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The House of Fire

Page 21

by M. Goldsmith


  Darkness fell shrouding the area where the Protectors concealed themselves. They gathered together on the fringe of CEB Laboratories’ property. Woods surrounded the building on all sides, and they hung close to the edge, watching and waiting. Dressed in black, the rugged warriors were cloaked in the shadows. Clouds hung low in the sky obscuring the glow of the moon, giving the air a hazy aura. The night felt ominous and eerie for more than one reason. Encased in his own murkiness, Hawk’s hand remained poised on his weapon. With every snap of branch or rustle of leaves, he choked up on the gun’s grip, his knuckles whitening.

  River addressed the teams, “I know we’ve been over our plan numerous times and you are all impatient to get inside, but we need to wait a while longer to make sure the building is clear. I just want to review it one more time since we have to wait anyway.” There was some eye rolling and moaning from the group, but when River gave them a dissatisfied look, the Protectors ceased instantly.

  “Thank you for your cooperation,” he said, sarcastically. “Brooke is going to signal us when the last of the regular employees have left for the night. And at some point, she’s also going to open a side entrance. After which, she’ll install the device to knock out the cameras. When we’re certain the feed is blocked, we’ll enter the facility. You all know what you’re supposed to do. Skye, after your mission, I’d like you to remain as a lookout. We don’t want any unexpected interruptions.”

  Skye, one of the few female Protectors, was the best sharpshooter in Aether. “Of course, River, whatever you need. You can count on me. I’m your man, or woman as the case may be,” Skye responded.

  The other Protectors chuckled at her joke. Skye was the perfect combination of toughness and beauty. Her long dark hair was pulled back in two braids giving her an innocent look. But none of the men fell for the guise. Skye was a lethal Protector. Her vivid blue eyes pierced through every target in her sights. Even the group of alpha males, which dominated the Protectors, were no match for her skills.

  “I’d like everyone to please check your communication headsets.” River ordered.

  The voices of the others testing the com system echoed through Hawk’s ears and filled his mind with static. He scrubbed his hands down his face and then ran his fingers through his hair. Ash remained just out of his reach, and Hawk was unaccustomed to feeling helpless. His muscles tingled in anticipation of the battle, and his powers were beginning to hijack him again.

  River’s voice drowned out the other Protectors’ and Hawk regained his focus. “You were told the lives of the people inside the building would be spared, but I conferred with the Elders this morning, and they don’t want any witnesses. The innocent guards in the main part of the building will be shown mercy as we previously planned. We think the mercenaries that have tortured and held our Guardian captive need to be taken out. I know this goes against everything we, as Aetherians, believe about the value of all living things. But this is a necessary evil in order to ensure the safety and anonymity of our people. Please tell me now if anyone has a problem with this.” River paused, looking each team member in the eye before continuing.

  Everyone in Aether respected River, but none more than the Protectors who worked with him. Hawk and Quill had especially looked up to him when they were teenagers. River had always been fair and understanding of other’s opinions and differences, which is probably what made him such a great leader. The badass Protector exuded a cool, calm demeanor even in a crisis. River’s influence and support was one of the reasons the two wanted to participate in the Protector trials.

  When no one responded, he continued. “All right then, I’ll take your silence as an agreement. We will attempt to be quick and merciful unlike these people who have hurt Ashlyn. It is still our plan to capture Charles Barrington and Robert Devlin alive so we may interrogate them. However, if you feel at any time your life, or that of one of your fellow Protectors, is in jeopardy, do whatever you have to. Are we clear?” Rumbles of affirmative responses were grunted out among the group.

  With his hands clasped behind his lower back, River slowly walked back and forth. “After our goals on the main floor have been achieved, my team will head down to the lower level where Ashlyn is being held. This is where we expect it to get rough. Brooke’s intel has helped us to be more prepared, but these individuals are highly trained and extremely dangerous. Don’t take any unnecessary chances and everyone, and I mean everyone, must stay alert and on guard. Are there any questions—”

  Quill interrupted, jumping to his feet, a hint of anger in his eyes. “Wait a minute. What about Brooke? She’s risking everything to help us. We need to keep her safe and away from the fighting.”

