Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Complete Series

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Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Complete Series Page 12

by Sasha Scott

  “What’s with these questions? I didn’t even know there was an Aztec empire.”

  “Well that’s because it fell a long time ago. If you knew the name of the person who made it fall that’d be very fortunate for you, wouldn’t it?”

  He nodded in agreement, slouching back in his chair, rubbing his fingers over his chin.

  “Yeah, but I don’t.”

  “You didn’t know the last question either but look at what happened when you guessed. A right answer and a free pass to the next round. Can you make it two in a row?”

  “Erm, yeah let’s do it! Let’s go with A, Diego.”

  “Final answer?”

  “Final answer.”

  “Let’s check the board to see if you’re correct.”

  All eyes went to the board to see if Kelly could cause a miracle but a big red cross flashing up pretty much brought that to a stuttering stop.

  “Unlucky Kelly, I’m afraid that is incorrect. The correct answer was actually C, Hernan.”

  “Two C answers in a row? Unfair.”

  “It’s just how the cookie crumbles Kelly. Sorry, nothing we can do about it and nothing you can do to stop what comes next and that is Ask the Audience!”

  The audience cheered along to the name of their favorite part of the show, and the favorite part of everyone who tuned in at home. Ask the Audience was the part of the show where contestants received their forfeits, as voted for by the audience in attendance.

  The studio board would flash up a category and from within four choices would be picked with the audience voting for a winner. Whatever got the most votes the contestant would receive.

  Kelly was quietly confident about this part, but not for long.

  “And our first category of the day is the hair category. Sorry Kelly you may be saying bye bye to those lovely brown locks.”

  “Yeah, how awful,” he snickered out.

  “Okay audience, fingers on your voting pads, here are your options. Vote A for Shades of Platinum. Vote B for Dark and Wavy. Vote C for Sizzling Sidecut and vote D for Pretty in Pink!

  Do you have a preference for which haircut or colour you’d prefer to have Kelly?”

  “I think I’ll be able to live with any of them.”

  “Well we’ll find out what you’re living with in just a few more seconds… and the votes are now closed. The winner by knockout is A, Shades of Platinum!”

  The studio waited to see those long brown locks of hair turn to gold but, nothing. There was no change at all.

  “That’s unusual,” Jim admitted, rubbing his chin as he leaned in, “Your hair should have turned blonde by now.”

  “Wow that is strange. Maybe the nanobots are broken or something?”

  “That’s funny, every woman should be effected by our nanobots.”

  “Maybe I’m just unique?” Kelly said with a wide grin. He’d done it, he’d beaten the system. Or so he thought before suddenly letting out a squeal as he felt his head tingling.

  “Oops sorry seems like they just hadn’t been turned on yet. See folks our Kelly here was pretty confident today that she wouldn’t be falling under the spell of our nanobots and there is a reason for that. You see Kelly isn’t who she claims she is. Kelly is actually, a guy!”

  The studio gasped out as the shows glamorous bimbo assistant, who had managed to sneak her way up behind Kelly, had took a hold of his wig and pulled it off to reveal his short dark hair which was now turning into a platinum shade of blonde and started to grow down the back of his neck, pushing further across his shoulders.

  “What, how?” Kelly gasped out in shock, his secret so easily revealed.

  “There has been a strange rumour that our nanobots don’t work on men going around for quite some time and today we’re here with a very special show to prove that is not the case. Plus for a guy you have to admit Kelly here is a real cutie.”

  He was, if he didn’t have such an adorable face and such a slender, feminine body, he never would have been able to convince the audience that he was a woman. He could even put on a convincing voice too; he was a real natural.

  “How long have you known?” Kelly sniffled out as his hair was now long, blonde and flowing, reaching down below his shoulders.

  “We’ve known all along Kelly but don’t worry, blonde suits you better anyway. Are you ready to play the rest of the show now?”

  “No!” he squealed out. This was his full game plan.

  “Well sadly you signed a contract which means you don’t have a choice in the matter so onwards to question number three. The extinct tarpan of Eurasia was what type of animal? Was it A, a bear? Was it B, a deer? Was it C, a horse or was it D, a wolf?”

  “I’m not answering anymore questions,” Kelly huffed as he jumped up from his seat, “I’m out of here.”

  “You can leave if you want Kelly but sadly that’ll mean you forfeit the rest of the show and means we’d be free to give you eight transformations, on the house!”

  “Y-you can’t do that!”

  “Always read the paperwork Kelly. Sadly there is no quitting early on our show. Leaving or failing to answer means more forfeits. The only way to win is to stay and earn it!”

  He gritted his teeth together. His plan had totally fallen apart and now he was at risk of being turned into a total bimbo boy. He should never have believed everything he read on the internet.

  With no choice in the matter Kelly slowly returned down into his seat with a scowl on his adorable face.

