The House of Fire

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The House of Fire Page 13

by M. Goldsmith

  Laurel cleared her throat fearful nothing would come out when she spoke. She rehashed the horrible events of the night she and Ash had been pursued by the masked men in black. She praised Kai and the Protectors for saving her from the tether of the drug she had been subjected to. When she was finished speaking she blew out a breath, tears welled in her eyes but she did not let them fall.

  “Thank you for sharing with us, Laurel. And may I say again, we are all very relieved you have rebounded from your frightening ordeal so quickly,” Vale said.

  Bear smiled warmly at Laurel and then turned to his grandson. “Hawk, I’d really appreciate it if you could share with the others what you have told me about your telepathic connection to Ashlyn.”

  Unfolding his large frame from his seat, Hawk stood. Appearing edgy and fierce, he paced around the small area giving a brief history of he and Ashlyn. When he finished, Hawk leaned down with his hands on his knees breathing deeply for a moment. Then, straightening his powerful body, he concluded with a plea for action.

  Raven spoke, “Hawk, thank you so much for disclosing this personal information. I want you to know your connection to Ashlyn may be paramount in locating her. The entire Council, as well as your brother Protectors, will leave no stone unturned until we find Ashlyn and bring those responsible for her capture to justice.”

  “Thank you so much, Raven.” Hawk gave her a grateful look.

  Next, Bear stood and approached Kai, placing his hands on his shoulders. “Listen, Kai, everyone here believes you are in no way responsible for any of this. So, relax. Please just tell us how you know Dr. Charles Barrington and whatever you think may help find Ashlyn.”

  Kai ran his fingers through his hair leaving it standing on end. “I’m so sorry I brought Barrington’s personal grudge against me to Aether.”

  He dispatched every sordid detail and then slumped in his seat, drained. Laurel was genuinely proud of Kai. She had a feeling sharing his memories of that time was probably one of the most difficult things he ever had to do.

  “Thank you, Kai. We appreciate how forthcoming you have been with this Council. Again, please be assured we support you,” Bear stated.

  Laurel was relieved for Kai, but he still looked miserable. She was aware it would take a great deal of convincing on her part before he was able to forgive himself. Ashlyn’s return would certainly go a long way in helping him to recover and release his guilt. She addressed the Council, “What can we do to help? Ash is my dearest friend in the world, and I will do anything to ensure her safe return to Aether.”

  “We appreciate the sentiment, but right now the Council and the Protectors are going to meet to formulate a plan to rescue our Fire Guardian from these loathsome barbarians. We will most assuredly let you know if you can be of any further assistance. Laurel and Kai, we thank you for coming. Hawk, please remain for the meeting,” Bear said, dismissing them.

  Laurel and Kai said their goodbyes and left the Council Chambers. She gently tugged on Kai’s hand steering them toward his house. Kai paused. “Wait a minute, where are we going? I need to get you home to rest.”

  “I know how hard that just was for you. I’m not leaving you alone right now. We’ll go to your place and talk.”

  “I really don’t think that’s a good idea. I-I don’t trust myself to be alone with you right now.” Kai pulled his hand free of Laurel’s grasp. “The other night in the medical center you were confused and feeling vulnerable. I took advantage of you. I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself; I wanted so much to be near you.” Kai reached out and ran his hands up and down her arms. “I can’t bear to hurt you again, Laurel, and if I’m with you, alone, I’m afraid all that is pent up inside may be unleashed.” His smoldering stare burned her.

  “What are you talking about?” Laurel’s voice quivered.

  “God, Laurel, I never stopped loving you. Every time I’m near you, all I can think about is stripping you bare. I want you underneath me calling out my name. But after everything I told you about my past with Barrington and Olivia, I know you probably don’t want anything to do with me.” He hung his head, shaking it back and forth.

  “It was pretty shocking to hear, but I’m proud of you. It was really brave the way you told your story. And you’re right, considering our past history, I may be the most gullible woman ever. But the truth is, fifty years hasn’t changed the way I feel when I’m near you. I love you, too, Kai, but I am afraid of being shut out by you again, pushed away. I know I should still be mad at you, but I can’t seem to help myself where you’re concerned. I lose all rational thought.” Laurel wrapped her arms around his neck and looked into his spectacular blue eyes.

