Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Complete Series

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Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Complete Series Page 6

by Sasha Scott

  “Oh what a shame Maria, that was the wrong answer. What you were looking for is A, Hombre. Unfortunate for you but very fortunate for the audiences, please get out those voting pads again for another round of ask the audience!

  The computer has decided and it seems that the next round is the body mod round. So here are the options to choose from. Vote A if you think Maria would look better with the Biggest Rear in the West. Vote for B if you’d like to see some Top Popping Pillows. Vote C for a slice of Sweet Schoolgirl Surprise and finally vote for D an Ebony Experience.”

  Maria could get a better gist on these options from the names. She could probably guess which way it was going to go, a huge ass or giant boobs were both on offer after all.

  “Anything you’d rather avoid Maria?”

  “Well I’d still like to be able to move around like a normal person if that isn’t too much to ask.”

  “Well looking at the voting it seems you will be as the vote was for C, Sweet Schoolgirl Surprise.”

  Maria was caught off guard by that option, she expected a classic dose of bimbofying body mod but this was something else.

  “Oh, do we have one of those types of crowds in?”

  Instead of plumping up she started to shrink down. Sweet Schoolgirl Surprise was designed to give contestants a permanent jailbait appearance. Small height, flat chest, young appearance. If she got into acting she’d be one of those who get cast in high school films despite being well into their thirties.

  Her height decreased on the chair as her long blue dress started to hang from her body and totally swallowed her legs up.

  “Now don’t you look adorable. Doesn’t she look adorable folks?”

  The audience began to applaud as she frowned in her seat, she started off with a slight change but from here on is when wrong answers started to get more and more annoying.

  “I’d prefer not to be patronized thank you, I’m still a woman after all.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, sometimes we just get a bit carried away. Now Maria we’ll let you get used to your new body as we go for a quick commercial break. Don’t you go anywhere folks, we’ll be right back.”

  “Welcome back everyone, I’m Jim Harris and this is Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? We’re joined by Maria who has had a mixed first half of the show. She did manage to get three questions right but two incorrect has left her looking very different from she first walked on stage. So how are you feeling Maria?”

  “Not as comfortably as I was at the start, but I’m still confident about coming out with a win.”

  “You’ll just have to make do with a lot of people saying you look too young to be a scientist.”

  “I’d rather not get the practice right now thank you very much.”

  “Okay okay I’m sorry. I’ll try and distract us with a jump to question number six. What was the occupation of Benito Mussolini's father? Was he A, a blacksmith? Was he B, a policeman? Was he C, a teacher or was he D, a wine merchant?”

  Were these questions actually getting easier? As the show went along the questions would slowly start to get easier, or they were supposed to anyway.

  “You look troubled Maria, finding this one to be a hard one?”

  “Afraid I’m not quite up to scratch with Mussolini’s family tree. I think I’m going to have to guess.”

  “Your guesses haven’t had the best luck so far have they?”

  “Well you know what they say, third time’s a charm.”

  “So what answer are you going to give us Maria?”

  “Well, I guess B sounds like it could be right. Let’s say B.”

  “You’re saying B, Policeman. Let’s take it to the board and see if that’s correct.”

  All eyes were on the board for Maria’s third guess attempt at a question, and a third red cross was what returned itself.

  “Oh unlucky, it was incorrect. Alessandro Mussolini was actually a blacksmith. That means you’re going to have to play another round of, say it with me folks, ask the audience!”

  “Yeah yeah, let’s just get on with it.”

  “So what are the audience going to be voting for next? Stop the presses, it’s the surprise round. That means we’ve got a wide collection of four strange and wonderful choices for everyone to choose from. So audience, vote A for an Orgasmic Experience. Vote B for a Demanding Dominatrix. Vote C for a Cheeky Catgirl and finally vote for D to make her Drunk and Ditzy.”

  Maria still hadn’t watched enough of this show to know what most of the options were but she could have an idea from the names. She’d seem A before, she didn’t want to be orgasming to every touch. She also didn’t want to be drunk all the time, or a stupid catgirl either.

  “Think this is a good choice for you?”

  “Wouldn’t say so, I guess I could cope with B if I had to.”

  “Well you won’t need to try as the audience votes are in and they’re actually decided to go for C, a Cheeky Catgirl.”

  Maria’s head flung back in a gasp. Her body changing was one thing, shrinking down; completely new parts growing was a completely different thing.

  She writhed around in the chair, her small body kicking around as she could feel a growth in the small of her back, something sprouting out as a similar action took place on top of her head.

  She had a good idea what it might be from the name of the challenge but still the audience were getting a much better look than she was. Two blue cat ears were growing out of short cropped hair as a wiggling cat tail was slowly expanding from her behind, the petite girl squirming around on her seat.

