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Deadly Valentine

Page 32

by Jenna Harte

  "Why didn't you just kill me in the beginning?" Jack asked. "Why kill Asa or try to kill Tess and Tom."

  "I didn't want to kill them... well, except Asa. They were poking their heads into business that was better left dead." He cackled at his play on words.

  "So why not kill me?" Jack asked.

  "You didn't know about Delia. There was no reason to kill you, until now."

  "This is going to come back on the Senator," Tess said, her voice sounding as desperate as she felt. What could they do? Was Jack trying to come up with a plan? Would the police show up? Was Daniel looking for her since she didn't tell him she was leaving with Jack?

  "No. I'll kill you first," he said pointing to Tess, "And then you. I'll make it look like a murder suicide. It means you still could have killed Asa. Maybe you killed her because she figured it out."

  "No one will believe that," Tess said.

  "She's right. Everyone one who knows me knows I'd die for her, not kill her."

  Except Daniel, Tess thought. Walter could possibly get away with murder…again.

  "Then I'll kill you first and make it look like she killed you." He pondered it for a moment. "No, I think it would be better if it looked like you killed her and then in your remorse you kill yourself. It's very romantic…perfect for someone named Valentine. Oh and even better," he said, the glee in his voice taking on a disturbing tone. "It is Valentine's day. I wonder if this will be known as the Valentine's Day murder."

  Jack shifted, stepping in front of her. "I have money and a plane. You can leave here. No more answering doors and driving people around-"

  "But I like answering doors and driving people around. Look at it this way; at least you'll be able to be together in the afterlife."

  Tess always wondered about murderers who seemed to believe in God and an afterlife, but weren't worried about going to Hell for killing people. With a determined look on his face, Walter pointed the gun towards her chest.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  I'm going to die. It was clear to Tess ever since Walter showed up with the gun, she and Jack were doomed to die. But it wasn't until this moment that the outcome felt real. She was going to die. The realization pitched from surreal to full blown terror. She wouldn't even be spared the pain of being shot since her medication was wearing off.

  "You don't have to do this," she heard Jack say. "The Senator will be disappointed."

  Walter laughed. "The point of this is that he won't know."

  Tess could hear sliding above her head. It was as if Santa were gliding along her roof. Was that going to be her last thought? Hoping that Santa would save her? But she knew better. This wasn't a novel or made for TV movie. This was real. And bad things happened in real life.

  The sliding stopped and something crashed through her roof landing inches behind Walter. It wasn't Santa. It wasn't even human. But it did cause Walter to jump and turn away. In an instant Jack was there, grabbing the arm with the gun, as he delivered a blow that knocked Walter to the floor, sending the gun skittering across the ashes.

  "Ow! Damn that hurts!" Jack said as he shook his hand. "Come on, Tess, we need to get out of here before the roof caves in. That slate will kill if it hits you."

  Stunned Tess could only look on.

  "Tess!" He looked at her. "Do you need help?"

  With a snap she was back to the present. "No. No, I can move," she said proving it by tentatively moving towards the open front door while listening for signs that her roof was about to fall.

  Jack reached down grabbing Walter by the shirt front. "You too, Walter. Let's go."

  "What the hell is going on?" Daniel stepped into the open doorway.

  "Daniel!" Tess had never been so pleased to see him.

  "Don't come in!" Jack yelled as he dragged Walter to his feet.

  "Detective Showalter, thank God you're here," Walter said trying to disentangle himself from Jack's grip. "He's mad. He's going to kill us all! Just like he killed Asa. And tried to kill your father-"

  "That's not true!" Tess cried.

  Daniel didn't seem to hear Walter. Instead he made his way through the rubble to Tess. "Are you alright?" He wrapped an arm around her. "It's not safe in here."

  "I know," she said accepting his help. She could hear the sliding on the roof again. "But Walter is lying-"

  Daniel practically carried her out the door. Tess decided his help was worth the shooting pain it caused if it got her out of the caving house.

  "Help me," she heard Walter cry.

  She turned to see Jack dragging him towards the door of the house.

  But Daniel grabbed her to him and gave her a shake that did nothing to help the pain in her side. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting."

  "It’s a long story. But Walter-"

  "Are you sure you're alright?"

  "Yes! Listen to me. It was Walter."

  Just then there was a loud rumble as the remainder of her roof tumbled downward. Jack with Walter in tow, dove out the door and tumbled down the front steps. They landed with a loud oomph.

  "Get off of me!" Walter flailed, one of his arms catching Jack in the jaw.

  "I just saved your life, God dammit," Jack said.

