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Virgin's Passion

Page 8

by Kayla C. Oliver

  “Is that what you want?” I asked.

  She looked up at me but didn’t say anything and I reached for her drawing into my chest. “Candace, I know he scared you, and you have every right to be pissed and hurt. But this is hardly the worst thing going on in ABF,” I told her, drawing her into a soft kiss until I gradually felt some of the tension ease from her.

  “Look, I appreciate your trying to be my cheerleader and giving me the old one for the Gipper speech,” she sighed, looking up into my eyes, “but you have no idea what you are talking about.”

  I had to laugh. Just like that, the tension was there again.

  “Thanks.” She put her hands on her hips. “Why did I think you were any different?”

  I rested my hands on her shoulders. “Candace, I had something to tell you and I meant it. But I need to have your word that you won’t say a word to anyone.”

  “What, are you a stripper, too?”

  “I’m not all that pretty to look at,” I joked.

  “Right.” I could see she was starting to relax. She folded her arms across her chest and squinted at me skeptically.

  “What would you do if I told you that I was working undercover?”

  “Working undercover?”

  “ABF has had some employees and ex-employees contact the police claiming that they were fired, demoted, or harassed for pointing out certain questionable monetary practices. Not to mention the bullying and blackmail that was reported.”

  She stared at me.

  “I’ve been undercover working this gig for over a year. I’ve got a man on the outside that tails your friend, Potter, in addition to the CEO, the VP of Finance, and the COO.”

  “I don’t believe you.” Her eyes widened, then narrowed.

  “Why would I lie?” I folded my arms and mimicked her stance.

  “So, why are you telling me this?”

  “Well, there are two reasons.” I took her by the hand and we walked casually down the hallway to the conference room. It was open. The view of the city looked like strings and strings of blinking Christmas lights. I pulled out one chair and motioned for her to sit.

  “The first is that the chain is only as strong as the weakest link. Potter is the weak link here. Obviously,” I pointed out. “The guy is like a sieve when it comes to his bad habits. He can’t keep his mouth shut.”

  “I don’t think I even want to know what he talks about.” She shivered.

  “You’re right. You don’t. If I had a nickel for every story about a woman in the office who he paid for sex, I’d be able to retire in Miami.”

  She blanched. “Gross.”

  “But that’s what he’d find embarrassing. Nothing more. Just claim to be addicted, check into a clinic of some kind for sixty days, and he’d be done with his time.”

  “But has he been dipping into the company till?”

  I pointed at Candace and smiled.

  “You are a smart cookie.” I sat down across from her. “He has an almost unlimited expense allowance. Almost unlimited. If I could just get my hands on it and look it over, I know I’d find the what I was looking for.”

  “What are you looking for?”

  “Leverage. Potter can get into the records department upstairs. I just need to get my hands on the last couple of years statements and see who signed off on what. Then, I’ll pass it all over to the D.A. who will issue the search warrants, arrest warrants, subpoenas.”

  I looked into Candace’s eyes and could see the wheels turning as she absorbed everything I was saying. It wasn’t clear to me yet if she understood what I was asking her.

  “So no one knows you’re here snooping around? They all think you’re just some really good-looking janitor?”

  “That’s right.” I polished my fingernails on my lapel. “No one knows the truth but you.”

  “And what is it that you think I can help you with?”

  She would never go for it. She was going to slap me across the face, grab her purse, and stomp out of the office never to return. That was what she was thinking. I braced myself for the crack across the jaw.

  “I was thinking that you might be my secret weapon to get Potter to play ball.” I clenched my teeth and gave her a nervous smile.

  “What would I have to do?”

  “Nothing like he wanted you to do,” I said hastily, hating the frozen expression on her face. “God, Candace. I’d never ask you to that in a million years. Tell me you know that much about me.”

  To my relief, slowly, she nodded, even if she didn’t say anything else.

  I went on, “I’m saying you’d just have to play coy. Shy. Like you thought it over and maybe think he’s not so bad.”

  “He’ll never buy that,” Candace said.

  “Well, what do you think would work?”

  “He thinks that because I was a stripper that I’d do anything for money. Playing the babe in the woods would not be convincing. I’d have to come across like I wanted or needed the money.”

  I listened to her talk. She blew me away with her understanding of how Potter thought. I had to admit she was spot on. It was very impressive and very sexy.

  “I wouldn’t ask you to—” I began again, and she cut me off with a small smile.

  “What if I do? What’s in it for me?”

  “What do you want?” I scooted closer to her and put my hands on her knees.

  “I think I’d like to go out for dinner. A nice little diner that’s open twenty-four hours and serves cheeseburgers and fries.”

  “Finally! A date. I know just the place. Anything else?”

  “Well, I’d have to get flowers, and I like old movies. So after dinner, there should be a show. Preferably something with Burt Lancaster or Robert Mitchum.” She smiled.

  “That’s quite a tall order.”

  “If you can’t handle it …” she shrugged.

  “I can handle it,” I promised as I leaned in closer. The dream I’d had of her in the conference room suddenly popped into my mind. “Can you?”

  “I think I’ve proven that I can.”