  “Brooke promised she would remain locked inside the lab until we come to get her,” River responded.

  Quill’s fist hit the table with a thud. “For the record, I don’t like it, not one bit! What if something happens to her?”

  Stopping in front of Quill, River looked him directly in the eyes. “I’m sorry, Quill. While I appreciate your concern, I’m afraid no matter how prepared we are, things can always go wrong on a mission. Of course, we’ll do everything in our power to ensure her safety. But remember, Brooke knows what she signed up for. She’s well aware of the potential risks.”

  Quill’s jaw clenched and his face flushed, but he remained silent. Hawk could feel the tension radiating from his friend. This protective streak of Quill’s was really beginning to worry him. They had only met Brooke briefly, and he acted as if he were duty-bound to protect her. Clearly, he’s drawn to her. Wait until he finds out Ash wants her to come home to Aether with us. Laurel predicted Quill would fall hard someday, guess she was right. The charismatic fighter and the beautiful scientist, this should be fun.

  No one had anything else to add. The plan was memorized by everyone, inside out and backward. Tension vibrated through the Protectors. They all wanted to get the mission underway already, especially Hawk. He leaned back against a tree closing his eyes concentrating on blocking his link with Ash. He wanted to keep her from worrying until they were ready to free her.


  Ashlyn woke jumping up off the flimsy cot in her cell. The hair on the back of her neck prickled with a strange sense a storm was coming. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and wondered how long she had been out. Placing her hands on her lower back, she stretched her aching muscles. Then, she took a slow deep breath and concentrated on Hawk. Nothing. Something was blocking their link. “Not now! Where are you, Hawk?”

  She paced back and forth around her small cell, like a tiger in a cage. A million thoughts swamped her making her feel dizzy. I wonder if Brooke met with the Protectors? The image of sweet Brooke with the group of alpha males normally would have made Ashlyn laugh, but she worried they might have intimidated her. Although, with Charles Barrington as her father, Ash was sure Brooke could handle herself.

  Her new friend still needed convincing coming back to Aether with them was her safest option. Persuading the Elders would be an entirely different story. Their wariness of typically functioning humans was understandable, but Ash knew without even the smallest doubt Brooke was different. She was special, of that Ashlyn was sure. Although she couldn’t possibly explain the reasons behind her belief, it didn’t make it any less true.

  With no idea of the Protectors’ plan, Ash hoped there wouldn’t be too much blood shed, with the exception of one person, Devlin. It went against her character to wish harm to come to another individual, but Devlin was a true monster. The mercenary personified the type of evil villain born from the nightmares of both children and adults alike.

  Barrington was a different kind of horror altogether. He used his intelligence, not his brute strength like Devlin. Cruelty and coldness radiated off him like steam rising from Aether’s Lake on the first cold days of Autumn. She shuddered, shaking off a chill which had nothing to do with temperature in the room. Her fingernails dug into her palms leaving little crescent
shaped marks.

  Ash knew Brooke had only expressed a fraction of how much she struggled growing up with Charles Barrington as her father. The more Ash had gotten to know him herself, the more she got a glimpse inside of what her friend’s childhood must have been like. Manipulation was his weapon of choice, and he displayed an arrogance which could not be measured. His quiet, matter-of-fact demeanor and callousness alarmed Ashlyn almost as much as Devlin’s savagery. Regardless of what happened tonight, Ashlyn would make sure Brooke was free of her father, and of Devlin, too.


  The Protectors took turns pacing, sitting, and staking out the facility. Finally, after several hours of waiting, River announced the all clear from Brooke. Once the camera feeds were down, they would be ready to move in. Hawk and Quill were assigned positions on either side of the door to provide backup.

