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The House of Fire

Page 2

by M. Goldsmith


  Compelled to go in a direction deviating from his norm, Hawk was forcibly drawn to the café’s little-used rear entrance. Just as he was about to ask himself why he was back there, it suddenly became clear. He turned to head inside and bumped into Ashlyn coming from the other way. Their collision had her teetering and Hawk’s hands automatically moved to her hips to steady her. He stepped aside to let her pass, but she countered simultaneously forcing their bodies tighter in the confined space. The smell of cinnamon filled his nose as he breathed in Ashlyn’s scent. Her breasts pressed up against him, as they both attempted to maneuver out of each other’s way. Instantly, the air around them crackled, and Hawk couldn’t control the urge to pull her even closer. He leaned in, his mouth a breath away from hers. They were so tightly connected he could feel her heartbeat in a rapid staccato, its rhythm matching his own. The air around them swirled with electricity and jolted through him, throwing him off balance. At that moment, Hawk and Ashlyn were completely in sync. She seemed as overwhelmed by their connection as he was. They synchronously pulled away from each other. Before Hawk could even speak, Ashlyn had fled back down the alleyway into the night.


  Two strong hands shoved him from behind, and Hawk staggered forward. The sounds of snickering escaped someone’s lips, as he regained his balance. Turning, he discovered his best friend, Quill, doubled over laughing. Any attempt to maintain his composure was completely gone now. Hawk rolled his eyes. The two had been best friends for as long as he could remember. They grew up next-door to each other, and their families had always been close. Nobody knew Hawk better than Quill.

  “What the hell, Quill?”

  “Sorry, buddy, couldn’t help myself. Hmm. I wonder what you’re staring at up there?”

  “Oh, shut up!”

  “Could you be any more obvious with your gawking? People are going to notice the way you obsess about that woman. I know she’s hot, but you better control yourself unless you want all of Aether talking about you.”

  “I know you’re right, but there’s always been something about her—”

  “Yeah, there’s something about her all right. Ever since we were kids, you had the hots for her. She obviously had them for you, too, remember when she set your pants on fire.” Quill tried, but failed to contain a chuckle from escaping. “I told you not to tease that girl. She may be beautiful, but she has a sick temper.”

  “Hey, it’s not my fault Ashlyn had no sense of humor back then.”

  “You have to admit it was actually pretty funny watching you roll around on the ground trying to put out the flames.” Quill bent at the waist, laughing. “You did kind of deserve it for teasing her all the time. Hopefully your flirting skills have improved now that we’re not kids anymore. Just show her the old charm. I know it’s in there somewhere.”

  River, the lead Protector, yelled from across the Square. “If you two kids are done chatting over there, do you think you can help us move some of these tables and benches? We still have a lot to get done around here to be ready for tomorrow.”

  “Sorry, River,” Quill responded. They walked over to join the rest of the Protectors who were helping set up for the festival.

  The Aetherians really knew how to celebrate and the excitement was palpable. The village was located in a secluded rural area with its nearest neighbor more than thirty miles away. Their concealment from the outside world created the need for the villagers to make to their own fun, and they relished any opportunity to do so. It was rumored the village was cloaked in magic, and rarely had ordinary humans managed to penetrate its borders.

  The Village Square had been created with a beautiful mosaic compass rose at its center directing the villagers toward each of the four Towers. The Fire Guardian and her family lived in the South Tower. The West Tower was occupied by Water, the East by Air, and the North by Earth. Cobblestone pathways led out to each of the four Towers. The grand structures stood four stories tall and were identical. They were timeworn but still majestic. Built solidly of ancient looking stone and mortar, they had the appearance of small castles. Each had a magnificent open-air Atrium at the top which housed the Vessels of the Elements. Aether’s Square expanded outward to include a school, Medical Center, Council Chambers, Protector’s Headquarters, and a few select shops. Family homes were built outside the Village Square overflowing into the wooded areas alongside and behind the Towers outside the village proper.

