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Paris or Bust!

Page 23

by Jacqueline Diamond; Jill Shalvis Kate Hoffmann

  “Yeah. Where’s my smile?”

  “You probably agreed to sleep with her.”

  He lifted a brow. “Would that bother you?”

  “Not in the least.”

  He just looked at her, and she let out a snort. “Okay, yes, it’d bother me. Happy?”

  “Oh yeah.” He stroked her jaw. “But it was just a phone call, Kylie.” He stepped back just as she let out the genuine smile he’d wanted to see, and the photographer snapped the shutter.

  Wade leaned in one more time. “And all you have to do for me in return? Smile like that. At me.”

  Then he wisely vanished before she could smack him.

  TWO NIGHTS LATER Kylie was alone, once again buried in engine work on a customer’s plane. She stood on a ladder, stretched out, trying to reach a particularly unreachable bolt.

  Behind her, the radio was turned up as high as it could go so she couldn’t think for a change.

  Normally this would fulfill her, as she loved nothing more than a late night by herself buried in an airplane.

  But normal no longer applied to her life. She’d had to charge the fuel for their tanks this morning, because she hadn’t had enough money in the accounts to cover the purchase. The new client had never materialized, and though she had a lead on two more, if they didn’t call soon, it might be too late.

  It was entirely possible she was going to have to sell the airport. That burned. But she finally had to admit her love for the place wasn’t enough. It needed more than she could give.

  Wade could give it. She’d read his proposal, she knew what he planned. With his marketing savvy and fancy connections, he’d have this place hopping in no time.

  Damn him.

  She didn’t begrudge him his success, she just wanted it for herself, too. Did that make her a bad person? Probably.

  He hadn’t kissed her again.

  Her fault. She didn’t want more kisses. Hell, she could hardly concentrate now with the power of the last one still messing with her head.

  Damn it, she couldn’t reach the bolt. Wriggling just to the point of no return on the ladder, she realized she had the wrong size wrench. Of course she did.

  Suddenly the right size appeared at her hip, extended to her by no other than the tall, dark, enigmatic man she’d been thinking about.

  “Hey.” He shot her a crooked grin that destroyed her from the inside out. “Need any help?”

  Oh, boy. Loaded question. Yes, she needed help easing the tension strung tight inside her. Yes, he could ease that tension with just a touch, a kiss. And no, she wouldn’t let him. “I’m fine.”


  “What does that mean?”

  “It means you make everything so damn difficult. Why can’t you admit, just once in a while, it’s okay to lean on someone?”

  “I don’t need—”

  “I know.” He tossed up his hands, then shoved his hands through his short, spiky hair. “You don’t need anyone. Well, I think that’s stupid.”

  She blinked. “Are you calling me stupid?”

  He stared at her. “How can you be so smart, driven and beautiful, and yet so absolutely pig-headed at the same time?”

  “I— You think I’m smart and driven?”

  “Maybe,” he said, eyes still flashing. “And maybe I also think you’re sexy as hell, too.”

  She just stared at him, because he’d done what few had—stunned her.

  “If you’d only take a single solitary breath from the whirlwind that is your life,” he said, knocking the air from her lungs by hauling her off the ladder. “You’d see that not everything is about work, or about taking care of someone.” Squeezing her hips, he held her still before him. “It’s about relationships. Like ours.”

  While she gaped at that, he stepped back and pointed at her. “And I don’t need taking care of, so you can drop that excuse right now. I’m not one of the needy you collect. Hell, I’m even downright easy. I put the toilet seat down, the cap back on the toothpaste and believe it or not, I can even dress myself.” He lifted his arms out to exhibit that fact.

  She could only stare at him. “There’s no us.”

  “You don’t think so?”

  She let out a long breath. “Even if there was…what does it mean?”

  “Why don’t you come to my place and find out? Tomorrow night.”

  “That’s a really bad idea. What would we do?”

