Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Complete Series

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Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Complete Series Page 7

by Sasha Scott

She let out a squeak and clamped her mouth shut, nodding her head up and down in place.

  “Dumb cat girls shouldn’t interrupt when people are speaking. If we want to hear your dumb little comments then we’ll ask for them, understand little pussy?”

  Her voice came out in a hot flowing breath. Despite being scolded her face was a deep shade of red and she was drooling from a turned up smile.

  “Nya, understand!”

  “Now where was I. Oh yes, our grand prize question. We only have one more question to go now folks so hold onto your hats once and for all as we find out if out kitten wants to be a cash prize winner, or if she’d rather just be a bimbo.”

  The studio lights darkened, to add to the dramatic effect, a spotlight shining down around Maria and nobody else, illuminating her perfectly for the studio audience and also those watching at home.

  “Now, kitten, here is your final question. What prize do you want for winning this show? Is it A, half a million dollars. Is it B, a brand new pink collar? Is it C, a week's supply of tasty fish or is it D, a big bundle of yarn?”

  The toughest question of all, for a catgirl anyway, one who had their mind deeply routed through transformations to completely warp their way of thinking. Maria purred beneath her breaths as she mulled over the question.

  “You may speak now kitten, what are you thinking?”

  “Nyaa, I’m not sure. I mean I do like yarn but I haven’t eaten in a while and I’m getting kinda hungry. Then again not wearing a collar doesn’t feel that comfortable so I’d like one of them too.”

  “So you’re stuck between B, C and D?”

  “That’s right, nya! All of them sound super good.”

  “I tell you what, how about we come to a compromise. If you agree to have your name legally changed to Kitty then we’ll allow you to walk away with all three prizes. How does that sound folks, does that sound like a good deal to you?”

  And the crowd went wild with applause for the high stakes offer. A name change for a collar, some fish and some yarn, truly it was the pinnacle of all offers ever made.

  Maria’s ears perked up as she sat up high on her seat, her face wrapped into an energetic smile, her small ass bouncing up and down in the seat. She hadn’t been able to stop fidgeting since round ten, but getting some good news was making it even worse.

  “That sounds totally awesome, nya!”

  “Did you hear that folks? She accepts. That’s good news Kitty, you get to walk away with three prizes. Aren’t you a very fortunate cat right now?”

  “Nya, totally. I’m so super happy!”

  Her arms waved around at her sides as she purred out happily, blue ears twitching around.

  The audience applauded wildly as the end music played, Jim Harris rising from his seat and walking over towards the former Maria, stroking her across the top of her head, making that energetic feline wiggle around with pleased purrs flowing out.

  “Once again a very happy contestant here on Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Do you think you can do a little better than she did and actually walk away with our grand prize? There is only one way for you to find out. I’ve been Jim Harris and this have been Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? See you next week folks.”

  Maria was a promising scientist who seemed to have a bright future ahead of her. Despite her young age she was already starting to make waves and was looking to start on some major research which could have truly propelled her up the science ladder.

  Kitty was a scientist too, of sorts. She still got to work in the lab, she still got to wear a white coat and she still got to do experiments to a certain degree, but it wasn’t exactly the same.

  “What are you doing now Kitten?”

  One of the scientists leaned over to take a look at the work the swaying catgirl was doing, her oversized labcoat flicking from side to side. She purred out with a giggle as she revealed a circular cat toy with a mouse toy inside, which spun around when hit.

  “Nyaa, I’m trying to figure out how to get the mouse, every time I get it it gets away again, nya!”

  Kitten was kept around the lab as more of a pet than anything else. For one she was only allowed to wear two articles of clothing, a collar and a lab coat. She was taught that animals like her didn’t need clothes, so she was to be naked other than her jingling collar, but she would need a lab coat when working for protocol. They did enjoy seeing her just below five foot frame running about in a six foot long lab coat which hung over her.

  Her knees and even across the bridge of her nose were covered in bandages from all the falling around she’d did. She always moved around at one hundred miles an hour, tripping was a common occurrence.

  “Of course you can’t work it out, you know you’re just a silly pussy cat.”

  She got a silly look on her blushing face from those words, her body wiggling around more, ears flicking.

  “Nyaa I know, hehe.”

  Her strong desire for humiliation was one of her best traits to the other scientists. For one it meant she was incredible obedient to anything they wanted as long as they asked about it the right way, and they could make her very affectionate with the right words and actions too.

  She even lived in the lab now, being fed in a bowl by the other scientists, and being given a cat bed to sleep in. The lab was open twenty four hours so she could roam as she wished to. She was living a very feline life.

  The scientist grabbed her tail which peeked through the outfit. For her own special labcoat they’d cut a hole in the back for her tail to wiggle through, and any tug on it would make her body tense and cause her to let out a squeal.

