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The House of Fire

Page 19

by M. Goldsmith

  Kai’s heartbeat picked up its rhythm. He could picture Laurel; lips swollen, sheets rumpled, waiting for him. The feel of her silken hair pulled tight in his fist as he held her exactly where he wanted her. He had to get a grip, or Quill might be proven right about the phone sex. Just the thought of Laurel talking dirty to him had Kai adjusting his pants. The sweet sound of her voice snapped him out of it.

  “No, I was waiting for your call. How are you?”

  He could hear the worry in her tone, and the heavy weight of guilt clutched him. Words flew from his lips seemingly of their own volition, “I’m so sorry I left. You know I had to come and fix things. Please, I need you to understand. I have to stop Charles.”

  She laughed. “It’s okay. I knew you were going as soon as Hawk told you the plan. Of course, I’m not happy. I’m worried about you. But being with you again kind of makes me want to forgive you.” He could hear the smile in her voice as she continued. “It was even more amazing then I remember. It was like a dream.”

  “I love you, Laurel. I wish you were here and could feel my heart racing. Leaving you sleeping in my bed nearly ripped me in two. But I need to correct my mistakes and to help save Ash, then everything will be in balance again, including us.”

  “None of what happened to Ash and me was your fault. I know you guys will get her back. But listen, I have to ask you something, and be honest with me. You were very cryptic earlier. Please, is there something you’re not telling me? I have a right to know.”

  “I’d never keep a secret from you. I’m just trying to protect you, honey; it’s upsetting. Are you sure you want to hear this?”

  Laurel took a moment to answer. “Yes. Yes, I really want to know. I want to be prepared to help Ash with whatever she’s had to face. When she gets back to Aether, she’ll need me. It’s better if I know now.”

  “This needs to stay between us. You can’t tell a soul.”

  “Kai, you’re talking in riddles. Just tell me already.”

  “A woman who works in the lab, named Brooke, found Ash and said she wants to help. The problem is, she’s Charles Barrington’s daughter.”

  “Oh my God!” Laurel squeaked out.

  “Ashlyn believes Brooke is genuine, and I trust her instincts. She’s smart and tough not some gullible young girl. Ash is the Guardian of Fire after all. I think we need to have faith in her.”

  “Wow, that’s a lot to take in. I hope you’re right about this Brooke woman. Why would she go against her own father to help Ash?”

  “I don’t know for sure, but maybe it’s because her father is an evil, psychotic kidnapper. But, Laurel, there’s more…” Kai choked up, as dread filled him. He knew what he had to tell Laurel next would destroy her.

  “Go on, Kai, just tell me. I’m going to find out sooner or later. I’d rather hear it from you.”

  “They hurt her, honey. Those animals beat her and cut her.” Laurel gasped loudly. “Listen to me, Hawk was linked to her at the time, and none of the injuries were serious. It seems they were trying to coerce her, teach her a lesson, and get her to submit. I’m so sorry, Laurel.”

  She sniffled softly. “I’m glad you told me. No wonder you don’t want me to tell anyone.” Her crying got a little louder, causing her words to stick in her throat. “Oh God, Kai, poor Ash.”

  “It’s going to be okay, baby. We’re going to get her back. And I’m going to stop Charles Barrington for good. I may have inadvertently started this, but I’m going to end it. I’m going to help restore balance.”

  “You better be careful, Kai. These men are ruthless. I need you to come home to me. You don’t think I waited 50 years to get you back just to lose you again, do you? I stayed in your house tonight like you wanted me to. I’m in your bed right now, and I’m not wearing anything. I can still feel your hands on me, Kai. My lips can still feel yours. Please, promise me you won’t do anything to will risk your life.”

  “Laurel, baby, you’re my everything and always have been. I promise to be careful. You know Hawk and Quill won’t let anything happen to me. Plus, with the visual you just gave me of you in my bed, I know what I have waiting for me when I get back. I was going to go in and take a hot shower, but I think now I’ll make it a cold one. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to speak to you again. Strategies tomorrow morning, and then we free Ash tomorrow night. I’ll be in touch as soon as I can. Sweet dreams.”