  “Tell you what, babe.” He ran a finger over the grease spot on her cheek, and her heart fluttered. “You can decide when you get there.”

  WADE SET UP KYLIE’S seduction carefully. Food was key, Kylie loved food, the junkier the better. He’d ordered an extra large, extra loaded pizza, and put on a loud rock CD to go alongside the food. He had candles, too, lots of them. Probably not her style, but he needed something to keep her off balance. Off balance, she was uncertain and adorable.

  Plus, he figured he had a better shot that way.

  He hadn’t even been sure she’d come, so when he heard her arrive, he took a deep breath and moved to the window to be certain it was her. Who else could it be? She drove an ancient old Jeep that she’d rebuilt herself, and far before it appeared in front of his house, he heard it clunking up the street.

  Looking harassed, a bit tired and more than a little ready to rumble, she stalked up the driveway, holding a folded newspaper like a weapon.

  He opened the door just as she leaned forward to knock, and for whatever reason, his quick appearance seemed to have startled her into a tumble.

  Right into his arms.

  “Well, hello,” he said, enjoying the feel of her in his hands. “That step’s a doozy, huh?”

  In his arms she never failed to do a very ego-satisfying melt, which he could unequivocally say went both ways. He’d been around the block a few times in his life, and no one had ever created this combustive sexual tension within him. Sex with Kylie would be mind-blowing, toe-curling, heart-pounding. He just knew it.

  “Back off,” she told him. “You’re going to get dirty.” Pulling away, she tugged at the straps of her overalls. She wasn’t kidding about getting dirty, with the smudges all down the front of her and on the tip of her nose, she’d obviously been working on an airplane. She wore her favorite cap over her mop of hair, and the usual scowl.

  But beneath it was a touching amount of nerves and an unsureness that broke his heart. “Come inside.”

  She wrapped her arms around herself. “I’m not dressed for that.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  She lifted the newspaper. “Because of this.”

  “Well, come in if you’re going to hit me with it.”

  “Fine.” She stepped inside. “Nice place,” she said in such a begrudging way he had to laugh.

  “Thanks. I think.”

  She looked around at the cabin-style house with the high vaulted wood-beam ceilings, at the wood-planked floors covered here and there with throw rugs, at the large but comfortable furniture, and then narrowed in on the music and candles. “What are you up to?”


  “You’re always up to something, and we both know it.”

  She walked away from him, to the far side of the living room. She opened his French doors and stepped out into his backyard. He followed her to the edge of his pool.

  Coming up behind her, he put his hands on her shoulders. Tense as usual. “What’s the matter, Kylie?”

  With another sigh, she spread out the newspaper, then pointed to the article on her mother. “You’re in here.”

  “Am I?”

  “You said, and I quote, you think Daisy did a superior job raising ‘the amazing’ Kylie. That ‘they balance each other out and complete each other.”’ She looked at him. “I know those reporters are pulling words out of a hat, but—”


  “What do you mean, no?”

  “I said what they said I did.”

  “You…said it? You talked to
the reporters?

  About me?”


  “But you knew that would bug me.”

  “What I knew was, you weren’t telling them anything, and they were going to make it up. And you are balanced by your family.”

  “I don’t need you to protect me. I told you, I take care of myself.”

  “Uh-huh. And you’re doing such a good job of it, too.” He touched the black circles beneath her eyes.

  Kylie had been spoiling for a fight, for a release of the building tension within her, since she’d read the paper. In truth, it was why she’d come, because she knew he’d give it to her, and whether he knew it or not, he just had.

  “You’re stubborn as hell,” Wade said, stoking her temper nicely. “But you are everything I told the reporters. You’re amazing, Kylie.”

  She had no idea why that last really got to her, but it did, and before she gave it another thought, she shoved him into the pool.


  THE TALL, gorgeous, obnoxious man hit the water. Kylie felt a surge of satisfaction that was quickly washed away by…remorse. She really shouldn’t have done it, but her other choice had been to kiss him and she couldn’t do that.