  “Are you feeling okay Maria? You don’t look too comfortable.”

  “Nya, of course I’m not, I’ve got a tail growing out of my ass!”

  Suddenly she realised she’d started off her sentence by letting out a cat like meow, her hands raising up to cover over her lips.

  “Did you hear that folks? She took to it like a duck to water.”

  The blue ears and tail had very much become a part of her body, as if she couldn’t look any more ridiculous and childlike with her petite body.

  “Nyaaa, this transformation is totally unfair!”

  She hissed before covering her mouth again, she just couldn’t get used to that speaking tick of hers.

  “Now Maria those are the rules.”

  “I know nya, but changing my voice along with my appearance is too much!”

  “Well that’s the special round for you, always available to stir things up. I think we’ve given Maria enough time to adjust to living the cat life, right folks? Well time to move onto our next question.

  So question seven, which composer wrote the 'Paris', 'Linz' and 'Prague' symphonies? Was it A, Haydn? Was it B, Mozart? Was it C, Puccini or was it D, Sibelius.”

  Maria rose her hand up to her face to think but instead of placing her hand into her chin and running her finger in a circle, she cupped her hand and stroked it along her own cheek. This transformation really was too powerful. She almost jumped out of her seat once she realized what she was doing.

  “Everything alright Maria?”

  “N- fine. Just fine.”

  She even had to catch herself to make sure she didn’t let out any stupid cat sounds, and how loose fitting her dress was didn’t help her comfort levels.

  “I think that answer is B, Mozart.”

  “So you’re gonna say B? Let’s take it to the board and see if you’re correct. Congratulations Maria, a right answer. What a smart girl you are.”

  Subconsciously she pushed herself up higher in her seat, ears flicking around as a low vibration purred out from her pursed lips, looking very pleased with herself. If she was a dog her tail would probably be slapping around the chair.

  “That means you avoid another forfeit round and we can go straight into question number eight. The song Big Spender comes from which musical? Is it A, Carousel? Is it B, Guys And Dolls? Is it C, South Pacific or is it D, Sweet Charity?”

  Maria’s face turned to a sco
wl as she went back into thought mode.

  “You don’t look too pleased with this one Maria.”

  “I’m not a fan of musicals.”

  “Didn’t do any research on this stuff before you came on?”

  “Nya of course I did but my head is fuzzy now!”

  From the release of another purr the petite girl began to squirm and kick around in chair, almost throwing a hissy fit; purring was not sitting well with her.

  “Well you have some time if you want to think.”

  She closed her eyes as she tried to concentrate. While she didn’t like musicals she at least learnt about them in her revision crash course. But her head was feeling fuzzier now, mainly because of some new more dominating thoughts which had appeared. Like a desire for some fish to eat.

  “I’m afraid we can’t let you groom yourself all night Maria, you’re going to need to give us an answer.”

  Her eyes shot open as she noticed she’d been running her tongue against her hand, quickly dragging it away and gripping the arm chairs tightly.

  “I’m gonna go with B then, nya.”

  “You’re saying Guys and Dolls?”

  “That’s what I said, nya!”

  “The kitty cat is saying Guys and Dolls. But unlucky Maria, the correct answer was actually D, Sweet Charity. You really can’t get a lucky break with these guesses. I thought everyone knows that one, but I guess a child like you would have difficulties.”

  “Nya I’m twenty nine!”

  “Well, folks you know what that means. It’s time to ask the audience! Now board please give us our next category to play with. Oh my, it seems like the board has landed on fetish. Such a difficult choice Maria, I hope you’re going to be okay.

  Okay folks, here are the options for you to choose from. Vote A for some Hopeless Humiliation. Vote B for the opposite in a Saucy Sadist. Vote C for some Sensual Spankings and vote D for Pet Paradise.”

  The term Pet Paradise was enough to leave her concerned. She began to whine out quickly.

  “Hey don’t make me any more of a pet!”

  “It’s up to the audience Maria, I don’t get to choose. However the votes have just came back to me and I can let you know you got your wish, Pet Paradise has not been chosen.”

  “Nya, that’s good.”

  “Instead you’ll get some Hopeless Humiliation.”

  While Pet Paradise may have seemed the best fit for Maria with her current nekofication, Hopeless Humiliation was a strong fan favorite and rarely didn’t win when it had appeared, mainly due to how fun it was to watch.

  Maria could feel the tingling in her head as the changes took shape, a hot throbbing in her mind which caused her body to writhe.

  “Are you okay kitty cat?”