  “Kai, Dream about me.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Despair clung to Ashlyn like Velcro. It had evolved into a mighty force and embedded itself deep inside her. Her entire body throbbed with pain; it even hurt to breathe. Gathering her strength, Ash realized she was back in her cell. She never thought she would be glad to see the gloomy gray walls again, but anything was better than the lab. She used the metal bed frame as an anchor dragging herself into a semi-upright position. Swaying, she placed her hands on both sides of her head attempting to steady herself. She still felt fuzzy from the drugs in her system. This last round with Devlin and Barrington had left her weak and demoralized. She fumbled with the bandage at her neck. The memory of Devlin’s cold, steel blade against her throat made her shiver. Ashlyn sagged on the bed, all of her fight vanishing.

  She was worried that when they finally killed her she would remain in a state of limbo, unable to move on to Arcadia without a Passage Ceremony. Ash ached to see Hawk one last time. Stretching out her battered body she winced, but then closed her eyes tightly and explored the depths of her mind. Her soul yearned to link with Hawk’s one last time before she would consider her end, a welcome friend.

  Hawk’s presence and strength washed over her like a gentle breeze. It infused her with warmth and something else, something inexplicable, intangible. Invisible hands held her up, supported her, and guided her to him. Only moments ago, she had given up on any chance of ever getting free from Barrington Laboratories, but then she united with Hawk’s aura.

  Her voice sounded strange even to herself. She spoke in barely a whisper, “Hawk?”

  With their link in place, Ashlyn could feel the combination of Hawk’s relief and fury. “Ash, thank God. You’re alive. I’ve been so worried about you. I don’t know if you realized it, but I was with you when that scarred faced prick hurt you. Are you all right, honey?”

  Ash had promised herself she would never perform for Barrington like a monkey in a circus, but in the end, it was exactly what she had done. Devlin had hurt her, and her courage faded away to nothingness. Emotion choked her, and tears spilled down her cheeks. Ashlyn had never cried so much in her entire life as since she’d been kidnapped. Determined to hold it together for Hawk’s sake, she spoke calmly. “I tried, Hawk, but their weapons and drugs are too strong to fight. I had no choice. They were going to kill me if I didn’t do what they wanted. Devlin is a crazy sadistic maniac. I’m trying, but I don’t know how long I can keep this up. Just in case, I wanted to tell you goodbye and thank you for being with me when nobody else could. You’ve kept me going. Please, tell my parents and Laurel, I love them.”

  “No, I will not let you give up and say your goodbyes. I’m here. Just a few miles from CEB, and we’re going to get you out of there tonight. Promise me you won’t quit yet. Please, Ash. There’s so much I need to tell you. I’ve been so stupid keeping you at arm’s length. We have this connection for a reason, a very special reason. And I refuse to allow even one more day to go by without you. Tell me you hear me.” Ashlyn couldn’t help chuckling. “Ash? Are you laughing at me?”

  “You have no idea how long I’ve hoped you would say something like that to me. I feel like such a fool. I should’ve told you about the connection I sensed between us a long time ago, but I couldn’t seem to reconcile it with myself. It was so completely overwhelming I blocked it out. And you. I’m sorry.”

  “Stop apologizing. You’ve done nothing wrong, and you’ve certainly done nothing to deserve this. We both made mistakes, but tonight I’m coming to get you and
this will all be just a bad memory. I know you’ve been through so much, but please, trust me. I need you to hang in there a little longer. You’ll be free very soon. You have my word.”

  Ash felt the prickle of tears, but this time, they were tears of joy. They were linked, and they both responded to the deep connection. She knew with her whole heart he would give everything to rescue her, but she was worried about him and the other Protectors. “You don’t understand what this place is like. It’s a total fortress. You’re asking me to trust you and I do, unconditionally, but I need you to trust me, too. The only way you’re getting in here is with Brooke’s help.”

  “No, Ash, you don’t understand. Your friend is Brooke Barrington. Her father is Charles Barrington. You can’t trust her.”

