The House of Fire

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The House of Fire Page 14

by M. Goldsmith

  After reviewing all the material there was no question, Charles Barrington was the individual responsible for Ashlyn’s capture. Cadence hacked into several classified files which revealed Barrington had affiliations with some underground government sectors. CEB was listed as the developer of a drug the government had sanctioned to create stronger soldiers. Barrington walked a fine line between ethical and inventive.

  Even with all the information they had gathered, the problem remained, they still didn’t know where their Fire Guardian was being held and why. CEB Laboratories had at least a dozen locations in the Northeast, and they were beginning to expand out west. Ashlyn’s whereabouts were going to remain a mystery if they were unable to gather more intel.

  Hawk’s gut churned as a gnawing feeling persisted; time was running out for Ash. As their link grew stronger, it opened Hawk to Ash’s lancing pain. Her fear and anguish tore away at his soul. Desperation to find her was becoming an urgent hunger to him with each passing day. Need surged through him to protect her, to rescue her, and to make her safe. Once that happened, Hawk was determined to make her his own in every way.

  Every surface of the war room was covered with maps and floor plans of Barrington Labs. River appeared to be concentrating on a large monitor hanging on the wall with the schematics of CEB’s original location and headquarters. The lead Protector answered only to Bear and the Council. River ran an efficient, well managed organization. He carried himself with the confidence of a strong leader and appeared every bit the powerful fighter. An expert on tactical maneuvers, the teams he led were among the greatest minds in all of Aether.

  Hawk looked on and speculated whether Ashlyn was being held in the depths of CEB headquarters. His impatience growing, Hawk repeatedly ground his fist into his palm. The warrior in him demanded he fight to save his woman. Hawk wondered when had he begun to think of Ashlyn as his or had he always?

  A select few Protectors hovered over the layouts of the Lab’s other locations examining every detail. They were searching for weaknesses in security. In addition, they sought out the possibility of hidden portions of the Labs where the company would most likely be conducting their surreptitious experiments. The remaining soldiers milled about discussing what weapons they would be using, checking ammunition stores, and supplies.

  River stood and held his hand up addressing the group halting the frantic energy in the room. “Listen up. We have a lot of ground to cover. Cadence tells me our best chance of finding Ashlyn is to start systematically searching the known locations of Barrington Labs.” Walking to the monitor, River pointed to several areas on the map. “Some of the new ground they are breaking is less likely to be housing the type of facility we are looking for. Also, we feel some of the locations are not remote enough to keep clandestine experiments, and certainly not prisoners, secluded. Therefore, we have narrowed down the strongest possibilities to six locations. It is plausible the Labs have hidden underground areas which will not be visible from the surface. We will need to infiltrate the various facilities and search them fully. This will be a stealth operation. I am going to set up teams to scout these areas.”

  Bear stepped up and interjected, “I hope I do not have to remind you we need to remain under the radar for this operation. Finding Ashlyn, and bringing her home safely is our primary goal. However, we want Barrington brought in; alive if possible. He has many questions to answer for.” Shaking a pointed finger in the air, he punctuated each word with a series of emphatic gestures. “And remember, no heroics and no unnecessary harming of humans. It is of paramount importance we continue to keep the existence of our people from the humans. So, no using your powers unless absolutely necessary.”

  “Thank you, Bear,” River acknowledged. “There will be six teams heading out. I will be leading the team going to the headquarters. I’m sending the list of teams and leaders to your phones as we speak.”

  Scanning the list of team leaders with his finger, his name clearly missing, Hawk rose to his feet. Clenching his fists, low level vibrations emanated from him as his anger took control. Fighting the urge to take River down with a punch to his face, he squinted his eyes shut tight and pushed the violent thought away. Everyone knew Hawk was River’s second in command. He always led a team. Moreover, everyone now knew he and Ashlyn had a unique connection. He should be leading not following someone else’s orders to save Ash. She was his.

