The House of Fire

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The House of Fire Page 26

by M. Goldsmith

  Depleted, they held each other in a tangle of limbs neither wanting to separate from the other. Hawk couldn’t stop himself. He stroked her damp hair enjoying the feel of her soft, wild, red curls. The lush strands were even more silky than he had imagined in his many fantasies about Ash. He placed gentle kisses on her neck as she clung to him tightly.

  Finally, she broke the silence. “Wow. I mean, just, wow. That was wild.”

  Hawk laughed, loud and heartily. “I’m glad you thought so, too. I love you, Ash. Being with you was even better than I imagined. And I have a pretty good imagination.”

  Ash squeezed him around the waist and kissed his chest where her head rested. “I love you so much, Hawk. Can I ask you something silly?”

  “Of course, you can ask me anything,” he answered, tenderly.

  “I feel a little ridiculous asking you this. But can I look at your Protector tattoo? I’ve always wanted to see it up close, but I didn’t want you to think I was stalking you,” she joked.

  Hawk chuckled and rolled over onto his stomach. “I belong to you now, Ash. You can look at, or better yet, touch any part of me whenever you want,” he teased, playfully.

  When Ashlyn combed her fingers through his hair, Hawk had to fight a moan from escaping. He didn’t want Ash to think he was a sex maniac. The truth was, he wanted her before she even touched him. But the moment her gentle hands brushed his hair aside to explore his back, he had to shift his weight to keep from crushing his arousal. She used her fingers and hands to caress his entire back. He could feel her gaze directed on his right shoulder blade where his Protector tattoo covered a four-inch space. Hawk knew every detail of his proud marking. A perfect circle, approximately four inches in diameter, divided into four quadrants, and each quadrant contained a different abstract depiction of one of the four elements. Bisecting the circle in bold, black letters the word Protector was scrolled in a flowing script. It was truly a beautiful work of art.

  The Fire section had detailed orange and yellow flames which seemed to dance about like real fire. The representation of Water flowed in shades of blue which almost looked like waves. Air displayed three swirls of purple illustrating the image of swiftly circulating currents which appeared to move like a breeze. Lastly, Earth had the appearance of an actual green leaf from a tree, reminding him of the forest back in Aether.

  Ashlyn’s warm hands froze in place, and it took her a few minutes to speak. “It’s incredible. The colors, the details, it’s amazing. I love touching it. Actually, I love touching you.”

  Hawk turned over and pulled Ashlyn on top of him. “There are lots of parts of me to explore and touch, my love.” He smiled before his lips met hers in a mind-blowing kiss. The ringing of his phone forced them to separate way too soon as far as Hawk was concerned. “Sorry, honey, I better get that.” He sprinted into the bathroom. Digging through the pocket of his jeans, he finally yanked his phone out. He answered with an abrupt sounding, “Yes?”

  “Hawk? It’s Cadence. Is everything okay? You sound strange.”

  “Sorry about that. Everything’s fine, but, I’ll call you back in about 5 minutes.” He hung up the phone and returned to the bedroom where Ashlyn now slept soundly. Poor thing must be exhausted. I hope I wasn’t too rough on her. He grabbed clean clothes and dressed quietly before slipping out of the room.

  Hawk went down the stairs two at a time and headed straight into Barrington’s office. Before he even took a seat at the desk, Quill walked into the room alone. “Where’s Brooke?” Hawk asked.

  “She went upstairs to take a shower and a nap. She’s doing better, just a little overwhelmed. We took a long walk and talked about everything. She’ll be okay. Where’s Ash?”

  “She’s sleeping. Cadence called when I was…um…upstairs…um helping Ash, so we need to call him back,” Hawk replied, awkwardly.

  “Helping Ash, were you? You actually knocked the poor girl out. I’m impressed, buddy,” Quill gibed.

  “I can say the same for you and Brooke. That was a really long walk you two took. Did you knock her out? Or did you just bore her to sleep with your incessant chattering?” Hawk retorted.

  “Touché, my friend, touché! But it’s not like that between me and Brooke. I just met her. Plus, she is going through some pretty hefty shit right now.”