  Making his way to them, Daniel reached down to help Walter up.

  "Thank God you're here," Walter said clutching at Daniel.

  "Walter Jamison, you have the right to remain silent-"

  "What? No, you've got it wrong."

  "Anything you say-" Daniel slipped a handcuff on one hand and turned Walter so he could secure the other behind his back.

  Tess stared wide eyed. "You knew?"

  "I got an interesting phone call," Daniel said once he finished giving Walter his rights.

  "Phone call?"

  "The caller ID was J. Valentine. To be honest, I nearly ignored it particularly when there was no one on the other end when I picked up. But then I could hear a very interesting conversation."

  Tess looked to Jack who had made his way to her. "Walter said to put the phone away, not to hang it up."

  "You called Daniel?"

  "I figured the only other person as motivated as me to save you, was him."

  "He was right," Daniel said.

  "You could hear us through the pocket of his coat?" Tess asked.

  "Not well. Sometimes not at all. But enough to know I needed to get here fast," Daniel said.

  "So it's over?" Tess asked.

  Jack rubbed his hands up and down her arms. "It's over."

  "You need to take her home and put her to bed," Daniel told Jack. "Someone will be by later to get your statement."

  Jack nodded. "You heard what he said."

  "I never thought I'd see the day when you'd do what Daniel told you to do."

  Jack grinned. "He never told me to take you home and to bed before."


  Jack put Tess to bed as ordered until Detective Johnson arrived. Then he carried her down the stairs to the living area and set her up on the couch in front of a roaring fire. She was surprised the fire didn't scare her considering she'd nearly been roasted the night before. Instead it was beautiful in the large fireplace and the warmth was soothing against the cold February night. It felt homey.

  Once Detective Johnson had left, Daniel arrived, but not as a cop, as a friend.

  "Walter confessed," Daniel told them. "It’s a good thing too because there really isn't much in the way of solid evidence."

  "Just like that he confessed?" Tess asked.

  "No. He started by telling us Jack was crazy and your testimony couldn't be trusted because you were sick and delusional that night."

  "I was afraid that might come back to haunt us," Tess said. "So what made him change his mind?"

  "The Senator."

  Tess could see the strain on Daniel's face. It couldn't have been easy telling him that the man who'd been a trusted servant had killed his son. Especially since the Senator had done so much to help Walter over the years.r />
  "I told him … well everything and he came down and talked to Walter. What a strange relationship they had,"

  "Will he take a plea?"

  "I don't know. You're not planning to be his lawyer are you?"

  Tess laughed. "No."

  Daniel shifted in his seat before turning to Jack. "Are you going to want a DNA-?"

  "No." The firmness of his voice left no question as to his plans about finding out whether or not the Senator was his biological father.

  Daniel starred at him a long moment. Tess could see he was working up to say something, but was carefully choosing his words. "I had to explain everything to my grandfather, about Delia, the baby. The thing is, he's a sentimental man. He won't need a test to accept you."

  It was Jack's turn to shift in his seat.

  "He's going to want to at least talk to you and probably bring you into the family fold," Daniel added.

  Jack's jaw tensed. "Don't take this the wrong way, Daniel, but I don't want to be in that family."

  Tess winced, but Daniel appeared unfazed. "I can't blame you. My mother feels the same way." He set the coffee Jack had brought him on the table and stood. "I should be heading out. I guess the good thing is that I won't have to call you Uncle Jack."

  Tess bit her lip to keep from laughing, not sure how Jack would respond. But the corners of lips twitched upward. "I'll show you out."

  "I thought he'd never leave," Jack said after Daniel left. He turned on the iPod connected to his stereo. Tess heard the smooth voice of Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell singing You're All I Need to Get By. It was mood setting music. And it worked, even though their acts of love would be limited to words and a few stolen kisses, at least until she healed.

  "How are you feeling," he asked sitting next to her and taking her hand. "How's the pain?"

  "I'm good now."

  "Good because I have a surprise."

  "I'm not so sure I can take any surprises at the moment."

  "Do you know what day it is?" he asked.

  "The first day of the rest of our lives?"

  He laughed, pulling her hand to his lips and giving it a kiss. "That too. But it's also Valentine's Day."

  "I'd forgotten. I guess you wouldn't, since it's your name and all."

  "You'd be surprised what a curse that is. There are high romantic expectations associated with the name Valentine."

  Tess snorted. "I doubt any woman has complained about a Valentine from you. All you have to do is flash those blue-green eyes and show your dimple and it's all over with."