  Leaning in closer, Kai breathed hotly against Laurel’s neck. “The way you smell drives me crazy, like vanilla and a sweetness all your own. Oh God, I know I don’t deserve you, but please give me another chance. I’ve dreamed about being with you for so long. I promise to never shut you out again.”

  He bent down to Laurel lightly pressing his lips to hers. His were warm and soft. Deepening the kiss, he opened his mouth. His tongue invaded and she responded with a low moan. Laurel could feel Kai’s need as he pulled her even closer. She felt him everywhere. Desire heated her body, and tingles of awareness danced from head to toe settling between her legs.

  Panting, Kai broke their contact. “I think we should get out of the Square if we don’t want all of Aether talking about us tomorrow.”

  Laurel yanked her phone from her pocket. “Let me just send a text to tell my parents I won’t be home.” After recent events, Laurel didn’t want them to worry about her.

  “Are you sure, honey? No pressure,” Kai asked.

  “All set. Come on, let’s go. I can’t wait to see your house. Last time we were together you were still living with your parents.” Laurel leaned in close her lips brushing against his neck. She whispered in his ear, “Remember how creative we had to be to find a place to be alone?”

  Kai took her hand and led her the short distance to his home. He stopped by the front door. “Are you completely sure you want to come inside with me? I’ll understand if you’ve changed your mind.”

  “I want this as much as I think you do.”

  “In that case—” Kai tugged her inside. He didn’t so much close the door, but push her against it, shutting it with a loud bang. Every ridge of his hard body made contact with hers. Their breaths were one. Kai’s hands were everywhere at once. One tangled in her hair, the other snaked around her waist keeping her close. Finally, he tore himself away. “I’m so sorry. I seem to lose control when you’re near me. I want this to be special. Please tell me you want this to happen, Laurel?”

  “I’m scared, but I definitely want this. I’ve missed you. Please, Kai, make love to me. I’ve never wanted anyone more.”

  With that last statement hanging in the air, Kai swept her into his arms. Laurel squealed as he carried her to the bedroom. Using his foot, Kai forced his way into the room holding Laurel the entire time. He gently brought her over to the bed never losing contact. Laurel sank into the downy mattress when Kai’s muscled form pressed erotically against hers. She saw the heat in his eyes and knew he was going to make her every fantasy a reality. Kai would definitely remind her of the passion they had once shared.

  Chapter Nine


  Awakening gradually, Ashlyn fought through the haze clouding her mind. She winced as pain radiated through her entire body. Where was she? And why did everything hurt? Taking a quick inventory of her injuries, she gently probed the angry abrasions which burned her wrists and ankles. Mottled blues and purples marred the fair skin inside her forearms. She had several puncture wounds running along the length of the sensitive area. The damage stung under her touch.

  Placing her hands on the floor, she slowly hoisted herself into a sitting position. Her arms screamed in pain, and she took a minute to catch her breath. Chilled to the bone, she rested against a cold, hard, cinderblock wall. Ashlyn closed her ey
es calling deep inside to her Fire. Healing and warmth buzzed through her body, but her brain remained scrambled, fuzzy. The drugs they used against her were taking their toll, and she was getting damned tired of it.

  Stretching her legs, her knees creaked. Ashlyn, confused, scanned the unfamiliar space. “What the hell is this?” Walls of glass, with no doors or visible seams surrounded her. “Hello? Can anyone hear me?” Her voice echoed bouncing off the empty enclosure. She craned her neck to look up at the high ceiling. It had vents just like in her cell. A large drain sat in the center of the concrete floor, and her stomach rolled as terrifying thoughts filled her head. Glancing around the room, she realized she was still in the laboratory with all the torturous looking equipment.

  Slowly, she rose to her feet wrapping her arms across her chest protectively. The thin material of yet another hospital gown clung to her skin. Feeling utterly vulnerable, she wondered who kept dressing her. Though she was glad to be covered she shuddered at the thought of a stranger touching her. She prayed it wasn’t Devlin or Charles what’s his name. Repulsed, Ash pushed the thought out of her head.

