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The House of Fire

Page 10

by M. Goldsmith

“Um, dude, we totally knocked, more like pounded. Not to mention, we did call out to you a bunch of times. Guess you were a little preoccupied,” Quill answered, with a snicker. He hopped onto Laurel’s bed clearly making himself comfortable.

  “Sorry, you two, but we have important information to share. By the way, Laurel, you look great. Glad to see you up and moving around,” Hawk said.

  “Yes, that really was some fine moving around you were doing there, Miss Laurel. Wonder what the student body would think about their hot teacher getting it on with the nerdy doctor. Kai, dude, seriously, didn’t know you had it in you. Felt like I was walking into the beginning of a porn flick,” Quill teased. He leaned back on Laurel’s pillows and clasped his hands behind his head.

  “Quill Robbins, you act as immature as my students, and they’re thirteen years old.” She grabbed his arm yanking him off her bed. “Seriously, I can’t wait for you to fall for someone. Because when you do, I’m going to laugh my butt off. You’ll probably be the worst sort of mush calling her nicknames like ‘schmoopsy-pooh,’ or ‘cuddle bunny.’ You just wait.”

  “Never going to happen. I enjoy my freedom way too much. Plus, I’m more of a sexy nickname kind of guy. ‘Schmoopsy-pooh’ and ‘cuddle bunny’ don’t really fit my image.”

  Kai glared at Quill. “Honestly, Quill, I don’t know why we put up with you. I’m ignoring you, or else I’m going to deck you.” He turned to Hawk. “What’s the plan?”

  “We spoke to my grandfather and the other Elders. They agreed we need to do some research on CEB laboratories—”

  “Wait a minute, what are you talking about? What laboratories?” Laurel interrupted.

  “Sorry, I didn’t get a chance to tell you we found a label on the box of drugs they used on you. It said CEB laboratories on it,” Kai informed her.

  “How the hell would you get a chance to tell the woman anything when you had your tongue down her throat and your hands all over her ass,” Quill countered. He mocked Kai gesturing with a squeezing motion of his hands.

  Simultaneously, Hawk and Kai yelled, “Shut up, Quill!”

  “You guys are way too tense, just like the Elders. And you two have no sense of humor anymore,” Quill chuffed.

  Straightening to his full height, Hawk’s faced reddened. “Stop your joking and whining, Quill, I need to find Ashlyn, now!” He sighed, lowered his head, and regained his composure. “I’m sorry.”

  “Hawk, I’ve never seen you like this before. Is there something you’re not telling me?” Laurel asked softly. She reached out and touched the warrior’s arm in a tender action.

  “Duh, he’s in love with Ash. But I’m sure you already knew that. Didn’t you? You women have an intuition that we dopey males just don’t possess,” Quill blurted out, unrestrained.

  “Actually, Quill, there is a bit more to it than that. I guess you probably overheard Kai and me talking the other night. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this for a couple of days, but you’re always such a clown that I didn’t know how to bring it up. Discussing something serious with you, well, let’s just say, you don’t always make it easy,” Hawk confessed.

  Quill placed one hand up in surrender and the other over his heart. “Great, well now I feel like shit. I’m really sorry if I made you feel that way, buddy. You guys are my best friends, you can tell me anything, no judgment, and all joking aside. For now anyway,” Quill said, appearing humbled.

  “Well, that’s the closest thing to an apology I’ve heard in over eighty years. Glad you’re on board, Quill.” Hawk turned to Laurel. “The story is, Ashlyn and I have formed some kind of telepathic bond. My grandfather told me about this rare Guardian power. She actually called out to me the other night when I was sleeping. I could see her, hear her, and feel her. It was surreal.” Hawk shuddered. “They’ve locked her up. She’s scared. She thinks they have you, Laurel, I’m not sure why. She begged me to save her, and I’m going to, if it’s the last thing I do.”

  “Wow, I don’t know what to say. Honestly, Hawk, Ash has always, always been drawn to you. Though she’s never really understood it. She definitely has feelings for you, that I’m sure of. But is Quill right? Do you love her?”

  “Yes, yes I do. With my whole heart. I need to find her, bring her home safely, and I need to tell her how I feel. Kai, let’s leave first thing in the morning for the University. I’m going to find out everything there is to know about CEB Labs. We’re going to track down those Renegade bastards, and then we’re going to save my girl.”