  Hawk heard the subtle vibration of River’s phone ten minutes later when a text message came through. Brooke indicated the device had been installed as instructed, and the cameras were down. Wasting no time, River gave the signal and the first team moved into action. The side door made a low whoosh when Quill opened it for Skye and the others. Staying low they entered in stealth mode. The guard didn’t turn to the sound, and Hawk noticed wires hanging down from his ears. Peering in through window he smiled as he watched Skye in her element. She crouched low to the ground and slyly crept along until she was positioned directly behind the guard. The young man bopped his head and clicked away on the keyboard in front of him, clueless. Skye brought the tranquilizer gun up to her sights, closed one eye, and shot the guard directly between his shoulder blades. His head hit the desk with a thump causing him to slump over in his seat.

  Weapons at the ready, the Protectors stayed close to the walls. Single file, they edged their way to the stairs. Two guards remained, and Hawk hoped the rest of the mission went as smoothly as Skye’s first shot. As he watched River, Hawk realized their fierce lead Protector seemed not only worried about saving Ashlyn, but like the true commander he was, he appeared anxious for the safety of his teams.

  Hawk’s stomach tightened as they waited for the first group to return. Ten minutes later the stairwell door burst open, and Skye appeared. She held the door wide to make way for the others dragging the unconscious guards. They were lowering the men to the shiny tile floor, just as the remaining Protectors entered the building. The teams followed River’s orders quickly and efficiently. The soldiers, all moving with silent precision, worked like a well-oiled machine.

  Skye clipped the tranquilizer gun into a holster at her hip and pulled out an automatic rifle. She winked at Hawk. “Just in case.” She was a crack shot, and Hawk felt relieved she would be standing guard.

  He stared at CEB Laboratories. An innocuous looking building, no one would ever suspect it held a prison within its depths. He could hardly wait to see it explode and crumble to the ground. With the Protectors on the job, hopefully there would be irreparable damage to the lab’s computer system. It was imperative they destroy any chance of Barrington, or anyone else, continuing with his inhumane and vicious experiments. Barrington and Devlin needed to be stopped permanently, or Hawk was afraid they might possibly find a way to pick up where they left off. Even though River wanted them alive for questioning, Hawk was going to make sure after their interrogation they would never be a threat to anyone again.

  River commanded everyone’s attention, “Okay, you all know what to do. Let’s move out and go get our Fire Guardian!”

  The Protectors’ determined gazes darted around scoping for potential threats. Each individual was hyper focused on their mission goals. River, weapon drawn, signaled the team to move into position. Hawk knew which stairwell led to Ashlyn, and his powers vibrated with awareness. Soon he would have her safe in his arms. Like a whisper, they descended the stairs, weapons ready for battle. According to Brooke, two guards kept watch on either side of the door, and Hawk braced himself. River raised his mammoth sized boot kicking the door and shooting at the same time. And then, all hell broke loose.


  Blasts rocked Ashlyn’s cell and she surged to her feet. She ran to the door and pressed her ear to the thin seam running down its length. All she could make out were faint shouts and the roar of rapid fire gunshots. What in the name of the God and Goddess is going on out there? Who is shooting and who is being shot? Nausea curdled her stomach, and her Fire reached for the surface. Flames so hot they burned blue, danced up her arms and down again. Then, turning orange, her Fire coasted down her body with a crackle, engulfing her in Flames. Her ever-present hospital gown singed and crumbled to the ground falling at her feet. She called to Hawk, but the wall which had been erected between them remained firmly in place. Sparks flew, and Ashlyn directed her Fire and rage toward the door of her cell.

  “I melted the crap out of Barrington’s stupid experiment. Why can’t I…get…this…damn door to yield!” She closed her eyes and visualized the door giving way. It glowed red but refused to budge. Winded, she called her Flame back. It lingered on her arms and hands for a moment before receding. She collapsed on the bed with a heavy sigh.

