The House of Fire

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The House of Fire Page 15

by M. Goldsmith

  River whistled shrilly gathering the teams together one last time before they all headed off in different directions. The squads were traveling to six different locations and would be arriving at varying times. He would require constant communication from each group in case any one of them discovered Ashlyn’s whereabouts. River reminded all of the Protectors of their obligation to Aether and their Fire Guardian. He reiterated the importance of bringing as little attention to themselves as possible.

  With his hands clasped behind his back, River addressed the teams. “I don’t have to remind any of you of the significance of this mission to all of Aether. Finding and securing our Fire Guardian is the most important operation we have ever undertaken.” Pacing back and forth, he speared each of his soldiers with steady gaze. “Use your heads. Work as a team, and follow your leader’s orders no matter what. While on this assignment they speak for Bear and myself. Make us proud, and let’s bring Ashlyn home safely.”

  Bear advanced and stood at River’s side. “May the God and Goddess be with you during this most urgent quest.”



  Opening her eyes slowly as bright sunlight streamed in through slatted wooden blinds, Laurel stretched her tight muscles. Wait a minute, she had flowing curtains in her bedroom not blinds. “Oh my God! I’m in Kai’s bedroom. I was with Kai last night,” she whispered, not wanting to wake him.

  Laurel groaned, her body tender in all the right places after her incredible night with Kai. He was beyond comprehension, full of passion, not to mention stamina. Rolling over she hoped to catch a glimpse of Kai’s naked body, but the other side of the bed was cold with his absence. Burying her head in his pillow, she breathed in his delicious scent; masculine and decadent. Something crinkled under her cheek, and she realized there was a piece of paper hanging off the edge of the pillow. Laurel lifted the paper and read the note Kai left for her. He was gone. Not just from his bed, or his house, but he was gone from Aether. What the hell was he thinking?

  She knew the Protectors were leaving at dawn. Glancing over at the clock on Kai’s bedside table, she realized she had slept passed ten in the morning. Laurel never slept so late, ever. So immersed in their passion, they stopped only to catch their breath, to hold each other close, and to rest somewhere in between. It was no wonder she had slept so soundly. But why did Kai sneak away? Laurel knew the answer. He didn’t want her to talk him out of going with the Protectors to find Ash.

  “Damn him,” she said aloud. She was going to give him a piece of her mind when he made it back, hopefully soon, and safely. Laurel knew Kai was consumed with guilt since finding out his medical school roommate, Charles Barrington, had been the one responsible for attacking her and Ash. Somehow, he felt he was at fault for bringing Barrington’s resentment and anger to Aether.

  How could Bear and River, not to mention his two best friends, let Kai go on such a dangerous mission? Kai was Aether’s only doctor. He was not a Protector. What if something happened to him? Laurel’s stomach tightened into knots at the thought of any harm coming to Kai when they had just found each other again. She knew it seemed silly, but she missed him already.

  The sound of the front door bursting open made Laurel jump, and when she heard the sound of heavy footsteps, she didn’t know what to think. Hoping Kai had come to his senses and returned to her, she quickly pulled on his T-shirt which had been tossed on the floor next to the bed. Thankfully, it was long on her petite frame and came down passed her thighs. It smelled like Kai and made her feel caressed by him even though he wasn’t with her.

  A loud, familiar voice thundered through the house chasing away her hope Kai had come home to her. “Kai? How can you still be sleeping at this hour? We have patients. Are you all right?” Rayne Sanders opened his son’s bedroom door and froze when he saw Laurel standing beside the bed in nothing but a T-shirt. “Laurel?” Rayne quickly averted his eyes. “I’m so sorry. I-I-I didn’t realize Kai had, um, company.”

  Laurel felt heat rush through her body and knew she must have turned crimson. “Kai’s not here. He left me a note. He’s gone with the Protectors to find Ashlyn. I’m sorry, Rayne. This is so embarrassing.”

  “No need to be embarrassed. You and Kai are adults. I shouldn’t have barged in. It’s my fault. Kai doesn’t, um, entertain guests very often. Please forgive me for startling you.” Rayne backed out of the door. “I’m going to wait in the living room so you can get dressed. Then what do you say you and I go find Bear and figure out what the hell Kai was thinking?”