  “I think it’s amazing that you have this connection, Hawk.” Laurel gave him a quick hug. “You can find her. I know you can. Will you tell me if she reaches out to you again? I want to help.”

  “Of course, I will. Right now, there’s nothing any of us can do until morning. Kai, can you meet me at my place around eight tomorrow morning?”

  “Sure thing, I’ll be there as soon as I release Laurel. Her parents are coming first thing to spring her from here.”

  “Okay, see you tomorrow. Come on, Quill, let’s go.”

  “Aw, come on, I want to stay for the fireworks.”

  “Get out, Quill, you’re not funny,” Kai said. Laurel wasn’t sure if he was totally joking or not. “Later, Hawk. I’ll see you in the morning. Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out and get her back.” They left closing the door behind them with a loud click.

  Laurel’s head was spinning from this latest development. Hawk loves Ash, and they are bound by some kind of telepathy. “Can you believe all this? You haven’t really said much. Aren’t you surprised? Love? Telepathy? It all seems so crazy,” she said, in a rush.

  “Yes, I was surprised, but Hawk told me shortly after he and Ash communicated.”

  “You believe him, don’t you?”

  “I want to believe him. Hawk is one of my oldest, closest friends. Obviously we grew up surrounded by magic. I, myself, can see inside people to their injuries and manipulate water. It’s strange and overwhelming sometimes, but I accept my gifts as part of my being. But there is this other side of me, this overly rational side, a side that only wants to see logic. Sometimes I feel like I’m fighting a war within myself. Which is it, science or magic? And then, there’s you, always lurking in the back of my mind. I thought I’d destroyed any chance I had with you, but since I’ve kissed you…we belong together. I feel it in my heart. Please give us another chance, Laurel.” He reached for her taking her firmly by the shoulders.

  Laurel allowed a small smile to spread slowly across her face. “Okay.”

  Kai’s brow furrowed, his nose scrunched up adorably, and he canted his head to one side. “Okay?”

  “That’s what I said, okay. I want to give us a chance. I can’t stop thinking about kissing you either or being in your arms”—she wrapped her hands around his waist—“I feel it, too. I want things to be the way they used to be. I want to share everything with you”—she stepped back and stared into his amazing blue eyes­—“but you can’t ever push me away again. I don’t think I would survive losing you a second time. What do you want?”

  “I want balance, and love, with you. I want to kiss you whenever I feel like it. I want you in my bed every night.” He stroked her hair and she could feel his warm breath as he leaned in close to her.

  “Why me after all this time? All the women in the village talk about you, you know? They think you’d be a great catch. Basically, they think you’re totally hot, but they think you’re Joined to medicine. I see more in you, Kai. They see the surface. I know the man inside. I want to see you smile more. Laugh more.”

  “Why you? Really? Even a scientist like me knows that somethings just are. You’re it for me, Laurel. I’ve always known it, but I was just too blinded by grief, by my sense of obligation. I’m sorry.” He leaned down and kissed the top her head.

  “When things get back to normal around here we’ll see what happens. This is a big adjustment for both of us at a very emotional time. In the meanwhile, let’s just t
ake it one day at a time, okay?”

  “That sounds good to me. I’d like to stay with you tonight. I want you to feel safe in my arms. Will you let me share your bed?”

  Breathless at the thought of sleeping next to Kai, Laurel could barely whisper a response. “I’d like that.”

  Kai stepped closer to her and directed her toward the bed. He pulled back the blankets, helped Laurel settle in, and then climbed in next to her from the other side. The bed was small, and their bodies were pressed tightly together. When Kai’s front made contact with Laurel’s back, she involuntarily thrust her bottom against him.

  “Um, Laurel, honey, if you do that, I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself.”

  “Oh God, sorry,” she said, embarrassed. Laurel pulled her bottom away from him and scooted over a bit.

  Kai placed a few soft kisses along her jaw and neck. “Relax, baby, nothing is going to happen tonight. But when it does, I know I’ll be the one who sees fireworks, not Quill.”

  Laurel responded breathlessly, “Goodnight, Kai… I can’t wait…for the fireworks.”