  “Fine, I’ll play along.”

  “That’s great. However your little show means we’re running low on time so we’re going to need an answer soon.”

  “Erm, well, isn’t that some sort of bear or something?”

  “You’re saying A, bear?”

  “I think, but what if it’s a type of deer?”

  “You’d get the answer wrong if you said bear then.”

  “Hmph! Fine, I’ll stick with bear. Just, hurry up and tell me if it’s right or not,” Kelly casting his head down into his own hands. This was a nightmare suddenly.

  “Okay let’s check the board to see if you’re correct!”

  The nightmare wasn’t going to go away just yet because when Jim cast his hand across the board to bring it to attention it flashed up a big red cross.

  “Oh sorry, that is an incorrect answer. The correct answer was actually C, a horse. Not even a deer but a horse. Yes the last one died in captivity in 1876. And that incorrect answer means it’s time for us to ask the audience!”

  Unlike last time when they got to this round and Kelly was supremely confident now he was a complete bag of nerves, his entire body shivering in place.

  “Alright audience it’s the body morphing round so here are your choices. Vote A for Biggest Rear in the West. Vote B if you’d prefer a Sweet Schoolgirl Surprise. Vote C to get on the Ebony Experience and vote D if you like Miss Muscles.”

  It was very rare not to see Top Popping Pillows for a larger bust in the options but there was an obvious reason why for this time.

  “Wow those votes just raced in,” Jim remarked, “I didn’t even get a chance to tease you about the options. I may as well just reveal what the people in the studio have decided and that is you’d look a lot better being bottom heavy. Biggest Rear in the West it is!”

  The tingling this time down in Kelly’s backside as his ass began to swell up in weight and softness. His cheeks began to expand into his tight jeans bottoms as they grew bigger, thicker and heavier quickly as the transformation for a huge ass took place.

  Kelly squealed as his ass was constricted in the tight little bottoms he was wearing, his ass still getting larger, being suffocated in his jeans which forced him to squirm from side to side.

  He tried to pull his jeans down to give him some relief but his ass had expanded quicker than he could react to a size which could spill over the edge of the seat, making it too hard for him to properly pull those bottoms down, even once his buns had stopped gr

  “Is something the matter?” Jim asked to the cutie boy squirming around, tugging at his own bottoms.

  “They’re too tight but I can’t get them off!”

  “What a shame. Well, onwards to question four.”

  “Wait, help me!”

  “..as I was saying, question four. Which Berlin landmark, badly damaged in World War II, was restored in 1958? Was it A, Brandenburg Gate? Was it B, Charlottenburg Palace? Was it C, Lustgarten or was it D, Reichstag?”

  “How should I know?” Kelly snapped out as he continued to wrestle with his jeans, “Just help me get out of these bottoms.”

  “Oh come on Kelly you’re a man, can’t you solve your own problems?”

  “Don’t give me crap like that!”

  “An answer Kelly? Maybe if you’re lucky the next forfeit will be the fashion round.”

  “If I’m lucky there won’t be another forfeit round,” he correctly pointed out, “So lemme just think about this one for a moment.”

  “Oh my, do you have an idea what it could be?”

  “None at all just be quiet for a bit, please. Hmph, well, I’m gonna go with B. That sounds like it could be fancy enough.”

  “Okay folks he’s saying B, Charlottenburg Palace. Let’s check with the board and see if that’s correct. Oh Kelly, that’s a wrong answer. The correct answer was actually A, Brandenburg Gate. Luckily for you that means it’s time to Ask the Audience once more!”

  “No that’s unlucky. Unlucky.”

  “Alright folks it seems we’re moving onto the surprise round. So soon? Oh you do treat us well. Alright here are your options. Vote A for a Filthy Flirt. Vote B if you like them Proper and Primal. Vote C for Bad With Money or vote D for some Tidy and Tanned.

  So any personal preference for this round Kelly?”

  He puffed his cheeks out and pouted outwards, “I guess D isn’t so bad.”

  “Hear that? Kelly likes the tanned look and by the look of these votes so do the audience as Tidy and Tanned has came out as the winner!”

  This time it was Kelly’s entire body which began to throb and tingle as the nanobots rushed through his entire body, changing the colour of his skin from a pale white into a crisp tan.

  His skin being darkened wasn’t his bodies only change. From the head down all the hair on his body was being removed permanently. Kelly was being turned tanned and hairless in just a matter of moments before the live audience.

  Of course his intelligence was also being sapped behind the scenes but that was just something natural that came with each wrong answer.

  “Look good,” Jim called out, “That tanned look really suits you.”

  Kelly wasn’t really in much of a mood for pleasantries. For one his thighs and ass were still killing him, being compressed into tight clothing with no escape at the moment, and his body was still tingling from the previous transformation.