  “Check to see if you are going on the first phase of this mission. Everyone else will help prepare weapons and communication devices. We will also continue with our stepped-up guard duty on the grounds and surrounding areas of Aether. That schedule is also posted. Hawk, can I have a word with you please? The rest of you, fall out. We have no time to lose,” River ordered.

  River approached him cautiously. Hawk figured he was reading the tension and vibrations in the air surrounding him. “I understand you’re pissed and I don’t blame you. Under normal circumstances you’re always my first choice, but this thing with you and Ash. Well let’s just say, the nature of your special bond complicates things. Face it, Hawk, you’re both an asset and a liability.” River placed his hand on Hawk’s shoulder and looked him straight in the eyes. “We need you, Hawk. Ash needs you. I was hoping you would join my team along with Quill. My gut is telling me she is in CEB headquarters which as we know is in the original facility. What do you say? Are you in?”

  Hawk took a moment to consider what River had said. If he connected to Ash and he was physically effected he could put the entire team in jeopardy, as well as Ashlyn. River was right he needed to help find Ash, and his bond with her might give them the extra leverage they needed. “You’re right, River. I’m sorry. Ash means everything to me, and I’ll do whatever it takes to find her and bring her back home.”

  “Great, I knew I could count on you. Aether needs our Fire Guardian back, and it appears you need Ashlyn just as much as the rest of us, if not more. We have a long trip ahead of us. Let’s go find Quill and the others and discuss our strategy.”

  The group worked for a long while and Hawk was glad Quill would be by his side. Although he liked to joke around, when it came down to it, Quill was one of the best fighters Hawk knew. He was loyal to a fault and would put the other team members’ safety above his own. Hawk knew Quill would do anything to save Ash including give his own life. He prayed River’s instincts were correct, and Ashlyn was being held at the headquarters. Hawk needed to be the one to find her. He wasn’t sure how he would handle it if someone else got to her first. River assured him none of the teams were going to attempt a rescue without backup. The lead Protector was calling this mission, Phase One, and its purpose was for intel only. Phase Two would involve a carefully planned rescue and hopefully the capture of Charles Barrington himself.

  It was nearly midnight when they finished all the preparations for the Phase One mission. All the teams were prepped and ready to leave at first light. Bear and River dismissed everyone to go home and get a good night’s sleep. Hawk was restless pacing the room. His mind was on Ash.

  Bear reached out and touched his grandson’s shoulder gently. “You need to go home and get some rest. Ashlyn needs you in top form when you find her. And I know you will. I have always had faith in you. Now you need to have faith in yourself. And in Ashlyn. Your bond is extraordinary. It will bring you to her.”

  “Thanks, Grandfather. I don’t know what I would do without you. It means the world to me to have your support. You’ve been both parent and grandparent to me since we lost my mom and dad.”

  Hawk’s parents had died in an automobile accident when he was just twelve years old. They were on vacation celebrating the anniversary of their Joining. The couple was heading back to Aether, when their car, a 1940 Chrysler Saratoga, went over a cliff on a mountain side road. The weather had been clear and sunny that day, and it remained a mystery as to how the accident had occurred. The Protectors of the time, including Bear, had gone to search for them when they did not return home.

>   The charred remnants of their car had been found at the bottom of the mountain under a mass of rocks. No one knew if they were killed when the car erupted in flames or upon the impact of the crash. Their remains had been burned beyond recognition. Wolf’s beloved Saratoga was unmistakable with its bright blue color peeking through the blackened wreckage. The Protectors had to use their combined powers to traverse the steep cliff in order to bring back the bodies of Wolf and Lark Crane.

  Though his grandparents had taken him in and raised him with love and kindness, Hawk had never fully recovered from the loss of his parents. The inexplicability of the situation continued to haunt him. He knew his father to be an excellent driver. Wolf would never have risked Lark’s safety by driving recklessly. His father worshipped his mother and would have done anything to keep her free from harm. Although Hawk was not with the rescue party, to this day, he was still plagued with nightmares of the car plunging down the embankment and bursting into flames.