  “Thank you. By the way, I think your son is the most wonderful person. But right now, I want to kill him for leaving to do something so dangerous. I’ll gladly go with you to speak to Bear. Just give me five minutes.”

  Closing the door behind him, Rayne gave Laurel some privacy. I can’t believe that just happened. I may die of embarrassment. Yet another reason I’m going to kill Kai when I see him.

  Slipping into Kai’s bathroom, Laurel splashed water on her face and cleaned herself up as quickly as she could. She came out and scanned the room in search of her scattered clothing. Her panties dangled from the bedside lamp, her bra snagged on a doorknob, and the rest of her clothes were strewn about the floor. Waves of memories from last night flooded her, and she warmed all over. Get a grip, girl. You need to face his father. Plus, you need to speak to Bear. She repressed the thoughts she was having about her and Kai and went out to the living room to face Rayne.

  Feeling more confident and slightly less embarrassed now that she was properly attired, Laurel cleared her throat. “Okay, I’m ready when you are.”

  To his credit, Rayne acted perfectly natural as if finding a half-dressed woman in his son’s bedroom was an everyday occurrence. Rayne held out his hand gesturing for Laurel to lead the way out. He closed the door behind him with a loud click. They walked in silence toward the Council Chambers to look for Bear.

  They didn’t get very far because Bear stood looming in the Village Square surrounded by a few Protectors. Water dripped from the end of a fire hose, and a pile of glowing cinders sat right outside the front door to the South Tower. Rowan and Mica were nearby talking animatedly. They approached the group. Rayne asked, “What’s going on?”

  “More fires, I’m afraid. Everything has been going crazy since my Ashlyn was taken from us,” Rowan answered. Her normally sparkling eyes appeared dull and lifeless as she leaned on Mica.

  Laurel instinctively went to Rowan and hugged her tightly. “Oh, Rowan, I’m so sorry. Don’t you worry. The Protectors are going to find Ash. You’ll see.”

  Bear approached the group. Rayne confronted him in an accusatory tone, “Bear, do you want to tell me why my son is on a mission with the Protectors?”

  “Ah, Rayne, I see you are understandably concerned about Kai. I assure you the Protectors are looking after him. He insisted on going to lend a hand. He feels guilty. River and I decided the only way for Kai to move on is to participate in Ashlyn’s rescue. He knows this Dr. Charles Barrington, and Kai is convinced he can aid the Protectors in bringing him in. He is also concerned that Ashlyn might need his skills.”

  Rayne sighed, shaking his head. “I get it. I just wish he would have discussed it with Cassy or myself before skulking off in the dead of night.”

  “Are you sure he’ll be safe?” Laurel questioned. She nibbled on her thumbnail nervously.

  Bear’s eyebrows rose as if with sudden understanding. “Yes, Laurel, I’m sure he will be absolutely fine. My grandson and the other Protectors would never allow any harm to come to him. Additionally, I understand that he is quite capable of defending himself should that be necessary.”

  Rayne added, “Remember, Laurel, Kai is an excellent fighter. You know he trained with Hawk and Quill when they entered the Protector Trials, and I’m sure those two will make sure he stays out of trouble.”

  Laurel nodded in acknowledgment and then turned to Bear. She questioned, “Have you heard from them?”

p; “Not yet, they only left a few hours ago, so I do not expect to hear from them for some time. I promise I will let you know when I do.”

  “Thank you, Bear,” Rayne acknowledged. “Laurel, I’ll let you know if I hear from Kai and you do the same. Okay?”

  “Of course, thanks for um, everything, Rayne. I’ll speak to you later,” Laurel said, feeling self-conscious. She turned her attention back Ashlyn’s parents. “What can I do to help you? What’s going on with the fires?”

  Mica answered, “They are beginning to spread out. At first, they were contained to the living quarters in the Tower and just out front in the Village Square. But now they are starting to move farther from here. Fires have been breaking out in the woods and near the lake as well. Bear and the Protectors are doing a great job of keeping them contained and everyone in Aether is being especially vigilant.”

  Mica held Rowan close. “It will be fine. They’ll find Ash soon, and everything will return to normal.” He turned to Bear. “I still wish you would have let me join the rescue party. I belong out there helping to find my daughter.”

