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The House of Fire

Page 24

by M. Goldsmith

  With River injured the role of lead Protector had fallen upon Hawk, a responsibility he took very seriously. This mission’s completion was his obligation, his duty. River’s admiration and respect meant the world to Hawk. He didn’t just want to make River proud; he needed to.

  The hallway appeared clear from the threat of Devlin’s men. Only the dead remained. Dragging two more bodies along the floor, the Protectors left a smeared trail of blood in their wake. The deceased were arranged side by side in a morbid queue. Hawk addressed no one in particular when he said, “What happened? And where the hell is Barrington?”

  One of the men responded, “They came from another direction and caught us by surprise. We haven’t seen Barrington. Glad we got these two, but there are two more somewhere. The others are searching for them. We have all the samples. The computer virus has been uploaded and is running as we speak. The explosives are all set to go on your command.”

  “You probably scared off the other two. I’m going back to the lab for Ash and Brooke. We need to get them out of here. Let’s call the others and start moving these bodies. I can’t wait to blow this place sky high.”

  Hawk poked his head back into the lab catching a glimpse of Ash slipping a sweatshirt over her head. He knew he shouldn’t, but couldn’t help admiring her beautiful breasts as the sweatshirt fell into place covering their perfection. Her creamy skin practically called out to be touched. Whoa! Better get my head on straight, this mission is far from over. He cleared his throat. “You ladies ready to go?”

  Ash beamed at him. “More than ready to get out of this place.”

  Brooke followed pulling a large wheeled suitcase behind her. Hawk relieved her of the huge bag. “Here let me take this for you.” Just as they stepped into the hallway, two men screeched around the corner guns drawn. A spray of bullets pinged off the walls sending shards of tile everywhere. “Get down!” Hawk yelled.

  Quill barreled toward them diving in front of Brooke shielding her with his much larger body. Hawk watched as his best friend was pierced in the bicep by a bullet. A gush of blood ran down his arm, and Brooke screamed. “Oh my God, Quill!” Hawk heard him whispering words of reassurance to Brooke as he continued to cover her body with his own.

  Before Hawk could even un-holster his weapon, Ash’s hands blazed with Fire. She discharged her Flame and directed it at their two attackers. Their clothing ignited. Shouts of terror rang out as they jerked about struggling to squelch the flames. Skye stepped out of the shadows bringing her weapon level with her line of sight. She planted her feet and in rapid succession precisely placed a single bullet directly into each man’s head. Skye cocked her head to one side then rolled it on her shoulders. She appeared nonchalant as the soldiers dropped to the ground instantly. The world around them became quiet once again. She holstered her weapon and leaned back against the wall in a casual pose.

  Brooke’s entire body shook violently, and Hawk could see his friend steadying her with his hands on her shoulders. “Look at me, Brooke.” Quill commanded her in a way he’d never seen before. Hawk watched on as her big blue eyes met Quill’s. “I’ve got you. You’re safe now.” He pivoted slightly without losing contact with Brooke. “I guess we know where they are now.” Arching his brow, he turned to Ashlyn. “Hey, Ash, nice pyrotechnics. You’re a little badass. If the Guardian gig doesn’t work out, maybe you should think about becoming a Protector.”

  Ash smiled at Quill and then faced Skye. “You were amazing, Skye. Thank you. I was actually scared to death. The Fire is just a natural instinct. You saved us all.”

  “All in a day’s work,” Skye said, humbly. “Everybody good?”

  “No! Everyone is definitely not good! Quill was shot. Hawk was sliced with a knife and had his face bashed in. Ashlyn has been held prisoner, beaten, and tortured. And if you haven’t noticed there are dead bodies everywhere!” Brooke’s voice was high pitched and laden with panic.

  Quill enfolded her in his arms and gently stroked her hair. “Shh, it’s going to be okay. We heal really fast, remember? Look at Hawk’s arm. It’s hardly even bleeding. And Ash’s bruises are totally fading.” Brooke looked over at Hawk and Ashlyn while still holding onto Quill. His reassuring words continued. “I don’t want you to worry. We’re going to take care of everything. Trust me.”