  Ash prayed Hawk and the other Protectors were all right and they were the ones doing the shooting, not getting shot at. “Please, let Hawk be okay. I can’t lose him before I even really have him.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “What the hell is the good of being the Guardian of Fire if I can’t do anything!” she yelled, “Damn it! Get me out of this cell now!”

  She rose from the bed and pounded on the door with her fists, shouting until she ran out of steam. Ashlyn slumped over breathless, her body sliding down against the cold metal door, and landing on the floor in a heap. Curling herself up into a tight ball, her tears continued to fall. “I’m going to die here, and I’m never going to get to tell Hawk how I feel. Never going to feel his touch, his kiss.” Ashlyn remained contorted on the floor of her tiny prison and wept for all she had lost.


  “What a freaking cluster fuck! Everyone stay down!” Hawk yelled over the roar of bullets. They crouched low as the gunfire continued to blast them. “Two guards my ass!”

  Everything had happened so fast that it took Hawk a minute to realize River was down. Bright red blood poured down his neck just above his Kevlar vest. River gripped his thigh, and Hawk watched on, momentarily frozen, as blood spurted up between River’s fingers. Suddenly, Hawk burst into action seizing their lead Protector by the shoulders and yanking him back behind the heavy metal door.

  Turning his head, Hawk saw one of the other Protectors practically sitting on Kai holding him in place. His friend was yelling like a lunatic. “Get the hell off me, man! I’ve got to get to River right now.” He watched as Kai swung and landed a solid punch to the warrior’s bicep. The doctor slipped out of the Protector’s hold and raced over to River.

  The poor guy rubbed his arm and bellowed back at Kai. “You’re going to get your damn head blown off! Come on, man, River wanted you to stay back.”

  The rat-tat-tat of automatic weapons clanged off the door. Broken, it remained ajar either from River’s kick or gunfire. Bullets kept making their way through the small opening and pinging around the tight stairwell. River’s blood covered hand came up and took hold of Hawk’s vest pulling him down so he could speak in his ear. He coughed and blood dripped down the corner of his mouth. His voice came out in wheeze, “Hawk…you’re lead now…save Ash…save them all…tell Lily I love her…” River’s eyelids fluttered and then closed.

  Sitting up, Hawk lifted River gently by the shoulders. “Don’t you dare leave us! Do you hear me?” River’s eyes opened again, and to Hawk’s relief Kai was suddenly by his side. He pulled opened a backpack and pressed a thick bandage to River’s neck to stave off the bleeding. Kai continued to apply pressure to the neck wound and ordered Brack forward to do the same to River’s leg as well.

  “Hawk, if he has any chance, I have to get him out of here and I mean now,” Kai told his friend.

  “Hey, kid, help Kai get River up to the surface. My com link is a goner. Call for backup. Tell them to hurry. We need more weapons and explosives pronto.”

  Brack and Kai lifted River carefully and rushed up the stairs with him. He watched them disappear and prayed River would be all right. Though he was reluctant, he knew the time had come for him to take command. “I think we need to show these bastards what happens when you mess with Aetherians. I’m going to use my powers to shake things up around here. Quill, I want you to make some heavy wind for us. Let’s see what these pricks think of the power of the Elements. I’m going to open the door a little more. The rest of you keep your weapons up and don’t stop shooting until I say. Okay, let’s do this on the count of three. One…two…three.”

  Cracking the door open a bit farther, Hawk focused his power. The ground shook violently. Refusing to hold back anything at this point, he needed to get to Ashlyn quickly. Quill’s hands were up with his palms facing outward toward the opening in the door. He directed great gusts of air at their enemy. The gunfire from the other side of the door ceased. Hawk heard the mercenaries’ shouts as they struggled against the forceful blast of air and the tremors they were creating.

  Backup arrived with more guns, ammunition, and some explosives. “We brought whatever we could carry,” one of the men said. “The others stayed up top to continue setting up the chemicals for the explosion. How about I give these guys a little gift they’ll surely remember?” He dropped a duffle bag and held up a handful of grenades with a devious grin.


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