  “Instead of blowing a fuse trying to figure out a simple toy, why don’t you to what you’re good for.”

  She gasped out and spun around, revealing her petite naked body as she dropped down onto her knees, and repeated the line that she’d been ordered to repeat when called on for action.

  “Nya nyan, Kitty cocksleeve at your service, nya. How may I serve you today?”

  She may not have walked away with the prize money to start up her own research product but she was still getting to do a lot of experimenting; even if now it was just as the test dummy.

  Another happy contestant.

  Who Wants To Be A Latino?

  The lights are set, the audience is primed, the time is now. Let’s start the show. Going live in five, four, three, two, one.

  The arena lights flashed as the shows opening music played into the studio. The elderly host came up onto the stage to the loud cheers and applause from this week's audience as BNC’s hottest show went live throughout the country.

  “Hello everyone, I’m Jim Harris and welcome to another episode of BNC’s number one rated show, Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Tonight our lucky contest will try and win five hundred thousand dollars, and all they have to do is answer one question correctly, a question so easy even a child could answer it. However, there is a catch. Before that they have to answer navigate their way through ten tricky questions, and in each one they put their body and mind on the line. Can they get to the end with their mind in tact and win our grand prize? This week's contestant will be hope so as I introduce to you, Bianca.”

  As always it was the same thing, a good looking woman walking onto a stage that looked like something that would be used for a children’s beauty pageant, with tacky pink trip and glossed white in front of a wildly cheering crowd.

  Bianca was a dark haired young woman with well done makeup, dressed in a plain green t-shirt and a black pencil skirt which hung just above her knees. A pair of small heels slightly elevated her height as she strutted over to take her seat in the center of the stage.

  “Welcome Bianca, why don’t you start by telling us a little about yourself.”

  “Sure thing. Well, my name is Bianca clearly, I’m twenty three years old and I’m a nanny from California.”

  “A nanny? Think those parents will be letting those kids stay up to see how you do?”

  “Well I guess it’ll depe
nd how I do. Hopefully they will and they’ll see me win the prize.”

  “But if you win I guess they might not be seeing much of your anymore.”

  “No comment.”

  And how the audience laughed, the amusement is real folks. Jim Harris took quiz show presenter small talk 101, he knows how to work it.

  “And is there anything in particular you’re looking to do with your possible cash prize?”

  “Well I’m hoping to be able to buy my own place.”

  “A noble goal indeed. Right you know how this works I’m sure Bianca. I’ll be asking you ten questions, the more you answer correctly the better your shot at our grand prize question, are you ready to play?”

  “I’m ready Jim.”

  “Okay, then let’s play Who Wants To Be A Bimbo?”

  The studio lights dimmed down to draw focus to the contestant on the stage, as well as the large screen in the middle of the stage for when it would be needed.

  As always the rules of the show were the same. The contestant would be quizzed with ten questions, starting off with the hardest and slowly getting easier. Right answers would give the contestant a pass to the next round while easier ones forced the contestant into their forfeit, taking away some of their intelligence as well as performing a studio selected transformation upon them.

  After the standard ten questions there would be a grand prize question with half a million dollars on the line. The question would be incredibly easy to a normal person but to an IQ sapped bimbo girl? That’s the reason right answers are crucial to victory.

  “Okay then Bianca, question one. Hokidachi, Kabudachi and Sabamiki are all terms used in which Japanese activity? Is it A, bonsai? Is it B, origami? Is it C, sumo wrestling or is it D, tea ceremony? Once again those terms are Hokidachi, Kabudachi and Sabamiki.”

  Bianca’s face was already a blank after just the first question, but then again this question generally was the hardest one the contestant would be faced with to make up for their intelligence advantage.

  “Not an expert on Japan then I’m going to take it Bianca?”

  “No, never been, not even sure what you just said.”

  “Would you like me to repeat the terms again?”

  “No thank you Jim, I don’t think that’s the issue. I have no idea so I’m going to have to guess so I suppose I may as well C?”

  “You’re saying C, sumo wrestling. Is that your final answer?”

  “Final answer.”

  “Okay then, as always, let’s take it to the board and hope for a big tick for you.”

  The answering system on the show was presented on the multi purpose big screen. A large green tick would flash up to denote a correct answer and a large red cross would be presented if the answer was incorrect, as Bianca would find out.

  “Unlucky Bianca that is incorrect. The correct answer is actually bonsai. I’m sure you’re aware of what a bonsai tree looks like, sadly I don’t get such lovely props on this show. Unfortunately for you Bianca that means we must now have it over to our audience for our first round Ask The Audience!”