  “Your parents would be so proud of you, Hawk. You have grown into a fine man. I know your father would have been thrilled to see you become a Protector. And I am certain Lark would have loved the idea of you and Ashlyn together. Hold their memories in your heart when you go on this mission. We will all be with you. May the God and Goddess watch over you.”

  Hawk felt a lump in his throat. He didn’t respond with words, he simply hugged his grandfather in an unusual display of affection. Bear returned the embrace and then released Hawk. “Come on. Let us take our leave. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. We will stay in touch throughout your journey. You go, and find our Fire Guardian.”

  The two exited Protector Headquarters and headed home in opposite directions. Hawk left his grandfather feeling positive for the first time in quite a while. Bear was right. Hawk could feel it. He was going to find Ash and bring her home where she belonged.

  Chapter Ten


  Kai woke before it was light shivering from the memory of the intensity he and Laurel had recaptured. During the night, her soft lips and delicate hands roamed every inch of his body, waking him from a sound slumber. He’d never seen this side of her before, wild and demanding. Sleeping soundly beside him, Laurel’s arm was slung across his stomach with their legs intertwined. Though shadows shrouded most of her face in darkness, Kai could still see her beautiful dark hair spread across his pillow. It partially covered her face. Kai couldn’t resist touching her and softly brushing her hair away so he could fully take in her beauty. Leaning in, he took a deep breath inhaling her intoxicating vanilla scent. He didn’t want to wake her since he’d lost count of how many times they’d made love during the night. He wanted to be gentle and tender with her, but his control had snapped. Being with Laurel again was everything he fantasized about and more. She was so giving, and Kai had taken all of her. He gave of himself, too, coaxing her on, with unrelenting persistence and passion, until she screamed his name. He feared he would never get enough of her.

  Slowly and carefully, he pried himself out from under her grasp. She stirred a little, and her nose twitched adorably, but then she snuggled herself back under the blanket. As much as he wanted her again, he had business to attend to. Hawk had texted him late last night telling him the Protectors were heading out at dawn.

  Kai hurried to get to the Protectors before they left. He wanted to go with them to find Ashlyn. It was his fault she was taken, and it was essential he be a part of the rescue mission. After all, he knew Barrington better than anyone.

  Laurel would never approve of him going on such a dangerous mission, and Kai knew it. He was a doctor not a Protector. Though Kai knew how to fight, as did most of the men of Aether, he was not a solider. Quietly, he grabbed a duffle and began haphazardly stuffing clothing inside. Sneaking into the bathroom, he relieved himself, then brushed his teeth, and washed his face. After, he tossed his toothbrush and toothpaste into the bag with the rest of his belongings. He dressed silently in jeans, a worn T-shirt, a hooded sweatshirt, and sneakers.

  Creeping out quietly, he grabbed a pad from his kitchen drawer and wrote a note.



  You are so gorgeous when you’re sleeping. I just want to crawl back into bed with you and hold you. I’m so sorry I have to leave you after our magical night together. But you know I need to go with Hawk and Quill to find Ashlyn. Please understand, baby, I have to make this right. I will think about you every minute while I’m gone.

  All my love,


  The floorboards creaked under his feet as Kai snuck back into the bedroom and placed the note on his empty pillow. He stood there staring at Laurel sleeping so sweetly; her chest rising and falling. Oh God, the feel of her soft skin, the taste of her kisses. The way we fit together, it’s like she’s meant only for me. Reluctantly, he turned and left tossing his duffle over his shoulder. He quietly closed the bedroom door behind him and said a silent prayer that he would return to her soon.

  Kai raced up to the lot where all the cars and trucks in Aether were kept just as Hawk and Quill arrived. Hawk, dressed head to toe in his customary black, a Kevlar vest, and fierce looking weapons strapped to his tall muscled frame, appeared prepared for battle. Stoic, strong, determined, Hawk looked every bit the warrior Kai knew him to be.

  Quill asked in his usual teasing tone, “What are you doing here, Kai? Come to see us off? Is that a care package over your shoulder? I hope there is food in there. I’m starving.”