  She appreciated Hawk’s skepticism. At first, she herself had been very suspicious of Brooke’s motives. Then she had opened up to Ashlyn. She shared some details regarding her horrible childhood memories and about her relationship with Charles. Ash believed the sincerity of Brooke’s words and her true desire to help. “I know who she is. But I’m asking you to have faith in my intuition, faith in me. I’m telling you she can be trusted. She hates her father. She’s not safe here with him and especially not with Devlin. There’s something special about her. I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s as if part of me recognizes her somehow. She’s going to help save me, and then we’re going to save her, too.”

  “I don’t like it, but I do trust you. So I guess I’ll just have to trust her, too. Tell Brooke to meet me at noon, at The Park Lane Diner on Route 25. You better warn her there are a lot of us, and we can be a bit intimidating as a group. I don’t want to scare her away. Does she know about our connection to the Elements? Our Powers?”

  “Brooke knows I can create fire and self-heal but little else. She doesn’t have any idea about the other Elements, or about Aether, but I’m going to tell her today. I want her to come home with us, and she needs to understand and appreciate what she is going to be up against. I believe her father and Devlin will be a danger to her if they discover she helped me escape. I know I said this before, but she is not like them. She’s genuine and honest. You’ll see when you meet her later today. Thank you for trusting me. I’ll make sure she meets you this afternoon.” Her body sagged in relief. Hawk’s unequivocal support meant everything to her.

  “You are aware the Elders are never going to allow an outsider into to Aether, let alone permit her to stay there. They’re very suspicious of ordinary humans, let’s not even mention who her father is and what he’s done to you.”

  Ashlyn knew Hawk was right about the Elders. They had always been wary of typical humans, and Ash was convinced Brooke’s presence could certainly be interpreted as a threat to Aether. In order to get the Aetherians to accept her, Brooke would have to prove her trustworthiness. If she helped to secure Ashlyn’s safety it would go a long way in demonstrating her loyalty. Ashlyn planned to argue, even defy the Elders if necessary, in order to shelter Brooke. She belonged in Aether with Ash and her people, at least until they no longer felt threatened by Barrington.

  “Why don’t you let me worry about the Elders? You know I can be pretty convincing when I want to be. They need me, and I need to protect Brooke. It’s really that simple.”

  “Okay, honey, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. I wish I could stay with you, but I think you should rest. Heal yourself. I need you to be strong. I wanted to tell you this when I saw you in person…but I need you to know something… I love you, Ashlyn, I’ve always loved you.”

  Hawk’s confession hung in the air and wrapped around her like a passionate embrace.

  Then he was gone, and Ashlyn didn’t even have the opportunity to tell him she loved him, too. Their link had been severed again. He would come for her tonight, and she wouldn’t have to tell him how she felt, she would show him.

  Keeping her breathing even, Ash allowed her eyes to flutter closed. Drawing on her powers, she concentrated allowing her internal Flame to shoot through her. Her body began the gradual process of healing her various injuries. As the magic inside of her took hold, Ashlyn drifted off into a fitful sleep.

  She was pulled from her restful state as Brooke’s tinny and slightly distant voice reached her ears. “Ashlyn? Can you hear me? It’s Brooke.”

  Furrowing her brows, Ashlyn’s gaze darted around the room. “Brooke? Where are you?”

  “I’m in the control room which monitors the entire facility including your cell. I bribed the guy on duty to let me have a few minutes alone with you,” Brooke answered, pride evident in her voice.

  “You should be more careful. I’m worried about you. What if your father finds out you’ve been down here asking to see me?” The images that came to mind if Barrington or Devlin found Brooke with her were too horrible to imagine.

  “It’s super early and none of the regular employees are here yet. Don’t worry; I know the guy I bribed won’t say anything. He was pretty happy with the money I gave him. Plus, Charles Barrington is way too arrogant to think I would ever defy him.” Brooke’s voice was strong and confident.

  Ash hoped she was right about her father. She knew from her own experience Dr. Charles Barrington possessed a highly exaggerated self-opinion.

  “There are so many monitors in here, I just have to find the right one… Okay, there’s the camera focused on you… My God, Ashlyn, what have they done to you?” Her voice squeaked and cracked, and Ash thought she sounded near tears. Brooke continued, “I never should have listened to you. I shouldn’t have left you to their devices. I’m so sorry. Tell me how to help you.”

