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Saving Angel (A Divisa Novel, Book 1)

Page 18

by Weil, J. L.

  “Umm, yeah I wasn’t able to make it. But I heard you guys had a great time.” I fiddled with the spiral on my notebook wondering where this was going. It’s not like Brody and I were friends. Sure, we had said hi in the hall or lunchroom, but this was our first real conversation.

  “That’s too bad. I was really hoping to see you.” He looked me in the eye with those soft brown eyes.

  He was? “You were?” I echoed my thoughts.

  He scooted closer to me over his desk. “Yeah, I was hoping to get a chance to talk to you?”

  Before or after he was slamming the bottle? “About what?” I asked.

  Someone walked into the classroom. I didn’t have to look up to know it was Chase. He had a domineering presence wherever he went. Plus, Brody suddenly frowned and looked nervous as hell.

  I looked up, meeting his intuitive silver gaze. He lifted that darn pierced brow, and I gave him a warning glare. “Brody,” he greeted as he passed us by, taking the seat behind me.

  Brody’s eyes shifted nervously to Chase, and he cleared his throat. “Hey Chase.”

  Chase and Brody were probably the same height, but Brody was broader. Still, Chase oozed badass, not to mention his supernatural strength.

  “You were saying,” I prompted, bringing Brody’s attention back to me. Trying as hard as I could to completely forget that Chase was here, I focused on his harmless brown eyes.

  “Umm,” he replied, losing some of his nerve “I was wondering if you had a date for Homecoming?”

  I blinked. Crap.

  I heard Chase edge closer. This was going to spell disaster.

  As luck would have it, Mr. Edgington started his lecture at that moment. And there was Brody waiting expectantly.

  “After class,” I mouthed, taking out my notes.

  He nodded.

  Now, I had forty minutes to figure out how to let him down easy. How hard could that be? I couldn’t believe this was even happening to me. Why Brody? Why now?

  Shortly after class started Chase flicked a strand of my hair and moved close behind me. I could feel the warmth of his breath on the back of my neck. Angling my head toward him, our lips were just inches away. This was the closest we’d been since that night, and I was beginning to see stars. How could he do this to me? In a room full of people?

  “Smooth move Angel Eyes.”

  I couldn’t help myself. Inhaling his sinful scent, I finally admitted to myself that it was his darkness that attracted me to him. It was also his arrogance I hated. “You are the last person on this earth I want to impress.”

  He didn’t believe me. I didn’t believe me. “Are you sure about that?” He taunted.

  Grrr. I wanted to slap that smirk right off his face. My fingers twitched on the top of my desk.

  “Let’s be honest. You don’t want to go with him,” Chase purred.

  Turning around in my seat, I flipped my hair in his face. He chuckled. Brody looked at the two of us, jumping to all kinds of conclusions. I gave him a slight reassuring smile, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

  After the bell sounded Brody caught me in the hall. He placed a light hand on my arm.

  “Sorry,” I said about making him wait all class for an answer. That was pretty shitty of me. A part of me almost said yes, just to spite Chase. But truthfully, I didn’t want to go with anyone. “Look about Homecoming–”

  “No, it’s okay. I get it. You are going with Chase.” And then not even waiting for me to protest he took off in a hurry down the hall.

  My mouth just hung open.

  Chase’s shadow was at my back, laughing over my shoulder.

  “You,” I turned, poking an accusing finger in his chest.

  He held up both hands grinning guilty. “I didn’t do anything. I swear.”

  My teeth were gritted. “I am not going anywhere with you.”

  He placed a hand on the lockers behind us, his voice got low as he boxed me in. “Good, then it saves me from disappointing you.”

  I slumped against the lockers watching him saunter to his next class. “Prick,” I yelled down the hall after him. Everyone turned over their shoulders, staring at me. Clenching my fists, I restrained myself from stomping. His dark laughed bounced off the hallway walls.

  By lunchtime, my temper had cooled slightly, though I was still convinced that Chase was the Devil. When I got in the lunch line, Kailyn and Brandy immediately jumped all over me.

  Small town schools suck.

