The House of Fire

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The House of Fire Page 25

by M. Goldsmith

  “Is there a car missing, Brooke? Or does he just have these two?” Hawk inquired.

  “Yes, he has a black Lincoln Navigator, also. Though he never drives the truck unless he has cargo of some kind.”

  “Well, let’s go and see if he’s home. Shall we?” Quill asked.

  Brooke opened the door into a large mudroom and turned to the alarm pad but no sound chimed from it. “That’s strange. He always sets the alarm, even when he’s home.”

  “You ladies stay behind us until I give the all clear. Understood?” Hawk ordered. Ashlyn and Brooke both nodded in agreement.

  The two Protectors raised their guns, and the foursome entered the kitchen. The ceiling was vaulted and classic cherry wood cabinets lined the walls. The room boasted high-end, stainless steel appliances and gleaming granite countertops. A large center island dominated the space, and crystal pendant lighting hung down over the massive piece. A surprisingly cozy breakfast nook sat in the corner. The room had all the modern amenities one could ask for with the bonus of old world charm. It seemed odd to Ashlyn that this was where Charles Barrington drank his coffee every morning and ate his meals each night. Ash wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but it was definitely not this warm and beautiful place.

  As if Brooke read her mind, she said, “He had an interior designer do the entire house. He didn’t even see it until it was completed about eight years ago.”

  “Come on let’s check the rest of the house. From the size of this place, it may take couple of days,” Quill joked.

  Ashlyn and Brooke stuck close behind Hawk and Quill while they explored the rest of the house looking for Barrington. Ash, amazed at the grandeur and opulence of the home, felt strange as they wandered through its expanse. There was no sign of Charles Barrington anywhere. In the master bedroom every drawer had been opened, and the contents spilled out as if someone had packed in a rush. The massive walk in closet was mostly empty with hangers scattered about on the floor.

  “Looks like he left in a hurry. I can’t imagine why?” Quill said, acidly.

  “The only room we haven’t checked is his office. It’s down here. Come on. I’ll show you.” Brooke led the way.

  “Brooke, you get behind me. Hawk and I will go in first.” Quill pushed her completely behind his much larger body.

  “He’s not going to hurt me, Quill. He’s still my father.” Even as Brooke said it, Ash could hear the skepticism in her voice.

  “Well, I hope you don’t mind if I have my doubts about Daddy Dearest’s intentions where you’re concerned. He slipped away while Devlin held a knife to your throat. I’m sorry, Brooke, but you can’t trust him. He clearly doesn’t have your best interests at heart. I don’t want to hurt you by being so blunt, but you need to be protected. You’re way too trusting.”

  Brooke’s head dropped and her shoulders fell. “I know you’re right. It’s just so hard to believe all of this. It seems like a surreal nightmare and I keep thinking I’m going to wake up any minute. But I do appreciate your concern for me.”

  Quill lifted her chin with his finger forcing her to look at him. He gave her a warm smile. “I understand, but you deserve so much better. I’m going to see to it personally things are different for you from now on. If you’re going to trust anyone, please, trust me.” He gave her a quick hug. Ashlyn and Hawk looked at each other and wondered what was happening between these two.

  After Quill’s little pep talk to Brooke, Hawk led the way into Charles’ office his gun clenched tightly and his eyes sharply focused. The space had rich dark paneled walls except for one, which consisted entirely of windows. A set of French doors led out to a small patio and overlooked the wooded area behind the house.

  A large wall safe stood open and noticeably empty. There was a substantially sized desk which held a computer. Its drawers had been pulled open, and papers littered the top overflowing onto the floor. Brooke approached the computer and jiggled the mouse to wake it from sleep mode. The screen lit up, but it was password protected.

  “Darn it! I don’t know the passcode, but I know if I put in the wrong one too many times, it will lock us out.” Brooke blew out an aggravated sounding breath.

  “Don’t worry. We know someone who can easily break into the system. Cadence is our resident technical genius. He can hack any system. I’ll give him a call and explain the situation. Everyone just sit tight.” Hawk took out his phone and placed a call to Cadence who answered on the first ring. He warned them it might take some time to break in, but he promised to call them as soon as he hacked into the system.