  Chapter Seven


  Trapped, hidden away, her Fire alone might not save Ashlyn, but she could still fight. The bright overhead lights burned her tired eyes. She rubbed at them furiously trying to shake off the feeling of fatigue. Devlin wanted something from her, but what? She needed to escape, except they had weaponized drugs. Not to mention, she was outmanned and outgunned. Still, she pondered her fate with fortitude. Her need to reach out to Hawk tugged at her heart.

  Ash couldn’t remember ever feeling this tired. Her limbs felt as though they weighed a thousand pounds, and her eyes burned incessantly. She wasn’t sure if it was the residual effects of the drugs, or if it was her emotional state. Exhaustion to took hold, and she gave in to it hoping that it would lead her back to Hawk. The tiny bed creaked as she settled herself on the flimsy mattress. Relaxing as much as possible, she let sleep take her. The vibration of heavy footsteps and deep, loud voices rattled her, eradicating any chance of slumber. Her body shook from the inside out. Terror washed over her and stole her breath. “Holy shit! They’re coming for me!”

  A keypad outside her door beeped distinctively several times before the echo of the lock disengaging reverberated through the small cell. Devlin’s dark, menacing form pushed his way inside. He was accompanied by another man. They were flanked by two soldiers dressed in black with weapons strapped to their bodies. The stranger was handsome. He was of average height and appeared fit with salt and pepper hair. His dark eyes seemed cold and merciless, and Ash shuddered from the intensity. He was dressed impeccably in a navy blue suit with thin pinstripes and a deep red tie. His shoes were black and reflected the bright lights from above. He had an air about him that screamed authority and old money.

  Ashlyn jumped up feeling way too vulnerable in her position on the bed. The strange man smiled at her, and goosebumps erupted all over her body. He exuded power and hostility. It radiated off him. Ash squared her shoulders and faced the men. “What do you want from me?” she demanded, attempting to appear unflappable.

  “Mr. Devlin, it appears our young guest is curious to know of our intentions.”

  The stranger’s voice sounded too calm, dripping with saccharine. She could feel her Fire looming near the surface wanting to be released. Ashlyn’s entire body tensed. Her Fire had a will of its own sometimes. She reined in the heat pulling it deeper inside.

  “Sir, I was waiting for you to do the honors of explaining all of this to Firecracker here,” Devlin responded.

  “My name is Ashlyn, you Neanderthal!”

  “Well, Ashlyn, my name is Dr. Charles Barrington and I am delighted to finally meet you. I’m sorry I had other business to attend to and couldn’t be here when you arrived. As to what I want from you, the answer to that is fairly simple. Everything.” He stared, never taking his dark eyes off her. She took a subtle step backward keeping her sharp gaze in his direction.

  The ominous way he spoke gave Ash chills. What did he mean, everything? “Let me go now, and I won’t hurt you!”

  “I greatly look forward to you trying, Ashlyn. I’m most anxious to witness, up close, the extent of your abilities.”

  “You may be able to keep me here for now, but my people will come for me. Then you’ll definitely regret taking me.” Defiantly, Ash put her hands on her hips and faced off with the men.

  “We are most assuredly prepared in the unlikely event that your people ever find you here. You should know your new home is a veritable fortress. Even your people, with their abilities, would be no match for our security measures. I suggest you cooperate. Mr. Devlin here, has a bit of an anger management problem.”

  The telltale tingles of her Fire caressed her skin. Ashlyn realized she needed to tread carefully with these people especially until she knew exactly what they wanted. She called to her Fire sending it deeper inside. It struggled to be free to protect the Guardian. “I’m warning you. Let me go now.”

  “My dear Ashlyn, I have absolutely no intention of letting you leave here, now, or ever. I have worked long and hard to get you here. Why on earth would I give you up now? The fun is just about to begin. Isn’t that right, Mr. Devlin?” He nodded his head in Devlin’s direction. Devlin and the two soldiers stepped closer. Barrington glided back by the door, watching.

  There was no stopping it. Flame surged forward. It wanted out, now. Bursts of red and orange climbed up her arms and down to her hands with a low whooshing sound. Ash was doing her best to keep her Fire in control. She was talking in her head and telling her Flame to stay back.

  “Marvelous! Just amazing. She’s everything you said, Devlin. Well done.” Charles was animated for the first time, a sick excitement on his face.