  “Just get on with it.”

  “Insistent isn’t he? Okay then, onto question five. What nationality was Melvil Dewey, who devised the library classification system? Was he A, American? Was he B, Australian? Was he C, British or was he D, Canadian?”

  “Well, libraries. That sorta sounds like something the British might be into.”

  “Do you know about Dewey?”

  “Of course I don’t. Libraries just sound like the sort of thing the Brits might be into.”

  “So you’re going with C are you?”

  “Well I’m thinking about it as I don’t actually know… fine. Go with C.”

  Kelly wasn’t enjoying his time here. He was uncomfortable and he’d already been backed into a corner. If he could just get out of here with his dignity in tact that’d be just fine with him.

  “You’re saying C, Britain. Let’s see if that is the correct answer. Oh, unlucky Kelly, that is incorrect. The answer you were looking for is actually our home country here of America. He actually developed it in 1876, while working as assistant librarian at Amherst College in Massachusetts.”

  “Stop putting all the answers as A!”

  “Oh he’s getting feisty. Will he be able to remain that way after another round of Ask the Audience!?

  And we’re moving onto the round that I’m sure Kelly had been waiting for very eagerly. It’s time for the fashion round. As always we’ve got four choices to choose from so it’s time for you lovely folks to give Kelly a whole new wardrobe.

  Vote A if you think Kelly would made a good Saucy Schoolgirls. Vote B if you’re into some Summer Service. Vote C if you’re a Barbie Girl fan and vote D for Gothic Ghouls.”

  This particular round would be a mental chance that would turn into a forced physical one. The change that the nanobots would make to Kelly was all about what he’d wear and what he wouldn’t. His mind would change so his body would only feel comfortable wearing the voted for style of clothing while the company would help with an outfit change and full new wardrobe for later.

  Basically Kelly would only be able to wear the type of clothing the audience voted for him to wear.

  “Any preference for this one Kelly?”

  “Just don’t make me look like a bimbo, or some slut.”

  “Sorry Kelly no promises, especially now that the votes are in. The audience have voted and they’ve decided you’d look better with a summer wardrobe; Summer Service is the winner!”

  While the name of the subject sounded like it could be some pretty summer dresses it was actually something a lot more fun. As the throbbing struck Kelly’s head his entire dress sense was overwritten with the need to wear swimwear and nothing else.

  Straight away he felt uncomfortable being in something other than some swimwear, squirming even harder than he was earlier in those constricting clothes.

  “You must want to chance, right Kelly?”

  “I’ve wanted to get changed for always!”

  “You know what I mean. Don’t worry we’ll be sure to help.”

  As Kelly was continuing to struggle around on the seat the glamorous bimbo assistant returned onto the stage, this time to lead Kelly off rather than just stealing away his wig. Awkwardly waddling off with his legs being constricted in his jeans the cute, tanned boy followed off the stage.

  “Well there he goes folks for a small costume change. You hoping to see what the little cutie looks like in swimwear? Well then you better stay tuned. We’ll be right back after these messages. Don’t go anywhere!”

  “Welcome back folks. I’m Jim Harris and this is a very special episode of Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Why is it so special? Because despite what your eyes may be telling you it’s because we’re saying hello to our first ever male contestant, Kelly.”

  Kelly was back in his seat after his outfit change. He’d managed to slip out of those tight jeans along with everything else and was now wearing nothing more than a white side-tie bikini. That was the full bikini as well, his nipples being modestly covered as the colour of the outfit contrasted well with his tanned flesh and matched his platinum hair.

  He was keeping his legs tightly closed for the moment. While it wasn’t as embarrassing for a guy to show his chest, even one wearing a bikini top, he didn’t want to be presenting his crotch to the audience where his small bulge was be swelling out those tight bottoms.

  With his jeans now removed the audience could also fully appreciate just how big his booty had grown. He was now a thick pear shape, his slender body curving down into a meaty behind which gave him a nice, soft padding to sit upon.

  “Now Kelly got off to a good start but it all went wrong from there as we ruined this idea that men aren’t affected by our transforming nanobots as he went ahead and got four questions wrong in a low. He’ll be hoping our second half of the show will be a little bit easier. Are you ready to play?”

  “Well I don’t really have a choice,” he sighed out. Of course he didn’t, he’d already been threatened with his quitting punishment.

  “Great stuff! Now onto question number six. Who composed t
he 1843 opera The Flying Dutchman? Was it A, Bellini? Was it B, Donizette. Was it C, Verdi or was it D, Wagner?”

  “Hmph,” Kelly let out another puff from his pouted face as he was given yet another difficult question. It didn’t help that every wrong answer was sapping away his intelligence either.

  “Not an expert on nineteenth century operas?”

  “Shut up,” he sighed out, “Like anyone would know about something so old and lame.”


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