  Hawk and Quill both grunted as they hoisted a huge table over to where the others were being placed. Tomorrow, at the celebration, every surface would be covered with a variety of delicious food contributed by the villagers. Following the ceremony welcoming the new Guardian, there would be music, dancing, eating, and some drinking, of course.

  Huge casks of wine and beer were rolled in and placed in close proximity to the head table. Ashlyn, her family, the Council Elders, and the new Guardian’s family would sit in the place of honor. Dozens upon dozens of other tables were also placed in every available open space throughout the area. Benches were set up around the Village Square’s center, arcing around on all sides of the compass rose, where the ceremony was to be held. All of Aether’s residents would be in attendance for the ceremony and the festival following.

  The birth of any child among the villagers was thrilling to the people. Many couples were never able to conceive children, and if they did, they usually had only a single child. The Elders believed it was the God and Goddess’ way of controlling Aether’s population due to its people’s longevity. Inhabitants usually lived for hundreds of years and were not often prone to common illnesses found among ordinary humans.

  The oldest members in the community usually suffered a slow and steady waning of power until they were diminished to the point of appearing typically human. Eventually, these individuals never awoke from slumber and were believed to transition to a place of tranquility; a metaphysical existence, known to the people as Arcadia. In a world without physical boundaries, the Aetherians continued on in a mystical, spiritual, and boundless manner. Passing on to Arcadia was celebrated among the people.

  Hawk recalled his grandmother’s Passage Ceremony, a touching ritual held whenever a soul left the Earth in search of Arcadia. Just this past fall, the entire community had gathered by Aether’s Grand Lake for the service.


  Wrapped in a cotton cloth, having departed the Earth a mere two days ago, she had been set atop a platform surrounded by wood. Breathing in deeply, Hawk’s nose instantly recognized the smell of the freshly cut timber. His grandfather stood before the entire village and spoke about their wonderful life being Joined together, as Kanti and Adara. He spoke with pride when he described how devoted and kind she’d been throughout her life. Following the speech, Ashlyn, as Fire Guardian, set the remains ablaze. A bittersweet feeling filled Hawk. He watched as his beloved grandmother was reduced to cinder. Her ashes were divided among the other Guardians. The Water Guardian dispersed the embers into the lake, the Air Guardian scattered the ashes to the wind, and the Earth Guardian combined her ashes with the soil. In this manner, she was eternally linked with all four Elements. It was then believed she had passed onto Arcadia.


  The only time the citizens of Aether mourned a loss was when someone was taken prematurely. Aetherians were far stronger than ordinary humans. Although they were not immortal, individuals healed faster and were resistant to human disease. The race was still susceptible to traumatic injury due to accidents or attack. Occasionally, injuries were sustained that were, too great for even an Aetherian to recover from. Therefore, all life was cherished by the people of Aether and still held a sense of fragility.

  Tomorrow would be a unique and memorable day for the entire village. Celebrating new life, especially that of a Guardian, was monumental. The younger generation had never witnessed the dazzling ritual of the Fire Guardian ceremony. Hawk was anxious to experience it for himself, as he was just a baby the la
st time this ceremony took place. Hawk, the other Protectors, and volunteers worked diligently to finish the preparations before the sun dipped down in the sky.



  Large faceless men dressed in black continued to pursue Ashlyn no matter how fast she ran. She sprinted between the trees in the densest part of the forest beyond the houses of Aether’s village. The ground rushed by under her feet making her feel dizzy. Her lungs burned, and her legs felt heavy. Her panic rose, as she attempted to call her Flame to the surface. Her eyes darted about the forest, searching. She needed to protect Aether from this legion of faceless men. Tiny sparks burst from her fingers, as she attempted to set a series of small controlled fires behind her. If Ash’s Fire was too sizable the entire village could be in jeopardy.

  She raced around trees, rocks, and large branches which created an obstacle course in her path. The faceless men continued their pursuit relentlessly. Terrified, panting, heart pounding, Ash pushed herself to run even faster as bullets whizzed past her. She could sense them gaining on her. Finally, Ashlyn stopped, regained some of her composure, and turned toward her attackers as her entire body was engulfed in flames.

