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Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Complete Series

Page 8

by Sasha Scott

  “Well the voting here was really close Bianca but it seems that A has just managed to edge the victory.”

  After her head quickly started to tingle Bianca became very uncomfortable. It was the damn outfit, she just couldn’t feel good wearing it; it felt wrong on her, but the show’s glamorous blonde assistant who looked like she could have been a past contestant arrived to lead Bianca off to the back.

  “As always weren’t not cruel on this show,” Jim called out to the audience, “We’ve got a wide selection of clothing backstage to make sure that Bianca’s new mindset has an appropriate outfit to keep her happy, and here she is now.”

  Quickly she’d had a new outfit thrown together for her to wear and it was as skimpy and slutty as the audience would have hoped for.

  Tiny little white hotpants did little to conceal the fat cheeks of her ass, riding up between those giant buns while her chest was concealed over with the smallest of tube tops possible, barely covering her chest with her areola on display, and nipples threatening to pop out at moment.

  The fans from the audience wolf whistled, the attractive young brunette with the giant ass looked stunning in the slutty outfit.

  “Now doesn’t she just look amazing folks?” Jim asked the audience once more, “How about you Bianca, do you like your new outfit?”

  “Well, isn’t it a bit too revealing?”

  “What do you think? Do you prefer wearing this or did you prefer your old outfit?”

  “Well I like this more…”

  “And there is your answer folks. Now let’s move straight into question four. Where do littoral plants and animals live? Is it A, the desert? Is it B, mountains? Is it C, by the seashore or is it D, a tundra?”

  Bianca was getting into a bad state, she wasn’t the smartest when she’d came on the show and had avoided any early luck which meant her IQ was slipping away quickly, stealing her chance at getting the right answers as the show progressed.

  “I’m not sure, I’ve not heard of littoral plants before. I might need to guess again.”

  “Your guesses haven’t paid off so far though, are you sure that’s a wise move?”

  “Well it’s not wise but I don’t have any other option. I’m gonna go A, I’ll say they’re desert plants.”

  “So you’re saying A. Oh another incorrect answer, how unfortunate, the correct answer was actually C, they’re seashore plants which is of course what littoral means. Unlucky Bianca that means you have to face a fourth Ask The Audience in a row.

  Speech is the next subject we’ll be asking you folks to vote on so without further ado here are the choices. Do you want A, Ravishing Russian? Should it be B, Barely Legacy? Should it be C, Latina Spice or do you feel like D, some Southern Country Gal? Vote now.”

  The speech round was just as it advertised, the vote was change the vocal cords and speech pattern of the contestant to the desired choice.

  “And the vote is now closed. We have a winner and it’s C, Latina Spice.”

  The description fitted the transformation, the tone of Bianca’s voice being changed into a rich thick latino accent in mere moments as her throat tingled.

  “Well Bianca, going to give that new voice a go?”

  “Well I guess I might as well.”

  While her speech pattern didn’t seem to change she definitely added a rich latina spice upon her words which could be recognized in an instant, the transformations had to be clear for the show after all.

  “I’m sure there are plenty of men who’ll get hot under the collar listening to a voice like that. But let’s move swiftly onto question five. On a steam locomotive, what is the name of the automatic anti-vacuum valve used when coasting? Is it A, a snaffling valve? Is it B, a snifting valve? Is it C, a snuffing valve or is it D, a snufting valve?”

  “Most of those things sound the same,” Bianca complained in her new voice, “How am I supposed to tell them apart?”

  “Well if you knew the answer I suppose it wouldn’t be too hard to be able to tell the difference but alas you may just have to have another guess, am I right?”

  She sighed out as his words were the truth, and that had served four incorrect answers in a row so far.

  “Fine, I’m going to say C then.”

  “Snuffing, you want me to confirm on snuffing?”

  “Yes sure, I don’t know the answer it’ll have to do.”

  “Bianca is saying C. Incorrect once again, the actual answer was B, snifting. How unfortunate, the first half of the show and every answer incorrect. That means I have no choice but to once again Ask The Audience.”

  Even if he gave the most sympathy in the world Bianca knew that neither him nor the audience really cared too much, they enjoyed her failing like this so they could continue to shape her. So far she’d suffered through swollen lips and ass, a new wardrobe and voice, what more was there to come?

  “It’s the surprise round folks, it’s that time to check out the weird and the wonderful so fingers on the keypad. Vote A to make Bianca a Milky Momma. Vote B for Itching for Ink. Vote C for Silicon Valley and vote D for Tidy and Tanned.

  You know with that knew voice of yours option D is looking good, is that your personal preference Bianca?”

  “I think so actually, I guess I could live with a tan.”

  “Live with it you will as my prediction powers are red hot and D is the winner.”