  Her eyes sparkled as she peeked up at me.

  I didn’t even remember starting to kiss her. It was like we faded into it. Our lips and tongues explored each other like this was the first time we had ever been alone with each other.

  It brought back memories of high school and my first real date with a girl. My heart had just exploded the first time I was kissed and actually had the courage to kiss back. Candace made me feel like I was on that very first date, feeling the same nervousness. It was wonderful.

  We stayed in the conference room for quite some time. I suspected that Larry Potter might have been waiting for Candace so I didn’t mind keeping her with me for a little longer.

  She slowly pulled away from me at long last and let out a sigh. “I’m nervous.”

  “Nervous? You don’t have to be nervous around me. Especially after everything we’ve done,” I teased.

  “Don’t be silly.” She rolled her eyes and squeezed my hands in hers. “I’m talking about this plan you have. Don’t get me wrong. I’m in one hundred percent. But, what if Potter figures it out?”

  “What can he do? It’s his word against yours. Plus, they’ll have him take a permanent hiatus if he starts running his mouth with undercover operatives and ex-strippers trying to take him down.”

  “It sounds like a good action film. Mark Wahlberg could play your part.” She poked me in the chest.

  “They’d have to resurrect Bettie Page to play you,” I said.

  “Bettie Page? You think so?” She wrinkled her nose.

  “Are you kidding? I thought you looked exactly like her that first day I saw you waiting for the elevator. I never dreamed in a million years that I’d be … well, your boyfriend in just a few weeks.”

  Her face lit up. “So … I’m your girlfriend.”

  “You better believe it, Bettie,” I teased, and she threw her arms around me and kissed me hard.

bsp; Chapter Thirteen


  The following Monday I was a nervous wreck. But I’d never felt so energized as when I walked in the lobby of ABF and saw Patty talking with Larry.

  I’ll admit that I wore an outfit that was a little more daring than usual. It was a very nice dress, cut on the bias to accent my killer curves. My heels were a lovely maroon color and several inches high, showing off my long, toned legs.

  “Good morning,” I said happily, as if Larry had been my secret crush all along.

  “Good morning.” Patty smiled back.

  Larry didn’t say anything but I felt his eyes following me as I walked down the corridor toward my cubicle. I was just out of Patty’s view when I turned around. I caught Larry looking. Gawking was more like it. I gave him the most sincere “I’ve reconsidered” smile. I thought he was going to pass out. Within seconds, his head became shiny with sweat again and I didn’t think he heard a word Patty was saying to him.

  I strolled back to my desk and saw James on his knees around the empty cubicle behind me.

  “Good morning,” he said to the floor.

  “Good morning.”

  “You ready?”

  “I am.”

  It didn’t take long for Larry to come sniffing around. The word of what I was wearing spread through the office like juicy gossip usually did. You’d think an outbreak of the walking dead had just swarmed off the elevator and was eating the secretaries. The funny part was that every inch of me was covered. There was nothing extra showing. My dress came to my knees. Sure, the top showed a little cleavage, but no more than Etta ever showed. The difference was that she was built like a spark plug.

  “Good morning, Candace,” Larry drawled. “Is Etta in yet?”

  “Not yet, Larry. I’d give her about ten more minutes. She’s always a little slower on Mondays,” I answered coyly.


  “Do you want me to give her a message?” I leaned back against my desk. My bosom thrust out without my even trying. I thought Larry was going to pop a blood vessel.

  “No. I’ll send her an email,” he grumbled. It was obvious his ego had been severely damaged last night. He wasn’t the kind of guy to slink away in a ball of embarrassment. He was asserting his authority by coming up to me and as he stepped a little further into my cubicle, my heart began to pound.

  I could smell his cologne. I had smelled it all over the guys at Lacey’s. It was a potent combination of citrus and something like cinnamon. The cologne wasn’t cheap, but it was common especially among the frat boy clientele that came to the club. The fact that Larry was wearing it wasn’t surprising, since he seemed so desperate to live like a young man again.

  “About last night.” I spoke before he could step away. Anger flashed behind his eyes and for a second, I thought this whole scenario was a bad idea. Larry Potter was not the simple horn-dog he might come across as. He would be dangerous, especially if cornered. He leaned menacingly into my cubicle.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he hissed.

  “Of course.” I pouted nervously. “I was mistaken. I was just hoping I could help with that … overtime …after you’ve had some time to reconsider.”

  He squinted at me suspiciously, like he knew I was lying, trying to set him up.

  “I really need this job,” I whispered. My eyes filled with tears. I didn’t plan that. It just happened but I saw Potter’s demeanor change. It was a gross transformation from anger to arousal.

  Larry’s tongue snaked its way to the corner of his mouth and stayed there for an obscene amount of time while he looked me up and down.

  He just nodded his head then walked away.

  Once he was out of sight I let out a breath that I didn’t even realize I was holding. Before anyone could see I was crying, I turned around and took my seat at my desk.

  What was I getting myself into? First, I had given my virginity to a man who I thought was a janitor. He had turned out to be an undercover cop and had recruited me to help compromise the weak link in the chain of command at ABF Financial. So now I’d transformed back into a femme fatale, using my sex as a weapon.