  Devlin’s hand, inches away from Ash’s shoulder, retracted when she turned toward the bed. “Stay back!” she warned, her voice steadier than she felt. Her Fire swelled. Raising her hands, she hurled the blaze onto the mattress. “I mean it. You’re next. If you so much as touch me, you’re toast.”

  “Oh, Firecracker, you wouldn’t dare. Because if you do, I’m going take it out on your pretty friend. What was her name? Laurel, right?” Devlin taunted, with a sneer.

  Her Fire rose up her arms and down the top of her legs. Ashlyn’s voice was laced with venom. “You better not touch her if you know what’s good for you! I’ll torch this place until it’s nothing but cinder.”

  “Enough! Ashlyn, I expect you to cooperate or Mr. Devlin, and his men here, will kill your friend. I really have no need for her. We are merely keeping her alive as a courtesy to you. Now let us see if you can’t put out this fire at once.” Charles’ voice was smooth and calm even as he demanded her capitulation.

  “I want to see Laurel, now. You better not hurt her.”

  The men inched closer to Ashlyn with their weapons pointed at her. “Firecracker, you had better listen to the boss. He’s a man accustomed to getting what he wants, and you definitely don’t want to disappoint him. Put out the fire, now.” Devlin signaled the soldiers to move in even closer.

  Ash needed to protect Laurel until they could find a way out of this madhouse. She had no doubt both men were sincere when they threatened Laurel’s life. Ashlyn’s Fire fought her for control wanting to lash out again. Later, she vowed to the Fire inside her, you can consume them once Laurel is safe.

  Taking several deep breaths, Ashlyn called back the Flames that devoured the mattress and bedding. The smell of the burnt material permeated the air. The mattress was crisp and blackened with a gaping hole in the center. She commanded her Fire back inside her body pacifying it with her promise of retaliation. Ash was biding her time until she had the opportunity to make Devlin, and now this Charles character, pay.

  “Impressive, young Ashlyn. Very impressive. Take her down to the lab so we can get started. We have wasted enough time with this foolish bickering,” Barrington stated matter-of-factly.

  The two sile
nt soldiers holstered their weapons. Grabbing Ashlyn under her arms they knocked her off balance. Her feet dragged behind her as they yanked her from the cell. Relieved to be out of her tight confines, a blast of fresh air hit her in the face. She still trembled with fear and fought her Fire for Laurel’s sake. Pay attention, where are they taking me? Ash focused on her surroundings absorbing everything she could about her environment.

  Their steps down the long corridor echoed in her ears. Gray door after gray door lined the hallway every few feet. More gray, the cinderblock walls all around felt like they were closing in. She had no shoes, and the tile floor chilled her already cold feet. Two more soldiers stood on either side of a door leaning against the wall where the hallway ended. They straightened immediately upon seeing them approach. Ash wondered if that might be the way out of this maze.

  Was Laurel in one of those cells? Unable to resist the urge she called out, “Laurel! Laurel!” She was answered with a hard-stinging slap to her cheek bringing tears to her eyes. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth.

  “Keep your mouth shut, or we’ll shut it for you,” the soldier said.

  Even though she was scared and in pain, she concentrated on memorizing her surroundings. This new hallway was longer than her prison block. The first room they passed on her right side was large with a glass front. There were at least half a dozen computer stations with empty chairs. The next room had only a small window in the door. She thought she caught a glimpse of a wall of television monitors, but she couldn’t see what was being shown because they dragged her by too quickly. They passed a few closed doors until coming to a stop in front of a double set. The word Laboratory was stenciled across and broken in the middle by the seam between the doors. The soldiers’ tight grips cut off her circulation. Her arms ached as they continued to drag her to her impending doom. The computerized beeping of a keypad droned in her ears as Barrington punched in the code.

  Ashlyn’s stomach tightened in knots as she took in her surroundings. The space was expansive. In the center of the room stood an operating table fashioned with metal restraints. A huge surgical light hung down above the table. There were tons of cabinets, some with glass fronts and others with solid doors. In the corner of the room there was a large stall that resembled a shower. There didn’t appear to be any plumbing or a door. It was glass on two sides, and the remaining two sides were made of the same cinderblock as in her cell.


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