  Bianca managed to avoid the milky tits, tattoo covering and robot mindset and instead felt the tingle rush all over her body as her skin began to darken from its pale light into a crisp brown, all of the hair below her neck being fazed away by the transformation leaving her hairless in all the parts in which a man liked to find his partner hairless.

  Unlike some of the transformations in a show some woman might find this particular one to be a more a help rather than a menace.

  “Well if I do say so myself I think that tan looks very good on you.” A wolf whistle echoed through the studio, emitted from the audience, “And I’m not the only one who agrees.”

  “Thank you Jim.”

  “Me and the audience are going to have a lot more time to admirer that new look of yours as we need to take a commercial break. See you all back here in a few.”

  “And we’re back folks, hope you had a good break. For those just joining us I’m here with Bianca. Bianca hasn’t had the best starts to the show, in fact it couldn’t be worse, getting all five answers correct and going through a series of different changes. However she’s still got a chance to win the big prize and end her current losing streak. Bianca are you ready to play again?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be I suppose.”

  “Fantastic, then let’s play Who Wants To Be A Bimbo?”

  The music sounded and the lights dimmed again back onto the stage.

  “Okay moving on to question number six. Who wrote the 1978 novel The World According to Garp? Was it A, Saul Bellow? Was it B, John Irving? Was it C, John Updike or was it D, Tom Wolfe?

  From the look on your face I’m going to guess that you don’t know this one either?”

  “Yeah, this show doesn’t seem like the best of ideas now, I think I’m gonna have to do another bit of guesswork. I suppose I’ll go with B.”

  “You’re saying B, are you certain?”

  “Well no but I’m going with it.”

  “Okay okay, she’s saying B.”

  The next action was one that Bianca hadn’t seen yet in the show. The board, instead of flashing up another big red cross for her rewarded her work with a flashy green tick.

  “Congratulations Bianca you’re correct, it was written by John Irving.”

  The audience began to applaud as well, mainly because they weren’t sure if she was going to get one right in this entire show while the fat assed tanned woman looked very pleased with herself, even if the correct answer was total guess work.

  “I knew I had it in me.”

  “You certainly did, your first correct answer on the show and yo
u’ve managed to save yourself for this round. You got five incorrect answers in the first part, maybe this time it’ll be five correct?”

  “I sure hope so, that’d be grand.”

  “I’m excited now, and itching to go with our next question so here it is Bianca, question seven. What was the middle name of President James K Polk? Was it A, Karl? Was it B, Kennedy? Was it C, Kirkpatrick or was it D, Knox?”

  Some people at home may be getting to this point where they’re screaming about how the contestant has to get the right answers but once your intellect has been sapped so dramatically the show becomes a lot harder.

  “Kennedy?” Bianca muttered out, raising an eyebrow, clearly not sure with her answer.

  “Is that what you’re guessing for this question?”

  “Yeah, I’m gonna say Kennedy.”

  Kennedy was always a safe bet when asked about presidents and the letter K, but that didn’t mean it was the correct answer every time.

  “Let’s check the board to see if you are correct. Oh what a shame Bianca that is an incorrect answer. Surely everyone knows that the correct answer is Knox? Well clearly not everyone. It’s a shame you couldn’t putting a winning streak together but do not worry I have the perfect consolation. Ask the Audience!”

  Bianca couldn’t believe she had been so stupid as to forget the names of the president's like that. This game was really taking its toll, and her intellect was only getting lower and lower.

  “Now we’re getting saucy, this round is all about kinks which means things could get very naughty very fast. Right audience vote for A for Sensual Spankings. Vote B for Butt Bandit. Vote C for Saucy Sadist and vote D for The More the Merrier.

  Now usually D is a very popular choice with the folks but with that new ass of yours they might be thinking about going for one of the ass based kinks. Thoughts?”

  “Well I don’t know!” she complained out, this was starting to get desperate. Anal slut, spanking fetish, gangbang addict, there was a lot of bad to see getting voted in here.

  “Don’t worry I have the answer right here, they’ve steered from the fan favorite of D this time in order to vote for B, Butt Bandit.”

  Her head started to throb as soon as the vote as locked in, her body starting to heat up as she felt something tingling down below.

  “This transformation won’t be as obvious on the surface like the others so let me explain it to those watching for the first time. This particular transformation is going to give Bianca a very strong desire for anal sex and our transformations don’t just affect the bedroom, our standard boost in libido leaves that need for sex even on the go.”

  He wasn’t kidding either, the transformation had just hit and already Bianca’s body was craving a hot cock buried deep in her backdoor. She dragged her nails along the arm rests, this was going to be troublesome.

  “So you still have three questions to go before our grand prize, think you’ll be able to survive for that long?”