  Ash’s vision clouded, and the room spun. Her body felt heavy and her eyelids drooped. She slid down into one of the guest chairs across from the desk. Hawk was by her side in an instant. He dropped to his knees next to her taking hold of her hand. “Whoa there, honey. You okay? When’s the last time you ate something? Or rested?”

  “I’m not sure. I haven’t eaten much, but I haven’t been hungry either. And as far as rest goes, I was constantly drugged. I’m not sure if that counts as resting.” She laughed it off, but Hawk was having no part of it.

  “Well, now that we know the house is empty, and we have to wait to hear from Cadence, let’s get you something to eat.” As Hawk helped her to her feet, she swayed and her knees buckled. Just when she thought she’d hit the floor, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the kitchen. He gently placed her on one of the bar stools at the island. Strutting to the fridge, he grabbed a container of juice and poured her a large glass. “Drink. Now,” Hawk ordered.

  Ashlyn sipped the sweet, tangy liquid slowly, and it tasted like heaven as it slid down her parched throat. Brooke and Quill took seats next to her fussing over her. Hawk worked like a pro pulling out eggs, assorted veggies, cheese, bacon, and English muffins. In no time at all, he had several pans going. A glorious smell filled the air making Ash’s stomach rumble. Brooke got up and grabbed plates and silverware for everyone. Quill poured juice for the others and refilled Ashlyn’s now empty glass.

  Hawk served the group and took a seat next to Ash. “Feeling a little better now that you’ve had some juice?”

  “Yes, much better, thanks. This looks amazing, Hawk. I had no idea you had such skills.”

  It seemed Quill couldn’t resist the urge to comment. “Apparently he has lots of other skills I’m sure he’ll want to share with you in private later.”

  Tell-tale heat rose in Ashlyn’s cheeks. She and Hawk said in unison, “Shut up, Quill!” They all broke out laughing, and Ash realized it was the first time she had laughed in way too long.

  They chatted casually while they finished their meal. Quill had them all cracking up as he shared stories of their youth in Aether. Ashlyn couldn’t help but sense envy in Brooke as they regaled her with tales of their happy childhoods. Brooke was endlessly curious about Aether and its people. She wanted to know about the power of the Elements, the people, the Houses of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Brooke asked question after question, but then she paused for a moment as if something had occurred to her.

  “You know, I was thinking about something that has me a little confused. Your friend said something which didn’t make sense to me. He was upset about River, and he said that he brought all this to Aether. He also mentioned a vendetta regarding my father. I don’t understand what that was all about. Why would my father have an issue with this guy? Where would they have even met?”

  “Um, Brooke… It’s kind of hard to explain…this may be a little shocking. You see, the people of Aether live an extraordinarily long time. Many years ago, your father and Kai were roommates in medical school,” Hawk explained, gently. Brooke just kept shaking her head, as if in disbelief. He continued, “It’s true. Your father inadvertently stumbled upon Kai using his powers. He became obsessed in discovering the entire story. I’m afraid that’s what led him to Aether and to eventually taking Ashlyn. It appears he wishes to harness our power to create a drug to sell to the highest bidding government to enh
ance their soldiers.”

  “No, no, that’s not possible. Your friend Kai can’t be more than twenty-five years old. My dad went to medical school before your friend was even born.”

  “Kai may look twenty-five, but he’s actually eighty-three years old. As am I, and Quill. Ash is a year younger than us.”

  “That-that can’t be true. You’re teasing me, right?” Brooke stuttered.

  Ashlyn reached out and touched her friend’s hand. “It’s no joke. Everything Hawk said is the truth. Most people in Aether live for hundreds of years. That’s only one of many reasons we stay hidden from human society.”

  “Oh, my, God! You’re all…old? But-but you look so young… Oh, my, God. I can’t believe this. Does my father know about this?” she asked.

  “We don’t believe he does. He didn’t see Kai at the lab, but I suppose it’s possible that he saw him in Aether when he was gathering information for his quest,” Hawk answered, honestly.

  Tears streamed down her face. “You don’t know him. He’ll never stop. We have to go. We have to find him. What if he has other samples of Ashlyn’s blood besides the ones you found in the lab?” Brooke said, her voice shaky and uneven.