  Ashlyn preferred to fixate on her connection with Hawk instead. The link between them was evolving, and she could feel it building each time they united. She had inadvertently drawn him in when she was shocked by the Taser gun. Perhaps it was her fear driving her toward him. Poor Hawk, I hope he wasn’t hurt. I’ve got to learn to control this bridge between us.

  She could actually feel the deep timber of Hawk’s voice when she concentrated. It was soothing, comforting, and it fortified her. He sounded so strong and confident. She needed to believe he would find her and free her from this nightmare.

  The knots in her stomach loosened further when she reminded herself Laurel was most definitely safe in Aether. Hawk had assured her of that fact. Lava boiled in her veins. “That bastard Devlin is going to pay for taunting me with Laurel’s life!” Ash placed her palms on the cool, smooth glass and looked out into the abandoned lab. “They need me for something, or I’d be dead already. But how long do I have?”

  Minutes felt like hours to Ashlyn as she pondered her fate. Yet, in the end, her thoughts always seem to go back to Hawk. It was strange allowing him into her mind, but at the same time it felt right. It was as if he belonged there. Her Fire rippled along her nerve endings. Heat surged through her as her Flame answered Hawk’s call of rage and frustration. Ash had also gleaned his strength which radiated through their connection. His feelings, those of warmth and something else remote, sadness she thought, also traveled through her. Determined to spend all of her time working on developing the bond between them, she reached out with her mind. Seeking. Feeling. Longing.

  Raised voices in the hallway just outside the laboratory caused Ashlyn to lose her concentration. The soft tone of a woman’s voice and the deeper resonance of a man’s had her on guard. She’d only had direct contact with Devlin and Charles thus far. Ashlyn worried about who else might be out there and what they wanted from her.

  Straining to listen, she pressed her ear against the glass. The woman’s voice was getting louder by the minute. “Don’t you know who I am? I can assure you, nothing at CEB labs is off limits to me. I insist you open this door at once.”

  The man begged. “Please, Miss, I’m new here. You don’t understand. I’m just supposed to bring this tray of food down and give it to one of the guards. I came to look for him. I guess he went to the bathroom or something. I’m just a lab assistant. I didn’t realize you followed me. I’m supposed to make sure nobody follows me. I’ll get fired. Please, I need this job. Plus, I couldn’t let you in even if I wanted to. I don’t even have the code to access the lab.”

  “Fine then, leave the tray with me and go back upstairs. I won’t tell anyone you were here. I promise, it will be okay, really, just go.” To Ash, the woman sounded authoritative.

  The sudden silence indicated at least one of the people had gone. The drone of an electronic keypad buzzed as it denied someone entrance to the lab. Over and over this person attempted to gain access. Eventually, she heard several dings, and the door clicked open. Ashlyn stiffened, and her Fire hovered near the surface on full alert. Her Flame wanted to lash out and protect the Guardian. Ash fought to keep her Fire at bay as she waited for the stranger to appear.

  Pushing the door open with her hip, a young woman with blond hair entered carrying a tray of food. Her eyes settled on Ashlyn freezing her in place. With her mouth agape, the tray slid from the woman’s hands crashing to the floor scattering its contents.

  “Oh my God! What have they done?” She brought her hand to her mouth. Then the blond slowly approached the glass, her posture tentative. Her voice came out in a whisper, “Who are you?” Her breath caught, but she managed to choke out the words, “Why are you in there?”

  “My name is Ashlyn, and I don’t know why I’m here. A lunatic named Devlin kidnapped me.” A single tear ran down Ash’s cheek. “Please help me. I just want to go home.”

  The woman paled before her eyes, and she appeared shaky and stunned. Looking to be in her early twenties in terms of human maturity, the woman was tall with bright blue eyes and golden blond hair twisted up into a neat bun. She wore dark colored slacks and a white blouse with a starched lab coat over it. Her shoes were sensible looking loafers. While very pretty, she kept her look plain and simple.

  “Who are you? What do you want from me?”

