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Deadly Valentine

Page 30

by Jenna Harte

  "Write this down," he demanded of Daniel. "George Akers, he's the doorman at my place in D.C. He'll give you the security tapes that show me entering and not leaving my building last night. And Brad Chancellor, he can verify I was at my place, as well as Cora Peterson. If you want to know anything else after that, we can talk later. Right now I'd like to talk to Tess. Alone."

  All eyes turned to Tess. It didn't seem wise to alone in a room with a man that had murder in his eyes. But she nodded anyway.

  "Was anyone going to call me?" he said pacing the area at the foot of her bed once the others vacated the room.

  "I asked Inspector Chase to call. I was worried because you have the files and that seems to be what this is about."

  "You wanted to call me about files?"

  She swallowed hard. The drugs were buzzing just enough that she couldn't get a read on him. "Yes."

  "You didn't think I'd care to know that someone tried to kill you?" His eyes narrowed, darkened even more. "You think I did this to you?"

  "NO! No. Never." Did he really think that? "Why are you here?"

  He whirled on her. "Yesterday you begged me to forgive you, to take you back. Now you don't want me here?"

  The drug-induced fog lifted enough to get her hackles up. "I'm sorry I'm not able to grovel right now. My house and office burned down; I've got a hole in my side and charcoal for lungs. I don't have the energy to get on my knees and beg right now."

  "God dammit, Tess!" He started pacing again, both hands running through his unkempt hair. "Do you know what it did to me to drive up to your house and find it …burnt to a crisp? To not know what happened to you?"

  "Is that why you're mad?"

  "I am mad. You know why I'm mad?"

  "Because I hurt you-"

  "NO!" He stalked to her side, his blue-green eyes alive with something Tess couldn't comprehend. "I'm mad because you were in my office yesterday telling me you love me and instead of jumping over my desk and taking you in my arms like I wanted to, I walked out."

  "Oh." It sort of sounded like he was mad at himself. Maybe he was here because he loved her. But it wasn't clear. There was so much anger in his voice. His words and affect didn't match and it confused her.

  "And then when I realized my mistake and drove down here... To think I could have lost you. To think that my last words to you were said to hurt you."

  "I'm alright."

  He stood over her bed, staring at her. His face still not giving her clues as to what was going on behind his brilliant eyes. He was saying the right things, but maybe now he'd changed his mind again.

  "I lost my dad when I was young. And it was tough, but my mom always reminded me of what I had. How we had to live each day to the fullest. Even when she was dying, it was about capturing every moment and not letting anything that could lead to regret slip by. But I keep doing that with you." His face softened turning from frustration and anger to guilt. "My pride got the best of me yesterday, Tess and I nearly lost you because of it." His hand was tentative as it took hers. "To answer your question, I'm here to tell you I love you and ask for your forgiveness."

  "Okay. You can do that."

  He laughed. "Okay then. I love you. Will you forgive me?"

  "Does that mean you forgive me?"

  "It does."

  "Then it's only fair that I forgive you." She couldn't help the silly grin that spread. She hurt. She was loopy. But she was ridiculously happy.

  "It's only fair," he agreed, his grin mimicking hers.

  He leaned in closer to her, his lips a whisper from hers. "Tell me again. I need to hear you tell me again."

  She knew what he meant. She could see the need of it in his eyes. She had that same need, the need to tell him. "I love you."

  "Ah Tess." He dipped his head, his lips caressing hers in a kiss that was so gentle, so loving, it brought tears.

  "Did I hurt you?" he whispered as his thumb wiped a stray tear.

  "No. I'm just being silly."

  He smiled and dipped again, this time his kiss while still gentle, was firmer, and longer. She thought she would suffocate, but didn't care. If you had to go, kissing Jack seemed like the best way to do it.


  Jack's lips left hers only by a fraction. "We're busy," he said and then he kissed her again.

  "Let me know when you're done. I'll wait."