  Quill got up from his chair, stood behind Brooke, and put his arms around her. “We’ll find him, baby, don’t you worry. Cadence will hack into his computer, and we’ll soon know everything he knows. It’s all going to be fine, trust us.” Quill soothed her rubbing his hands up and down her arms and back.

  “I need some air. I’ve got to go take a walk or something. My brain feels like it’s going to explode.” Brooke pushed away from the counter and started for the mudroom door.

  “I’ll go with her and try to calm her down. Just leave the dishes. I’ll clean them up when I come back. Ash, you need some rest. Oh, and a shower might be in order. Have you looked in a mirror?” Quill smirked, before sprinting out the door after Brooke.

  “I do feel disgusting. I would love a shower,” Ash admitted.

  “I’ll go out to the truck and grab our bags while you find a room upstairs. I’ll bring you some more of Brooke’s clothes to change into, so you don’t have to put these back on. Can you make it upstairs by yourself, or do you need help?”

  “I’m okay now that I’ve eaten and sat awhile. Go ahead. I promise I’ll be fine.” Ash headed upstairs while Hawk went out to retrieve the bags.

  She found a lovely room that overlooked the back of the house with an adjoining bathroom. Ash kicked off the sneakers she borrowed from Brooke and wiggled her toes. The shoes were a bit tight, but she was relieved not to be barefoot any longer. She peeled Brooke’s snug-fitting black yoga pants down her legs and yanked her bulky sweatshirt over her head.

  Entering the bathroom, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror. “Oh, dear Goddess! Is that really me?”

  Her usually vibrant red curls were dull and matted to her head. She could finally see the faint scar on her neck where Devlin had cut her. Running her finger along the mark she winced at the memory. Light yellowish patches were all that remained of the bruises on her face. A few angry looking black and blue marks marred the skin of her ribcage. Touching the tender flesh caused her to draw in a deep breath. She turned on the water and allowed steam to fill the large shower stall. Though her body was healing, she wondered if her heart and mind would ever heal. A booming knock sounded at the door, and she flinched. Reminding herself that her enemy would never knock, Ash grabbed a towel off the rack wrapping it around herself. She opened the door and took in Hawk’s magnificent form. His broad shoulders filled the doorframe and when he entered, the space seemed to shrink with the powerful Protector so close. “Sorry, I just wanted to bring you some clean clothes for after your shower. I’ll, um, just leave them here on the vanity. Do you need some help or anything else before I go?” Hawk stammered.

  Ash reached up and ran her hand down the side of his face. “Please don’t go. I want to thank you for saving me, in every way. I wouldn’t have made it through my captivity without you in my head, supporting me.”

  Taking her hand, he placed a kiss on her palm. “You’re everything to me, Ash. I’ve always known it. I’ve been such a fool for not telling you. I love you. I’ve always loved you. I plan on spending the rest of our lives proving it to you.”

  His strong hands were suddenly on her hips. Pulling her close, he captured her lips in a gentle kiss which quickly grew more urgent. Hawk broke away panting and rested his forehead against hers. Their breath mingled as one. Ash tugged on the bottom of Hawk’s shirt freeing it from the waistband of his pants. He helped her by lifting it over his head and tossing it on the floor where her clothes were piled. She flattened her palms on his muscled chest then allowed her hands to drift downward. As her fingers danced across his tight abs, Hawk sucked in a deep breath.

  Part of her recognized from deep within that this incredible man was her true match. Ashlyn was nervous. There had been so much anticipation leading up to this moment. She just wanted it to be perfect. He was so incredible, and she had dreamed about him her entire life.

  Hawk reached for the towel she had tucked around herself pulling the end free, leaving her bare in front of him. “You are so beautiful, Ash.”

  She took hold of his belt and unbuckled it. When she reached for his button and zipper, he caught her wrists halting her action. “We don’t have to do this now. You’ve been through so much. I never want to hurt you, honey. I can still see the bruises on your gorgeous body. Just say the word and this ends right now.”

  “I don’t want to stop. I want to feel… Alive… Free… Loved. Please, Hawk, I’m more than okay. I swear.”