  The crowd chanted along with his words. Unlike most gameshows the audience on Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? were actively seeking for the contestant to get wrong answers as every one meant they could vote on a change to be performed onto the contestant, ranging from the small to the extreme, depending on what the board randomized.

  The board spun through the choices as always as it selected the first vote of the show.

  “And it looks like our first voting round will be the face round. How exciting. Here are the choices for everyone in the audience to choose from. Vote A for Makeup Makeover. Vote B for Rainbow Eyes. Vote C for Puffy and Pouty and vote D for Freckle Frenzy.

  Any personal preference Bianca? Maybe you can sway the folks here.”

  “Well, if I had to say I guess freckles?”

  Freckles was usually a popular choice with the contestants being more low key, even if the fancy colour changing eyes wasn’t too awful. The thick lips of C and the always applied trashy makeup of A were ones that people usually wanted to avoid.

  “Sadly your pleas didn’t tug on the heartstrings as the vote has actually gone to C, Puffy and Pouty.”

  Bianca could feel the tingle spread all over her lips in moments as her mouth began to swell up. Her lips were growing in size and softness as they swelled up to a stereotype bimbo level of thickness, plump and heavy around the mouth.

  “So how does that feel Bianca? You a fan of the audience's choice?”

  “I’ve had better days,” she slurred out, the extra weight on her lips negatively impacting her speech.

  “Well this day could still get a lot better as we move onwards to question two. An ISO rating refers to what? Is it A, the air speed of an aircraft? Is it B, photographic film speed. Is it C, underwater speed of a submarine or is it D, wind speed?”

  Once again Bianca was completely baffled by the question, she’d never heard of an ISO rating before. Surely these things were just called speed, why did they need fancy names?

  “Another tricky question for you Bianca?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got no idea about this one. This show’s a lot harder when you’re actually sitting here.”

  “You know you’re not the first person to say that. However you have four options to choose from meaning you always have a slot at guessing the right answer.”

  “Yeah, I think I’m gonna have to guess. Let’s go with C, the submarine one.”

  “Bianca is saying C, let’s go to the board to see if that answer is the correct one. Oh sorry, that was incorrect. No the answer is actually B, photographic film speed. Don’t be too hard on yourself, not everyone would get that. But without further ado let’s move onto our next round of Ask The Audience!

  And we’re onto the body morphing round, always one that throws up some interesting options. Here are you choices folks. Vote A for Long and Leggy. Vote B for Biggest Rear in the West. Vote C for Top Popping Pillows and vote D for Miss Muscles.”

  With a full transformation to the entire body the body morphing round was usually one to throw up big changes, especially the two regulars and fan favorites in B and C.

  “And the voting is in closed and today’s winner is B, Biggest Rear in the West.”

  Bianca could feel that hot tingling down below her against the seat, as the choice described it was her ass which was the next to be changed, going the same way as her lips; nice and fat.

  Her small round ass began to swell in size as the jiggly fat was pumped in making that booty swell up massively, hips spreading to accommodate the size of that new huge booty which squeezed into the arm chairs of her seat and made that dress ride a lot further up her thighs.

  Some wolf whistles sounded from from the audience as Bianca fidgeted around on her ass which had finally stopped growing in size, leaving her very bottom heavy.

  “Looks like we have some ass men in the audience today. How do you like this chance Bianca?”

  “Did it have to be so big?”, she whined as she continued to fidget with her skirt.

  “Well it does say biggest rear and on this show we like to deliver. In fact while we’re at it let’s deliver a third question. The chemical compound formalin is used as a what? Is it A, a detergent? Is it B, fuel? Is it C, lubricant or is it D, preservative?

  Once again Bianca you’re not looking too confident about this one. Not a good show for you so far?”

  “These questions are really hard, like I said it seems easier when you’re playing at home.”

  “Plus if you get one wrong you’re not in danger of being transformed, am I right?”

  “Well I don’t know this one either. Let’s go with A.”

  “So you want to say detergent? Let’s check with the board to see if that is the correct answer. Unlucky Bianca you are incorrect, it was actually D and is used in embalming. Sorry but this means once again we’re going to have to go and Ask The Audience!

  And it’s t
he clothing round next which means audience you’ll be giving poor Bianca’s wardrobe a full makeover so fingers on pads please. Vote A if you think Bianca should go with I’m Sexy and I Know it. Vote B for some Maid Service. Vote C for some Summer Service and vote D for Body Canvas. Some very exciting choices here Bianca, any preference from you?”

  “Not really,” the poor girl sighed out. Even though the audience usually didn’t do any favours this round had a lot of bad chances. Aside from the maid outfits there was the revealing, the bikinis and then the basically nude with only body paint to wear. How embarrassing.

  The worst part was her brain would be rewired to condition her to only wear the type of outfit chosen which meant never again would she be able to put on an outfit outside this selection.


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