  Hawk saw Brooke’s eyes light up when she looked into Quill’s. He knew at that moment his best friend’s life was about to change forever. Right now, he had more important things to think about than Quill’s love life. Hawk shifted into command mode. “Quill, you and I will take Ash and Brooke to the surface. Everyone else, start bringing the bodies up. Don’t forget about Devlin. He’s in the lab. Now move out.”

  Ash piped in. “Wait a minute, Hawk. What about Charles? We need to find him.” She spun to face Brooke. “Does he have an office or someplace he might be hiding down here?”

  Brooke pointed down the corridor. “I did see an office down that hall the other night when I was looking around. Come on. I’ll take you to it.”

  “Are you two in charge now?” Hawk questioned, wryly. “We need to get you both to safety. I’ll send someone to find Barrington’s office and search it. Agreed?” The woman both nodded in silent agreement.

  Hawk directed Skye and one of the other men to conduct the search for Barrington’s office. Then he clasped Ash’s hand firmly and headed toward the stairwell. River’s blood splattered on the door looked like a gruesome Jackson Pollack painting. A crimson puddle glistened near the entrance. Hawk hoped Ashlyn and Brooke wouldn’t ask about it. His grip on Ash’s hand remained steadfast as they ascended the stairs. Quill grunted when he hefted Brooke’s suitcase up with one hand. He had his other arm around her waist never losing contact with her.

  Two more Protectors met them on the steps, and Hawk gave them their orders. “Get down there and help the others move the deceased. We’re going to get the ladies to safety. Everything else on schedule?”

  “Yes, and the explosives are ready to go whenever you give the word. We’ll see you topside in a few.”

  The wind whistled, and Ashlyn’s hair whipped around her beautiful face. Hawk knew with certainty he would never tire of drinking in her delicate features. Gravel crunched under their feet until they came to the end of the path and reached the edge of the wooded area. Hawk’s gaze connected with Kai’s. The doctor shook his head indicating things with River looked grim. Ashlyn pulled free of his grip and ran full force to River who was stretched out on the ground. Hawk addressed Brack. “Go help the others, we’ll stay here with Kai and River.” Brack walked toward the building but glanced back a few times before he finally entered.

  Ash’s eyes flooded with tears. “River, oh dear Goddess,” she said to Hawk, “what happened? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I’m sorry, honey, there wasn’t time to discuss it. Devlin had extra men at the entrance, and River was the first one through the door.” Looking at Kai, he inquired. “How is he doing?”

  Kai’s tone was quiet and solemn. “I’m afraid it’s not good. The bullet to his leg caused irreparable damage to his femoral artery. The blood loss is too great, and I obviously can’t operate to repair it. I’ve been trying to keep him comfortable with IV fluids and painkillers. But I’m sorry to say, he’s running out of time.” Kai hung a fresh bag of IV solution. “This is the last of the IV bags. He spoke to Lily already. It was heartbreaking. Apparently, she is with child and was waiting to tell him when he got back from the mission.”

  Ashlyn ran the back of her fingers down River’s face in a tender gesture. His eyes fluttered open and focused on her. With his voice weak and shaky he spoke, “Ashlyn…you okay?”

  “I’m fine, River.” Tears ran down her face. “This is all my fault. If you hadn’t come to get me… I’m so sorry, River.”

  River reached up and found Ash’s hand. He brought it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss to the back. “Not your fault, sweetheart…my job to protect…so glad to see you free… Aet
her needs you… Hawk, too…go home, be happy, live well…tell Lily I love her and the baby…help her. Ash…. don’t let her be alone…tell her to let love in her heart…tell her I will always be with her…” His voice trailed off and when Hawk looked around everyone had tears in their eyes.

  River’s head lolled to the side. Kai checked his pulse and then reached over, closing River’s eyes. “He’s gone. I wish I could have done something to save him. Damn Charles Barrington and his vendetta! It should’ve been me, not River, I brought this to our people.” His head dropped into his hands and then Hawk was at his side.

