smile at the man who was in her face. “Oh yeah?” she said, her voice sounding strange in her ears.

  “Yeah.” He dropped an arm around her shoulders and turned her towards the door. “Come on in. This is my place. I’ll show you around.”

  Ryker spoke up, his voice tightly controlled. “Isn’t your girlfriend in there, Brandon?”

  “Yep, she’ll love this sweet chica.”

  He started Ivy up the steps and pulled her in the door. This time, Ivy looked around greedily. Her eyes drinking in everything. If Ryker thought she was in danger, she needed to assess the situation, keep her head on straight, know where the exits were, know what kind of weapons they had here, and what kind of drugs they were taking. She appraised the room like a cop, not knowing exactly what she needed to know, but wanting to catch everything.

  Brandon pulled her toward the kitchen and yelled for Dawn. Ivy sensed Ryker directly behind them, felt anger carrying off his body in thick waves. What was going on here?

  Dawn stood by the refrigerator, beer in hand, an expectant smile on her face. Her eyes passed over Ivy, then went back to Brandon. “Hi lover,” she growled and sealed her lips on his, even while his arm was still around Ivy’s shoulders. They both made sexual noises while they kissed wetly. Ivy tried to pull out of Brandon’s grasp, disgusted. Dawn’s hand snaked out and reached for Ivy’s chest. Ivy pushed it away and backed up, running directly into Ryker. He felt so firm and strong. She prayed silently that whatever was going on was something that could be fixed. That he wouldn’t turn her away. That he wouldn’t shut her out again. She knew she could help him. Or at least she wanted to, desperately.

  She stepped sideways and looked at him. His handsome face was still painted in fear under his cowboy hat. She gave him a questioning, partial smile and he shook his head again, shooting his eyes to Brandon and Dawn, who were finally pulling apart. Dawn ran her tongue over her teeth and smirked at Ivy. Ivy took an unconscious step towards Ryker. He pulled her to him with one arm. “Hey baby, want to hang out with me tonight?” he asked her.

  She looked at him, surprised, then nodded. Ryker pulled her around towards the door. Brandon shot his hand out and grabbed Ivy tightly around the upper arm. “Wait, don’t forget about us,” he said.

  Ryker let go of Ivy and clamped a hand down on Brandon’s arm. Ivy saw Ryker’s fingers dig cruelly into Brandon’s flesh, causing Brandon to let go of Ivy. Brandon's face flashed in pain and anger. Ryker dropped Brandon's arm, but took a step toward him. “The lady already made her choice,” he hissed, menace in his voice.

  Brandon’s eyes flashed with anger. “Don’t fucking forget why you’re here, Wells.”

  Ryker took a step forward. “Don’t. Fucking. Push. Me. Too. Far. Savoy.” Ryker said, every syllable laced with barely-contained rage.

  Ivy’s body jerked involuntarily at the name Savoy. What was going on here?

  The two men stared daggers at each other. Ivy pulled at Ryker’s shirt, trying to get him out of the kitchen. Finally he followed, with one last murderous look at Brandon.

  In the living room, Ryker put his arm around Ivy again. He leaned in close and whispered, “Not a word. Don’t say a word till we’ve got some privacy.” He steered her past people dancing and couples making out, into the hallway where she’d found the bathroom earlier. He opened doors until he found what he was looking for, and pulled her inside. The room was small with a blow up mattress on the floor and nothing else. Ryker closed the door behind them, locked it, and held a finger to his lips. He opened the small closet door, then closed it and pulled Ivy into the far corner of the room.

  “Ivy, you have to go. You’re in danger.” His voice
was pitched low, almost a whisper.

  “Ryker, tell me what’s going on. Why are you here?” Ivy whispered back.

  Ryker shook his head, anguish written in his features. “I can’t tell you anything. You shouldn’t be here. How did you even find — no, it doesn’t matter. You have to go and not come back.” He pulled her toward the one window in the room.

  Ivy wrenched her hand out of his. “I want to help you. Let me help you.”

  “You can’t help me.” Ryker opened the window and tried to pick Ivy up.

  Ivy shrieked and jumped back. “You can’t just throw me out the window! I’m not leaving until you tell me what is going on!”

  “Ivy, please.” Ryker’s face melted into pure pleading. Ivy’s heart clenched. She couldn’t take the pain on his face.