  “You can deny it all you want, but I see the way you look at her. Dude, you took a bullet for her. There is definitely something there. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Let’s get Cadence on the phone.”

  Their tech expert stayed on the phone with them, walking them through Barrington’s various computer programs and notes. It held a wealth of information regarding Aether and specifically Kai. The man was clearly obsessed. They were able to access his emails and found dozens which mapped out his plan to take one of Aether’s residents. It became obvious, Ashlyn and Laurel were attacked by opportunity not design. The most disturbing fact was that Barrington had drawn numerous samples of Ashlyn’s blood. The specimens destroyed at the laboratory were merely a few of those he had obtained.

  One thing they were now certain of, Barrington would surely set up shop somewhere else. He planned to continue his relentless pursuit of the Aetherians and their powers connected to the Elements. Hawk had a sinking feeling. Dr. Charles Barrington would not stop, unless the Protectors stopped him. They needed to get back to Aether to regroup and to plan with the others. Their Fire Guardian’s return was also essential.

  Hawk informed Quill. “Let’s get a few hours of shut eye. Then we’ll wake Ash and Brooke and head back home. Start unplugging this computer, and load it into the truck. We’re taking it back to Aether. This way, Cadence can have at it. I want to leave by noon. There’s nothing more we can learn here. I’m not sure where that cagey bastard went. But if it’s the last thing I do, I’m going to find him and stop him, permanently.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  As the Hummer rolled to a stop, Kai jerked awake. Even though he’d fought his body’s need for sleep, he realized he must have dozed off during the long ride back to Aether. Looking out the back window he caught a glimpse of Bear. With his massive arms crossed over his chest, his expression was unreadable. Laurel stood beside Lily, her arm draped over her friend’s shoulder. Lily’s complexion was more pale than usual. She bore dark circles under her beautiful blue eyes which lacked their usual sparkle. Her long blond hair was swept up in a haphazard looking ponytail. Stray wisps escaped, blowing in her face, but she didn’t seem to notice. Bear approached, lifted the tailgate, and Kai breathed in the instant gust of fresh air. Stretching his cramped muscles, his knees cracked audibly.

  After so many hours confined in the Hummer, Kai’s legs protested. Tingling, they left him a bit unsteady when his feet finally hit the ground. He didn’t care though; his only thought was racing to see Lily. A rush of words and emotions poured out. “Lily, I’m so sorry. I tried everything to save him, to bring him home to you. I hope you know that.” Kai took a deep breath. He met Laurel’s gaze and then slowed himself down. She gave him a small smile encouraging him to continue. “I also want you to know his last words were about you…please, forgive me, Lily.” He finally paused as his chin dropped to his chest.

  Lily spoke softly but with conviction in her voice, “Listen to me, Kai. I don’t need to forgive you, because you did nothing wrong. I know you. And I know you did everything you could to save my Kanti. River understood the risks he took being a Protector of Aether. Bear told me he got to see Ashlyn before he passed on. I know in my heart he believed his sacrifice was worth her freedom. His oath meant the world to him. River always said the needs of the community were more important than needs of any one individual. I’m proud of him, and I will tell our child about what a brave and noble man his or her father was.” As tears streamed down Lily’s face, Kai could see Laurel’s grasp tighten on her friend’s shoulder.

  Bear gently approached. “Lily, my dear, why don’t you accompany the Protectors in br
inging River to the medical center so he may be properly prepared for the Passage Ceremony. Ashlyn will return soon, and then we can help your beloved move onto Arcadia where he belongs.”

  Laurel whispered to Lily loud enough for Kai to hear, “Would you like me to join you? Or would you rather be alone?”

  “Thank you for everything, Laurel, but I’d like some time alone with River, to say my goodbyes.” Tears continued to pour down Lily’s cheeks.

  “Whatever you need, Lily. I’m here for you. I’ll call you later to check on you.” Laurel said, tears filling her own eyes.