  Wade surfaced. He tossed his hair and water out of his face, narrowing dark blue eyes on her.

  Remorse turned into a nervous giggle. “Oops,” she said. “Sorry.”

  Water dripped off his nose. “You are not.”

  “You’re right.” Tension eased, she leaned over the edge. “Maybe you’ll stay out of my life now, and—”

  He moved like lightning, grabbing her hand and tugging her in.

  The water muffled her scream. The night had been cool, but the water that rushed over her was warm. Still, the shock of it held her immobile for one moment.

  Long enough for Wade to haul her close. “Chicken,” he taunted when she sputtered and gasped for air. “Trying to scare me away with temper.” His hands tightened. “Guess what, Kylie? I don’t scare easily.”

  His hands were creating this delicious and confusing state of chilled heat. His face was so close she could see the fading sunlight dancing in his eyes.

  And the yearning in them.

  Oh, God. He wanted her, she could see it. “Let me go, Wade.”

  “I can’t.”

  Fine. She’d simply get away from him on her own. But she’d lost her hat. Her shoes were weighing her down, and her arms were held at her sides by the man holding her close.

  “Now.” He lowered his forehead to hers. “I meant what I said. You are amazing. And if Daisy had anything to do with that, then she’s amazing, too.”

  She stared at him, in that usual state of confusion he always put her in with his proximity. Plus, he was holding her so effortlessly she had the most horrifying urge to nestle her face in his throat. “Let me go,” she said again, in a barely there whisper.


  A light breeze rippled over their wet bodies as they drifted in the water in each other’s arms. Kylie was grateful for the fence around his yard. She couldn’t touch the bottom of the pool, but she knew Wade could as he danced them in a slow circle beneath the dusk sky. The sound of the water lapping against the edge was rhythmic, hypnotic. The feel of his warm strength lulling. She breathed him in, the faint scent of man and hunger, and when he drew her closer, she went.

  She told herself it was because she felt chilled and he was so warm, but that was a big, fat lie. She went because she wanted to, and because in his arms some of the emptiness inside her started to dissipate. And when he kissed her, his mouth soulful, his tongue deep, any lingering emptiness vanished.

  That was why, when he unhooked her overalls and pulled them off, that she let him. Let him strip her completely, and watched as her clothes drifted away in the water. A few bolts from her pocket sank to the bottom of the pool like stones.

  Wade pulled off his shirt. Good Lord, he was beautiful, all hard angled planes and tough, sinewy muscle, with smooth, sleek, tanned wet skin. Oh yes, and he was hard everywhere, except the soft, crinkly patch of chest hair between his pecs, which she reached out and tangled her fingers in.

  And tugged.

  “Closer?” he murmured, and when she hummed her affirmative answer, he wrapped his arms around her tight—so tight she lost herself. When he kissed her this time, she kissed him back. His mouth was firm, demanding in a way that was so vintage Wade. The fist on her heart tightened. As always, and without a word, he commanded her the way no one else could.

  Beneath his hands, her body came alive. There was no other way to describe it. She came to life, responding to his talented, greedy fingers and mouth in a way that might have scared her if he wasn’t right there with her, lost right alongside her.

  The rest of his clothes fell away, too. She stared down at his erection and quivered at the sight. “Ridiculous,” she panted, even as she reached out and touched. “This is ridiculous.”

  “You’re supposed to swoon at such a sight, not use words like ridiculous.”

  She let out a half-hysterical laugh. “I meant the situation, not you. You…you’re…”

  “Huge? Impressive?” he teased, his smile faded when she stroked him and looked up into his eyes.

  “Perfect,” she whispered, and wrapped her legs around his waist. His hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs rasping her nipples, his most impressive hard-on nudging…

  Then he wasn’t just nudging, he’d slid home with one full, oh-so-perfect thrust and she couldn’t remember what was ridiculous about the most sensual, erotic experience of her life. She had the tile at her back, the giving, warm water surrounding them, the darkening night upon them, and Wade deep inside her.