  “I’m so sorry. My name is Brooke. Don’t worry, Ashlyn, I’m going to find out what the hell is going on around here and get you out of there.” Brooke’s eyes widened as she took note of the bruising on Ash’s arms. “What happened to your arms? You’re covered in bruises.”

  “I’m really not sure. They drugged me, and I just woke up in here. What is this place? Please, I’m begging you. Let me out.”

  The door to the lab burst open, and a guard with his weapon drawn came toward them. “What the hell are you doing in here? No one is supposed to be in here without permission.”

  “Lower your weapon, you imbecile. I’m the assistant director of CEB laboratories, and I can be anywhere I want to be.”

  “We’ll see about that. I’m going to get Mr. Devlin.” He hustled out of the room, and the door clicked shut behind him.

  “What is CEB laboratories, and what exactly do you do around here?” Ash questioned.

  “CEB Laboratories manufactures and sells pharmaceuticals. I am the assistant director. I’m a biochemical engineer and a pharmacist. Our goal is to cure a variety of diseases with new medicines we are working to develop. I help people.”

  “Well, from where I’m standing, you and your company aren’t doing a very good job of helping. I’m being held prisoner if you haven’t noticed. I’m no lab rat, and I want out of here right now before those two lunatics come back with the guy with the gun.”

  “I’m so sorry, Ashlyn. I don’t know how to release you from there, or I promise you I would. I don’t approve of holding anyone against their will. I will get to the bottom of this. You have my word,” Brooke said, sounding sincere.

  “That’s all well and good, but your word means nothing to me. As you can imagine, I have some serious trust issues where you people are concerned. Please, before they come back, get me the hell out of here.” Ash’s fists pounded the glass uselessly.

  The double doors to the laboratory swung open, and Charles Barrington entered with Devlin at his side. Three armed guards with weapons drawn came in just behind them and flanked them once they were fully inside. “What are you doing down here, Brooke?” Barrington asked. His face reddened, and his voice was harsh.

  Brooke shrunk right before Ashlyn’s eyes, when Barrington addressed her. “I-I was curious. I saw someone coming down here with a tray of food, and I thought it was odd. This area is supposed to be used for storage or so I thought. Please tell me this isn’t what it looks like.”

  “This is none of your concern. You need to leave at once,” Barrington commanded. Stepping t
oward her, he narrowed his eyes. “How did you even get in here? This is a secure area.”

  “I figured out your code on the keypad and let myself in.”

  “You are a little too smart for your own good. Now be a good girl, and do as you’re told. Go back upstairs, and pretend you never found this place,” Devlin said, coldly.

  “Please, don’t listen to them. Don’t leave me here. Please, Brooke, help me,” Ashlyn implored.

  “I’m sorry, Ashlyn. I can’t help you. I have to go,” Brooke said, regret filling her voice. She turned rushing out the door, seemingly frightened.

  Devlin laughed cruelly as he kicked an apple across the room. “Guess your dinner is gone, Firecracker, hope you weren’t too hungry.”

  Barrington, Devlin, and the guards left the room without so much as a backward glance. The door closed tightly behind them with the now familiar click of the lock engaging. Ashlyn sank to the floor, and her body shook with heaving sobs. Her tiny glimmer of hope left right along with Brooke.



  The Protectors gathered in their war room to discuss strategies for rescuing Ashlyn. The war room was located in Protector Headquarters, more commonly known as PH, which was housed in its own building right next to the Council Chambers.

  The Protectors were fairly private. They only allowed trainees who had passed the first two years to enter PH beyond the training gym and classrooms. Established Protectors, of course, had full access to their base of operations. PH was comprised of many parts: an armory, offices, training rooms, gyms, a recreation center, and a brand-new technology center.

  The new technology center had been completed only days ago, and their experts were finally finished installing and securing everything this morning. It was an impressive set up rivaling any government’s. Thanks to Cadence, their head tech guy, it was now fully operational. He had found a way to block all outside tracking of their computers and other technology. Cadence was a genius, and Hawk had faith he would figure out something to help them locate Ash. Hawk handed over the information he and Kai had gathered at the University. He stared in awe as Cadence’s hands flew furiously across the keys entering the data into their new system.


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