  Bear escorted Lily to the Hummer, helped her into the vehicle, and then climbed in himself. The truck pulled away leaving a cloud of dust in its wake. Alone in the parking lot, Kai faced Laurel. It was the first time he had seen her since leaving her alone in his bed. Their gazes locked, and he tentatively opened his arms.

  Laurel sighed, shook her head, and stepped into his embrace. “I’m still mad at you.”

  He held her close absorbing her warmth and breathing in her addicting vanilla scent. “I’m so sorry. Please, don’t be mad. I had to go. God, I can’t believe how much I’ve missed you. I feel like I’ve been gone for months, not days.”

  “I’ve missed you, too. I’m just glad you’re safe and Ash is free. I was so worried. Are you really okay? I know it must’ve been a really rough few days.”

  “Of course, everyone is devastated about River. But if you don’t mind, I don’t want to talk about it right now. I really just want to be alone with you. I need you, Laurel.” Kai lowered his head and touched his lips to hers tenderly. The kiss turned more urgent, heated, passionate. He used all of his willpower to pull away from her before he took her right in the parking lot. “Let’s go to my house. I can’t seem to keep my hands off you. I’m afraid we’ll give the gossips even more fodder if we stay here a minute longer.”

  He held tightly to Laurel’s hand as he led her back toward his house. They walked in a companionable silence, though Kai quickened his pace the closer they got to his home. He practically dragged her from the halfway point until they finally reached his front door.

  When Kai gazed down at her, Laurel just smiled at him. “Well, Doctor, are you going to invite me in, or what?” He pushed the door open, ushering her inside.



  Laurel’s heart pounded as Kai rushed her through the door. His hands were everywhere at once, and she thought she might combust any minute. Right in the middle of the living room Kai stopped, lifting her up in his arms. “Wrap your legs around me, baby.” She had always loved when he called her baby and she immediately obliged wrapping her legs tightly around Kai’s waist. His hands dug into her bottom as his lips found the sensitive spot behind her ear. Carrying her to the bedroom, his mouth never lost contact with her heated skin. He lowered her to the bed and lifted her shirt over her head. Wearing her favorite pink bra and matching thong made her feel sexy, but Kai’s intense gaze had her cheeks burning. He ran his hands over the lacy cups, his fingers teasing and caressing her nipples through the thin material.

  “Baby, you may kill me. You look so sexy. Did you wear this for me?”

  Unable to form words, she nodded and smiled coyly. Kai reached back and unclasped her bra with one hand exposing her breasts. His eager hands and mouth feasted on her sensitive flesh.

  Laurel moaned as he continued to torment her. Her body throbbed and tingled. She was on fire. Her internal muscles clenched and a climax began to build from his maddening assault. “Kai, wait, please… I-I can’t stop,” she uttered, breathlessly. Kai smiled mischievously as he lingered, focused on her pleasure. She detonated on the spot screaming out his name as her release took over any rational thought. Coming down slowly from the euphoria, she blurted out, “I’m so embarrassed. That’s never happened to me before. When you touch me…I just seem to lose control… I’m sorry.”

  “Are you kidding? Don’t be sorry. That was the hottest thing ever. I love the way you respond to me. And by the way, I’m just getting started, baby.”

  As Kai’s words seeped in, Laurel’s need was triggered anew. She lunged for his pants forcing them down to his ankles. He kicked them away. As he stood bare before her, she drank in his muscled physique. Laurel needed to touch him, to make him feel the way he made her feel. He divested her of her jeans and thong along with the rest of his clothing in a flash. The feel of his body as he came down on top of her, hot and aroused, sent waves of excitment through her. They rolled, entwined, a tangle of arms and legs. Ecstasy played out on Kai’s beautiful face. Locked together in the heat of rapture, he kissed her fiercely not letting up on his bombardment of her senses. The climax which built in her reached a crescendo. Her orgasm crashed over her with such force it took her a moment to realize Kai, too, was swept up, shouting her name along with his release. With their slick bodies still coiled around one another, catching their breath, the couple’s hearts beat in unison. No one ever made her feel the way Kai did. Cherished. Desired. Owned.