  "That's it? Then I guess you don't want the gift I got you?" He shifted his body, unhooking his hand from hers and instead resting is arm behind her as he looked down on her.

  "You got me a gift? When did you have time to do that?"

  "I bought it last week, but then you dumped me."

  "I'm surprised you didn't throw it in the Potomac."

  "I thought about it, but you know how I feel about littering."

  "That would be a problem."

  "So I kept it knowing you'd come crawling back."

  "Mmm hmm, but when I did, you kicked me out of your office."

  "Temporary insanity." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a flat rectangular box. "Do you want it or not?"

  She took the box from him, pulling off the ribbon and removing the lid. "It’s a doo dad." She pulled the silver frame from the box. "Oh and that's us."

  "It is. Do you remember when that was taken?"

  Tess pretended to study the picture, but she'd known immediately when the picture had been taken. It was the day she realized she had more than friendly feelings for her fiancé's friend. "It was the day sailing on the Potomac."

  His smile reached his eyes and dimple. She could see it pleased him that she remembered; that the day was as important to her as it had been to him. .

  "Brad couldn't come. And neither could your friend. What was her name?"

  "Her name doesn't matter and actually… I cancelled on her."

  "You did? Why?"

  He shifted and gave a shrug. "It didn't seem right to bring a date."

  Tess watched him for moment. "You canceled to be alone with me?"


  "But your mom was there."

  "Well, she didn't think it was a good idea that we be alone knowing how I felt about you."

  "She was chaperoning." This time Tess laughed at the thought.

  Jack laughed with her. "If I'd wanted to, I could have gotten rid of her. But I wanted you to meet her and it probably was for the best. You were, after all, engaged to someone else at the time."

  "It was one of my favorite days," Tess said looking back at the photo.

  "Me too. This was when I was teaching you to steer. My mom snapped it."

  "I remember." Tess remembered his eyes, something about them had made her heart skip and then it tumbled right over into love.

  "My mom used to ask me when you were going to realize what a dope Brad was and come to me."

  "Did you tell her I did come to you when I realized what a dope he was?"

  Jack gave her a sheepish smile. "Yes, but she understood why I couldn't have you. Not right then anyway. But then you left and I couldn't follow you. You know you're why she wanted to move to Jefferson Tavern. She figured it would be easier for me to run into you"

  "Me? I didn't even know you two were here,"

  "It would have helped if you returned my calls."

  Tess winced and chided herself for cutting him off right when he needed her. Her heart broke to think of the sadness of having to watch a parent ravaged by cancer. "I'm sorry. I wish I had been there for you."

  "You're here now," he said leaning closer to her. "That's what matters."

  She smiled up at him, resting her palm on his cheek. "My Valentine."

  About Jenna Harte and Upcoming Works

  About Jenna Harte: I've always had a romantic streak. Even as a kid, my favorite characters on TV were almost always happily-married and as a twelve year old, I'd write stories about them (this was before fan fiction or the Internet were invented).

  I love to read romantic suspense or mystery, but am disappointed that romances don't follow up on the happily ever after and mysteries rarely provide the sexy, romantic elements I enjoy. So I decided to write my own.

  When I'm not telling stories, I work by day as a freelance writer and blogger. I live in central Virginia with my husband, two teenage children and two cats.

  Valentine Extras

  For Tess' Killer Chocolate Caramel Brownies or her Marvin Gaye playlist, visit and look under the "Valentine Series" tab.

  More Books By Jenna Harte:

  Endangered: A Delecoeur Mystery (Novella)- On their wedding day, Max and Madeleine Delecoeur promised each other a life full of passion and adventure. But someone trying to kill Madeleine was not the type of adventure they'd planned on. Now Max and Madeleine are on a race to hunt down a murderer. Is it the money-manager suspected of embezzling money from Madeleine's wildlife foundation or the young man who threatened her after a speech about conservation? Or is it Max's former flame who is carrying a secret that could impact Max and Madeleine's happily ever after? And will they figure out who wants Madeleine dead before he...or she makes her extinct?

  Old Flames Never Die: A Valentine Mystery - The husband of an old flame of Jack's is murdered. He thinks she innocent. Tess isn't so sure. Pitted against each other, Jack and Tess risk their love and their lives to solve the murder. (Planned release date fall 2012).

  With this Ring I Thee Kill: A Valentine Mystery - Wedding bells are in Jack and Tess' future, that is if the people trying to kill them for Tess' engagement ring don't succeed. (Planned release date Winter 2012)

  For release information or to read excerpts, visit

  Become a fan of Jenna's at Facebook or follow her on Twitter.

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