  “I’m sorry, Mica, but you are needed here with Rowan. We can’t have her worrying about both you and Ashlyn, can we?”

  Mica raised his hands in acquiescence. Laurel had known Mica and Rowan her entire life and couldn’t remember a time when they both looked so tired and helpless. Mica’s hair stood out in every direction, and his clothes were wrinkled as though they had been slept in. Rowan’s normally composed manner faltered, and she leaned on her Kanti as if needing his support. Laurel wished she could do something for them. They all needed Ash back where she belonged.

  “Come on. Let’s go to the café and get some coffee. Looks like it’s going to be another long day, and we could all use the jolt of caffeine. I’m buying,” Laurel suggested.

  “Thanks, Laurel. I think that’s a great idea.” Rowan put her arm around Laurel and turned in the direction of the café.

  Laurel was so concerned about Rowan and Mica, she almost forgot how worried she was about Kai, almost but not quite. Desperate to hear Kai’s voice, she felt for her phone in her pocket willing it to ring. Before all of Aether burned to the ground, Laurel prayed Kai would find her best friend and bring her home.

  Chapter Eleven


  Gritty, her eyes itched, but Ashlyn couldn’t even be bothered to rub them. She sat on the floor with her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms protectively around herself. Exhausted, she nearly tipped over. Even Ash’s Fire called for a time out. It stayed hidden but hovered near the surface in case it was needed. She couldn’t help but wonder about the woman named Brooke. She looked like the girl next door. But who was she really? It had been a huge blow when Brooke left her alone with those two psychos. At first, she had appeared self-assured and confident. Then, her entire demeanor changed when Devlin and Barrington entered the room. Ash thought she had been saved, but she was wrong. Hopelessness enveloped her. Extreme fatigue was the only thing pulling Ashlyn under into a fitful sleep.

  Ash dreamed of Aether. Alone in the Atrium of the South Tower, her gaze lingered over her beautiful village. She startled as her name was called from behind. Turning to the sound of the voice, she breathed a sigh of relief. “Hawk. How are you here?”

  Ash could tell immediately when Hawk recognized where she had brought him through their connection. “You’re dreaming, honey, but I’ve been searching for you through our link. I wanted you to know I’m coming for you. The Protectors and I are on our way. Are you okay?” He ran the back of his hand down her cheek and she nuzzled into his touch.

  “Thank the God and Goddess. Yes, I’m all right, but I can’t take much more of this. How did you find me?”

  “That’s a pretty long story. Let’s just say it’s not the Renegades who’ve taken you. It’s a man named Dr. Charles Barrington. Apparently, he and Kai have a history together. He was his roommate in med school. Obviously, he knows about us, about Aether, and what our people are capable of.” Hawk gently stoked her hair and smiled sadly. “I don’t know which facility they’re holding you in, baby. They have dozens of locations, but we’re searching all of them. Can you tell me anything about where they’ve taken you?”

  Ashlyn lay her cheek on Hawk’s muscled chest, tears pooling in her eyes. “I don’t know, but I’ve met Barrington. He’s really scary, cold, and there’s something dark in his eyes that’s chilling.” Wrapping her arms around his waist, breathing in his masculine scent, she fortified herself with his inner strength.

  “I know, honey. I promise I’m going to come for you very soon.” Hawk rubbed slow comforting circles up and down her back. “You just need to hang in there a little longer. What else can you tell me about where you are?”

  “Nothing, I can’t tell you anything. I’m locked in a lab now not a cell. They keep knocking me out with drugs. When I woke up this time I had bruises up and down my arms. Looks like they’ve been taking my blood.” Ash sensed the moment Hawk had drawn on the Elements, and then the air around them swirled like a subtle breeze. She could physically feel his power and anger boiling up inside her. She took a deep breath trying to calm herself and hoping to calm Hawk as well. Remembering something important, she suddenly pulled back. “Wait, there was a woman last night. Her name was Brooke. I felt like she wanted to help me, but then Barrington and his henchman Devlin came in and scared her away. She said she is the assistant director of CEB Laboratories.”