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” they said in harmony. It was frightening.

  Grabbing a tray, I started down the line. “Tell you what?” I asked, half distracted by the food.

  “That you are going to homecoming with Chase,” Brandy said at the same time that Kailyn said, “That Brody asked you to homecoming.”

  These two were going to give me a migraine at this rate. The lunch lady piled a helping of lasagna on my plate. I almost dropped the tray. “What!” I shrilled, twisting around. “I’m not going to homecoming. With anybody,” I emphasized, moving down to the end of the line.

  “That is not what we heard from Sophie, who heard it from Amanda in your chemistry class,” Kailyn informed.

  I gave the cashier my card to pay for the lunch, while trying to process their information train. It was worse than playing telephone.

  While they paid for their food, I sat my tray down at our usual table. Lexi spotted me and waved animatedly a few tables over. I smiled shyly at her. While I popped the top on my drink, Brandy’s and Kailyn’s plates clattered and hurriedly took their seats.

  “Why aren’t you going with Chase?” Brandy asked across from me.

  I twirled a fork full of noodles, mulling over how to answer that. “Because we can’t stand each other.”

  “No way am I buying that,” Kailyn disagreed wholeheartedly with a grin.

  Neither of them seemed interested in their food. “Why is that so hard to believe?” She wasn’t making any sense to me.

  “You really haven’t got a clue, do you?” Brandy asked, biting on her straw.

  I was starting to get offended and annoyed with this topic.

  She indicated to the corner off my right side. “You don’t see what I see every day at lunch. He is always watching you.”

  My fork paused midair, never making it to my mouth. “Chase?”

  Brandy rolled her eyes. “No shit Einstein. See for yourself.”

  At first, I noticed Lexi talking excitedly to a very bored looking Hayden. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere, but there. Poor Hayden. The corners of my mouth twitched. Then, I shifted my glance and latched onto a pair of velvety silver eyes. Chase. My heart exploded, bursting in my chest and dropping to the floor. The noise and chatter of the lunchroom disappeared as time ceased. It was only me and him, eyes glued to each other, unable to look away. There was always something so wickedly hot in those color-changing eyes.

  I couldn’t think. I couldn’t breathe. And I sure as hell hadn’t expected to see him staring right at me. It was like some outside force was pulling us together. There was this uncontrollable urge to go to him.

  Moments later he lifted that glinting studded brow in my direction, before turning to listen to something Craig had been saying to him. A gush of air rushed from my lungs, and I noticed Sierra was giving me the evil eye. Turning, I focused back on my friends.

  “That was steaming. The two of you just about set the cafeteria on fire.” Kailyn said dreamily.

  Rolling my eyes, I tried to cool my flaring cheeks. I took a long swig of my drink, which did nothing to extinguish the flames burning through me.

  “Did you see Sierra? I think she wants to slice off your head,” Brandy added.

  Kailyn sighed. “So again I ask you, why you are not jumping all over the extremely sexy Chase. He might scare the begeebees out of me, but I’ll be the first to admit he is by far the hottest guy at school. And he is crushing on you, hard.”

  “Chase staring at me from across the cafeter
ia hardly qualifies as him liking me. He is probably scheming ways to make my life a living hell.”

  Kailyn picked at the lettuce of her salad. “I also heard you guys practically made out in Chemistry.”

  I gagged on my soda, spraying the contents over my uneaten lasagna. “What? You have got to be joking.”

  She shook her head. “Amanda said your lips were like this.” She indicated just how close by pinching her fingers.

  “They have probably already been a whole lot closer,” Brandy giggled.

  I officially despised school and all its rumors. Well in this case they weren’t entirely rumors. How did things get so out of my control? “Whatever, we can barely stand each other.”

  “If you say so, but I still think you guys should go to homecoming together.” Kailyn said with a sly grin.

  “No. Thanks. I don’t think homecoming would survive with us in the same room together.”

  “You guys are sort of…explosive,” Brandy commented, grinning.

  “Funny,” I replied sarcastically.