  They held each other for a long while. The entire time Kai stroked her hair, arms, and back. Finally, he broke the silence. “I want you to know something. I died a little that day with Storm. And even though you didn’t know it, your love brought light to my darkness. I pushed you away, and I’m sorry. I thought I didn’t deserved love, but you make me feel alive again. I never want to be without you. Please, say you’ll move in here with me. Sleep in my arms every night. And when you’re ready…I want to be Joined with you, in front of all of Aether.”

  Gazing into Kai’s ocean-like eyes made her feel like she was drowning. He was everything Laurel wanted and everything she feared. “Kai, I do love you, too, but I feel like we’re moving a little fast here? We’ve barely had a chance to spend any time together…well, other than here in your bedroom.” She smiled. “We just reconnected, and I don’t know if I’m ready for such a big step yet. I know I want to be with you, but can we back up a little? You know, slow it down, maybe go on a date, or something, I don’t know…normal, maybe? We were so young when Storm died and after everything happened between us… I’ll admit, I’m afraid. I don’t know if I can go through losing you again. I need to be sure about our feelings and not just in the heat of passion. Obviously, we still have some really intense chemistry, but ever since I was attacked everything’s moved so quickly. We’ve gone from zero to one hundred in no time at all. I’m crazy about you, really, I am. But I think we both need some time to let this whole thing, I don’t know, marinate, I guess. Please understand, I just want to take our time, not do anything too rash. I hope you’re not mad at me, but I need to be honest with you.”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to make you trust me again. I know I hurt you, and I’d do anything to go back in time and do it over. I want you to be able to believe me when I say I’ll never push you away again. I never want to lose you again either. I can promise you one thing, I am very sure about my feelings for you. I know I didn’t act like it in the past, but I’ve always been sure of you. And my feelings have nothing to do with passion…well, that’s not entirely true. They definitely have something to do with passion.” He grinned like a Cheshire Cat. “But it’s much more than that. Your kindness, your compassion, your devotion; I love all of those things about you and more. I’ll give you all the time you want. Whenever you’re ready, you let me know. How about I start by taking you to the café for something to eat? What do you say? That’s normal, right?”

  “Yes, that sounds very normal. I’d love that. I think we better get dressed first or those gossip mongers you mentioned will really have something to talk about.”

  “Okay, baby, whatever you say, but I really like you like this,” he joked.

  Laurel poked him playfully in the ribs. “Well…um…how about a shower first?” she said, feeling her face heat.

  “Baby, I need you to stop being embarrassed. After everything we’ve shared, I want you be able to tell me whatever it is you want, whenever
it is you want it. Taking a shower with you is top on my priority list. The café may have to wait a while though. Once I get you in there, all nice and wet and soapy…well, you get the idea.” He leaned down and kissed her again gently.

  “Come on, gorgeous. Let’s go get clean. You can wash my back and then I’ll wash yours.” He waggled his brows suggestively.

  After spending the next hour, getting clean, as Kai called it, they dressed and headed to the café. Laurel’s stomach rumbled loudly. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been this hungry. It must have been all the incredible sex with Kai. She felt energized, and her body still hummed with excitement just from being near him. Uncertainty drifted in and out of her mind. Being with Kai was everything she’d ever dreamed of. Handsome, smart, and sexy, he had it all. Part of her worried, perhaps saving her life was the reason Kai wanted her. Laurel needed to be sure, it was she, herself, he craved and not simply an image in his head. Now that she had opened up to him, she feared Kai might change his mind after the dust settled. In no time at all, he had suddenly become the most important person in the world to her again. And more than anything, she just didn’t want to screw it up.

  As they walked to the café to be, normal, as she called it, Laurel realized maybe being normal wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. After all, wasn’t that part of being from Aether, being a bit extraordinary? Kai held her close and they walked in step with one another without even trying. Maybe, just maybe, this would all work out the way that it was meant to. Laurel couldn’t wait for Ashlyn to get back so she could share everything that had happened with her. Well, maybe not everything.

  Chapter Twenty



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