  “Good job, baby. I’ll look into her and see what we can find out. Ash, there’s so much I want to tell you when I find you. But right now, I need you to stay strong. Can you do that for me, honey?” Hawk leaned down and pressed his lips to her forehead.

  “Yes, I’ll try. But, Hawk, please hurry. I’m so scared. These men are dangerous. And crazy. This place is like a fortress. Everything has security keypads and tons of guards with guns. I’m worried they’ll hurt you.”

  “Don’t you worry about me. Those assholes are the ones who should be worried because I’m going to kill anyone who has put their hands on you. Nothing can stop me from finding you, Ash.”

  Without warning, Hawk was gone. Ash bolted upright. A strange hissing noise followed by a slight breeze lifted the thin material of her hospital gown. Her Fire sprang to action dancing along her fingertips and down her arms. Devlin stood before her grinning menacingly. He toyed with some kind of remote control, and the glass wall in front of her continued to rise several inches. He slid a tray of food and bucket underneath the opening. Ash’s Flame shot out seeking its target. But it was too late, the glass quickly dropped back into place sealing her inside once again.

  “Good try, Firecracker. Looks like you were having a nice dream. Dr. Barrington insisted I feed you, so I brought you a snack. The bucket over there is your toilet. So, enjoy,” Devlin said, his eyes filled with cruelty. “You better eat up because the boss has lots of fun experiments in store for you today. Remember, if you don’t cooperate I’m going to hurt your friend some more. I get hard every time she screams her pretty little head off.” He adjusted his pants obscenely.

  “You are a lying sack of shit. I know Laurel isn’t here. She never was. She’s home. She’s safe from you sick, demented people, and you are never going to touch her.” Ashlyn knew provoking Devlin was a really bad idea, but she couldn’t help herself. She was nearing her breaking point. For once she wanted the upper hand with Devlin and his cruel sadistic ways. She needed him to know he couldn’t use the threat of harming Laurel against her anymore. “So go fuck yourself!”

  Appearing shocked, Devlin’s mouth hung open. Quickly, he snapped it shut. Ashlyn reveled in the feeling, until his face turned beet red and his gaze darkened. “Why would you say that? Of course, she’s here. She’s my toy. Don’t you forget it.”

  “You can’t threaten me with Laurel’s safety anymore. I know the truth, so give it up, asshole.” The fury scalding her veins sent her Fire raging. Bright red and orange flames glowed as they surged for
ward. The steady burst directed at the glass hovered yet had no effect on it. Devlin stepped back several feet. Ash got her first hint that he may have genuinely been intimidated by her powers even if he tried not to show it.

  Devlin’s voice dropped low and threatening. His eyes narrowed looking fierce. “I’m going to make you suffer, Firecracker. I’m going to leave my mark all over you, and you will beg me to kill you.” He pointed at her aggressively. Salvia foamed in the corner of his misshapen mouth reminding Ash of a feral dog. “Then, I’m going to tear the flesh from your pretty body. There will be nothing left of you to even bury.” Devlin turned and stormed out of the lab.

  Sagging against the wall, Ash let out a breath. Her Fire continued to rage. She closed her eyes calling to it, “It’s okay. Back down. He’s gone now. We’re all right. Hawk’s coming for us.” Her Flame tapered off and buried itself just below the surface.

  Ashlyn lowered herself to the floor crossing her legs. Sliding the tray in front of her, she grabbed a bottle of water. Tearing the cap free, she gulped down half its contents in one swig. Loudly, her stomach rumbled. She plucked the sandwich off the tray and tore off a chunk with her teeth. Barely tasting the turkey and cheese, she swallowed it down until there was nothing but crumbs.

  She stood, brushed herself off, and eyed the bucket with distaste. Peeking inside, she saw a yellowed roll of toilet paper sitting at the bottom. “They’ve gotta be kidding me. They expect me to pee in that. Gross.”

  Hesitantly, she lifted the roll out of the bucket with the tips of her fingers, disgusted. “Well, I guess it’s this or the floor.” Cautiously raising her hospital gown, she squatted over the bucket relieving herself in a rush. Unrolling a couple of sheets of the foul looking paper, she did what she had to do, and then tucked the bucket in the corner of her tiny prison.


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