  “I’m going to be okay, Brooke. I promise. I’ve already begun to heal myself. You should’ve seen me last night. I’m sure I look much worse than I feel.”

  “Well, you look terrible. You’re covered in bruises. Your eye and cheek are totally swollen, and you have a giant bandage on your neck. Are you hurt anywhere else?”

  Pain lanced through her. Ashlyn grimaced holding her ribs but managed to sluggishly sit up. She wished she could spare Brooke the truth about her father and Devlin’s abusive treatment. But, there was no hiding her injuries from Brooke. She could see everything through the cameras, and Ash wanted to continue to build their trust. “Other than what you see, they shocked me with these long stick things. I think Devlin broke a couple of my ribs, too. They wanted me to use my Fire for their experiment. You were right. I guess I shouldn’t have fought them because I ended up doing it anyway. But really, I swear, I’m okay. I feel much better than last night. Anyhow, we have more important things to talk about especially since you don’t have much time.”

  “All right. What do you want to talk about?”

  “My people are here, Brooke. They’ve come to rescue me, and I need your help.” Ash swung her legs back and forth as they dangled over the edge of the bed. She wiped her sweaty palms on the itchy woolen blanket.

  “Anything, absolutely anything. I’m not going to let that man who calls himself my father, and that brute Devlin, hurt you anymore. I’ve always known my father was a cruel man, but this goes beyond anything I ever imagined. I’m done being afraid of him. I’m ready to fight for what’s right. Just tell me what to do.”

  “Would you be willing to meet my people and work with them? Share your knowledge of the facility?”

  “Of course,” Brooke said.

  “They want you to meet them at noon, at the Park Lane Diner, on route 25. Do you know where that is?”

  “Yes, it’s very close to here, no more than ten or fifteen minutes away. I go there sometimes on my way home from work. I can definitely be there at noon.”

  “Great, you’ll meet Hawk and the other Protectors. They are like a military police force, sort of. I want to warn you they can be a rather intimidating group. Mostly men, all very large, fit, and armed. Hawk is…Hawk is special to me. He’ll take care of you.”

  “Special, huh? What does that mean exactly? Is he your boyfriend?”

  Ashlyn searched for a way to explain things to Brooke in simple terms. “It’s more complicated than I have time to explain in detail right now. Let’s just say he and I are connected in a very special way.” Ash thought her explanation was vague but got the point across. “You know if you help me, you can’t stay here. Your father and Devlin won’t let you get away with being disloyal. You’ll be in danger, Brooke. There is a lot about my people I need to tell you. I want you to understand because I want you to come home with me, and you need to know what you’ll be up against.”

  “Is this about your Fire? Can all of your people create fire?” Brooke asked.

  “Yes and no. It’s more complex than that. We are from a place called Aether—”

  “Wait a minute. Are you saying you are from outer space or something? You know I’m a scientist, right?”

  “I assure you I am not from outer space. Aether is the name of our village. We’re from Earth, the same as you. For reasons that should now seem pretty obvious, we live in isolation for the most part in order to protect ourselves. Aetherians are different from typically functioning humans. We are linked to the four Elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. We work in unison to maintain balance on the planet and with its inhabitants. Many of my people have some sort of control over one or more of the Elements. There are four corresponding houses and each has a Guardian. I am the Guardian of Fire. My gifts are stronger than most. The role I play in my community and on this planet are crucial to its survival.”

  Brooke was quiet for a moment, and Ash couldn’t blame her. Even from another room, she could almost feel Brooke shaking her head in disbelief. “My head is spinning right now. It just doesn’t sound real. If I didn’t see your Fire with my own eyes, I’m not sure I would believe it. Now you’re telling me there are more of you. This is too much, but I have to admit, I’m both curious and kind of freaking out at the same time.”

  “That’s certainly understandable, but think about what I said, Brooke. My people have gifts. They’re good people. We may be different from you, but we have compassion and love, just the same. We can keep you safe from your father and Devlin. I know it’s a lot to absorb, but please consider it. It may not make sense right now, but I believe we were destined to meet. I can feel it, and I think you can, too.”


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