  Her breathing was slightly heavier from tossing and turning but she was slowly gaining composure back in her seat, at least this change was nothing compared to the last one.

  “Fine, nya. But don’t call me kitty, or cat, nya. I have a name.”

  “But only people really need names. It’s enough to just call an animal by what they are.”

  “N-nya, who are you calling an animal?”

  “You kitty. I mean you do have cat ears, don’t you?”

  His voice had changed tone from his usual jokey showtime voice into a more direct, patronizing tone.

  Maria rose her hands up and covered over her own head, using her palms to flatten her feline ears down and hide them from his view.

  “And you do keep purring like a cat.”

  “Nyaaaa, shut up!”

  “See you did it again, what a stupid animal.”

  She found her face to be heating up from his harsh words. Initially it confused her until she remembered the ask the audience result from the last round. Hopeless Humiliation; she was going to get turned on by this sort of treatment from now on.

  “We’ll try and give you an easy question for number nine, something even a dumb cat could answer. In which state is the presidential mountain retreat Camp David? Is it A, Maine? Is it B, Maryland? Is it C, Vermont or is it D, Virginia?”

  Even after losing four rounds out of eight, her intelligence levels hadn’t dropped down too much compared to what could have been.

  “Nya, it’s Maryland.”

  “Are you sure? I reckon a big girl would have no problem answering but I’m not sure about a little kitty.”

  “Nya I’m certain! Just do it already!”

  “Well let’s check the board to see if that’s correct. Of course it is, everybody knows that one. You’re lucky we gave you such an easy one or you’d never have answered it.”

  “Not true, nya! I’m a scientist I could answer anything!”

  She’d been getting more and more worked up ever since the change, especially from the constant barrage of verbal insults coming in her direction. It was no wonder it was such a popular choice with the fans with how it made the contestants react.

  “So you’re saying we should make ten hard, just so you can show what a super duper smart little kitty cat you are?”


  She didn’t like agreeing to his ultra patronizing tone, but he was right, she was going to prove how clever she was.

  “Okay then, as you wish. Question ten, Cagliari is the capital of which island? Is it A, Corsica? Is it B, Malta? Is it C, Sardina or is it D, Sicily?”

  Her ears remained flat to her head at both the question, and the answers. She didn’t know this one, she had absolutely no clue. She’d never even heard of Cagliari.

  “I’m sure a scientist would know the answer straight away, right?”

  “O-of course I do. It’s C, Sardinya.”

  “Did you mean Sardina?”

  “That’s what I said, Sardinya.”

  “Are you sure it’s really Sardina? You’re not just saying that because it sounds like a type of fish?”


  “Completely sure? Only a cat would be stupid enough to choose an answer because they’re hungry.”

  “That’s not it at all!”

  “Aww folks, check out the dumb little kitty. She’s picking C because she thinks she’ll get some fish for it.”

  “Nya! Shut up! Fine then, D! Whatever D was, happy!?”

  She slouched back in her chair, arms tightly folded across the rolls of blue fabric which hung down her small body.

  “Such a shame as the correct answer actually was C, Sardina.”

  “N-nya, you tricked me! That’s no fair, I got it right!”

  “I believe you actually picked D in the end, it’s not my fault if it’s so easy to trick animals. Well, let’s move on to the last and final round of ask the audience. As always it’s the personality round folks which means we have four interesting choices for you to choose from, and maybe one of them will show this cat some manners. So fingers on the buzzers everyone.

  Vote A for Loud and Vulgar. Vote B for some Nymphomania. Vote C for Hyper Happy and vote D if you want her to be a Volatile Vixen. Any personal preference from you?”

  Maria went to open her mouth but she was quickly cut off.

  “But of course we don’t care what a stupid cat thinks. Let the people decide for you. The voting is now complete and I can tell you they’ve gone for C, Hyper Happy!”

  It could be seen as the best choice in a way, compared to a constant need for sex or completely erratic mood swings. At least she’d always be in high spirits no matter what happened to her; combined with humiliation it could have quite the effect.

  “Well that’s all ten of our standard questions down and we only have one more to go. Do you think you still have the brainpower left to win our grand prize?”

  “Nyaa, totally I do!”

  “Even though you’re a just a silly bimbo cat?”

  “Nyaaa, I’m not a bimbo I’m a scientist.”

  “Well, we’ll see for certain just how much of a bimbo this catgirl is, after we take our quick final commercial break. See you in five folks.”
br />   “Welcome back folks for the final part of our show. I’m joined today by a very stupid catgirl who thinks she has a chance of winning our half a million grand prize today.”

  “Nya I totally do.”

  “Quiet kitten. No speaking until spoken to, understand?”


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