  “I’ll try my best,” the squirming contestant whined out, biting down on her bottom lip as her breaths got a bit too sensual for her liking.

  “Well I’ll try not to take too much of your time up and will instead swiftly move to our next question. Question eight, what type of sauce is made from mayonnaise and chopped pickles? Is it A, bearnaise? Is it B, chasseur? Is it C, hollandaise or is it D, tartar?”

  It wasn’t just her much lower intellect which was making thinking about these questions a difficulty, that new longing in her behind as her hips rocked on the seat was also causing an issue.

  “Big sauce lover Bianca?” Jim interjected as she seemed to be getting distracted from the question.

  “Some sauce not mayo though. I really don’t know.”

  “Well you’ll have to make a guess won’t you? Otherwise you’ll be sitting there, unsatisfied, for a long time.”

  Now that was a scenario she’d like to avoid if possible.

  “Maybe C then?”

  “You’re going with C. Oh, that is incorrect, the answer was actually D, tartar sauce. No hard feelings Bianca but that means it’s time to Ask the Audience once more.

  And the next round of voting will be the job round. You might be kissing that nanny job goodbye Bianca unless the board and studio are feeling generous; let’s look through the options now. Vote A to make Bianca a Naughty Nurse. Vote B for Maid For Service. Vote C to make her a Slutty Stripper and vote D if she should be a Working Wonder Woman.”

  Like the outfit round this job was mostly psychological, it would lock the mind into only being able to, and only wanting to do this particular job, and the show would happily help the contestant find employment too.

  “So Bianca, any thoughts on your future career prospects?”

  “I don’t know I’m trying not to think too much about it.”

  “What a doll. And now a stripper and C has went into the lead and secured victory.”

  She could kiss her nanny job goodbye as from now on the only work that she’d be getting what baring her body down at strip joints, not that she was covering herself up much to begin with.

  “Would you like to try out some of your dance moves for the audience right here right now?”

  “No could we please just try and hurry up,” Bianca’s thighs squished together as she rocked from side to side.

  “Okay, question nine incoming. In English, what name is given to a word or phrase that reads the same backwards as it does forwards? Is it A, palimpsest? Is it B, palindrome? Is it C, palladian or is it D, palliative?”

  “Most of those things sounded the same.”

  “Concentrate Bianca, I’ll read them out again. Palimpsest, palindrome, palladian or palliative.”

  “These questions are so hard. I’m not sure, I’m going to go ahead and say B.”

  “You’re going with B, that’s palindrome. You happy with this?”

  “Yes, I’ll go with that one.”

  “Well let’s see if you managed to find the correct answer this time. Oh my, congratulations Bianca that was totally correct, the answer was in fact B, a palindrome. Could we be seeing a late comeback on the horizon?”

  “Oh I hope so, I think I need that money now more than ever.”

  “Well let’s not waste your time or mine and go straight into our final question before the grand prize. What type of dog breed is a Jack Russell? Is it A, a hound? Is it B, a pointer? Is it C, a setter or is it D, a terrier?”

  Bianca thought about this one as carefully as she could, question ten was a big one to get right as the forfeit for this one was the personality round, the biggest change of them all for any unfortunate contestant.

  “Surely it has to be A, yes?”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Well surely all dogs are hound dogs.”

  “So you’re going with A? I’ll take it to the board to see if that answer is the correct one. That’s not what we were hoping for, an incorrect answer. Sadly Elvis wasn’t the best phone a friend here as the correct answer was actually D, a terrier. You know what that means it’s time for our final round of, say it with me everyone, Ask the Audience!”

  The audience chanted along as they got to the juiciest voice of them all, the one that would fully overwrite her personality.

  “As always it’s time to put your personality on the line Bianca; let’s see what choices the audience have in store for them today. Vote A for Hot and Spicy. Vote B for Daddy’s Girl. Vote C for Hyper Happy and vote D for Hippe Heights.

  Wow that vote didn’t take long at all, looks like we have a bit of a landslide. I hope you like it hot Bianca as Hot and Spicy is the victor.”

  She felt a throbbing in her head as her personality began to get rewired. Every contestant was filled with small nanobots which could change parts of their body and this time they were swarming all over the brain, making lots of different changes to the way she acts and thinks.

  Bianca was almost out of breath once the changes had stopped coming throu
gh, it was quite the tiring experience to have one's entire outlook on the world rewritten in just a few moments.

  “How are you feeling Bianca, those changes came through yet?”

  “I’m not sure, I don’t know how I can tell.”

  “Well you should feel different from the way you felt before.”

  “How am I supposed to remember that?”

  “It looks like we could be here a while with this one folks. We only have one more question to ask and this one is for half a million dollars. Don’t go anywhere as we’ll be right back after this commercial break. See you in five.”


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