  Tess laughed even while Jack's kiss persisted. Finally he pulled away. "Is he still there?"

  Tess looked around his body. "Yes. It’s the fire investigator."

  Jack moved away, but Tess took his hand to keep him close.

  "I take it this is Jack. You should check your messages. I'm Mike Chase, the fire investigator." Jack nodded his hello.

  "I have some information on that fire you asked about," Mike said.

  "That was quick."

  "You said it could be related to the current string of fires, so it warranted a look."

  "I asked him to look at the report of the fire that killed Delia." Tess watched Jack's face for any sign of anger, but instead he squeezed her hand.

  "So what did you learn?" Jack asked turning his focus to the investigator.

  "The fire started around a kerosene heater, as the report said."

  "So, it was an accident."

  He shifted. "There's nothing, at least in the report and the photos to suggest the fire was set. No strange burn patterns or use of accelerant beyond the kerosene in the heater."

  "Well, I guess that's good news." Tess again looked to Jack. She wasn't sure about his feelings towards Delia and his relationship with her, but she was sure Cora wouldn't buy it and Jack had to be thinking about that.

  "But," the investigator continued. "It is odd that the baby wasn't found. That alone should have triggered a deeper investigation. And the position of her body…well there's just something about it that is off."

  "How off?" Jack asked.

  "Well people just don't sleep like that, unless maybe it was a suicide."

  "What do you think it means?" Tess asked.

  "I don't know. I do know that if I was the investigator at the time, I'd want to look a little deeper into the missing baby and the autopsy."

  "There was an autopsy."

  "There was, but I'm not sure how deep it went. It was clear she asphyxiated and burned. But … "

  "You think it's possible she was incapacitated before the fire," Tess finished.

  "I don't think anything, but it's something I would have wanted to look into. The investigator of the time is long gone, so we can't find out if he had the same feeling."

  "Do you think it was closed quickly because of the Senator?" Jack asked.

  "I can't say if there was any intervening on the Senator's part, but I wouldn't be surprised if people determined that fire didn't look suspicious and it was the Senator's aid so it was closed quickly. I know there isn't enough there to open the case again especially since there is a Senator involved."

  "So we didn't gain anything from it?"

  He shrugged. "I'm certainly going to keep it in the back of my mind as I look into your fire and Mr. Showalter's. But beyond that, I can't do much with it."

  "Thank you for looking into it," Tess said.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Tess was afraid to open her eyes. Perhaps it had been a dream. Not the fire. She had the pain to tell her that the fire and her narrow escape had been real. But Jack. Was he real? Had he come back and forgiven her? Held her as the latest round of medication made her sleepy? It was the kind of perfection that could only happen in dreams. But she couldn't sleep forever.

  She opened her eyes. He sat in a chair by the window. He had papers in lap, but he wasn't reading them. He rested his chin in his hand, his eyes were on her.

  "You're here." Joy rippled through her.

  "Where else would I be?"

  "I was afraid it was a dream."

  "No dream." He set his papers aside and moved to her. He took her hand, bringing it to hi
s lips. "I'm here."

  Tess had an overwhelming need to have him hold her. "You won't leave will you?"

  "No mountain high enough, no river wide enough to keep me from you," he said.

  She smiled. "Is that the Diana Ross version?"

  "Of course not. Marvin Gaye."

  "I still can't see you as a fan of Marvin's"

  "The guy sings about love and sex, what's not to like?"

  She laughed and then winced as it sent a stab of pain through her side.

  "Do you need something for that?"

  She shook her head. "Just you. What were you working on?"

  "I was looking through the files you dropped off yesterday."

  She gripped his hand. "You need to hide those!"

  "I just have the information about Delia. The rest is locked up-"

  "If anyone finds out they weren't burned in the fire, you'll be in danger." Tess felt the panic all the way to her toes. She'd only just got him back. She couldn't risk the killer coming after him. As it was, Jack could already be on the killer's list.