  “This is too much,” I said to my monitor as it flicked to life.

  “Are you all right?”

  I turned to see James’s kind, handsome face.

  “I don’t know if I can do this, James. That guy is not as easy as you think. He’s dangerous.”

  “If you want to back out, I understand.” He did look sincere and that made it even harder. “It is dangerous. You haven’t been trained like I have. I hope it won’t change things between you and me.”

  “No. Of course not.” I didn’t want to stop things with James. My gosh, just talking to him now with five feet between us, I wanted nothing more than to do whatever he wanted.

  “Don’t worry, Candace. It will be all right.” He smiled. My knees melted. “I better get back to work.”

  I nodded my head and watched him walk away. I turned back to my computer and tried to focus. Within a few minutes I was engrossed in a couple of emails that needed my response. Etta finally made it in and dropped a project on my desk. Just when I thought everything was going to just fall back into place, I received an email from Potter.

  “When you get a minute, please come to my office.”

  I might have decided I wasn’t going to play ball, but Potter hadn’t. My gosh, I might have really gotten myself into too deep already. I peeked around the corner but James was gone.

  I replied that I had a few things to do and would swing by after lunch. There would be a full office at that time. Potter replied back with a smiley image.

  “Ugh.” I rolled my eyes. “Well, Candace. You’re in this now.”

  Like usual, when a person has a dentist appointment for a cavity-riddled tooth or a visit to the gynecologist, the minutes flew by. Before I knew it, it was almost noon. I grabbed my purse and slipped out of my cubicle, shuffling quickly to the elevator.

  “Where are you going in such a hurry?” Ruth stopped me at the elevator bank, looking me up and down.

  “Lunch.” I blinked innocently.

  “By yourself?”

  “Am I supposed to be going with someone?” I studied her face. She was waiting for some kind of reaction but I had no idea why.

  “I thought you were having lunch with Larry.”

  I kept my cool and shifted from one foot to the other.

  “Why would you think that?”

  “I thought I heard Larry say something. I must have heard him wrong.”

  “You must have.” I stared at her intently.

  “Well, have a good lunch.”

  I watched Ruth walk down the hallway and wave, one of her little lackey cohorts to her side. They both looked back at me. Ruth gave me a squinty, uneasy smile before hurrying off out of view.

  It stuck in my craw. I swung my purse over my shoulder and walked back down the corridor. It wasn’t hard to find them talking in an empty cubicle.

  “She said she wasn’t meeting him,” Ruth whispered.

  “Maybe she wasn’t,” the other woman said. I didn’t know her name but I saw her loitering around Ruth’s desk often enough.

  “I heard him telling Mark about it. He said she would only eat at the Allegro. Can you believe that? It’s like seventy-five dollars a person for lunch there. And you know she’ll have a drink.”

  “Or two.” The other woman giggled.

  “But you know about the Allegro, right?”

  “No. What?”

  “It’s next to the Allegro Hotel.”


  “The Allegro has four-hour naps.”


  “I’ll bet my paycheck she won’t be back until well after one o’clock.”

  “She’ll be with Larry?”

  Ruth didn’t reply but I knew she was nodding her head.

  The idea of barging in on the two gossipers crossed my mind but I held back. All I w
ould have done was give Ruth more to talk about. Instead, I went back to the elevator. By the time the elevator landed in the building’s lobby, I had changed my mind. If I backed out of helping James now, it might take him months, maybe a year, before he would get his big break. That would be a year of putting up with Larry’s behavior, not to mention Ruth.

  I strolled outside and took a few deep breaths of air. Larry knew my past and he wasn’t going to let it go. If I didn’t pretend to play along, he’d hang it over my head every chance he could until I either quit or screwed up badly enough for them to fire me. It was a no-win situation. Unless …

  “Kobayashi Maru scenario. It’s a no-win situation unless I change the rules.”

  It was scary. Scarier than getting on stage and taking off my clothes, if that could be believed.

  “So, if you’re going to change the rules, girl, you better get all your ducks in a row. There won’t be any room for a slip-up. Plus, people are going to talk.”

  This wasn’t going to be easy. The rumor mill was going to be running overtime. People were going to make up their minds, taking sides, and it would probably lead to more than one uninvited advance from Potter’s associates. He was the kind of guy to blab. He’d brag about a colonoscopy if the nurse was pretty enough.

  “You won’t have any friends. People are going to judge you even harder than they already have been. Any hope of a clean reputation is going to be shot.”

  I stopped at a taco stand and bought myself a beef burrito.

  “Gracias, señorita.” The short cart owner grinned before turning to an older lady who asked if he served margaritas.

  All this scheming had made me hungry. With food in my stomach, I felt much better and decided to plow ahead. I could either have people judging me based on nothing or I could shake the foundation and really give them something to talk about.

  “You’ve been nearly naked in front of a room full of strangers. This was nothing.”

  Plus, there was a bigger issue at hand. James needed help not just to bust up a perv who hit on his secretaries. There was a crime being committed at the expense of the people who trusted ABF Financial. This was bigger than me. I headed back to ABF at one o’clock.


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