  The next thing she knew, her mother, Rowan, was shaking her. “Ash, wake up. It’s just a dream. You’re safe here at home.” Her mom smoothed Ash’s hair back from her face.

  Ashlyn woke from her nightmare breathless and soaked in sweat. It took her a few moments to realize she was free from danger and in her own home.

  Her father, Mica, barreled into the room seconds later. “What’s going on? Are you okay, sweetie?”

  “I’ll be all right in a little bit. I had a dream that felt way too real. It was terrifying. I can’t stop shaking.”

  She confessed the frightening details of her nightmare to her parents and attempted to control the trembling in her hands. Mica went to the kitchen and returned with a glass of water.

  “Here, sip this slowly. It will help.”

  Ash took the glass from her father, shaking so badly the contents sloshed over the sides. Mica wrapped his strong hands around Ash, steadying her.

  “Thanks, Dad,” she said, leaning on him for support.

  Her parents had always been her greatest source of comfort and encouragement. Ash knew how fortunate she was to have them as her champions throughout her life. Her parents shared the most loving and warm relationship of any Adara and Kanti she had ever witnessed. She longed to share the beauty of that kind of love with someone. The only man who ever came to mind when she fantasized about love and a Joining ceremony was Hawk, the beautiful Protector who dominated her thoughts. Ashlyn was convinced Hawk sensed their connection as deeply as she did. The chemistry and sexual tension between them grew more and more over the years. The constant ups and downs felt like being on a teeter totter in perpetual motion. She wondered if perhaps it was her role as the Fire Guardian that made him leery of a relationship with her, or maybe, it was Ashlyn herself? The sound of Rowan’s voice had Ash tuning back in.

  “Are you sure you’re okay, Ash?”

  “I’ll be all right, Mom. I’m just a little freaked out by the nightmare. You know I’ve been having some trouble with my powers recently. I think the combination is honestly too much. With the ceremony tomorrow and all the pressure involved, I feel like I’ve gone absolutely haywire.”

  “That’s perfectly understandable considering the momentous event taking place around here.” Mica held her closer.

  “Your father is right, honey. Try to take a few deep breaths.”

  With hands that still jittered, Ashlyn slowly sipped the water. Condensation dribbled down the sides of the glass. She focused on the tiny cascading droplets of water instead of her nerves. She placed the glass on the coffee table in front of her and took a few deep measured breaths.

  “Better?” her mom asked.

  “Getting there, thanks, guys. I feel like such a baby. I’m sorry I scared you.”

  “Don’t be silly. You’ve had a lot on your mind the past few days. It could happen to anyone.” Mica reminded her.

  “I’m going upstairs to take a bath. That always makes me feel better. I’ll see you in a little while.”

  Ashlyn gingerly made her way up the stairs to the sanctity of her bedroom suite. She gripped the handrail tightly for balance, her legs still shaky. Once she was alone in her room, Ashlyn hopped up onto her elegant four-poster bed. She sat on the end dangling her feet the way she had when she was small. Swinging her legs, like a metronome keeping a rhythm, always had a calming effect on her. She knew it was an odd sort of meditation, but she never questioned its effectiveness.

  After she felt a bit more centered, Ashlyn entered her private bathroom. She loved this space. The room was large. Beautiful earth toned tile mixed with natural stone warmed the expanse. An enormous raised tub with a lovely surround housing an abundance of candles took up one corner. Two sinks with a spacious countertop for all her personal items filled an entire wall. The spa-like bathroom also boasted a generous shower with a bench and multiple sprays. The toilet was enclosed in a separate water closet.

  The faucet let out a little squeak when Ashlyn turned it to fill the tub. Waiting for the water to rise, she delicately touched the wicks of each candle with the tip of her finger setting them alight. Reaching for the light switch, she set it to dim. With a flourish, her clothing piled up on the floor as she undressed. Climbing into the tub, she allowed her Flame to come forth when her toes hit the surface. Steam rose from the basin as she sank into the heated water.

  Ashlyn sighed, settling in, enjoying the sensation of the luxurious bath, but she couldn’t block out the disturbing images from her nightmare. She forced her thoughts to travel to the one thing guaranteed to always help distract her; Hawk Crane. Ash’s mind took hold of a memory from long ago and had lingered in its depths.