  Clearly, Hawk didn’t take much convincing as he toed off his boots. Shoving his pants and boxer briefs down in one swift motion, he stepped out of them and tossed them aside. Ashlyn gasped at the sight of the sexy man before her. Tanned skin covered ripped muscles everywhere she looked. He smiled, and Ash melted. He opened the shower door ushering her inside. Turning her under the warm spray, he reverently washed her hair and every inch of her body. All of her nerve ending tingled with anticipation, and her body hummed. Hawk swiftly washed himself and then turned off the facets. Opening the door a crack, he snatched her discarded towel. Lovingly, he patted her dry and then took his own towel wrapping it around his waist.

  Stepping out of the shower, Hawk gathered her close. “Let’s get the tangles out of this incredible hair.” He picked up the hairbrush he brought her and gently brushed every last knot from her hair then toweled it dry. Then sweeping it to one side, he ran heated, wet kisses down her neck. He worked his glorious mouth upward. His lips and tongue played with the delicate shell of her ear. Whispers of promises and passion made her knees weak. Ash couldn’t believe this was actually happening, finally.

  “I want this to be special, Ash. I never want to forget our first time together. Let’s go into the bedroom where I can worship you properly.”

  Ash could barely think. Hawk was going to claim her. Leave his mark, and make her his own. The way he looked at her made her gait unsteady, the heat in his eyes like melted chocolate. He took his time backing her into the bedroom. All she could do was surrender to her feelings for this breathtaking man. His lips and hands never left her body, except to tease her, building the anticipation to near maddening.

  She reciprocated unable to get enough of him. Pressed even more tightly against him, she could feel his arousal, hard and needy. She moaned her pleasure. Ash never wanted any man more in her entire life. Never had she felt anything like this. Hawk’s passion ignited her own. They were simply made for each other. The back of her knees hit the bed, and they both tumbled onto the mattress. She giggled even though she was burning up. Everywhere their bodies met she was on fire, and not her usual literal Fire, but the fire of true passion.



  Sweat ran down Hawk’s back as he pounded into Ashlyn’s tight heat over and over again. Barely able to form words, the link betw
een them growing, Hawk couldn’t tell if the visions in his brain belonged to him, or Ash, or both. He ran a finger down between her breasts, and she tightened around him. Kissing her delicious, supple skin, he bathed the pale smooth flesh with his tongue. His beautiful Guardian writhed beneath his touch.

  But prevailing thoughts edged their way into Hawk’s mind forcing him from their intense passion. He pulled back gazing into her eyes. His control hovered just within reach and as much as he wanted her, he had to know she was all right. “I just want to lose myself in you. But I’m afraid of hurting you. I can’t stop thinking about what those bastards did to you.”

  Ash simply stared up at him for a moment; her marked palm stroking his stubbled cheek. The stark contrast between his deeply tanned skin and her milky white complexion looked perfect to him. She reached out to him telepathically. “Don’t let them take this from us, Hawk. I need you, please.”

  When he searched deeper within their link, all he felt was love and passion and Fire. Warm hands wandered down his back touching him everywhere making him grow harder than he thought possible. Wrapping her legs around his back, she dug her heels in urging him deeper. Hawk couldn’t help but to oblige, thrusting harder, stroking her inside and out. The upper swells of her breasts lifted to his mouth from their erotic motion. He licked and nipped softly at her delicate flesh. Ashlyn’s moans turned to whimpers. Overcome, he devoured her mouth. With every swipe of his tongue, he tasted her love and her fire. Each sound she made, each response, each touch deepened their bond and his passion.

  Breaking their kiss, he moaned. “Baby, I’m afraid I’m not going to last long.” As a Protector, control, restraint, and discipline ruled him, but with Ash, that fell to the wayside. Every inch of Hawk’s body pulsated as he fought against his aching need for release. He wanted Ash with him. Reaching down, he slowly ran his fingers through her hot, wet heat. The sounds Ash made only heightened his desire. He thrusted into her faster, deeper. Ashlyn’s tight channel contracted around him sending sparks through his entire body. As they fell over the edge together in a mind-bending climax, he was certain no two people were ever more connected than he and Ashlyn. Joined as one; body, mind, and spirit.


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