  "I'll be careful. I just had to see what could be in them that would lead to murder."

  Tess eyes darted around the room, looking for hidden eyes or ears. But they were alone. Her door was shut.

  "If you're right about Delia's death being a part of this, it leaves only one suspect," Jack continued.

  Tess looked back to him. "The Senator?"

  He nodded. "I find it hard to believe. Most Senators accept bribes and cheat on their wives, not kill people. Then again. I don't know him very well. If he's anything like Asa, then I suppose it's possible."

  "When I talked to him he seemed genuinely sad about her. But I suppose it could have been guilt or regret."

  "It still doesn't make sense. His wife was already dead. Having an affair at that time wouldn't be cheating," he said.

  "Maybe it was because of the baby. And they weren't married."

  "It still seems extreme."

  "Maybe it's because she wasn't going to live under his terms," Tess said. "According to Walter and Agnes, the Senator was going to support her and the baby."

  Jack's face became pained.

  Tess gave his hand a squeeze. "Have you talked to Cora about this anymore?"

  "Not much."

  Tess knew eventually he'd have to find out for sure if he was Delia and possibly the Senator's son, but it didn't have to be now.

  "Maybe I'm wrong about the fire; it could be a really strange coincidence. In that case, Shelby is at the top of my list."

  "She has an alibi," Jack said using air quotes around alibi.

  "Not anymore," Tess said.

  "Really? Someone came forward? Philip?"

  "I can't go into it. Attorney client privilege," Tess explained "But Detective Johnson knows."

  Jack snorted. "I'm not sure how much good that will do. All of Daniel's buddies seem bent on me being the murderer."

  Tess could feel herself wanting to defend Daniel.

  "That's the problem with everyone involved in this case especially Deputy Dan. He's related to them for Christ sake. Isn't there a law about that?"

  "He's not on the case-"

  "Come on, Tess." Jack released her hand, turning from her to look out the window. She felt the movement like rejection.

  "Things have changed." She wished she could tell him about Sarah. And about how Detective Johnson was taking a good look at everyone, including Daniel. Instead she watched and waited, hoping the situation wouldn't push Jack away.

  He moved back to her bedside. "The point is that Tom, whether you think he was capable or not, took the computer. Daniel and his buddies have to know this. And Tom had to have taken it after Asa was murdered. Which means he did it or he was first on the scene and didn't raise the alarm. Why not?"

  Tess knew he was right, but she couldn't believe Tom was a murderer anymore than she could believe Jack was. Tom had to be protecting Asa or someone else. "I wonder if he went out the back the door and was the one who left it open."

  "Maybe. He took the computer and didn't want to risk being seen so he went out Asa's door."

  "But he couldn't come back in that way without it being suspicious, so he came in the front door where you saw him."

  "It's possible he heard you entering Asa's office," Jack said.

  Tess didn't like to think that Tom would have allowed her to walk into a death scene. Or that he could have seen her sprawled on the floor and done nothing. "But he was attacked too," she said. "It takes the focus off of him."

  "If he wasn't attacked. Would the police be considering all this?" Jack asked.

  "We can't think about 'what if's'," she said. "I can tell you that the police have broadened the investigation."

  "But I'm still at the top of the list."

  She didn't respond.

  "And now that things are good with us, Daniel will try to sabotage that again."

  She shook her head. "No. I think he and I have come to an understanding. He's a good guy, Jack."

  "Is that why you were going to go live with him?"


  "The doctor came in while you were resting and wanted to know when Daniel would be back so he could go over your care when you went home with him."

  "Oh. That."

  "Yeah. That."

  "I didn't agree to stay with him."

  "That's not the impression the doctor had."

  "He and Daniel decided, but I never actually agreed to it." Tess shifted, pulled Jack's hand closer to prevent him from moving away.

  "But you would have gone." It wasn't like Jack to feel insecure or jealous, so Tess wasn't sure why he was pushing it.