  My appetite was shot. I half expected to be assaulted by Sierra in the parking lot after school today, which was why I literally ran from my last class to my car in record time. Forget my homework assignments. I just wanted to get home in one piece for once.

  Chapter 24

  The rumble of a bike outside my house broke my concentration. A crisp fall breeze blew through the opened window, bringing in scents of an Illinois autumn. It was an entirely different experience, one I found I actually enjoyed. The burning leaves from a nearby farm, sharp pine from the woods behind the house, a cinnamon candle in my room, and dampness of morning dew. That was my favorite. To look out my window in the morning and see the glistening drops of water on bold green blades.

  I had to admit that the colors of fall were breathtaking. I’d never seen such vibrant oranges, reds, and yellows. It looked like an artist had painted all the trees and fallen leaves. If I was into photography, I would be taking the most amazing pictures.

  And now there was the roaring of a motor interrupting my Call of Duty campaign. I hit pause on the game and ran down the stairs to check out the commotion. Throwing open the front door, I looked down my driveway.

  Lo and behold, there sat Chase on a powerful-looking motorcycle, grinning wickedly at me. His dark hair was windblown and sexy. He looked like a little boy on Christmas morning, and it was impossible to not return that infectious smile. Brandy and Kailyn were right. He was by far the hottest guy I’d ever laid eyes on.

  And he knew it, which sort of added to his bad boy charm.

  Leaving the door wide open, I walked down the path to where he stood beside the bike, a helmet dangling from his hand.

  “New wheels?” I asked, hardly believing that Devin let him get a motorcycle. Chase did not have the best luck with cars, so let’s get him something with no protection at all. At this rate, he was going to kill himself sooner than later. At least he would look good doing it. I couldn’t help but give him a once over. My eyes had a mind of their own.

  “Hop on,” he yelled over the idling motor.

  “And why would I go anywhere with you? The last time I was in a vehicle with you, you flipped it.”

  “You barely had a scratch.” He grinned deviously. “Damn. I loved that car,” he added as an afterthought.

  True, he had saved me from getting seriously hurt. What the hell. I really wanted to go for a ride. Briefly, I wondered what my mom would say. She would probably ask for a spin around the block. “Fine. Let me run in and grab a hoodie.” There was definitely a chill in the air. Goosebumps had already spread over my arms.

  “Here, take mine.” And just like that, he pulled off the one he had been wearing. His t-shirt rode up a little, revealing tan abs and dark curls. My mouth watered. He held it out for me to take, and I tried not to drool.

  “Thanks,” I managed to mutter. My tongue was still stuck in the back of my throat, where it had dropped moments ago.

  Sliding on the oversized hoodie, I was engulfed by his lingering warmth and the heady scent that was uniquely his. It was erotic, wild, and dangerous. Taking a deep breath, I let the smell of him infuse my senses, making me a little light-headed.

  His deep voice broke the embarrassing spell. The last thing I needed was to be caught sniffing his clothes. “Put this on. I wouldn’t want that pretty head of yours splattered all over the blacktop.” He handed me a helmet, eyes twinkling, and jumped on the bike.

  Well that was a comforting image. Straddling the bike behind him, I glided my arms slowly around his waist. The muscles on this stomach jumped at my touch.

  He angled his head toward me. “Hold on Angel Eyes,” he warned, right before he had the bike in motion. With a twist of his wrist the bike revved, and we were flying down the road.

  Instinctually, I plastered by body against his back and tightened my grip on his waist, locking my hands together. For the first part of the ride, I buried my face in his neck getting adjusted to the speed. It wasn’t long before I got a little braver, though I was still reluctant to lift my head. Having my face pressed against his back was just too nice to not enjoy as long as possible.

  Smiling into the wind blowing against my cheeks, I laughed. The thrill of the ride, my arms pressed securely around Chase, and the wide open roads, I’d never felt freer. Beautiful landscape rolled by us in a blur, blending the colors in a waterfall.

  As I clung to Chase, the bike hugged a curve effortlessly. Freshly plowed fields spread out as far as the eye could see. There was something so simple and basic about being in the country with a gorgeous boy. Never in a million years did I ever see myself here, on the back of a speeding motorcycle fastened to a guy so out of my league. I might have dreaded this move with every fiber of my being, but I’d never been happier.