  “Okay?” he asked, and when she could only stare at him, he let out a groaning laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Yes,” she managed. “Very…yes. Wade?”


  “Stop talking.”

  “I can do that.” Then thankfully, finally, he began to move.

  Later she would remember her hoarse cries, her soft whimpers and wordless demands. She’d remember how she sank her fingernails into his tight butt and made him go harder, faster, and later, much later, she would blush in the middle of whatever she was doing when she remembered.

  But for right now, there was no later, there was nothing but this. He was so familiar, and yet a complete stranger. Every kiss, every taste, every touch felt new and thrilling, and just when she thought she would die if he ever stopped moving inside her, he said her name in a ragged, husky voice so filled with awe and longing, she was lost. Simply lost. She didn’t have a chance of holding back, even if she’d remembered to, and with a small cry and a trembling that rippled through her entire frame, she broke into a shattering climax. Vaguely she heard his guttural moan, felt him shudder in her arms right with her.

  Reality returned slowly, in the same easy sloshing waves of the water lapping over them. They lay on the steps in the shallow end, breathing ragged, staring up at the now night sky. She wondered at the tight ache in her chest, and the delicious sensation between her thighs…and at the need to have him again.

  Definitely, time to go home and lick her wounds. She sat up and remembered she was naked. She wondered at the flash of embarrassment, when a moment ago she hadn’t been able to get naked fast enough.

  Wade sat up, too, and reached for her. “Regrets already?”

  Yeah, she had regrets, but man oh man, did he look good. “Wade—”

  “I should tell you,” he said, unusually solemn, snagging her wrist, looking right into her eyes. “I love you. I love you, and I have for some time.”

  If she thought it’d been hard to breathe with his mouth on her while he’d been buried deep inside her, it was impossible now.

  “Did you hear me?” he asked. “Should I say it again?”

  “No! It’s…it’s just the sex talking.” She scrambled up the steps of the pool, weaving like a drunk on the deck. Sti
ll very naked. Dripping. Shocked. He’d used the L-word! “You can’t l-l—”

  “Love you? Why not?”

  “Because I can’t…do it back. My life…” She lifted her hands, and had to let out a laugh. “My life is crazy enough, I can’t take on one more per son—”

  “I already told you, no one takes care of me but me.” Calmly, he retrieved her shirt, her overalls, then stepped out of the pool, too, standing there in all his leanly muscled—and nude!—glory, water pooling at his feet.

  “Fine.” She snatched her clothes from him. “You take care of yourself, and I’ll take care of myself, and we’ll just forget this happened and—”

  “And what?” All that glorious male specimen moved closer. Very close. Very unconcerned about the nudity. “We’ll go on our merry way and forget that we just rocked each other’s world?”

  She shoved her legs into her wet overalls, which meant her foot got stuck halfway in and she had to hobble around or fall on her ass. Her bra was still floating in the pool so she skipped that, too, and shoved her arms into her still inside-out shirt.


  “I am leaving now.”



  She got all the way home before she realized she’d forgotten her boots, too.

  KYLIE WALKED into her office the next morning and found her bra and panties, dry and neatly folded, on her desk. No note.

  None required, she thought grimly, staring at the plain white, serviceable bra and panties as she sank to her chair. The sexiest, most intelligent and startlingly intuitive man on earth fancied himself in love with her.

  Her own little miracle, that.

  And her own nightmare.

  “Good morning, honey.” Daisy, dressed in a pink suit with matching fingernails and toenails, and a little matching purse, smiled sweetly as she entered. As usual, every hair was in place, and she looked incredible.

  A feat her daughter had never managed.

  “Do you have a minute?” Daisy asked.

  “No, actually, I—”

  “Don’t ask her if she has a minute,” Lou scolded, coming in behind Daisy, looking just as spectacularly put together as her daughter, though her finger and toenails were cherry red. “She never has a minute.”


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