  “Just tell me why, Ryker, why you are doing this?”

  “I can’t. But I’ll tell you one thing. That guy out there? Brandon? He’s dangerous. He’d kill you without a second thought. If he even knew that we were ever together, he would… he’d…” Ryker dropped his head so Ivy couldn’t see his eyes. He gripped her upper arms painfully and pulled her towards the window again. “You have to go, please. And don’t come back.”

  Screams from the living room caught their attention. Feet pounded in the hallway outside their door. Ryker stopped and tilted his head. Someone yelled “5-0, 5-0!”

  Their door rattled as someone pounded on it. Brandon’s voice called “Ryker, you in there? Let me in.”

  Ryker looked at Ivy, eyes wide and pointed towards the window. Ivy relented, but tried to pull him to the window with her.

  “Here, I can unlock it,” Dawn’s voice said from in the hallway and a moment later the door flew open.

  “Ryker, the cops are at the front door, we gotta go,” Brandon said, crossing the room in a few steps and wrenching the window open. He knocked the screen out and put one leg out, then the other, perching on the ledge. “Quick,” he yelled at Ryker.

  Ryker grabbed Ivy’s hand and pulled her towards the window too. She finally came willingly.

  “No,” Brandon said. “She stays. The women stay and throw the cops off us.”

  “Not her,” Ryker said. “She goes with us.”

  Brandon’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. Ivy saw it and pulled her hand out of Ryker’s. “I’ll stay. It’s cool.”

  Ryker looked at her, eyes wide. His head moved minutely to the right and left. “Go,” she told him.

  “Ryker, come on!” Brandon yelled, dropping to the ground.

  Heavy boots sounded in the hallway and Ivy heard Dawn screaming at someone that they couldn’t just come in her house without a warrant. Ryker’s eyes met Ivy’s and the pain in them floored her again. In two steps he was up on the windowsill and out. Ivy eased the window shut and headed towards the door.

  It slammed open, against the back wall before she could reach it. A short, dark-haired police officer, his hand on his gun, saw her, then looked past her into the room. He hooked his thumb over his shoulder and pointed towards the living room. “Go sit down,” he said.

  Ivy scooted past him and walked to the living room. Everyone was gone. Everyone except Dawn and Marissa, who were sitting on the couch. Marissa was crying and Dawn’s eyes were shooting fire at a female cop about Ivy’s height, who had a hand on Dawn’s shoulder, holding her on the couch. “Calm down, Dawn, or I’m going to handcuff you,” she told Dawn. Dawn bared her teeth at the cop but stopped straining to stand up.

  Ivy sat on the far end of the couch next to Marissa. She put a hand on her friend’s shoulder, trying to comfort her. Marissa cried harder. Ivy glanced at the female cop. She’d never seen her before and was glad. She didn’t want to be recognized. The female cop’s name tag said Price. She had dark hair, braided and tucked under in the back. Her dark, cat-like eyes flashed with irritation at Dawn, who was now lolling into the back of the couch, her lips sneering, her middle fingers popped out.

  Price’s partner came back into the room. “Rest of the house is empty.”

  Officer Price backed up, hands on her hips. Ivy noticed the thick ropes of muscles on her arms. “You all just having a girl’s night in, I guess?” she said, looking at them each in turn. Dawn thrust her fingers up higher and Marissa kept crying. Ivy nodded lightly. “Yes, ma’am,” she said.

  Officer Price exchanged a glance with her partner. She turned back to the women on the couch and took out her notebook. “Name?” she said, looking at Marissa, her pen poised over her notebook. Marissa shook her head, her tears drying up. The officer pursed her lips and turned to Ivy.

  “Ivy Oakes.”


  Ivy felt frantic all of a sudden, she didn’t want to lie to the officer, but she didn't want Dawn to know her address either. A flash of inspiration hit her and she recited Ryker’s old address.

  The officer turned back to Marissa and tried again, but Marissa still wouldn’t speak.

  “Look, this is just a simple noise complaint. All we want to do is tell you to be quiet. But you guys are kind of making it hard on us, what with the drugs and refusal and all.” She flashed Dawn a hard look. Dawn glared back obstinately. Ivy looked around the room. Drugs? There. White pills on the table, plus some sort of a smoking pipe on one of the other couches. She winced, wondering if she was about to get arrested.