  It was a warm summer night. Laurel had convinced her they should sneak to the Grand Lake at midnight and go skinny-dipping. Usually, it was Ashlyn pushing Laurel to act more impulsively, but since Laurel started dating Kai Sanders, Ashlyn was seeing a whole new side to her best friend. Only two years after finishing high school, Laurel was hyper focused on becoming a teacher, and Ashlyn was deeply immersed in her Guardian training. Letting loose seemed like a great idea at the time.

  The night was still, the sky cloudless, with the most beautiful array of stars shining brightly above them. In silence, they stood by the water’s edge and removed their shoes and clothing. Of course, Laurel’s were folded neatly in a pile while Ash’s were strewn across one of the large rocks lining the shore. The moist sand squished between her toes as she stepped into the cool water. Diving deep, the momentary freedom from responsibility felt like heaven. Surfacing, she was stunned to hear male voices on the beach. As if by instinct, Ash reached out and sensed Hawk before he came into view. She stayed quiet and listened to the sound of his voice which settled low in her belly.

  Ashlyn’s thoughts were jumbled in her head, This is crazy…freaking out here…this is Hawk, we played together when we were children…please don’t notice me…oh my god, I’m naked…I’m so going to kill Laurel…where did she go…I bet she planned this whole thing.

  Shrieks of laughter and splashing rang out loudly in the quiet darkness breaking the peaceful spell she had been under just a short while ago. Guess Kai found Laurel. Ashlyn’s mind raced. Now where did Hawk go? I know I heard his voice.

  A few moments later, a break in the surface nearby startled Ash, and the water around her steamed as her Fire emerged. Ashlyn called her Fire back the way she had been practicing and regained control.

  Hawk’s low husky tone reached out to her in the darkness. “Ashlyn? Is that you? Kai is a dead man. He told me it would just be the guys tonight.”

  “Yes, it’s me. I think Laurel and Kai are trying to do a little matchmaking here. Sorry.”

  “Why are you sorry? You didn’t plan this, did you?”

  Appalled at
the thought, Ash’s voice rose an octave. “Of course not! Do you think I want to be out here naked with you right over there?”

  A rumble of laughter rose from deep within Hawk’s chest. “Okay, Ash, tell me how you really feel. Am I that awful?”

  “No, no. That’s not what I meant. It’s just, well, you’re, you,” she said, tripping over her words. “I’m sorry, Hawk, this is just way too weird. Honestly, being near you freaks me out sometimes, especially when we’re alone.” She exhaled deeply.

  “It’s all right, Ash, really. I always have appreciated your blunt honesty. My bruised ego and I will just swim away and leave you alone.”

  “Please, wait. I don’t mean to sound so harsh. I’m just confused. You confuse me.”

  “Me? What have I done? I haven’t teased you since we were kids. I never bother you—”

  “No, you don’t bother me. You just ignore me, but there you are inside my head anyway… Ugh! I’m not explaining this right… I’m sorry. I’ll go; please, turn your back while I swim away.”

  “Ash, wait, please. What do you mean I’m in your head?” He pulled her gently by the arm.

  Their chests collided in the wake. Ashlyn gasped as her nipples responded. As if driven by force, her hand reached out involuntarily and stroked Hawk’s bare chest. His eyes closed, and Ashlyn couldn’t decide if it looked like agony or ecstasy on his handsome face.

  Quickly, she pulled her hand away. “I’m sorry.” Touching Hawk, even in such a simple way, sent a rush through her body and her mind reeling. “I can’t deal with this; I have to get out of here. I’m sorry, Hawk.”

  Ashlyn had turned away from him, dove back under the water, and headed toward the shore.


  With a shake of her head, Ashlyn’s thoughts returned to the present. Even after all these years of the constant push and pull between them, Ash was sure of one thing; she was still unsure where Hawk was concerned. Except, when it came to her feelings of attraction, of that she was certain. She ran hot in every way when Hawk was near.


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