  “No, I’ve come to join you,” Kai responded, matter-of-factly.

  “Kai, I don’t think that’s a very good idea. This mission is for Protectors only. I know you want to help, but this isn’t the way,” Hawk said.

  Bear and River walked over to join them. Their eyes focused on Kai standing with his friends. The ancient Protector’s face was unreadable, but River wore a scowl as if he knew why Kai was there. As the lead Protector, River had been under a lot of pressure since Ashlyn’s abduction. Everyone knew he felt responsible for what happened to both Ash and Laurel. The Protectors normally ran patrols nightly in the area where the women were attacked. Everyone was tired from the preparations for the Guardian Ceremony, so River gave them the night off. They had no known enemies with the exception of the Renegades. Their land was marked with signs warning people away claiming the area to be protected lands and a wildlife sanctuary. However infrequently, they were required to escort humans and their prying eyes from wandering into Aether. It never occurred to him something like this could happen.

  River, hands on his hips, didn’t waste any time with formalities. “What can we do for you this morning, Kai? We’re pretty busy here as you can see.”

  “I want to join in the rescue mission. This entire situation is my fault, and I need to be part of the solution.”

  Bear’s booming voice cut him off. “Kai, we have assured you, countless times, this is not your doing. You are in no way responsible for Barrington’s actions. Your place is here in Aether.”

  “Please. You don’t understand Charles the way I do. I know how he thinks. I’m sure I could help in some way. Plus, what if Ashlyn is injured and she needs medical attention…” Kai trailed off, wanting to consider Hawk’s feelings. “I need to do this, Please.”

  Hawk jumped into the conversation. “He has some very valid points. Don’t you think? And he can fight. He’s trained with us in the past. Right, Quill?”

  Quill looked to Hawk, and then to Kai, before answering. “Yeah, I’ve watched Kai kick Hawk’s ass from time to time. He can definitely take care of himself. Who knows, maybe he would be helpful to have along.”

  Turning to River, Bear gestured with his hands. “It’s up to you, River, you are in charge of this mission. What do you think?”

  “I think you are going to be a pain in my ass, Sanders. You can come, but you two are in charge of making sure our only doctor doesn’t get hurt. Go suit him up. There are more vests and gear in our SUV. And, Kai, don’t make me regret t

  “You won’t regret it. I promise. I know I can help you catch Barrington. We knew each other well in our time together, and a leopard doesn’t change his spots.”

  Hawk, Quill, and Kai went around to the rear of the SUV. They assisted Kai in gathering the equipment for their potentially dangerous mission. He was determined to help in any way he could. Even if the others didn’t blame him, he still couldn’t help but blame himself.

  Kai also worried about what Laurel would think when she realized he was gone. For the rest of his life he would imagine her sleeping peacefully in his bed where she belonged. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and touching her, making love with her, was a dream come true. Hopefully, when they brought Ashlyn home to Aether all would be forgiven.

  As usual, Quill attempted to defuse the tension with his humor. He nudged Kai with his shoulder. “So, Kai, I saw you and Laurel leaving the Council Chambers together. I couldn’t help but notice you two looked pretty cozy. She couldn’t keep her hands off you. Do you care to elaborate so I don’t have to use my very active imagination?”

  “Really, Quill? You’re kidding, right? You think of all the people in Aether I would tell you anything intimate?”

  “Oh, so you admit you and Laurel were intimate huh? Details, I need details.”

  “You are a complete and total idiot. You know that, right? We’re not fifteen anymore and anything that may, or may not have, happened with Laurel is none of your damn business. So, piss off.”

  Hawk laughed uncontrollably his eyes watering. Kai guessed he was fairly worked up over the impending search for Ash. Even though Kai wanted to deck Quill, he was glad he could help Hawk relax. Maybe the outrageous Protector knew what he was doing after all. The two had been his best friends his entire life, and he couldn’t imagine them anywhere but by his side.


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