  Even when I wanted to strangle Chase.

  He drove the bike like he was born to ride. When we arrived safely home, I was flushed and elated, and absolutely energized. I felt the first inklings of being a reckless teenager, living on the edge of life. Something my responsible self was unfamiliar with.

  Grabbing a hold of my hand, his touch caused tiny tingles up my arm. “Come on,” he said, laughing. He led us to our backyard that was bordered by towering oak and maple trees.

  I didn’t have the first clue what he had up his sleeve, but as long as it didn’t involve me going into the woods, I was game. He handed me a rake and leaned on the other one.

  Angling my head I asked, “And what do you expect me to do with this?” I found it hard to believe that he wanted me to do yard work now.

  “Rake Angel. I bet you never jumped in a pile of leaves in Arizona.”

  He had me there. “Do I get hot cocoa afterwards?”

  “Deal,” he smirked.

  Side-by-side we stretched our rakes, uprooting globs of fallen debris. Before long we had a stack of colorful leaves as high as my waist.

  “Jump,” he said impishly.

  His gunmetal eyes twinkled with a hint of topaz, and my blood heated with excitement. “You first,” I countered.

  Of course I never saw him coming. Before I knew it I was swept off my feet and swishing through a pile of crunching, dried leaves. Chase’s laughter peeled out as he landed in a heap next to me, dusting up a layer of leaves in my face. Grabbing a fist full in my hands, I smashed a stack of my own into his face.

  There was never a chance of escape. His hand clutched my ankle, pulling me into his lap. Twisting and turning, I fought playfully out of his grasp, but failed. Effortlessly he had me pressed under him, and my back to the ground. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew this was going to end here, with us wound together.

  The blood in my veins rushed with excitement and anticipation. I knew by the look in his eyes that he was going to kiss me, and I would be helpless to do anything but respond with equal need. The intensity in his shifting eyes caught my breath.

  He brushed the leaf-strewn hair from my face, his fingers l
ingering on my cheeks. Slowly his hand glided over my shoulders and down my arms, leaving behind heady shivers. He hovered above me with a wolfish grin and pinned my arms above my head. Our chests rose and fell in rhythm, panting from excursion. Eyes locked, I was seduced. Ever so leisurely those full lips inched closer and closer to my eagerly waiting mouth, until they were pressed against mine.

  Sweet Jesus.

  His lips were tender, sweet, and irresistible. So very different from the heated desperation I had gotten used to. It rocked through my system as I savored each prolonged sensation. His mouth slanted across mine, his tongue teasing in a game of tag. Deeply. Delicious. Intoxicating.

  Who would have thought that the dark, arrogant, infuriating Chase had a soft side?

  His free hand was sliding under his hoodie and up my shirt, flirting with my bare flesh. It was overwhelming. My gasp was lost in his mouth. There was an amazing tension building and building inside of me as I kissed him back wholeheartedly, holding nothing back.

  Oh, God. What was he doing to me?

  My hands were secured over my head, and I surrender to his control, something I never thought I would want, or like. And the way my heart was melting, I wasn’t sure I should ever again. It was too dangerous.

  But now…now I would take full advantage of it and enjoy every second. Or I would have…

  A loud whistle rang out, followed by Travis’s carefree laugh. We quickly broke away collapsing on a crunching bed of leaves. They were everywhere, in my hair, up my shirt, in my shoes, and everywhere in-between. We must have looked a sight. I tugged Chase’s hoodie down, covering my belly.

  “I am going to murder him,” Chase growled, threatening.

  For the love of everything holy.

  If Travis knew what was good for him, he would have gone back inside. Instead, his shadowy form materialized above us smirking. “That was quite a show. I don’t know about you two, but I definitely need a cold shower–”

  The last word yelped through the air, as he went tumbling to the ground thanks to Chase kicking his feet out from under him. I covered my hands over my mouth to stifle the giggle that was bubbling at the surface and failed miserably.


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