  “Stand up,” Officer Price told Dawn, motioning her partner closer. “Put your hands on the wall.” She patted Dawn down and Ivy was reminded of what Dawn had done to her a short while ago. Officer Price pulled a tiny baggie of something out of Dawn’s pocket. Within a second, metal handcuffs clamped on Dawn’s wrists and the male police officer led her out to the car.

  “You,” Officer Price pointed at Marissa. “What’s your name. Tell me now or go to jail.”

  Marissa, her tears dried, fixed Officer Price with a menacing look, but said nothing.

  “OK, then, have it your way.” Officer Price hauled her off the couch and pushed her out the door to her partner. She came back in and looked at Ivy. Ivy’s heart sunk. It was her turn.

  Instead, Officer Price’s eyes softened a bit. “You don’t look drunk or high. Or like you belong here. What’s your story, Ivy Oakes?”

  “I’m just trying to help out a friend, Ma’am.”

  Officer Price nodded. “Friends in places like this drag you down. Maybe you should clear out of here.” Ivy nodded gratefully. Officer Price gathered up the drugs and the pipe, then turned on her heel and left the house, not bothering to close the door behind her.

  Ivy breathed a sigh of relief, then realized she was the only person left in the house.

  Chapter 6

  An hour later, Ivy had the small house mostly cleaned up. She’d started sweeping the smashed pills up off the floor, and just kept going, partly to try to keep herself from thinking about the situation and partly to keep herself awake. Her phone said it was 3:30 in the morning.

  The doorknob rattled and Ivy turned in time to see Brandon sweep into the room. Behind him, Ryker looked not surprised, but very sad to see her. “Where’s Dawn?” Brandon bellowed.


  Brandon grabbed his head and gritted his teeth. “Fuck!” He turned around. “We gotta go bail her out, come on, Ryker.”

  “I’m staying.” Ryker’s voice was hard, decisive.

  “No, you’re coming with me.”

  “Look, man. I’ve been up for 24 hours straight. I need some sleep.”

  Brandon dug in his pocket and held out a small baggie to Ryker. Ryker looked at it and shook his head. “No way. I don’t do speed. You just go. I’ll stay right here — I’ll be here when you get back.”

  “No, I want you with me. Take this and you’ll feel fine.”

  Ryker pushed his cowboy hat back and rubbed his brow. Finally he spoke. “You don’t want me to take those pills. I took speed once, and it didn’t just keep me awake. It made me crazy. Like mad-crazy.” He stared deeply at Brandon and narrowed his eyes. “
I raged for three days. I couldn't help myself. I almost killed my neighbor because he knocked on my door.”

  Ivy listened to this, shocked. She’d never thought Ryker was like that.

  Brandon took a step backwards, and seemed to consider. “Fine. But remember our agreement. Don’t call nobody. Don’t go nowhere. You know what happens if I don’t find you here when I get back.” He looked at Ivy, then back to Ryker, seemed about to say something more, then closed his mouth and left quickly.

  Ryker dropped onto the couch and closed his eyes.

  Ivy heard Brandon drive away and she breathed a sigh of relief. “Speed really does that to you?”

  Ryker didn’t say anything for a long time. When he spoke, his lips barely moved. “Nah, I’ve never taken it.”

  Ivy uttered a surprised laugh and sank into the couch next to him. She curled under his arm and put her head on his broad chest. His heartbeat thudded slowly, lazily. Ivy didn’t dare speak. She couldn't think of anything to say that hadn’t already been said. He would either tell her what was going on, or he wouldn’t, but she wasn’t leaving.

  “Why didn’t they arrest you?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I guess because I cooperated. They didn’t even search me.”

  “Who were the cops?”

  “A woman named Price and a guy. I didn’t see his name.”

  “Did you recognize them?”



  Ryker scrubbed his face with his hands and blew air against pursed lips. Ivy rubbed his neck, feeling tension in every muscle of his body. She felt suddenly scared for him. For her. For what he might possibly share with her. She could feel the war inside him. She could feel him struggling to make the decision of how much to tell her.

  “He’s got my mom and my sister, Ivy. He says he’ll kill them if I don’t do what he wants. And if he finds out how I feel about you he’ll try to kill you too.”


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