  He placed his hand on Kai’s shoulder. “This is no one’s fault, not yours, not Ash’s, no one but Barrington and Devlin. River wouldn’t want you to blame yourself. He was a Protector of Aether. It’s a risk we each knowingly take. We need to bring him back home, to Lily. Can you prepare him?” Kai didn’t speak; he nodded. Slowly he slid the needle from River’s arm removing the IV and then Brack’s handy work.

  The other Protectors began to emerge from the building carrying the dead soldiers. One by one they lined them up in the wooded area. What a waste of life. And for what? To make a drug to sell to the highest bidder. Barrington needs to be stopped. Hawk interrupted his own thoughts to ask Skye for a report. “No sign of Barrington I take it?”

  “No, unfortunately not. We did find his office though. There was an open wall safe, but it was empty and also a hidden door that led to an underground tunnel. We followed it, and it came out about a quarter of a mile down the road hidden among some rocks. There was no sign of Barrington. He must have used it to escape.”

  “Shit! We need to find that son of a bitch. I’m going to end him.” Hawk turned toward Brooke and then quickly diverted his gaze to the ground. “Sorry, Brooke. That was insensitive of me. I know he’s still your father.”

  “The fact is, he’s never really been a father to me. And in light of everything that’s happened here, I completely understand how you must feel. You know, he might have gone back to his house. It’s not too far from here. But it’s very secluded. There are no roads signs in the area. I’d have to show you the way.”

  Quill rushed to Brooke’s side wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “I’m coming with you,” he asserted.

  Ashlyn stepped around her other side. “Me, too.”

  “Well, I guess I have my new team,” Hawk said, with a small smile. He turned to the others. “Are those all of the guards?” One of the men nodded. “Okay, I want all of these bodies burned. Everyone, use your powers to distribute the ashes with, water, wind, and earth.” The Protectors worked quickly. The acrid smell of burned flesh lingered in the air until it was whisked away by water, wind, and soil. Brooke buried her face in Quill’s chest while the Protectors did what was necessary. Ash never turned away. Hawk continued to be amazed by her strength. With her shoulders pulled back, she did not waver. She watched as the last of her enemies faded with the power of the Elements. Hawk took her hand and squeezed it in a silent show of support. Ashlyn looped her arm around his waist and rested her head against his shoulder.

  After the Protectors finished, they gathered solemnly around River’s body. Hawk addressed the group, “Let’s all take a moment, to pray to the God and Goddess. May they protect our leader’s spirit until he can be returned to Aether for the Passage Ceremony.” Everyone bowed their heads in a silent benediction.

  “I’m sorry we can’t take more time, but River would want us to get on with our mission.” One by one the Protectors turned away from River and focused their attention on Hawk. “After the chemicals are detonated, we need to move out pronto. The three surviving guards have been removed from the building. They will recover from their various injuries, and the human authorities will be none the wiser. The rest of you will head back to Aether. Quill and I are going take Ashlyn and Brooke to search for Barrington. We won’t be far behind you.”

  Kai turned to Hawk. “I promised Lily I wouldn’t leave River, no matter what happened. I need to bring him home to her.”

  Hawk replied, “Of course, Kai.”

  With the final remnants of the guards and Devlin eradicated, Hawk nodded to Brack. The young Protector gripped the detonator in his fist and tipped his head back to Hawk in response.

  Brack counted down. “In three, two, one.”

  The ground shook violently, and flames burst upward lighting the night’s sky. The group stood in solidarity watching as the structure erupted in a series of explosions. Smoke wafted through the air. Charles Edward Barrington Laboratories had been reduced to a pile of rubble. Hawk hoped this would be the end of Ashlyn’s nightmare, but somehow, his instincts told him this situation was far from over.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Consumed by fire, CEB Labs crumbled before Ashlyn’s eyes. Her heart leapt as the flames burst and crackled, leaving her feeling cathartic. She was truly free. Fire seemed an appropriate end to this place where Barrington wanted to extract her power and leave nothing behind.