  "Probably. I had nowhere else to go."

  "He would have tried to win you back."

  "That's why I didn't agree to it."

  "Worried you might give in?"

  Now she was annoyed. "Maybe."

  His eyes widened in surprise.

  "You were right, I don't want to come to the end of my life and be alone. And since you were out of the picture..."

  "So you do love him."

  "I care for him. It's not the way I love you."

  "I see."

  "No, I don't think you do. Before you got here today, it felt like the only choices left in my life were to be alone or be with someone that was safe, who I knew would be good to me. But once you showed up, I got third choice. The only choice. There is no contest."

  He studied her and she hoped he could see the truth of her words in her eyes. He moved in close to her, nearly nose to nose. "Do you know what you do to me?"

  "Drive you crazy?"

  "Yes." He kissed her. It was rougher, edgier than the earlier kisses, but it still made her mushy inside all the same.

  "You know, this situation isn't all that different from you and Cora," Tess pointed out. "She doesn't think I'm good enough for you."

  "That's not true-"

  "And I'm sure after I hurt you, she's got some voodoo priest making up a Tess doll."

  "That may be true," he said with a laugh. "But as long as you keep me happy, she won't use it."

  "You don't want to have to choose sides and I don't either. I understand why you feel the way you do, but he and his family are a part of my life, just like Cora is a part of yours."

  "Fair enough," Jack said.

  "Of course, if we can figure this thing out, we won't have to worry about Daniel."

  "So what's your theory about Shelby?" Jack asked taking them back to original topic.

  "I supposed the only thing is that she had Philip lie for her to give her an alibi."

  "And why would she do that if she wasn't guilty?" Jack finished her thought.

  "Right. Clearly she was doing something wrong, but was it murder?"

  "What else could she have been doing that she didn't want anyone to know about?" Jack asked.

  "I don't know."

  "Maybe drugs," Jack suggested. "She looks like someone who could have a dru
g problem. She's got the dark circles under her eyes, gaunt face, and is way too thin."

  "What'd you say?"

  "Drugs. Maybe she was shooting up or whatever drug addicts do."

  "No, after that. Dark circles-"

  "And too thin," Jack finished.

  "That could be it…" Tess let her voice trail off as the considered.

  "Care to share?"

  "Remember our date."

  "I sure do," he said with a waggle of his brows.

  "I mean while we were at the restaurant. We saw Shelby."

  "I remember that too."

  "And then I ran into her in the bathroom. She'd been sick, but didn't want me to tell anyone about it. And she had a toothbrush."

  "Maybe she was thinking she'd get lucky with another man."

  "Maybe. Or maybe she knew she would be sick."

  "How do people know when they'll be sick?" Jack asked.

  "If they make themselves sick. What if she has an eating disorder? On the night of the murder, it was right after dinner that she went upstairs. Maybe she went up to … purge."

  "I can see why people would want to keep an eating disorder under wraps unless it could clear you of murder," Jack said. "Why not just fess up. Why get Philip to lie?"

  "Probably because Asa would have cut her off." Tess looked up as Helen hesitantly approached the bed.


  "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had company," Helen said not hiding her disappointment or disapproval at Jack's presence. Clearly Daniel hadn't warned her about Jack's return. Tess sighed, resigned to the tension that was building.

  "How's Tom?" Tess asked hoping it would diffuse the situation.

  Helen's face softened as she turned her eyes on Tess. "He's doing much better. He's awake now. Finally. But has no clue what happened or who did it."

  Tess wanted to ask if he'd been interviewed about the computer, but determined it wasn't the time or place. "At least he's going to be fine."

  Jack moved away from Tess so Helen could come closer. She took Tess' hand. "Yes. And so are you. When I heard what happened, Tess, I was so worried. I owe you an apology. You're like a daughter to me and I shouldn't have turned on you like that."

  "I understand why things happened the way they did."


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