  Grief hung like a heavy curtain in the air. Hawk and Quill gingerly lifted River’s shrouded body into the cargo area of one of the Hummers. Kai climbed into the back and refused to leave River’s side. The departing Protectors split up between the other two vehicles and drove off heading back in the direction of Aether.

  Hawk took hold of Ashlyn and gently pressed his lips to hers. Then pulling back, he smiled at her. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  After opening the passenger side door of the Hummer for her, Hawk’s strong hands encircled her waist lifting her into the vehicle. He placed her gently on the seat. When he reached over to buckle her seatbelt, she breathed in his intoxicating scent. Hawk smelled like the outdoors on a spring day and something altogether masculine, like leather, she thought. Sweeping her hair to one side, he placed a kiss on her neck heating her entire body. He went around to the driver’s side and hopped up while Quill and Brooke climbed into the back. Ashlyn couldn’t resist the urge twist around in her seat and steal one more glance at the burning wreckage that was CEB labs. Gravel flew up around the vehicle as Hawk zipped away from the scene.

  He handed her a cell phone. “You better give your parents a call. They’ve been worried sick. You should let them know what our plan is, and that we’ll be home soon.” Ashlyn took the phone and placed the call to her folks. Her mother’s voice shook as she sobbed. Her father had a million questions which she promised to answer when they returned to Aether. Her parents wished she was coming straight home, but they understood her need to see things through with Barrington. She rang off and placed the phone in the console between her and Hawk.

  “My parents wanted me tell you the fires around Aether came to an abrupt halt a short while ago. What fires?”

  Hawk sighed loudly and Ash read the relief on his face. “Fires had begun to break out all around Aether when you were taken captive. It seems now that you have been freed things are back in balance.”

  The sky, alight with golden hues as dawn broke, looked as though the heavens came down and touched the Earth. Freedom, Ashlyn thought. But her stomach was still tight with knots as they drove along. The thought of confronting Barrington again had bile rising up in her throat. She closed her eyes and swallowed it down trying to clear her mind.

  Brooke guided Hawk through the winding mountain roads toward Barrington’s house. According to Brooke, Charles owned several homes and this location was one of four she knew of. They pulled onto a paved brick drive after following several small dirt roads. Barrington’s house seemed to rise up in front of her and Ash’s mouth hung open.

  “Wow!” Ash turned to Brooke. “Do you live here?”

  “No, I live in a small apartment just outside of town. I’ve only visited this home on a few occasions since I moved here. As you can see, my father likes his privacy.”

  The grand home stood two stories tall; its facade a mix of brick and stone. Windows abounded framing a centered entryway. Stately looking columns ros
e up like giant trees on both sides of the large double doors. It even had a turret at one end, and on the opposite side a three-car attached garage dominated the space.

  Hawk removed his holstered weapon. “You two should stay here until Quill and I assess the danger.”

  “No way, Hawk, we’re all in this together, and I can take care of myself. Plus, we need Brooke to gain access to the house. Right, Brooke?”

  “Yes, we can get in through the garage door. I know the code for the keypad on the outside and the alarm pad just inside the door, too,” Brooke confirmed.

  “You know you can just share the information with us and wait here,” Quill piped in.

  “Nice try, but you’re not going anywhere without me and Ashlyn,” Brooke retorted.

  “All right, I guess it’s all for one and one for all,” Quill said. Then he pulled his gun out from the back of his jeans clicking off the safety.

  “You know that’s the Three Musketeers, genius?” Hawk mocked.

  “Well, I guess we’re the Four Musketeers now,” Quill answered back, with a smile.

  The keypad beeped as Brooke punched in the code for the garage door. Quill swept in tucking her behind him as the automatic door rose. Hawk seized Ash by the shoulders and had her safely out of the way as well. The garage was pristine with painted walls and a shiny floor made of tile. No tools, bicycles, or other such clutter hung on the walls or lined the perimeter. However, two cars occupied the bays; a silver Aston Martin sparkled in one space, a regal looking black Bentley filled the other, and one remained blatantly empty.


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